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Author Topic: Special People: Mechanical Syndrome  (Read 1186536 times)


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Re: Special People: Explosion, it does the body bad.
« Reply #2025 on: June 11, 2014, 08:28:14 pm »


Make a run for the building, get up to the wall, then relinquish control of host to allow a bit of respite.
You start running or at least attempt to start running, the weight and restrictiveness of your armour forcing you to do something more akin to hobbling as you stumble and almost fall a couple of times. Meanwhile the fire that attacked you dissipates, striking at the area you occupied until a few moments ago and bathing it in flames, some of them reaching you as they disperse but failing to do much harm.

You can hear the sound of bullets coming from behind you, popping like firecrackers due to the heat and striking the concrete and the remains of your host's car. But that doesn't concern you very much. Without a barrel to accelerate in they aren't that dangerous. What is dangerous is the RPG missile inside the bag with them.

When it explodes, the blast wave is much stronger than the one that hit the wall. You can feel it in the force pushing you from behind, your lungs tingling, the shock causing you to fall down. Fortunately for you, the distance you managed to put between yourself and it coupled with all your armour seem to be enough to keep you unharmed.

Looking behind you, you can see that your host's car has been thoroughly wrecked and most of the flames around it have been extinguished by the explosion. The police officers you came here with are nowhere to be seen. Probably cowering somewhere.

You get up and continue fast-walking towards the warehouse. The front wall seems to lack any means for you to easily climb and the same appears to be true when you round the corner to the right of the front wall. It's just a smooth concrete wall, with a few small cracks in it.

Do you want keep exploring the other walls, try climbing this one or do something else?

Your interface beeps and its screen displays an orange light for a moment.

"Almost out of there," Zechariah whispers to himself in the void of his unconsciousness. "Use the Shadow to hide the truth."

>Take some pain-reducing drugs and get out of there. If they begin stirring or if there are people watching, use the Shadow to disguise yourself and ghost your way out of there.
((Why are you unconscious again?))

Your host takes whatever pain meds he can get his hands on without being particularly picky and gulps them down. They  won't have any immediate effect but they will hopefully make it easier to manage the pain in the near future. Assuming he doesn't overdose or have an allergic reaction.

He begins crawling out but those tubes going into him are holding him back. The tubes lead to a number of plastic bags hanging from the gurney he was on, some of them filled with blood while others are filled with other liquids, most of them clear.

The paramedic stirs and starts getting up. Your attempt to hide your host doesn't work very well, merely resulting in the back of the ambulance becoming darker.

You hear an explosion very close by.

Your interface beeps and its screen displays an orange light for a moment.
<Hmph. Too late now.> your entity says with annoyance in her voice.

Getting so close...

Turn off the car's lights.  Continue driving.
There's another explosion, this one sounds closer.

You turn off your car's lights and turn at the next intersection to Redmore Avenue. It's mostly devoid of activity like much of the city, its emptiness made all the more apparent by its width. Large warehouses and office buildings pass you by as you drive, most of them empty and with their lights off. Not that you'd expect to see many people at the limits of the industrial district at 2AM.

In the distance, you can see the half-burnt remains of a car, some embers still burning on it. It has been slightly deformed, like it was hit by an explosive.
Close to the half-burnt car is a police car with some bullet holes in it.

Your host is still a fair distance away, so he probably hasn't been spotted.

Your interface beeps and its screen displays an orange light for a moment.
<This is it. The end is near. Are you ready to face it?>

((Thanks so much Parisbre. :) ))
Argh, sorry Awena! I-..I should stop trying to take authority here! Just tell me what you need and I'm at your disposal.

Act as servant to Awena. Provide aid.
Also try to focus energies onto her body--stabilize her condition and get her in healthy condition.
Also thank the man--don't influence Awena, just say it from my cozy place here.

((I don't understand why you're thanking me but you are welcome nonetheless.))

You try to thank the man, but he can't hear you. Seems like your influence only extends within the confines of Awena's mind and body. Well, no harm done. It would probably just raise more questions than it would answer.

Awena thanks the man on her own initiative anyway, or at least tries to, once she has calmed down a bit and realized what's going on.
"Thanks. Thank you, I..."
She stops. The man doesn't seem to pay much attention to her. He simply looks at her for a few seconds, as if to acknowledge what she has said and then looks back at the container blocking the door, pointing his rifle at it.

You take a few seconds and try to focus on helping your host physically. A ripple of silver spreads from your interface across Awena's body. Nobody else seems to notice. But Awena does feel a bit better, even though she doesn't know why. Your interface beeps a few times.

You hear an explosion outside, this one coming from further away. The men around you grow silent again, listening.

The man that grabbed you keeps looking forward for a few seconds, before turning to look at the rest of the men. He whispers orders, pointing at the men with his eyes and at their objectives with his hands as he declares them.
"Mendoza, go check the windows. Tell me what's going on out there." he says, looking at a man of hispanic descent that you presume to be Mendoza. Mendoza turns to look at the injured man lying beside him, obviously reluctant to go. "Don't worry. You'll be fine." he lies to ease Mendoza's concerns.
"Wilson, Martinez go check the back door. See if they need help."
"Allen, make sure the roof is secure."
Finally, he turns to face Awena.
"You. What's your name?"
"Can you fight?"

Your interface beeps and its screen displays an orange light for a moment.


Focus on current vicinity and achieve some respite--how is Zoe doing? Is Amelia Ok? Boris, what about him? What is he doing? Any notes on our attackers?
Try to sense the current area.

((Sorry, my mistake, I am forgetful/busy, I should had given a bit more details last turn. I'll do so now. The following includes events following that turn as well as the events of the current turn.))

"Answer me dammit! What's going on?"
Boris continues speaking to his radio but there is no response.
Meanwhile, Zoe has managed to regain her bearings and tentatively approaches the door leading to the next room with her gun drawn.
Zoe turns to face Boris when she realises something.
"What did you mean?" she asks and then looks forward at the doorway again.
"Excuse me?"
"You said 'They weren't supposed to-'. Weren't supposed to do what?"
"I... I meant the guards. That the... They weren't supposed to use explosives against them. This is sensitive equipment."
Zoe presses her body against the door and leans to take a peek. She sees Awena and another man being dragged back towards cover. She feels the urge to go help them but at the same time, she also feels the need to stay with Amelia. She is certain that man is lying.
"Who are they? Who is attacking us? Police?"
Zoe turns to face Boris and Amelia, her back against the wall.

You let go of the flames you are controlling, allowing them to dissipate.

"No." Boris shakes his head. "Maybe! I don't know." he says, raising his arms and dropping them a moment later in a gesture of resignation.

Another explosion is heard from outside. Zoe peeks out of the door again but sees nothing of interest. All the men have retreated behind cover.
"Why don't you go out there to see whether or not you know them? Go help your men? See for yourself?"
"My men?" he makes a strange expression, something between surprise and anger.
"I've come too close. I can't risk loosing it all now. I'd rather stay here."
"Too close to what?"

Your interface beeps and its screen displays an orange light for a moment. Its beeping is echoed by more chimes and beeps from machines around the room.
"This. It begins." whispers Boris while looking at the machines and at Amelia, still lying there amongst the machines, still unconscious.


[rudeness intensifies]
Most of the people in the movie theatre around you are quite angry with your little outburst. But you pay them no mind.
The two scientist protagonists are simply descending  the rest of the way towards the rocks.
Someone walks up next to you and shines a flashlight in your face.
"Sir, if you do not cease this at once, I'm going to have to escort you outside."
« Last Edit: June 11, 2014, 09:28:30 pm by Parisbre56 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Special People: Explosion, it does the body bad.
« Reply #2026 on: June 11, 2014, 09:41:35 pm »

((Erm, I meant subconscious. Or, limbo, or the Medium, or a formless void, or whatever this is that Zechariah is currently existing within.))

Interface, Scion: <Sh... Shut up...>
Zechariah struggles to keep his mind in check. Even with the absence of Artemis, he still feels that void stirring within him.

She's not Eido Aeterno. She doesn't control fate. I can decide that. That was what I spent so much time in the Medium learning to control. Fate, time, nature... and the Shadow.

>Assume Direct Control of the host. Pull out the IVs and get out. Use the Shadows to cover my escape. Find some dark places that I can hide, that will make it easier.

"Forgive me, agent. I don't want to do this, but the Shadow has already been released, and it won't stop now.."


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Re: Special People: Explosion, it does the body bad.
« Reply #2027 on: June 11, 2014, 09:57:32 pm »

Bryan thinks for a moment before answering.  <Yes. Yes, I am ready.  Time for me to give it all I've got.  No time for mistakes.>
If I can sense for minds without my host noticing, do so.

As he finishes driving up have him assess the building.  Anywhere he can jump up too?  Any good entrances?  Do I have any other weapons then the gun?  Have him park a block away and jog towards the building.
That's why you should always wear a seatbelt kids! You never know when a telekinetic assassin is going to cause your car to crash! Safety first!


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Re: Special People: Explosion, it does the body bad.
« Reply #2028 on: June 11, 2014, 11:12:20 pm »

Ssshhh! This is a movie theatre, man!
Anyhow, this is my mental construct, so poof.

Be hypocritical and then try to will the guy out of existence.
Sig! Onol
Quote from: BFEL
Quote from: Toaster
((The Xantalos Die: [1, 1, 1, 6, 6, 6]))


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Re: Special People: Explosion, it does the body bad.
« Reply #2029 on: June 12, 2014, 01:03:08 am »

Abandon all other controls to channel anything and everything that I can affect in the room into a spiraling sphere that swirls around us without touching any of us, including Amelia, making sure to funnel it away from her specifically since she's likely to be the source, slowing it down as it goes and stabilizing it into something that I can properly control. If I succeed in full control, then once it has calmed down I'll shape it into a three tailed fox shape, sitting a short distance away, and looking at Zoe. If I don't, then I focus on trying to keep Amelia and Zoe safe above all else, channeling it away from them as best I can, to wherever is convenient. Abandon style if necessary, Amelia and Zoe are my priorities.
Do the above if and only if the... whatever it is... seems harmful. If it doesn't, then just amp up the fires in the area in general and prep for a time when I'm less distracted. My primary focus is on whatever is happening to Amelia right now.


Zoe does what Zoe does, be it attacking, or running to Amelia, or breaking things, or standing still and watching, or... whatever. This is Amelia's show, I don't make the decisions, she does.

((I'm baaaaaack.... for now anyway. I don't know if I'll be able to keep it up, but I'll try.))
« Last Edit: June 12, 2014, 01:42:37 am by Lenglon »
((I don't think heating something that is right above us to a ridiculous degree is very smart. Worst case scenario we become +metal statues+. This is a finely crafted metal statue. It is encrusted with sharkmist and HMRC. On the item is an image of HMRC and Pancaek. Pancaek is laughing. The HMRC is melting. The artwork relates to the encasing of the HMRC in metal by Pancaek during the Mission of Many People.))

Harry Baldman

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Re: Special People: Explosion, it does the body bad.
« Reply #2030 on: June 12, 2014, 05:24:08 am »

"Something tells me that's not exactly good!"

If it doesn't seem like I'm nearing the limit of it, assume direct control once more and climb the wall. Insurgents! Must! Die!

If I am, well, try to command this guy to do it indirectly.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Special People: Explosion, it does the body bad.
« Reply #2031 on: June 12, 2014, 07:45:43 am »

((I'm baaaaaack.... for now anyway. I don't know if I'll be able to keep it up, but I'll try.))

...Orange light?
The interface just turned orange. Yes, for one, we technically can fight. (Anyone can technically fight), but we can't fight well. No offense Awena, but you're not that combat capable--I am, however that would include taking more than partial control of you. Something which I am very reluctant and lathe to do once again.

I'd rather we stay back and...if you can, I can, erm, try to channel my energies to the wounded man to help him. Is just my guess. But its your call. You can pick to fight but I'm really unsure we can match men with rifles against...whatever caused those explosions out there.
I'm only well versed in physical arts. No manipulation of the essence in the air though. Are there any spirits nearby?

Also I feel really thankful Awena. So thanks for being such a trusting host.
I said that more than thrice today. Ahaha...mhmm.

Same to you River.

Do such! As stated above, suggest.


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Re: Special People: Explosion, it does the body bad.
« Reply #2032 on: June 12, 2014, 10:11:21 am »

<<Agghh... shit!  It nailed me again.  Aborting now, coming back for another go!>>

Stick another bomb (doesn't matter which) on whatever it is I'm stuck to, then take the fastest way out.  Throw the last bomb behind me as I go- aim is irrelevant.
You try to fight the pain and the dizziness but you can't. Everything is a blur.
You twist your body around a cable to grab hold of it and free up your right arm, attach the bomb on the sphere with it and then blindly blast your way backwards. You can't really tell where you're going, so you simply focus on keeping the jetpack level and getting away from here.

You can hear the sound of metal bending behind you and of laser cutters buzzing.

You can't feel your left arm and you need at least one arm to control the jetpack, so you simply let the final bomb drop as you fly away.

You hit something and begin to tumble, loosing control. You desperately try to regain control as you fall, clipping things along the way. You finally manage to right yourself and fire your jetpack. A moment later you hit a metal platform, thankfully not fast enough to injure yourself seriously.

"Can you leave some bombs for me? I'm close to getting out... just in case you bite it."
You slide downwards on the metal plates, making your way to the streets below. You land between the BETA's legs, among the debris and pieces of armour lying there.

Much of the area on your left is on fire but the area you landed in appears to be OK.

You can hear the sound of metal bending coming from the hole in the BETA's chest and can see giant robotic arms moving in it.


Nikolai yells at the tv screen
"Come on! I went through all that effort of crippling the robot and you're just gonna let it win? Hurry up and destroy the damn thing! I want my levelup."

Keep watching the tv with Angel and Rune. Switch it to dramatic black and white.
Rune decided that he had had enough of this TV. He walked up to it, switching to a silverback gorilla as he walked. He picked up the tv, and tried to smash it.
Rune decided that he had had enough of this TV. He walked up to it, switching to a silverback gorilla as he walked. He picked up the tv, and tried to smash it.
Shoot Rune with a electric ballista before he can do this.
Nikolai yells at the tv screen
"Come on! I went through all that effort of crippling the robot and you're just gonna let it win? Hurry up and destroy the damn thing! I want my levelup."

Keep watching the tv with Angel and Rune. Switch it to dramatic black and white.
"Hey! I liked the--"

Rune decided that he had had enough of this TV. He walked up to it, switching to a silverback gorilla as he walked. He picked up the tv, and tried to smash it.
Get some kind of immobilization ability and use it to, um, immobilize Rune.
Also switch the TV back to cartoon mode.
((Well, you're technically not even supposed to be there, but let's say you're all watching this in the staging area for the sake of RPing.))

Nikolai gets up and begins approaching the TV. At the same time. Rune gets up and starts turning into a gorrila while running towards the TV. Sensing something is wrong, Nikolai quickly summons an electric ballista with an enormous bolt.
"Hey! Be nice! We're trying to-"
Just as Rune picks up the TV and is about to smash it, the rock he is standing on liquefies on Angel's behest and rises up to create a solid layer of rock around Rune, immobilizing him. A moment later, Rune is struck by a ballista bolt that completely obliterates the TV and sends the gorilla flying backwards. Rune bounces on a tree and then lands on the small puddle of water near the waterfall, shaken but unhurt.

Some of the pieces of the TV shudder and melt before they begin to reform into a new TV.
<How rude. Such interruption.
It's a crucial time, don't need the distraction.>

"Oh. Thanks. You're back?"
<His player forfeited.>
<The fat man was of great fun.
But he has trouble with his pan.
Well, no matter, now we're back.
No more time wasted in the dark.>

Some of the nearby rocks, sticks and leafs melt as well, replacing the pieces of the TV that were thrown too far away.
Still, the newly formed TV seems to be working, so it's probably all OK.
<Two players strong, both bleeding out.
Which one shall win? We'll soon find out.>

((I'm baaaaaack.... for now anyway. I don't know if I'll be able to keep it up, but I'll try.))
Hey, welcome back! I'm so very happy to hear from you! Hope you can keep posting.  :)
Sorry for not progressing much in your absence but I have been busy and bad at managing my time, as always. But hey, at least that means you didn't miss anything important.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Special People: Explosion, it does the body bad.
« Reply #2033 on: June 12, 2014, 10:13:34 am »

((I didn't know Alan had trouble handling pans :P))
Sig! Onol
Quote from: BFEL
Quote from: Toaster
((The Xantalos Die: [1, 1, 1, 6, 6, 6]))


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Re: Special People: Explosion, it does the body bad.
« Reply #2034 on: June 12, 2014, 10:16:44 am »

((I didn't know Alan had trouble handling pans :P))
((Isn't pan a slang term for head? Or am I misremembering?))


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Re: Special People: Explosion, it does the body bad.
« Reply #2035 on: June 12, 2014, 10:17:04 am »

"...Did you just rhyme 'fun' with 'pan,' 'back' with 'dark,' and 'out' with 'out'?"
Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.


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Re: Special People: Explosion, it does the body bad.
« Reply #2036 on: June 12, 2014, 10:23:16 am »

((I didn't know Alan had trouble handling pans :P))
((Isn't pan a slang term for head? Or am I misremembering?))
((I think it can be, brain pan and all that.
Ah well, it works.))
Sig! Onol
Quote from: BFEL
Quote from: Toaster
((The Xantalos Die: [1, 1, 1, 6, 6, 6]))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Special People: Explosion, it does the body bad.
« Reply #2037 on: June 12, 2014, 10:28:01 am »

((Yep, quick search semi-confirms it:
the front part of the head <hey, I could do without seeing your ugly pan for a few days>
Anyway, English is really not that good for rhyming. Languages like German that have rules for how you form words are a lot easier to rhyme in, since if you want to find a rhyming word, you can simply use one that follows the same rules.

But hey, you shot yourself in the eye with a whiff, so it might be literal.))

"...Did you just rhyme 'fun' with 'pan,' 'back' with 'dark,' and 'out' with 'out'?"
<Did I now? I did not notice.
Sometimes I have the mind of an otis.>


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Re: Special People: Explosion, it does the body bad.
« Reply #2038 on: June 12, 2014, 10:32:12 am »

((No!  Do limericks!))


How close to the exit am I?  Is there anything in the way?  Regardless, get out as quickly as possible.  Damage to self will have to wait until I am clear.

<<The bombs are placed.  I got one of the core spheres, but not the other.  Doing my best to get out now...>>
HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Special People: Explosion, it does the body bad.
« Reply #2039 on: June 12, 2014, 11:29:58 am »

((I'm baaaaaack.... for now anyway. I don't know if I'll be able to keep it up, but I'll try.))
((You were exactly right. I wouldn't have done a single thing different! Thank you!))
((I don't think heating something that is right above us to a ridiculous degree is very smart. Worst case scenario we become +metal statues+. This is a finely crafted metal statue. It is encrusted with sharkmist and HMRC. On the item is an image of HMRC and Pancaek. Pancaek is laughing. The HMRC is melting. The artwork relates to the encasing of the HMRC in metal by Pancaek during the Mission of Many People.))
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