I just go camping for 2 days...
Thinking about it a bit more, using reality-bending body transformation syndromes and a separate creature that only exists as a transformation like that just to process a fruit may be slightly frivolous though.
My philosophy is that if the workaround isn't completly unhinged and questonably nessicary you arn't doing it right
The more completely unhinged and unnecessary a workaround, the more bugs it's liable to cause.
As far as why it's the better-than-steel equivalent, I'll admit I took a little creative liberty, but aside from the MAX_EDGE I wouldn't expect it to be -that- weird. Iridium is the second-densest element and second-most resistant to elastic strain, and is very hard. I intended for it to be excellent in armor and blunt weapons... perhaps I should nerf its effectiveness in blades, sort of like an anti-Adamantine--bluemetal gives you whiffle bats while Iridium gives you butterknives. Perhaps I should demand that bars of Iridium be alloyed with some other metal in a very low quantity (say, 10-20% alloy composition) before being worked? I'll admit that Iridium was kind of a bust due to being far more difficult to actually get than I had anticipated.
But if you're actually going the realistic route with Iridium (and not the fantasy-metal-with-cool-sounding-name-of-real-metal route), why not use something slightly more common, like Aluminum? People didn't even discover Iridium until 1803, and can barely even work it with modern technology.
Worldgen crashing is generally a bad sign though. There have been so many updates by now that I think we need to rectify this. I haven't changed my files much (except for a couple of extremely minor edits that I plan on integrating with my eventual second modding turn in the distant future), but anybody that has updates to make should probably, IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER OF TURNS, apply all fixes to their own files and then merge.
My upload on DFFD is in .zip format, and includes all the latest files and fixes. Unless you merged it with another version of the raws, there should be no crashes.
That's a really bad idea. Aeresium is not supposed to be weapons-grade. Would you make a creature that has a material weakness to lay pewter, for instance?
Why do you think I made it that large? And through custom reactions and a custom workshop, lizardkin can make weapons from it.
The point is that you're not supposed to be able to make weapons out of it in the first place! It's not hard to define your own metal, give it an ore, and use that instead of modifying-but-not-really something that someone else did and perverting it for your own purposes. It's also much less unethical.
it does reduce the amount of pointless bloat metals and it is nice for Aeresium to have a purpose beyond a building material
"Poinless bloat metals"!? In DF!? That's what makes this game so great is the attention to detail. It's not "these are the tier 1-4 combat metals, and the 1 metal for jewelry to sell to vendors for GP," instead you can have 7 different metals as studs or spikes on your hammer, instead of just "gold." As long as they have different properties of any sort, non-combat metals are not pointless. We don't want minimalist bland, we want a game with tasty flavor!
Anyone fix the burning caravans yet?
my bug-fix turn may have. i fixed what was suspected to cause it, i am not sure if it is included in the later versions however.
we think it was coulsed by either the Alchemy RAWS or my doom coal lacking the [SPECIAL] tag. i did think it was funny.
this does give me and idea. we add a boiling stone to caravans that should boil as soon as they enter the map and after enough time for them to have reached the depo it transforms them into crazed saboteurs
Problem is, this would affect all caravans (and possibly your civilians) unless you made a civ specifically for this purpose, with the syndrome specific to them. But then why not just have them seige, instead of a predictable and easily destroyed caravan? People see the caravan from this civ, they put the depot in a deathtrap and the caravan offers no resistance whatsoever.