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Author Topic: Gaming Pet Peeves  (Read 530999 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gaming Pet Peeves
« Reply #315 on: June 20, 2013, 11:51:03 am »

I actually know what the DLC for Dead Space is... and while they are improvements they aren't what I am referring to.

This was in no way an insult to him, but rather something I have learned of other gamers. Made me understand and appreciate a LOT more of the gaming market

And has made me hate the market even more. Thank you CD's friend, your wanton disregard for your wallet has made Nag DLC more viable every single day.

Nope, I don't understand the connection. When have you ever been nagged for optional weapons?
Also, majority of players I see online simply buy DLC for their favorite games as they come out.

I myself do that - I buy the majority of expansions/DLC for my absolute favorite games such as Fallen Enchantress (The expansion is fantastic!!) Civ IV, Civ IV and (previously) Mass Effect. The "nag" then becomes a convenient reminder; if I don't like the game a whole lot, the nag doesn't bother me either way.

And no, I don't throw money at my screen. But I like investing in my favorite hobby. (As an aside, last year I noticed I was spending a LOT more on energy drinks/junk food than on video games. Since then, I have completely quit energy drinks and drastically cut down on junk food. Instead, I can buy more games - well, more than one every few months - and actually have more money!)

EDIT: My ONLY complaint about good DLC's is that sometimes they are too expensive. I'm thinking mostly of Mass Effect, where only a small handful of DLC's were truly worth their cost.
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Re: Gaming Pet Peeves
« Reply #316 on: June 20, 2013, 11:54:57 am »

Well I recently played a game where while playing it there is a big button that lets you pay real money for in game currency.

Which is specifically marketed towards your friend who "doesn't want to be playing this game too long"

As well whenever you run out of gold in that game, the game will nag you to buy gold with cash.

This is a single player only game. It also has a special edition that costs five dollars extra and gives you nothing worthwhile in return.

This is a trend that isn't going away and has only gotten worse.

So every time your friend buys the chest keys for his single player game, I am going to dislike him just a little bit more.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2013, 11:56:47 am by Neonivek »

Catastrophic lolcats

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gaming Pet Peeves
« Reply #317 on: June 20, 2013, 11:56:20 am »

The problem with microtransaction in single-player games is the ol' slippery slope.

There is a very high risk of developers/publishers manufacturing games with predatory mechanics. This is already rampant in the IOS/facebook gaming marketplace where customers embraced microtransactions.
So many games there are basically pay2win or pay2advance. The argument that microtransactions make a game easier doesn't seem to hold water as games with microtransactions tend to gravitate to harder, limiting or more annoying gameplay to force players into paying money.

There is also the argument that is breaks immersion which I tend to agree with. Dragon Age and the new Dead Space were just awful with that. Dragon Age had to hilarious dialogue breaking "buy the expansion to continue" with the NPC standing around camp and not being able to be removed. Dead Space was a "survival" game that allowed you to buy more weapons and ammo ...

I don't think customer really wants to bring back the exploitative arcade generation of games.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gaming Pet Peeves
« Reply #318 on: June 20, 2013, 11:58:26 am »

I don't think customer really wants to bring back the exploitative arcade generation of games

At least that made sense. It was expencive money gouging but that came from a genuine need to do so.

This single player Pay to Win isn't. It is just outright money gouging that they know they won't get punished for.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gaming Pet Peeves
« Reply #319 on: June 20, 2013, 12:00:01 pm »

I don't think customer really wants to bring back the exploitative arcade generation of games

At least that made sense. It was expencive money gouging but that came from a genuine need to do so.

This single player Pay to Win isn't. It is just outright money gouging that they know they won't get punished for.

Bugs me that gaming news sites like RPS are always making it out like its perfectly okay as well.  These games should be shunned by the news sites, not embraced.   :-[
Avid Gamer | Goldfish Enthusiast | Canadian | Professional Layabout


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gaming Pet Peeves
« Reply #320 on: June 20, 2013, 12:04:26 pm »

Well I recently played a game where while playing it there is a big button that lets you pay real money for in game currency.

Which is specifically marketed towards your friend who "doesn't want to be playing this game too long"

As well whenever you run out of gold in that game, the game will nag you to buy gold with cash.

This is a single player only game. It also has a special edition that costs five dollars extra and gives you nothing worthwhile in return.

This is a trend that isn't going away and has only gotten worse.

So every time your friend buys the chest keys for his single player game, I am going to dislike him just a little bit more.

Could you stop with that crap? I never mentioned buying chest keys. Chest keys are a roulette system used (in my experience) exclusively in multiplayer games (DOTA 2, ME3, GW2) and I have no problem with it as very few people actually buy them. In most cases, it legitimately helps fund a good company and contains (usually) no direct powerups.

And my friend is not an idiot, as you would imply. Cut that crap. This person plays differently from you; the goals are cinematic experience, storyline and playing with friends. That his gameplay is different from yours gives you no reason to insult him.
""doesn't want to be playing this game too long"" is in no way implied or stated by me. See above.

As to your experience, I have had nothing similar. I buy games selectively but frequently. Games which I know will heavily feature DLC's are usually delayed until they release a "collector's edition" with all the extra content included. The only time I have seen this is on subpar Android games; I have learned to shop better.

This is like complaining about time-share vacations. Get better vacations, avoid bad companies.

The problem with microtransaction in single-player games is the ol' slippery slope.

There is a very high risk of developers/publishers manufacturing games with predatory mechanics. This is already rampant in the IOS/facebook gaming marketplace where customers embraced microtransactions.
So many games there are basically pay2win or pay2advance. The argument that microtransactions make a game easier doesn't seem to hold water as games with microtransactions tend to gravitate to harder, limiting or more annoying gameplay to force players into paying money.

There is also the argument that is breaks immersion which I tend to agree with. Dragon Age and the new Dead Space were just awful with that. Dragon Age had to hilarious dialogue breaking "buy the expansion to continue" with the NPC standing around camp and not being able to be removed. Dead Space was a "survival" game that allowed you to buy more weapons and ammo ...

I don't think customer really wants to bring back the exploitative arcade generation of games.

THAT is very true, and I hope that it won't happen. Those games have been receiving severe backlash. Also, both are by EA (also, SimCity) which are quickly entering many do-not-buy lists of players.
So here's hoping.

I don't think customer really wants to bring back the exploitative arcade generation of games

At least that made sense. It was expencive money gouging but that came from a genuine need to do so.

This single player Pay to Win isn't. It is just outright money gouging that they know they won't get punished for.

Bugs me that gaming news sites like RPS are always making it out like its perfectly okay as well.  These games should be shunned by the news sites, not embraced.   :-[

Are they? That's... depressing
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gaming Pet Peeves
« Reply #321 on: June 20, 2013, 12:17:25 pm »

Could you stop with that crap? I never mentioned buying chest keys

It is the exact same thing I am talking about. It doesn't matter what I said so long as it is a PTW single player transaction.

As to your experience, I have had nothing similar

I've started to get this experience a lot and it has started to become a nagging persistence. Even to the extent that games I own have got patches that ADDED extra nagging.

Cut that crap. This person plays differently from you; the goals are cinematic experience, storyline and playing with friends

"I bought this hard game and it turns out it is hard! Time to spend five dollars on a new suit of armor that is the best armor in the game and costs nothing to steam roll this game! That way I can spend less time being challenged and more time actually enjoying myself. Dang it is still a challenge, I guess five more dollars won't hurt to get the ammo pack"

Except I bet that isn't how your friend actually feels when he buys the DLC. Hence why I can call him out on it all day.

You want to know how I think your friend acts when he buys the DLC?

"Ohh a cool armor that actually does cool things!"

Or possibly

"Ohh I am stuck... I guess I can buy that DLC"

But that isn't the friend you are talking about.

This is like complaining about time-share vacations. Get better vacations, avoid bad companies

I bought the Sims 3 and at first there was a button to link to the store but it was out of the way and largely ignorable. I really like the game so I bought it and all the expansions even though the glitches and bugs pretty much made it unplayable for often months on end.

Later I downloaded a patch that added a second store button that was big and bright and in the center of my view. It also shows you store items now unless you turn it off... Yet the store button cannot be turned off.

I got Boarderlands 2 and while it worked for a while it had a DLC button in the menu but nothing popped in, in game. Then later on a patch and you can see DLC costumes in the costume section.

This isn't like complaining about Timeshares...

Those games have been receiving severe backlash. Also, both are by EA (also, SimCity) which are quickly entering many do-not-buy lists of players

Except those games have been blacklisted because they SUCKED! and had issues beyond rip off micro transactions meant to break the game.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2013, 12:19:00 pm by Neonivek »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gaming Pet Peeves
« Reply #322 on: June 20, 2013, 12:30:47 pm »

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gaming Pet Peeves
« Reply #323 on: June 20, 2013, 12:34:10 pm »

I don't think so; I discussed this with him, and he himself said he doesn't want the games to be stressful and that he gives up quickly if the game is too frustrating. This was in no way an insult to him, but rather something I have learned of other gamers. Made me understand and appreciate a LOT more of the gaming market.

Honestly, this makes me see the pay to win single player DLC as charging people extra for easy mode.

Trust me, I love easy modes. I don't want to get my ass kicked in every game I play, so sometimes I just want to do the story or whatever and I breeze through and enjoy the ride. I don't want to pay five bucks for the privilege of doing this.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gaming Pet Peeves
« Reply #324 on: June 20, 2013, 12:36:04 pm »

I don't think so; I discussed this with him, and he himself said he doesn't want the games to be stressful and that he gives up quickly if the game is too frustrating. This was in no way an insult to him, but rather something I have learned of other gamers. Made me understand and appreciate a LOT more of the gaming market.

Honestly, this makes me see the pay to win single player DLC as charging people extra for easy mode.

Trust me, I love easy modes. I don't want to get my ass kicked in every game I play, so sometimes I just want to do the story or whatever and I breeze through and enjoy the ride. I don't want to pay five bucks for the privilege of doing this.

*shrug*  I think I may be expressing myself poorly, or hitting a hot-button topic. As said above, I don't know of anyone ever who bought items to make a game easier. Cooler, yes, but not easier. And there is a difference.

Conversely, what I find interesting is that recent Metro has done the opposite - charged people for hard mode. And then the internet cried foul.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gaming Pet Peeves
« Reply #325 on: June 20, 2013, 12:38:21 pm »

Off Topic? This is about Gaming Pet Peeves

I am sure my constant harassment over other people buying DLCs is SOMEONE's Pet Peeve

The difficulty never enters the equation. The purchase was never made to make the game easier, but rather to get something that seemed to match the value

Yes exactly. see now THAT friend sounds a lot smarter then the one you described earlier.

Conversely, people who DO play harder games/difficulties do not buy "enhanced items" DLCs

Some people have an ingrained desire to have a complete game and will buy DLC regardless of what it actually does. I have it but my friend has it MUCH worse to the point where I even once chastised him for getting a DLC he didn't even want.

Trust me, I love easy modes. I don't want to get my ass kicked in every game I play, so sometimes I just want to do the story or whatever and I breeze through and enjoy the ride. I don't want to pay five bucks for the privilege of doing this

I am not a hard core gamer but I am in the same boat. I am not always looking for a challenge (Heck the first time I played Freedom force it was on easy and the second time was on hard.) but paying for easy mode is something I won't do.

In fact I hate DLC that makes the game easier anyhow because DLC should be improving the game and DLC that is essentially a cheat you pay money for, isn't an improvement.

This is why I really am tired of Cheat Expansions... I want an expansion to feel like it is extending the game. By removing large aspects of the game by making it easy, it is essentially making the game smaller.

I don't know of anyone ever who bought items to make a game easier

I don't know either... but SimCity certainly had a LOT of that. It even had a Gas Station that didn't run on electricity, produced no waste, and shot hypnobeams to force everyone around you to be happier.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2013, 12:40:28 pm by Neonivek »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gaming Pet Peeves
« Reply #326 on: June 20, 2013, 12:41:51 pm »

The difficulty never enters the equation. The purchase was never made to make the game easier, but rather to get something that seemed to match the value

Yes exactly. see now THAT friend sounds a lot smarter then the one you described earlier.

Same person :P I'm pretty sleepy, so maybe I'm describing things poorly. But yeah.

Conversely, people who DO play harder games/difficulties do not buy "enhanced items" DLCs

Some people have an ingrained desire to have a complete game and will buy DLC regardless of what it actually does. I have it but my friend has it MUCH worse to the point where I even once chastised him for getting a DLC he didn't even want.

Trust me, I love easy modes. I don't want to get my ass kicked in every game I play, so sometimes I just want to do the story or whatever and I breeze through and enjoy the ride. I don't want to pay five bucks for the privilege of doing this

I am not a hard core gamer but I am in the same boat. I am not always looking for a challenge (Heck the first time I played Freedom force it was on easy and the second time was on hard.) but paying for easy mode is something I won't do.

In fact I hate DLC that makes the game easier anyhow because DLC should be improving the game and DLC that is essentially a cheat you pay money for, isn't an improvement.

I don't know of anyone ever who bought items to make a game easier

I don't know either... but SimCity certainly had a LOT of that. It even had a Gas Station that didn't run on electricity, produced no waste, and shot hypnobeams to force everyone around you to be happier.

I have that, and had to teach myself out of it recently. I hate not having all the stuff for games :( that's why I usually wait for the super duper collector's edition.
Best example is a DLC for the recent X-Com. It featured a novel, apparently quite cool mission... but the rewards apparently trivialize everything in the game. Why the hell would I want that?! Skipped, and still sad about it.

EDIT: Looked it up, and apparently it rewards you with end-game tech access (not items, just tech) yeah, bleh. Technology is the limiting factor in that game.
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« Last Edit: June 20, 2013, 12:46:10 pm by CognitiveDissonance »
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Re: Gaming Pet Peeves
« Reply #327 on: June 20, 2013, 01:09:42 pm »

Inaccurate Dialogue Options
I've been playing Mass Effect 1 and this annoys me to no end.  When the game gives you a choice of what to say, it doesn't tell you what you will say.  Rather, it gives you a few words that give a vague indication as to the tone of what you will say.  Often I will choose the option that just "No"  or something similar, and Shepherd will say something complete different that sort of means no!  It's difficult to actually talk when you only have a vague idea of what you will say.  This is so incredibly annoying, because it wouldn't be any harder to just have a menu with actual sentences instead of than a silly wheel with 3 words!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gaming Pet Peeves
« Reply #328 on: June 20, 2013, 01:21:29 pm »

The exception to this rule is Monkey Island... but in that series its the joke.


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Re: Gaming Pet Peeves
« Reply #329 on: June 20, 2013, 01:21:45 pm »

Inaccurate Dialogue Options
I've been playing Mass Effect 1 and this annoys me to no end.  When the game gives you a choice of what to say, it doesn't tell you what you will say.  Rather, it gives you a few words that give a vague indication as to the tone of what you will say.  Often I will choose the option that just "No"  or something similar, and Shepherd will say something complete different that sort of means no!  It's difficult to actually talk when you only have a vague idea of what you will say.  This is so incredibly annoying, because it wouldn't be any harder to just have a menu with actual sentences instead of than a silly wheel with 3 words!
See Dragon Age. They meant what they said and said what they meant.
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