Escape Hell via cannon.
If it works, I'm free!
If it doesn't, I'm in hellhell, where I can talk to the manager!
(5) You escape from hell, and land next door to the Myselfocracy of France!
Bleed to death.
(2) Apparently, France has good health care for prisoners. Whaddaya know? You get a robot kidney.
escape from jail them become leader of Earth.
Reject invasion of hell, instead destroy hell via super weapon from next reality over.
Equally awesome, ASSIST ACTION.
(2) (3) Darth Washington shoots one of his eldritch tentacles in the face with the cannon!
BFEL, noting that Darth Washington probably didn't mean to do that, refrains from further action.
(6) You escape, and find a mound of dirt to rule!
Get Davesprite upgrade
(1) Davesprite ceases to exist as soon as you do so! You are now in the void.
Request asylum from Yakuza Dimension.
(6) You do so! However, the Yakuza dimensioners seem to be rather fond of One Direction, and request that you listen to it! By which they mean you are stuck in a torture room for !!SCIENCE!!.
Myself-ocracy of FranceFrance- Almighty Leader
Remuthra- Unicorn prisoner with a robot kidney
Next door to FranceElephant Parade- There
A pile of dirtTavik Toth- Almighty British Leader
Darth Washington's Evil EmpireXantalos-
Yakuza EmpireScience room of 1D torture- GreatWyrmGold
The Void/Xantalos's Front LawnZanzetkun- Randomer