What trekkin is getting at:
There is nothing on the moon that is terrifically valuable that cannot be much less expensively obtained, processed, and used right here on earth. As such, there is no real ECONOMIC reason to go to the moon (other than its strategic locality for other space operations).
Because of that, WHY would people relocate their families, WHY would businesses go there, et al.
You have to think in those terms, not star-struck optimism.
I pointed out that "excess of wealthy privilege" for "that pristine scenic view" is totally a thing with those people with enough financial capital to make this happen, and that if climate change continues, the number of destroyed sea-side mansions is going to go very high indeed, as the seas turn from calm, scenic beauties into raging, frothing, and surging death under the influence of large temperature variances in the atmosphere. (that, and all the dead animals washing ashore making it smell terrible.)
The moon has no weather to disrupt. It is a brilliant grey-white desert, with a beautiful blue planet hanging overhead. (it is tidally locked with the earth, so that pretty blue orb stays in mostly the same place in the sky too)
Sure-- there's no air to breath, there is little effective gravity, and you need to produce food on site to make it a viable candidate, but then again, look at the veritable ARMIES of people that the wealthy and privileged kept and paid for in the late 1800s. Same concept, modern incarnation.