Name nation: The green Eco reserve.
Governmental system: Democracy.
Location and size: The large area around Colorado.
Population: Between 10- 40 million-30 million
Budget: 500 arbitrary budget units.
Description of the history of the countary:The area around Colorado has only been hit by one of the nuclear warheads, because of the governments anti missile devices, however, the nuclear warhead still devastated much of the land, causing wide spread panic, however, do to the radiation and proximenty to the city, the city was almost entirely killed, except for those few who mutated, and thus the city still stands, as A ghost town, no plants can live there , do to the radiation tat still exists, however humans can come in safely, with only minor radiation poisoning when they leave, which can easily be curable, the green eco reserve was founded by the local farmers, hunters, and other foragers and hunters and farmers, They have found A feild with Cows, sheep , chickens and horses with only minor radiation poisoning, and thus are completely free of mutations, thus they have A delicacy of various food, and because of there clean nonradioactive farm animals. There goal is to make the world A more hospitable world to live in, Purging thouse who raid, destroy, and mutant animals that are dangerous and carnivorous, They are interested in Prewar technology such as power plants, and other things that or clean, efficient or otherwise helps them or the cause in some way.
Description of land: There are mountains to the north, which has several mines used by them, and near them is A lake that is only slightly radioactive and is in the process of being fully cleaned and ready to be drinkable.
-GDI: 1 A GDI rating of 1 is, well, a lot. Virtual utopia, to speak of. Do note that a high General development index isn't always better. For example, at GDI 1 you need quite a few luxury resources to keep people happy
-Public Opinion:-76% approval rate
-Economical efficiency 100%
-Infrastructure 100%
-Natural resources: Choose 2. Each has 4 points, distributed over 1 to 2 categories.
Titanium +4 IC, Clean farm animals +1 energy ((there dung!)) +5 food Uhm, Each resource only has 4 points to spread out over different categories. Not 6. Also, IC isn't a valid resource category. (Also, would be fairly useless.)
-Existing factories and workforce deployment
8 Titanium mines, +64 IC
2 hydrodams= +8 E
6 Efficent farms, +6 Energy, +30 Food. You only get one benefit of a resource at a time. Not both
Three windmills +9 energy
9 Titanium manufacturys ((makes Titanium more efficient to use))
Two labs that are un-powered.
-Trading needed (excesses and storage)
Science and technology:
-Major fields: 3 of them Ecological restoration, Clean Power Industrial efficiency, Food preservation
-Major accomplishments: 2 per field. Must be related: Water purification-Toxic Cleanup*Wind power- Hydro-Power.*Food packaging, Food Spices((luxary food requires two food units instead of one))
Clean Industry-Effecient Industrial process's.
-Size: 10 / 50?
-List of units:5 Rangers with sniper rifles. 5- patrols with basic weaponry.