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Author Topic: Nations of Dolusil: Game thread [6/6]  (Read 5877 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Nations of Dolusil: Game thread [6/6]
« Reply #60 on: November 25, 2013, 09:59:10 am »

Winter would be a time of preparation for the T'Ango. The horse raiders had brought great force to the peaceful forest, and only through cunning were they driven back. Where the enemy had strength, the T'Ango would bring numbers to bear against their foes. Enough arrows brings down even the biggest game.

Construct another lumber camp.
Research Division of Labor
But despite what you've been told, I once had a soul. Left somewhere behind...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Nations of Dolusil: Game thread [6/6]
« Reply #61 on: November 28, 2013, 05:00:42 pm »

Current Season: Spring*
*These actually have significant effects now from next turn onwards.

(I know, but i assume diplomatic stuff has to be made public right? At least some of it.)

>Increase livestock production by +2 and decrease production by -2
>Continue the special project
>Get the council of magic to work with the lizard, by attempting to bond with it and thus taming it. Show that we don't mean harm, trough food, petting w/e.
>Scout out the wolf pack with 3 scouts
>Advise citizens to remain as warm as possible without neglecting important tasks.

The special project is finished. It will reduce the loss of animals and food during winter and storm, but there will still be a loss.

The council of magic manages to keep the young alive and fed, but it's injuries appear to be more severe than originally thought.

The Wolfs appear to have disappeared, following the herds to the South as the oncoming winter brings more storm and cold.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

>The King is not satisfied with the current catapult ship, and orders it taken apart and rebuilt(cashing in that one-time recycle you said I could do). Once this happens, both ships will be on shore patrol to avoid the winter storms(nobody travels the seas in winter, so trade isn't an issue)

>Speaking of the current ship, if resources allow, a second catapult will be built and mounted on the ship, giving the Kingdom two powerful naval units. [Nope]

>The King also orders a small, fast sailing skiff built to better scout the islands for natural resources(as production allows; if I run out defer to next turn rather than use magical construction) [Nope]

>Using the acquired copper, the Guardsmen will be outfitted with proper war tridents, as well as light copper scale if supplies are great enough(priority on the war tridents, though)

>A squad of Light Crossbowmen will be created(if there is production for it, defer to next turn of not) [Nope]

>Top priority, though, is tapping the second mana well to allow more magically constructed buildings(though magical construction won't be used to build it, as that defeats the purpose) [Truly, you should start with these.]

>The guild of Engineering and Invention will finalize details of Apprenticeship

>The skiff, if built, will scout the islands for any surface deposits, or anything else of interest(if not built, the guardsmen will do this instead)

The catapult ship is rebuild as a standard war Cog, and it's artillery is increased to the size of a standard Naval artillery piece. The remainder of the available resources went to the construction of a mana well on the main island. However, at this point our scarce resources ran out. The Skiff could not be build, and we couldn't recruit any new military units either.

However, our guardsmen were equipped with proper war equipment, and acquired a small fishers boat to navigate the islands. On one of these managed to find a useful source of basalt, which can aid in construction.

[Installations functioning under capacity. 10 pop needed to support all villages and units. Only 9 available. ]

Spoiler: Bright Sea Kingdom (click to show/hide)

As winter comes Whala concentrated solely on internal matters, Internal matters  that would change the northern society for worse. With his death approaching the old high chief fell under influence of death shamans and they persuaded him to build a personal tomb. The construction started, all efforts of the nation went to the constructing of the tomb and cemetery around it. All criminals, unskilled poor, lonely elders, and other less important members of the Whala society were forced to work in the harsh condition of the winter.  No relatives or friends of death shamans, warriors, sailors or wywern caretakers were hurted because their loyalty was needed.
Additionally, some of the younger women, sisters, wifes and daughters of poor souls sentenced to death

Spend all available resources to construct the cemetery. Force one pop worth of people to work on the construction to death trying to squeeze some additional production points\mana and becoming the first power influx of the cemetery. Use all available forces; (spearmen, sailors, loyal militia (especially necromancers), even wywern to stop any kind of rebellion against such a ruthless tyranny)

Isolated by ice and storms from the rest of the world, Whala turned in upon itself. Necromancy, an art only recently discovered in this world, rapidly grew in importance. Fear of the death grew amongst the living, and soon it walked through the streets. People were forced to work in the harsh winter conditions, and while food was plenty, many starved to death. The other parts of society thrived, perhaps because they didn't know, or most likely because they didn't want to know. For now, the situation appears stable, but it's unlikely that the populace will forget these events.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Winter would be a time of preparation for the T'Ango. The horse raiders had brought great force to the peaceful forest, and only through cunning were they driven back. Where the enemy had strength, the T'Ango would bring numbers to bear against their foes. Enough arrows brings down even the biggest game.

Construct another lumber camp.
Research Division of Labor

Another Lumber camp is created.

Additionally, by setting up a chain of workers who each do their part, industrial production is greatly increased.

Spoiler:  T'Ango (click to show/hide)

-Finally enter the temple to explore it(hopefully the Kingdom mages are still at the temple, if so they can help), have the explorers backed up by a fire wand squad and the ice wand squad
-Construct another mage tower if possible
-Develop a new invention: Magical Irrigation (Agriculture+Elementalism+Enchantment+Mana Crystals): uses water elementalism to either create or summon water for irrigation

The explorers have only just set foot within the temple, before the door slams shut, the stones of the temple start to glow. Screams are heard from within, and after a few excruciating minutes the doors open again. The explorers are spread around the interior, their bodies mangled, twisted in all sort of impossible positions. Yet they have not died. They speak, or rather, something speaks through them: "Who thinks himself so mighty that he can disturb my temple." They keep repeating the sentence, slowly. What answer, if any, do you give.

Meanwhile in other parts of town, a new mage tower is build and significant advancements are made.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

The Oedogi, faced the first real obstacle to glory: the so-called T'Ango. They understand that they are too strong to defeat now, and instead turns their heads towards the "more fortified" village (that was introduced a couple of turns ago).

Otherwise the Oedogi concentrated their efforts on surviving the winter.

Scout roll: The more fortified village, has a palisade, a guard of sorts, and a pop of at least 3. Some archers have also been spotted.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: November 29, 2013, 07:09:09 am by 10ebbor10 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Nations of Dolusil: Game thread [6/6]
« Reply #62 on: November 28, 2013, 07:02:57 pm »

>The Guild of Industry and Invention has decided it is time to move to a proper, permanent residence. Taking advantage of the apprentices attracted to the city, they have decided to set up the Guild Librarium, a massive structure containing all the guildhalls for the crafts, as well as the university that will be home to the professors and scholars of the Guild, which has become the Scholar's Guild. (combine Magical Construction+Engineering+Enchantments[for making stronger walls]+Apprenticship for a building that will hopefully give tech and production bonuses. This will replace the independent thinkers).

>We will request from our Torkal allies the hire of some miners who can locate metal deposits of our own, and have them escorted by our guardsmen. The Basalt deposit will be left alone for now, as population is already stretched thin enough(if any metal ore is found, a lumberjack will be re-purposed to miners)

>With an increase of Piracy with the new year, both cogs will be put on a rotating patrol schedule to hopefully curb the vagabonds, and encourage the to find other hunting grounds

>With apprentices joining by the day, the Glassblower has time to improve his techniques, creating new and interesting glass items(use apprenticeship to hopefully increase quality of trade goods and/or production)

>The resource gatherers will be retrained as stonemasons to take advantage of the basalt deposit
« Last Edit: November 29, 2013, 10:31:51 am by tryrar »
This fort really does sit on the event horizon of madness and catastrophe
No. I suppose there are similarities, but I'm fairly certain angry birds doesn't let me charge into a battalion of knights with a car made of circular saws.

Ukrainian Ranger

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Nations of Dolusil: Game thread [6/6]
« Reply #63 on: November 28, 2013, 07:50:57 pm »

Sailors needed to find ways to survive in the seas for longer times. They learned how to find good plankton sources for whales, how to fish, How to drink blood of the whales without hurting them, how to gathering resources from small islands, how to do small repairs out of port and even how to find small mana sources to sustain themselves in the seas 
Unlock foraging

Spring arrived and it meant only one thing, time to show everyone who should rule the waves. New ships were build to host a new generation of seaborne warriors that would lead the navy to the seas. Fleet that will show it's might
Spend 1 production to rush repair of Cog Raides. Raise one unit of Sailors of Death.

Captains received clear orders: Try to keep the the whole fleet together. Don't venture in far away unknown waters. Bring valuables, prisoners and captured ships from the merchants (any merchant's, not only kingdom's) , engage with military vessels if enemy is outnumbered and conditions (mainly wind) are favorable, avoid otherwise. Stay far from possible land fortifications and very shallow waters. Hunt for unusual whales or other large but not very dangerous sea dwellers (e.g - do not attack ancient island-sized sea dragons)  with preference of capture over kill. Finally captains were ordered to start negotiations with pirates of smaller nations to offer them to serve Whala and get a safe port in exchange for a small share of the loot (10%) and aid in battles against Kingdom's Navy. Another option for pirates of other nations is to  move away from Whala hunting grounds and the last one is to be perished in combat

Send both of Sea raiders, freshly repaired Cog Raiders, newly raised Sailors of Death to pirate, attacking any merchants\fishers (not only one of the kingdom), hunting for seamonsters and subduing rogue pirates.

In the same time a small trading mission was sent to T'Ango to start a small trade route between nations as an attempt to get warmer relationships. The only seaborne trade route to be spared from attacks of the raiders
Offer trade to T'Ango

At home thing changes, too. The Winter of Sorrow demonstrated  that unless you are a warrior, a shaman or a sailor, your life is not secure and people started to send their young sons and daughters to learn those professions and ensure that their children will not suffer in future
Unlock Apprenticeship. 
« Last Edit: November 29, 2013, 10:53:21 am by Ukrainian Ranger »
War must be, while we defend our lives against a destroyer who would devour all; but I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Nations of Dolusil: Game thread [6/6]
« Reply #64 on: November 29, 2013, 03:53:48 am »

Council member of magic Ignis managed to tame the lizard, however this method of taming is deemed inefficient and he got an idea. What if man and animal could telepathically communicate? This would increase the interaction between both entities and make taming easier as you will understand the animal.
>Research the idea of a mindlink between man and animal
Mindlink(husbandry + magical husbandry + passive magic? + illusion?): Taming chance increases, cheaper production cost for units involving animals, some unit bonus for units which use animals.

Council member of war Hakkar wants to map the surroundings in the mountains for any potential resources, further more, while lizards are fearsome indeed we need to find a more stable income of mythical creatures by capturing a pair. Before we can accomplish that we need to find some mythical animals first though.
>Send 2 scouts to scout out the area for new mythical animals
>Send 1 scout to search for new strategical resources in the mountains

With the discovery of a copper deposit, the council member of construction and trade advise to mine it out for increased production and as a trading resource.
>Create a mining village on top of the copper deposit


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Nations of Dolusil: Game thread [6/6]
« Reply #65 on: November 29, 2013, 09:32:25 pm »

-The leader of the wand squads will tell the presence in the temple that the explorers were sent in the name of the city of Torkal, and demand that the presence name itself. Also attempt to determine whether the forces present (the fire and ice wand squads) are sufficient to destroy the temple
-The other fire wand squad will explore further
-The spearmen are to be outfitted with earth elemental wands


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Nations of Dolusil: Game thread [6/6]
« Reply #66 on: November 30, 2013, 01:07:57 am »

The Oedogis think that production is too low for the moment, and prepares to increase it by opening up another mine.

Continue with the effort of integrating the Khimidogis - after all their sedentary culture might actually help with wrong seasons!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Nations of Dolusil: Game thread [6/6]
« Reply #67 on: November 30, 2013, 03:29:13 am »

The sounds of labor filled every community within the T'Ango lands. As the winter months waned, they showed that they were an industrious people indeed. Villages flourished across the forest, and the people prospered.
Build an additional livestock village

Yet more newcomers came to the forests of the T'Ango, offering wealth and trade. But they had little to offer the T'Ango, who were slow to trust newcomers after their initial contact with outsiders led to an attack. It would take time, for any positive relations to develop with anyone else.
Politely but firmly refuse the trade offer of the Whala.
Send scouts out scouting. Hunters rest.
But despite what you've been told, I once had a soul. Left somewhere behind...
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