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Author Topic: Pigeons & Prejudice: Definitely deceased.  (Read 22907 times)


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Re: Pigeons and Prejudice: Chapter 2
« Reply #135 on: November 07, 2013, 02:22:49 pm »

Yes, sorry - been a bit busy being ill on top of everything else and totally forgot to reply.

It is just monk, and I'll get on with that as soon as I can, although possibly after I finish the other game's turn.


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Re: Pigeons and Prejudice: Chapter 2
« Reply #136 on: November 09, 2013, 04:13:52 pm »

So directing her servants, Lady Montagu bustled off to the sitting room, preparing to welcome her guest.

And so it was that Lady Katherine Montagu, that most ladylike of ladypigeons, set her household most rapidly in motion to accept the visit of Reverend Halfton, famed for his love of accountancy, and for his lack of sense.

...But! Alas! She set them not in particularly good motion, and not in particularly the correct direction of motion, for, as Reverend Halfton continued his lengthy stroll down Lady Montagu's luxuriously long drive to the front door – although one would typically be inclined to call it an entrance, rather than a mere door – and the various servants, fearing a terrifying fish-based beating, strove to make the most exquisite cookie and brew the most perfect cup of tea, all of them (all of them!), all of them failed, rather singularly, to answer the door.

Consequently it was Lady Montagu who, most exceedingly flustered to say the least, suffered the appalling dishonour of opening her own door on this lovely day.

”Good God, Madam, this is a Disgrace!” blasted the Reverend, forgetting himself. ”I have waited nigh on ten seconds for this door to be answered, and... I... the...”

The Reverend's round face turned a peculiar shade of red, rather pleasantly off-setting the intense blue of his eyes.

”I... yes. Terribly sorry. I er... I seem to have done a blasphemy.”

edit: Eeks. Mispunctuated.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2013, 04:48:04 pm by lawastooshort »


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Re: Pigeons and Prejudice: Chapter 2
« Reply #137 on: November 09, 2013, 06:42:44 pm »


"I'm terribly, terribly sorry." Lady Montagu apologized effusively, restraining the urge to run off and soundly thrash the first servant she saw; after all, it simply not do to leave the Reverend standing in the door. Her little pigeon mind raced for a more palatable topic of conversation. "I was, uh, quite caught up in my... accountancy. Yes." she tittered. "You know how it is when you get your beak, or should I say, your teeth into a particularly dense bit of arithmetic. It is so much- well, perhaps not fun, per se, but surely you agree it is most engrossing and agreeable to the senses?"

Lady Katherine Montagu struggles to both engross the Reverend in a conversation about bookkeeping while simultaneously avoid being bored to tears by that selfsame conversation (figuratively, of course, as it would be rather strange if doves could cry. )


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Re: Pigeons and Prejudice: Chapter 2
« Reply #138 on: November 12, 2013, 04:35:07 pm »

Lady Katherine Montagu struggles to both engross the Reverend in a conversation about bookkeeping while simultaneously avoid being bored to tears by that selfsame conversation

"Oh, most delightful! To find a ladypigeon - no, I should most certainly say simply a lady - to find a lady see the beauty in adding up a fine column of figures, to realise that they are not merely numbers, not merely the vulgar addings up of the incomings and outgoings - so crude, don't you agree, to actually count money for the sake of counting money, rather than the beauty of the act of the counting itself - not merely numbers but actual representations of the beauty that God put upon the Earth to distract us from the hideous malformations so common nowadays. Gosh, I say, and indeed, losing oneself in adding 17 unto 48, and deducting the shillings, and turning our most beautifully outdated and obtuse monetary system into something approaching sense - and then to throw away one's working so as to retain one's purity and be able to repeat the ritual on the morrow: oh! purity! I value it almost as much as the ability to just keep on going, to keep on plowing forth into a vast field of pennies and pounds and-"

...Lady Montagu could take no more, and yawned ever so slightly perceptibly.

"Oh, poor Lady Montagu! You have been up since before the night began, no doubt, adding up the columns with which you have been blessed... Perhaps you would like me to join you, and thusly proceed faster through your remaining accountancy?"

Reverend Halfton likes you slightly more!
« Last Edit: November 12, 2013, 04:42:26 pm by lawastooshort »


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Re: Pigeons and Prejudice: Chapter 2
« Reply #139 on: November 12, 2013, 11:04:03 pm »

Lady Montagu felt her wits churning into sweet juice as the Reverend made his offer, deliciously free and liquid compared to the turgid molasses they had been when trapped in the depths of the accountancy conversation.

"Yes, well, your offer is quite touching, but it would be remiss of me to impose on a guest in such a fashion." Lady Montagu said hastily, leading the way to the sitting room. "I must confess, what drove me from my restless slumber and into the staid distraction of my accounting books was a certain discomfort relating to the tasteless passing of the late and loveless Mr. Arcy. Truly a hideous malformation of the spirit, wouldn't you say?"

Lady Katherine Montagu attempts to direct the conversation to the Reverend's opinions of the ball just past, starting with the third most distasteful event to occur (well, perhaps the fourth.)

((ha ha this game makes me write such stupid crap I love it))


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Re: Pigeons and Prejudice: Chapter 2
« Reply #140 on: November 13, 2013, 08:36:28 am »

Lady Katherine Montagu attempts to direct the conversation to the Reverend's opinions of the ball just past, starting with the third most distasteful event to occur (well, perhaps the fourth.)

”Well, Lady Montagu,” commenced Reverend Halfton, glancing at the lovely ladypigeon for just a half-second longer than might be considered polite, and immediately burning with shame, and possibly later burning in his own personal or religious inferno, ”It was really rather a waste for such a young man to have such a terrible accident. Getting out one’s duelling pistols and polishing them late at night is an exceedingly hazardous occupation, and one that has led to the premature deaths of many a promising though misguided young gentleman.”

The Reverend fidgeted moderately; whether he was uncomfortable with the subject or merely anxious to return to a discussion of accountancy it was hard to say. Yet he was unable to return the conversation to accountancy, for he was a sensitive man, and able to discern that the beautiful young ladypigeon before him wished to talk of something else, namely the recent ball, unsurprisingly, for balls are the favoured subjects of many a sprightly young lady (and indeed ladypigeon), and so he was unable to be so uncouth as to force it in his own direction. He longed to discuss the intricacies of adding and multiplying, and maybe even to discuss his favourite number (which was, at present, 82), but instead felt he should talk about the unfortunately persistent Miss Thain. But, alas, he was not a gossip, so could not, and he was too sensitive to gush in praise of Lady Montagu’s vicious peasant-beating, which he had found a little distasteful, but was more than willing to overlook for the sake of the promise of a chaste life full of accountancy, possibly interspersed with some occasional reading.

The poor man felt more and more awkward, aware of a slight space between the pair of them, and finally he gave in.

”I say. I have just realised I have a terribly important… burial to attend to. Please forgive me, Lady Montagu, but one must dash.”

And with that, Reverend Halfton fled the premises, unable to shake the lasting image of Lady Katherine Montagu’s rosy cheeks from his mind.

Praise be, he found himself constantly thinking, a lady who adores the field of accountancy!

He travelled home a happy man that eve.

Lady Rosanne Meyerschmidt-Cripeton’s ball will be next!


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Re: Pigeons and Prejudice: Chapter 2
« Reply #141 on: November 25, 2013, 09:10:47 am »

Lady Rosanne Meyerschmidt-Cripeton’s ball will be next!
This ball is taking an awful long time to come around thought Miss Fantail as she fluttered despondently around the drawing room.


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Re: Pigeons and Prejudice: Chapter 2
« Reply #142 on: November 25, 2013, 09:40:14 am »

Damn that Lady Meyerschmidt-Cripeton!

I have actually started this today, a particularly busy day, but have only got this far:

Chapter Three – The Second Ball.

It had been an excessively long, but rather pleasant, afternoon, awash with early-July sunshine and blighted only with one or two showers and the passing – the movement, not the death, which would most probably not be considered anything more than an inconvenience, as someone would surely have to move the corpse – of a peasant or two, just about discernible from the upper windows of Lady Rosanne Meyerschmidt-Cripeton’s moderately lavish mansion, a mansion being readied post-haste; an afternoon filled with the excited toing and froing of ball-preparations up and down the vast post-nuclear wilderness of southern Derbyshire as our beloved flock of young ladypigeons readied themselves for what promised to be an especially splendid ball: the second ball of the ball season, and the first ever Derbyshire-ball presided over by a pigeon.


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Pigeons and Prejudice: Chapter 3
« Reply #143 on: November 28, 2013, 05:02:06 am »

Chapter Three – The Second Ball.

It had been an excessively long, but rather pleasant, afternoon, awash with early-July sunshine and blighted only with one or two showers and the passing – the movement, not the death, which would most probably not be considered anything more than an inconvenience, as someone would surely have to move the corpse – of a peasant or two, just about discernible from the upper windows of Lady Rosanne Meyerschmidt-Cripeton’s moderately lavish mansion, a mansion being readied post-haste; an afternoon filled with the excited toing and froing of ball-preparations up and down the vast post-nuclear wilderness of southern Derbyshire as our beloved flock of young ladypigeons readied themselves for what promised to be an especially splendid ball: the second ball of the ball season, and the first ever Derbyshire-ball presided over by a pigeon.

The toing and froing was especially rampant at Lady Rosanne Meyerschmidt-Cripeton’s mansion, Crikington Park; preparations were positively feverish, almost plagueish. Not many of the Derbyshire gentlefolk – pigeon or not – knew a terribly great deal about Lady Rosanne, and they, as much as she, hoped that they might find out a little more this evening: at least they might find out, it was rumoured, her preferred tastes in tea, wine, and – a little scandalously – foreign spirits.

It could be imagined also, that Lady Rosanne, the delightful host, would hope that her guests would discover only those more delightful regions of her lovely little pigeonmind, and that no disgraces should be brought upon her – whether by the dullness of her evening, the hideousness of her canapés, or the quantity of suicides brought about by the dancing-related mishaps of those attending.

Lady Rosanne Meyerschmidt-Cripeton herself was looking resplendent in her finest gown as she welcomed her guests in as the evening sun began to glow.

Lady Katherine Montagu was there, obviously, as she had been invited: she was looking most delightful. Miss Charlotte Fantail was present, with the most fashionable pigeonbonnet that London could produce and looking frightfully handsome in it. And Miss Alessa Thain was also in attendance, looking moderately askance at the garish aforementioned bonnet, and beginning to wonder whether she was not a little out of place in this society of display and occasional pomposity.

Or perhaps she was just more than a little jealous of Miss Fantail’s awe-inspiring hat; and resentful of the attention the tiny ladypigeon’s considerable beauty brought her – for attention there was! and attention from the ladypigeons too!

For just as Lady Meyerschmidt-Cripeton had welcomed all her ladyguests – both ladypigeons and ladyhumans alike, for amongst others Miss Esmerelda Arcy (dressed, of course, in a rather sombre dress, and a pair of black mourning gloves), Miss Elizabeth Feckerby and Miss Isabella Villar had all been invited; just as Lady Meyerschmidt-Cripeton had welcomed all her ladyguests, the doorbell sang, and the butler-in-chief strode purposefully towards the main doors, and welcomed in none other than Reverend Donald Halfton.

He was alone.

”Oh, I say, am I a little early?”

Spoiler: GM notes (click to show/hide)


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Re: Pigeons and Prejudice: Chapter 3
« Reply #144 on: November 28, 2013, 05:56:53 am »

Charlotte flutters her tail feathers and hops along to greet the Reverend.

"Oh! Reverend! You are here! Do you like my bonnet? Mother bought it for me and I think it looks splendid and there was another one, it was purple velvet with lace trimmings that I almost got instead but then that wouldn't have matched quite so well with my plumage and so it had to be this one and oh!— what a wonderful house Crikington is! And isn't Lady Roseanne wearing such a lovely gown and doesn't everything look simply delightful..."

She chatters on amicably, if unrelentingly.


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Re: Pigeons and Prejudice: Chapter 3
« Reply #145 on: November 28, 2013, 11:56:41 pm »

Lady Katherine Montagu viewed the arrival of Reverend Halfton with not a small measure of trepidation, having already endured as much soporific conversation with that gentleman as she could comfortably handle in a week. Rather than join the flock of eligible ladypigeon bachelorettes, she instead glides over to the vibrant Miss Isabella Villar.

"What a pleasure to see you again!" Lady Montagu cooed happily. "You do so brighten a room. Perhaps not so quite a luxurious room as your own," she said, sniffing dismissively at her surroundings, "but even a den of mongrel dogs is ennobled when visited by a beautiful thoroughbred. Tell me, how do you feel about... swings?"

Lady Montagu makes conversation with Miss Villar, searching for common interests beyond peasant-brutalizing (as such a hobby is, of course, ubiquitous in high society, and thus shared by any and all potential mates in both the platonic and romantic senses.))

((haha, typed this, walked away for a while, came back, read it, "waht," post it.))


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Re: Pigeons and Prejudice: Chapter 3
« Reply #146 on: November 30, 2013, 05:48:55 am »

Lady Meyerschmidt-Cripeton fluttered about nervously, surpressing her excitement. She really really hoped she'd not screw this one up. What if this Reverend was the only one to show up? Oh dear, oh dear... wait, she had to greet her guests...!!!!!

"Welcome to my humble abode! Make yourself at home, Reverend."

A few seconds of awkward silence pass.
"Er. Now, if you would be so kind as to excuse me... I must check on the preparations while I still have time."

Double-triple-check the preparations. Do we have snacks? Are there drinks? Is the ballroom squeaky clean? Are the guests really coming? aaAAAAAaaaAAaa
Girls are currently preparing signature, please wait warmly until it is ready.


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Re: Pigeons and Prejudice: Chapter 3
« Reply #147 on: December 01, 2013, 08:44:17 pm »

Alessa was shy by all standards. Not obvious in her gait or stance, but shy all the same. The ambient tones of voice and speaking filled the air along with the subtle graces of food and perfume; it was a lovely, yet somewhat grandiose, night. She decided to greet and chat with Ms. Arcy given that there was no Ms. Arbury to be seen. Get to know why her somberness is as such.

"Good Evening Ma'am! I..can't help but notice if-"
Did I skip the intro right?
"-that..that your attire is..."
...beautiful? Foreign? Elegant?
"different from the rest. I don't want to dig deeper into this if its personal, but I can't stand unappeased curiosity."


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Re: Pigeons and Prejudice: Chapter 3
« Reply #148 on: December 12, 2013, 08:54:02 am »

Er just a quick note to say that this is neither gone nor forgotten...


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Re: Pigeons and Prejudice: Chapter 3
« Reply #149 on: December 12, 2013, 09:04:49 pm »

huzzah! I actually thought of bumping this the other day, but was distracted en route to the thread.
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