Boulder, Colorado
Steve slowly shambles towards the home, and discovers that several other zombies are trying to get in the place. One zombie trying to shove in a window (5) gets a shotgun blast that detaches one of it's legs. It moans in the street for a while (3) before crawling by the door where three other zombies are trying to shove the door down.
Brian shambles towards the city, (4) arriving soon after, searching for something to eat. He hears lots of strange noises from a nearby freeway like moaning, car alarms, police sirens, and gunshots, and goes to investigate. (2) Or he would if the exit wasn't blocked off by two crashed cars. Brian decides to instead get a Thriller Dance going. (?) Well, first he needs a Michael Jackson zombie, and he doesn't know where his grave would be.
Berlin, Germany
Kyle leaves for a place where he has less chance of losing his arms. (1) Kyle trips and falls over a curb. (1) However, he immediately gets up again with out a scratch. Stupid curbs. (5) Kyle shambles north, where he sees a couple of German fellows firing on some zombies.
Wehrner tries to find an alternate route through a nearby alleyway. (1) Wehrner continues to follow the alley way as there appear to be no exits to the parking garage, and exits the alleyway to another street, (1) and is hit by a speeding car. (5) The hit sends Wehner flying up into the air and he lands in a heap on the road. However, it doesn't seem like he lost any limbs. (1) The car slows to a halt far up the street.
Moscow, Russia
Boris looks for alcohol. (4) He finds a half-empty bottle of vodka on the ground, and attempts to grab it. (4-1) Boris manages to lift the bottle up to a nearby table, but isn't sure if he will be able to hold it. (6) Boris hears a faint clinking noise, but can't tell what it's from.
Yeah, for some reason when I use a keyboard, I get worse at spelling and grammar.