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Author Topic: [IC] The Birth of Equestria  (Read 7255 times)

Patrick Hunt

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Re: [IC] The Birth of Equestria
« Reply #60 on: November 18, 2013, 09:39:09 pm »

Sam looks down for a minute considering before finally looking back at Scales.

"I have 3 conditions.
Caine's law.
And so, here at the end of days, you are as you’ve always been. Willing to die. Not willing to quit.

Vengeance is mine saith the Lord but this morning. He's going to fucking well have to share.

Is she worth it, would you burn the city to save her? For her, I'd burn the world.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [IC] The Birth of Equestria
« Reply #61 on: November 18, 2013, 09:47:13 pm »

Basayen thinks for a while. And then, he goes out, and collects materials for his journey. And makes Lines the appropriate pockets, puts money in the right places, some helpful 'charity' here, some helping someone out with an issue there...but this one seems to be a bit more difficult. Some of the less savory elements of Equestria have had issue with his intrusion, and he is on his way to strike a deal with some of them. If all goes as planned, with the...adjustments... he's made to the carriage taking him there, he should be in an excellent position in the city within the week.

Certainly lucky for him that crafts from his homeland, and even just runes without magic infusing them, seem to sell well here. Not to mention that the currency here isn't as inflated as back home...
Sincerely, Role P. Geek

Optimism is Painful.
Optimize anyway.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [IC] The Birth of Equestria
« Reply #62 on: November 18, 2013, 09:49:23 pm »


"Begin!" the instructor says.

The moment the command is given, Aurora shouts a battlecry, "HU-"

There is a flash of light and before word is finished, Aurora teleports chest to chest with her opponent, then squeezes her forelegs tightly around the mare's neck.


Much like the doppler effect, teleportation has an effect on the manner in which a listener hears sounds made by a teleporting unicorn. In the case of a doppler effect, the pitch of a sound is heard as slightly higher if the object making noise is approaching the listener, and slightly lower in pitch if moving away. With teleportation, however, rather than a doppler "shift," there is no pitch change. Instead, if the teleporting speaker teleports away from the listener, there is a brief gap of silence. It is a very short gap, but detectable all the same. And if the speaker teleports closed to the listener, ahead of the sound wavefront, the result is that forr a similarly brief moment, a portion of the sound spoken later will reach the listeners ears before the portion spoken later, resulting in what sounds a bit like slurred mumble.

Fortunately, most of the audience, being unicorns themselves, were familiar with this phenomenon. So, while some of them heard "hu" (pause) "gs!" and some heard "hgus!" everyone agreed that the battlecry Aurora shouted, was in fact, the word "hugs."

While unexpected, it's an especially descriptive battlecry, as upon her arrival Aurora applies a telekintically-assisted...hug, directly to her opponents throat.

"Autumn? Autumn, it's ok. I know you can't breathe very well, but please listen. Weather control is your specialty, isn't it? I'm guessing that means that you're probably really good at controlling lightning. I'm sure it's a useful skill, and it's something I don't know how to do. So, kudos to you. I might have to learn it. I'd just like to point something out though. When lightning strikes something, it passes through the object it strikes and into the ground. Well, actually it passes from the ground upwards, but I'm sure you knew that. The point is that...with you and me in such close contact like this, if you hit me with a bolt of lightning it's going to hit both of us."

Aurora's horn glows a bit more brightly as she applies more force to her telekinetic deathgrip on Autumn's neck, whispering gently into her ear.

"My specialties aren't anything flashy like weather control. Just...teleportation and telekinesis. I know, right? Telekinesis that any unicorn can do, and teleportation, sure that's not exactly a common spell, but what use are those? The no 'weapons' rule was inconvenient, maybe...but I hope you like what I've done with them. No...shhh....don't try to talk. You only have so much air. No, don't worry...I know you can't tell the judges you submit, but it's ok. I won't hurt you. Once you pass out I'll set you gently on the ground and you'll be able to breathe again. Just try to relax. Oh, and...I advise against bringing your falcon into this. He's a bit out of range right now, but if he gets close I assure you he'll be no more difficult to move than those coins you saw me with earlier."

"So, thank you for listening. I think that's everything I wanted to say. You're a good listener. But it's your move now. All I have left to do is wait. But, if you have any way to get out of this I suggest you do it soon, because you're probably going to run out of air pretty soon."


  • Bay Watcher
  • Panther of the East Jungle
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Re: [IC] The Birth of Equestria
« Reply #63 on: November 18, 2013, 10:38:13 pm »

Tipped Scales seems surprised by your response, but that is quickly replaced by a look of amusement.

"Oh? What are these conditions, my friend?"

Autumn makes no move to respond, resist, or otherwise do anything. In fact, you may think you've killed her. That is, until the dummy you are hugging dissipates and you are left slightly damp by the remaining water vapor.

An echoing and distorted voice begins talking. "Did you know that there are many applications to weather based magic? More than just summoning lightning bolts, I wield the power to alter the world in a significant way. That is why I am both pleased and annoyed by those who underestimate my craft." The sky immediately above the arena begins to accumulate clouds, and a light fog rolls in. Neither event signifies an immediate threat. "Control is key, in my profession. Now please, show me some Glistener magic!"

[CRIT] You look around to look for where your opponent disappeared to. At first, you see only the ponies on the edges of the arena, but a distortion in the air catches your eye. About ten feet from you, you see what you assume to be a moderately powerful cloaking spell in action. It was very brief, but the air glimmered and distorted enough to indicate magic was at play.

Basayen has an ambitious goal, but little capital to invest. His money is worthless here, and he only has a few items to his name. Perhaps his runes could be of some use, but only to scholars and eccentrics. At least, until the power of the runes is demonstrated.

Overall, he must be more specific with his actions. Does he wish to use his title to get himself in a position of power over some nobles? Or perhaps a scheme to enlist less reputable help?
Quote from: Isaac Asimov
I write for the same reason I breathe — because if I didn't, I would die.

Patrick Hunt

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [IC] The Birth of Equestria
« Reply #64 on: November 18, 2013, 10:52:10 pm »

Sam shuffles his feel looking distinctly uncomfortable for a moment before speaking.

" Uhm, well I want you to promise you'll look after Marbles when I'm not here and I'd like a room here as well. "

Looking even more uncomfortable then before Sam looks at his feet.

" She called me her brother. "

After several seconds of silence he looks back up.

" And I'll need access to the armory. "
Caine's law.
And so, here at the end of days, you are as you’ve always been. Willing to die. Not willing to quit.

Vengeance is mine saith the Lord but this morning. He's going to fucking well have to share.

Is she worth it, would you burn the city to save her? For her, I'd burn the world.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [IC] The Birth of Equestria
« Reply #65 on: November 18, 2013, 11:11:37 pm »

"Control is key, in my profession. Now please, show me some Glistener magic!"

Aurora whirls around to look at nowhere in particular. "Very well. Let us compare your invisibility spell to mine." Then she disappears in a flash of light.

Meanwhile, in the nearby university cafeteria, Aurora orders a cup of chamomile tea and sits down at the window, watching the battlefield from afar for any signs of her opponent.

"I knew I should have learned some illusion magic. Goodness knows with my cutie mark, I'd probably be good at it." Aurora sighs. "Well, she'll get tired maintaining all those spells, eventually. Good thing the rules didn't specify any out of bounds area."

Aurora calmly sips her tea.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [IC] The Birth of Equestria
« Reply #66 on: November 19, 2013, 12:55:34 am »

Borak of the Lance, Protector of the Littleleaves and pioneer to Equestria couldn't help but feel a bit insulted at being called Foreigner. Melesa corrected her mistake but the damage had been done. He could understand that his titles meant little to these ponies. But to dismiss him as a mere foreigner was a bit insulting. The banter between Edjane and Melesa distracted him as he muddled over what he had learned.  He would never feel safe for himself or his allies without these aspect hunters being taken care of. Being foreigners, as Marrin has so politely pointed out, made them huge targets. However, before he could pursue the problem further Helen began her story.

As the old mare told her story, Borak stared at her with disbelief. For what reason would Xavus have to release the mare from her banishment? Her story was implying that she was very dangerous. It wasn't until she mentioned that she was immortal that Borak smiled. The story was utter rubbish. Nobody could live forever, that was a fact of life. It wasn't until he turned to the rest of his group to share his amusement at the tale that he realized everypony was frozen. This made his heart drop as he swiftly scanned the room to see if he wasn't just imagining things. But her story ended quickly at this point and everypony seemed to start moving. Had he just imagined what he saw?

The reactions confirmed what he had seen. This witch knew some strong magic. To be able to stop a room full of ponies? That had to be a difficult spell to do right? The thought of being absolutely helpless, frozen in time as the mare stuck a dagger between his ribs caused his mane to stick up a little straighter. Helen was someone to be feared, that much she made very clear. Immortal, no, but a powerful sorceress, yes. As he allowed his thoughts to wander, he found that the nobles were once again staring at him and his comrades expectantly.

“Well I can summarize my side of the events that unfolded.” Borak stated calmly as he looked towards his group to see if there were any objections. Seeing none he pushed on. “I was called to the ring, the ring represents the ruling body of Equestria, to be selected as a pioneer for my outstanding achievements in the defense of the Littleleaves. There were others who were summoned but in the end I was selected to become a pioneer. Our mission, as the ring clearly described to each of us, is to explore the far reaches of the world. To establish first contact as representatives of Equestria, and if at all possible to establish peaceful relations with any society we come across. We each received a few special gifts from those in the ring that had selected us specifically. One of mine was the Equestrian flag. I cherished that flag. Unfortunately for me on our first outing from Equestria we came across a creature called a Leocrotta.” Taking a moment to quench his thirst he continued, “This Leocrotta was being hunted. It quickly made friends with one of our former members and tried to hide amongst us. We named him Ames. The hunters found us however and in the end Ames sacrificed himself to save Sirara here.” He said, indicating Sirara. “Being that he had shown great valor in protecting his allies, we decided to give him a proper Equestrian burial. In the process I ended up giving up my flag so that in the after life Ames would have something to remember me by. After that incident, we ended up in the capital of the Littleleaves, Effa. Perhaps you are aware of this city?” He asked questioningly before continuing. “While we were there we came under attack by a Daemon. It was a Daemon of rage, causing those that came near it to attack even those they would consider colleagues. Once the Daemon was taken care of, we acquired the supplies we needed and headed towards the fringes of Equestrian territory. That is where we met with an outpost guard who directed us in the direction of your fine city.” He hesitated now. He had decided it wouldn't be good to mention that the solution to the Daemon was leaving Effa since it possessed Laywing. But what about those things in the forest? The ones that had spared their lives under the guise that they would accept orders from them? He knew they still had the black orb but it hadn't really done anything. Now that he thought about it, could it all have just been a bad dream? He seemed to be having quite a few bad dreams lately, this could have been one as well. Snapping out of his thoughts he continued. “Before we arrived here however, I think we came across some kind of... beings in the forest. It may have just been a dream though, I am not really sure. The only way I can describe the experience was...” Struggling with the details of the almost spider like monsters, he finally concluded, “Freaky. After that experience we arrived here.”


  • Bay Watcher
  • Panther of the East Jungle
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Re: [IC] The Birth of Equestria
« Reply #67 on: November 19, 2013, 10:11:35 pm »

"You need not worry for Marble. I protect all my orphans to the best of my ability. And I'll see about putting you up here, we'll have to get a large enough bed, and re-purpose a room. But it should all work out. But, even if it can't be arranged, you won't be here for very long. As soon as I pull a few strings, you'll be off with the others on an adventure!"

"As for the armoury, you'll have access to the pioneer arsenal once your elevated to such a position. Is that suitable?"

Much to Aurora's surprise, she does not find herself relaxing in a cafe. Rather, she is dumped out of the ether mid-teleport. A jarring experience, to say the least. She finds herself dazed, on the edge of the arena, right in front of the judges. The two mares look surprised, but the stallion looks at you disapprovingly. It seems the arena has been treated with containment wards. There's no running away from this fight.

"Come now, Aurora. You can't teleport away now, not when the show is about to begin!" the echoing voice says cheerfully, though the voice is more focused, as if the alteration spell set upon it is waning. The fog has thickened further, and the clouds above the arena darken as thunder rumbles ominously within.

"Counterbalance one!" the stallion calls as he throws one of the bags he's levitating into the arena. The bag tumbles to the ground, and several metal spheres roll out from the opening.

"A Daemon, that far north?!" Esse says, shocked.

"You encountered a leocrotta?! And he gave his life for one of you?!" Melesa balks.

"The Dregs... I wondered how you made your way through their forest..." Edjane mutters.

All the while, Xavus stares at Borak intently. The pioneers realize that this is the same behaviour he'd demonstrated before. Whenever any of the pioneers spoke, Xavus would stare intently, almost glaring at them. A little glimmer in his eye shines beofore he speaks.

"You speak earnestly, pioneer. I cannot doubt what my eyes tell me. But I have questions, along with my wives."

"Firstly, this Daemon. We know their kind well. Many ponies believe them to be a local phenomenon, but the few informed know it as a global problem. Tell me, how powerful do you believe this Daemon to be? What abilities does it exhibit? Do not hide the truth, I must know if my people are in danger, and what steps must be taken."
Quote from: Isaac Asimov
I write for the same reason I breathe — because if I didn't, I would die.

Patrick Hunt

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Re: [IC] The Birth of Equestria
« Reply #68 on: November 19, 2013, 10:14:35 pm »

"Uhm, I guess. But what am I going to do until then? I'm bored."
Caine's law.
And so, here at the end of days, you are as you’ve always been. Willing to die. Not willing to quit.

Vengeance is mine saith the Lord but this morning. He's going to fucking well have to share.

Is she worth it, would you burn the city to save her? For her, I'd burn the world.


  • Bay Watcher
  • They see me rollin' they savin'~
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Re: [IC] The Birth of Equestria
« Reply #69 on: November 19, 2013, 10:55:48 pm »

Basayen sits in the university cafe, unlike Aurora, at the moment, watching the fight proceed from afar, though his mind is on other things. Without money, he can do little. Without influence, he can do less. So the first order of business...establish a presence. How to do this, though? The zebra considers and discards solutions one by one. Eventually, he finds he has two options, really.
First, to work for, spy on, blackmail, bribe, intimidate, impress, and otherwise take positions of power over or with the nobility.
Second, to work for, spy on, blackmail, bribe, assassinate key figures of, intimidate, and otherwise take over the criminal element of the city.

He would, of course, prefer to do both, but to try to do too much at once ensures that nothing will be done at all. For now, one group would do, and he can take over the second after he has an appreciable power base.

For now, the nobility would be a more suitable target, if he can do so quietly...who to start with, though? Spying was needed. Tonight, he'd make runes around town, perception runes, relatively simple and quick to make, especially with his hoof. Disguise them as something or other, even as just the pattern in a net or the way the bricks are stained on a wall. Work 'look-at-me-not' spells into their casting...

The zebra smiles, sipping at a small cup of self-made tea using leaves from his homeland. It was time to see how ponies felt about introducing Quagisian politics.
Sincerely, Role P. Geek

Optimism is Painful.
Optimize anyway.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [IC] The Birth of Equestria
« Reply #70 on: November 19, 2013, 11:40:26 pm »


"Come now, Aurora. You can't teleport away now, not when the show is about to begin!" the echoing voice says cheerfully, though the voice is more focused, as if the alteration spell set upon it is waning. The fog has thickened further, and the clouds above the arena darken as thunder rumbles ominously within.

"Counterbalance one!" the stallion calls as he throws one of the bags he's levitating into the arena. The bag tumbles to the ground, and several metal spheres roll out from the opening.

Aurora blinks a couple times, looks at the metal spheres, frowns, then walks over to Clover.

"I take it this whole thing is some sort of bizarre test of character or something? There was nothing in the rules about leaving the arena, yet now suddenly wards are in place. Duel boundary rules are a really big thing to suddenly change mid-battle. Whereas the rules specifically stated that there were to be no weapons...and you know full well how my style of dueling works and what a disadvantage that would be for me...and so now here you are dumping weapons at my feet?"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [IC] The Birth of Equestria
« Reply #71 on: November 21, 2013, 06:37:41 pm »

Borak did his best to maintain eye contact with Xavus throughout the entire story. To be honest it was a bit intimidating but it wasn't something he wasn't all together unused to. Listening to the reactions,  Borak realized that these nobles seemed to know much more about the world than he did. That was to be expected though, he was just a soldier after all. All he needed to know was how to kill. Well no, not kill. His job was to preserve the life of his companions. Death was just a means to an end. One thing in particular caught in his mind, however, causing him to blurt out a response. “The Dreggs...?” He asked as he focused his attention towards Edjane for a few seconds before returning his gaze to Xavus.

He struggled with the next question. He was specifically asking if his city was safe, why would he ask that? Borak hadn't revealed that the Daemon was alive. Even if he was only pushing for answers, wasn't it the right thing to reveal it was Laywing who was hosting the Daemon? How could peaceful relations begin if they were hiding the fact that this Daemon posed a very serious threat. If Borak was in Xavus's position he would never accept any excuses for hiding this critical truth. But he couldn't just give Laywing up like that could he? His primary mission was to protect the rest of the pioneers. No.... actually his primary mission was to establish peaceful relations. As much as he thought of himself as the body guard, Borak was a pioneer. Still, he couldn't just abandon Laywing to her fate.

It took Borak an uncomfortable amount of time to respond. Finally, after allowing his eyes to wander for a bit, he exhaled slowly before staring right back into Xavus's eyes. “I wish to do the right thing. In my opinion this Daemon is not to be trifled with. It has the ability to enrage entire populations, even going so far as to make leaders quarrel with each other in order to encourage disharmony. At the peak of its power Effa almost broke out into a full scale riot with ponies slaughtering each other on the streets. Besides this, it also possesses the ability to animate other ponies into doing its bidding. Possessing them and changing the way they look so while you believe you are sticking your spear in your enemy, all you are doing is killing the real pony underneath.” Now that the easy part was out of the way it was time to consider his options once again. Taking his time, he finally settled on a suitable response. “The solution to Effa's problem was for us to leave. This Daemon is currently possessing one of us, and to be honest if this Daemon were to arise again your city would be in grave peril. We had hoped to come across the Daemon hunters before arriving here, unfortunately all we came across were those strange creatures of the forest as I mentioned earlier. As it stands, I will not turn my back on a companion. If you wish for us to leave I understand and only hope you will remember this honesty in the future when we return after having taken care of the Daemon.” What was done could not be undone. The muscles in Borak's body tensed as he tried to size up the room. He was nervous, and when he got nervous he wanted to fight, and while his eyes remained staring at Xavus, he was very much aware of what was going on around him. Ready to move at a moments notice should things seem to be going south.


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: [IC] The Birth of Equestria
« Reply #72 on: November 25, 2013, 08:31:02 pm »

Flame Flipper is surprised to see Borak gave away a dangerous information like that. They can always act like they didn't know the truth, they can tell them that the daemon was hiding if it ever comes out again. Now they just admitted that they are dangerous foreigners who brought a daemon to their city. The nobles had no reason to trust us and now they had every reason to doubt us. Flame realized that it was pretty stupid to let their fighter talk. He promised himself to be more assertive in the future.

He can see that Borak is getting tense for a good reason. This will likely end up bloody. His body is tense and he prepared to use his risky fire splash attack if things go bad. This attack will hopefully create a chaos for them to run away.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [IC] The Birth of Equestria
« Reply #73 on: April 25, 2014, 01:53:15 pm »

Black-streak walks in to the room. Her usual regal demeanor was replaced with a shy awkwardness


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Re: [IC] The Birth of Equestria
« Reply #74 on: April 25, 2014, 02:31:17 pm »

she is a midnight alicorn with black streaked indigo mane and tail
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