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Author Topic: Marooned in Morrowind (FINISHED)  (Read 427846 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Marooned in Morrowind, a suggestion game Ep.67
« Reply #2340 on: April 02, 2015, 10:36:42 pm »

Suggestion cutoff for episode 68

April 3 update: Episode is half written, but technical difficulties with the computer I have the game installed on. Nothing is lost, I made redundant backups, but going to have to swap a drive to a different computer. Busy Sat/Sun nights. If we're fortunate, update Monday/Tuesday night.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Marooned in Morrowind, a suggestion game Ep.67
« Reply #2341 on: April 04, 2015, 07:24:51 pm »

Sounds okay to me, I'm just glad it's turned out to not be over yet!
Religion, over time, tends to diverge. Science tends to converge.
Funny thing about magic, it doesn't consistently go either way.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Marooned in Morrowind, a suggestion game Ep.67
« Reply #2342 on: April 07, 2015, 05:15:56 pm »

April 7 update
Guys, I'm really not stalling. I have redundant copies of all the game files, but the .iso is on a computer that is giving a continuous beep and putting nothing on the display when I power it on. Unfortunately, the drive is of a different type (SATA vs IDE) than either of my other machines, which means I can't just swap it out. So I'm torrenting a replacement now.

Bear with me. Because bears are cute and cuddly.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Marooned in Morrowind, a suggestion game Ep.67
« Reply #2343 on: April 08, 2015, 01:53:08 am »

Guar on ahead, it'll be fine.
Religion, over time, tends to diverge. Science tends to converge.
Funny thing about magic, it doesn't consistently go either way.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Marooned in Morrowind, a suggestion game Ep.67
« Reply #2344 on: May 18, 2015, 08:11:41 pm »

I don't have a suggestion except to agree with everything Sparksol has suggested, and to say I'm really glad this is coming back, even for a single update.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Marooned in Morrowind, a suggestion game Ep.67
« Reply #2345 on: June 02, 2015, 05:12:54 pm »

I'm going to guess that there's been some additional troubles of some sort. Anything we might be able to help with?
Religion, over time, tends to diverge. Science tends to converge.
Funny thing about magic, it doesn't consistently go either way.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Marooned in Morrowind, a suggestion game Ep.67
« Reply #2346 on: June 02, 2015, 07:23:48 pm »

Not sure if this has been mentioned or not (not about to read through 150 pages of comments right now) but according to the convo with Vivec, isn't the main character basically a figment of our (as in forumites and OP) imaginations? He can't remember anything before when the game (i.e the forum game) started, and all of his "history" is only that which was written in the first post.

Considering that, looking back at the first post, who or what are the voices that begin speaking (in blue)? They can't be us, because the game hadn't started yet (unless there is some shenanigans with time) they could be OP, but what the voices are saying and what the OP wrote till that point doesn't match. That leaves either these other characters, who are apparently playing the game normally (i.e through a computer) or some other entity (gods and the like). Yet there is no evidence of the latter two (I don't remember anyone else, other than ourselves, talking to the main characters brain, I could be wrong though).

Also, it seems the game takes a different turn after the Vivec meeting (which OP admits), yet I imagine alot of the original is still intact (I would imagine the other characters were going to be put in regardless). That said, these other characters are probably the crux of this game and whatever we do, it should revolve around them.

Honestly though I don't care for any of these things. Since the main character is only imaginary and not "real" (whatever that means), and since we can't seem to manipulate the game world in any useful way, and because the game world seems to be more flexible than the actual game, the game world is as good as any other world and so in my humble opinion, we should get rid of these other characters and simply live in peace in the game world.

In any case, what happens if we do nothing to stop whatshisface to steal the whatchamacallit? The game only advances when we do stuff doesn't it (Morrowind I mean, though this forum certainly counts)? Unless the main character can only do things while the game (Morrowind) is being played by these other characters (which contradicts the premise, since the main character existed before he entered the game) our main goal should just be to get rid of them. It makes no sense to return to a world in which the main character was clearly mediocre (OP makes that quite clear).

Well that's all assuming this thing even going to be continued. If not, it would be nice if the OP revealed the "grand secret".


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Marooned in Morrowind, a suggestion game Ep.67
« Reply #2347 on: June 03, 2015, 05:42:42 pm »

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
First part, broadly correct, though he could also just be a copy of someone else that someone or something made for the purposes of this, either by accident or design.

As to the game only advancing when we do stuff, you said yourself this version seems to be more flexible; it's likely that events would continue to happen as time passed whether outsiders were playing the game or not.

When it comes to getting rid of these other We certainly can't physically or magically overpower them, especially since at least some of them have access to cheat codes and we don't. We might be able to reason with them and get them to not come back, but then what happens to us? We/Michael's been told he's the only real native in this world. So who are all these other people?

As far as staying here in peace, it's not a bad idea. This being something resembling Vvardenfell, at the moment that includes either staying close to guards or training up to become as strong as we could in the normal game. Which could be a problem if other things are going to happen even if we don't advance the story. (If they don't, then that could work out, eventually.)

I suspect that one of these deific/daedric/magical outsiders - or possibly players, and also possibly powerful entites that are also being players - might have set this in motion, either on purpose or accidentally, hoping to get a friend.

And finally, yes. It would be nice to know what's going on, since we're not apparently very good at figuring it out.
Religion, over time, tends to diverge. Science tends to converge.
Funny thing about magic, it doesn't consistently go either way.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Marooned in Morrowind, a suggestion game Ep.67
« Reply #2348 on: June 04, 2015, 12:35:35 am »


Yeah, I'm just going to make some changes and publish. Hopefully anybody who saw this post before it was deleted didn't see anything too spoily.

Update should be up in a couple hours.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Marooned in Morrowind, a suggestion game Ep.67
« Reply #2349 on: June 04, 2015, 06:05:28 am »

(GM Comment: This episode was a difficult to write, for a number of reasons. Some technical. Some not. If you remember to ask at the end of the game, ask why this episode was difficult to write.)

Episode 68, part 1: Pelagiad

If the sleeper/dreamer is here, let's talk with him
+1 to going to Pelagiad to question dreamer/sleeper
find and interrogate Pelagiad's dreamer if he's still around. His name is Dralas Gilu.
Oh yes!

You walk into Pelagiad and take a look around.

Not many people. Just a Nord walking in your direction and an Imperial guard...peering into a window? Curious, you walk up.

: "Hi."

He turns around then suddenly leaps to attention.

: "Yessirwhatisitsir!"

Surprised by his reaction, you don't answer right away. About halfway through the awkward silence, he decides to salute you.

: " ease, soldier."

He relaxes the salute but refuses to make eye contact and is clearly very tense.

: "New recruit?"

: "Yes sir! New recruit sir!"

: "What did they do to you during training to make you react like this?"

: "Sir?"

: "Who was your training officer?"

: "Champion Valus Junius sir!"

You don't recognize the name. Whoever he is, he was obviously more strict than Strillian. While you consider how to respond you notice him peering at you out of the corner of his eye and frowning.

: "Something the matter?"

: "No! No sir, I just..."

: "What is it?"

: "I'm sorry sir, I can't make out your rank designation."

Oh. Come to think of it, you're not even sure what your own Legion mark looks like. Strillian never taught you to recognize them because you hadn't even learned to see magicka yet back then.

: "What does it look like?"

: "It looks offense sir, but it looks a lot like the recruit designation, except there's an extra symbol I don't recognize."

The detached duty mark, most likely.

: "So you assumed I was some rare officer's rank they never taught you."

: "Yes, sir. I'm sorry, I'm not very good with magicka."

: "Relax, neither am I. So what's your name?"

Instantly he's back at attention. You consider telling him you don't outrank him, but it just doesn't seem very important to go out of your way to point it out.

: "Recruit Lorgren Vesuius! Designation MW-8609 sir!"

MW? If you remember your Legion training correctly, that means that...

: "You were recruited on mainland Morrowind? Not Vvardenfell? What brings you here?"

: "My cohort was ordered to report here three days ago under command of Knight Protector Darius, sir."

A full cohort? You vaguely remember something about Darius requesting reinforcements, but if what Lorgren is telling you is correct, that means there are over 100 new legionnaires on the island. Maybe cavalry too. Apparently they're taking recent developments very seriously.

You carefully consider what to do. He thinks you're an officer. You could probably give him orders and he'd follow them. But that could backfire very easily.

find and interrogate Pelagiad's dreamer if he's still around. His name is Dralas Gilu.

: "Very well, recruit. I'm in Pelagaid looking for a Dralas Gilu. Do you know where I might find him?"

: ", sir. I've only been in Pelagiad since this morning. I haven't met everyone yet, sir."

: "Why were you looking through the window?"

: "Sir?"

: "When I walked up you were looking through that window. Why?"

: "Just trying to get a feel for the town, sir."

You peek in through the window. Looks like a tavern. Tables, chair, a couple patrons at the bar. Nothing obviously unusual.

: "Very well, recruit. Carry on."

You decide to leave the poor guy be. You have a Dreamer to find. Though while you're looking, you may as well get some other things out of the way too.

either dilute or expensive potion to make several lower strength ones, or sell it for the same.
Nalcarya mentioned that she dilutes most of her potions so they're at a level useful to the average person, so it's most certainly possible. The question is, what with? Urine perhaps? She said that was the "base" of potions. Or just regular ol' water? Can the potion be contaminated?

: "Yeah, she never actually taught me how to do that. Umm...if I were to just guess, it's probably not as simple as just adding water. The calcination step incinerates all the bacteria from the fermentation process, and I think that's important for some reason. There's water in the final product, yes, but it's been pretty thoroughly cleaned up. Maybe if you run it through a retort first. And if you added urine instead...I'm not sure, but that might make the potion stronger or something. Might be worth experimenting with, but let's not do it with my only potion. Remember that Awesomicus made this. It's probably worth a lot."

or sell it
we have one emergency healing potion, although it's one heck of a good one; we should have it appraised to see what it's worth
selling that fancy healing potion and buying a couple regular emergency healing potions.

Pelagiad itself is sort of a podunk little town without much in the way of stores or services. No guilds, and not even a silt strider. But it does have a Legion fort. Figuring that they'll give you better prices than the general trader, you head in that direction.

You see two other Legionnaires on your way in. Certainly not a heavy presence, but Pelagiad isn't exactly the most important settlement on the island. But then neither was Khuul, and that was the first place Dagoth Ur's minions attacked.

Heading inside you find a few more Legionnaires milling about, an orc selling weapons and armor, and eventually an Imperial Cult shrine with a healer.

: "Blessings of the Nine Divines, Recruit. I'm Ygfa, a humble servant of our ancestors. How may I help you today?"

: "Hi, I'm Michael. I was wondering if you buy and sell potions?"

: "Of course. May Zenithar guide me."

You hand her the potion Awesomicus gave you. She sniffs it.

: "How much will you give me for that?"

: "It is a fortunate mix, heal and fatigue. And drain willpower is not so terrible. Would you accept 50 septims?"

You haggle her up to 55 and buy back two Cheap Restore Health potions from her for 27.

Gold is now 79

You're not entirely sure how good of a deal that was. Awesomicus' potion was way stronger than these two, but it's a net plus in terms of gold which is really what you need right now. Plus, two weak panic potions can potentially keep you alive one more time than a single really strong potion that would probably waste the majority of its effect anyway.

: "By the way, can you teach me how to dilute potions?"

: "Oh, forgive me, no. That teaching is restricted to devoted followers of the blessed Aedra, may we ever follow their divine guidance."

: "...right."

: "Do you know of the Nine Divines?"

: "...well, actually-"

: "In the beginning, there was nothing but the Void. From the Void came two brothers. Stasis, known to us as Anu, and change, known as Padomay."

: "...I actually wasn't-"

: "From the interplay of the two brothers amidst Void, was brought forth Nir, the creation. Anu, being all, loved Nir very much. Whereas Padomay, having acted upon Anu in Nir's creation, was driven to jealousy by Anu's love of another."

: "...umm, that's fascinating and all, but-"

: "In a fit of rage, Padomay slew Nir, destroying all of creation! But all was not lost, as Anu gathered up the shattered remains of creation and gathered them up into the 12 worlds!"

: "Out of curiosity, why 12?"

: "Forgive me, it is not the place of a humble servant such as I to speculate on such matters. I know and speak only truth. But alas, even these worlds spawned from creation were not to be. For Padomay in her rage again brought forth destruction, and from these 12 shattered worlds, Anu created one alone, known as Nirn."

Nirn? That's this planet, right?

: "Enraged, Anu and Padomay fought, scattering their blood throughout the Void, and then withdrew from it, lost to us for all time. And yet their blood remained. From Anu's blood came the divine, glorious Aedra. And from Padomay, the vile and treacherous daedra, who seek only to mislead us."

Ok, you actually kind of remember some of this. She just started from an obscure part of the story that was never very relevant to the game.

: "So where do the nine Divines fit into this?"

She claps and smiles happily at your question.

: "Oh, very good question! The Nine Divines are our Gods! Our ancestors! We, peoples of Nirn. Eight Aedra alone took part in the creation of Mundus. Akatosh, Dragon lord of Time, Arkay, God of birth and death, Dibella the Queen of Heaven and Goddess of beauty and love, Kynareth- "

: "Could I get the abbreviated version? And how does Azura fit into all this again?"

Her face turns to a scowl.

: "Vile deceiver! Speak not her name aloud, lest she hear and come to fill your head with lies."

: "Really? Az-"

She raises an eyebrow.

: "...umm, 'she' is...bad?"

: "Of course! Like all daedra, she comes from the blood of Padomay. They did not take part in the creation of our world, and we are not theirs."

: "The, umm...dunmer seem to think highly of her."

Her whole body visibly deflates as as sighs and look sadly at the ground.

: "Yes. Yes, they do. May Stendarr forgive them."

There's a moment of silence. You decide to take advantage of it.

: "Well, it's been great chatting with you, but I have places to be, so-"

: "May I-"

: "No, sorry...gotta go."

You leave the fort and wander around. The Dreamer at Caius' house recognized you and called you by name immediately upon seeing you, and then there was that whole scene in Seyda Neen with the Ascended Sleeper trying to take you back to Red Mountain. You figure that being seen is probably at least as good a way to find the Dreamer as looking for him. But Pelagiad isn't very big, and before long you begin to wonder if he's not here. Ask at the tavern, maybe?

You step inside to a trio of Nords enthusiastically competing for turns to tell a story of some kind to the dunmer behind the bar. The one speaking when you walk in stops to glances over to look at you as you come in. Another takes advantage of the pause to take his place as storyteller.

: "' then you know what he did?"

: "No, do tell."

: "He wailed like a pig and died!"

: "Bwahhahha"

: "Haha, oh-ho! Oh dear, my sides!"

You briefly wonder what sort of joke led up to that punchline, but decide to not ask.  Instead you approach the bartender.

: "Hello, I'm looking for Dralas Gilu. Any idea where I might find him?"

She snorts.

: "No, outlander. I've no idea where that fetcher has gone off to. But good riddance."

: "I take it he was not well liked?"

: "Blackguard owes me 50 gold."

: "An' me 100. "

: "Aye. If ye find him, bring me his head and I'll buy you a drink. The good stuff too, not the swill Drelasa here is servin' us."

: "As if you could tell the difference after as many as you've had."

: "Them's fighting words, lass! You'd need to fill up to the neck with this for me to notice."

: "Aye, it is a bit tame. But it reminds me of a tale from back home. I once knew a fool, decent with a mace, but thicker than argonian ale. One night..."

...and they're back to story telling. Might as well leave, they don't seem to know where the Dreamer is. And from the sound of it, he might have skipped town. Or Caius might already have taken care of him. He did send out a couple Blades to go round them up. You'd kind of been hoping they'd only managed to find the ones in Balmora, but maybe they were more effective than that.

If Dralas isn't here, there isn't a lot of reason for you to stay in Pelegiad.

(continued in part 2)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Marooned in Morrowind, a suggestion game Ep.67
« Reply #2350 on: June 04, 2015, 06:05:50 am »

(continued from part 1)

Episode 68, part 2: The safe road to chaos

You should probably head towards Seyda Neen
we should go to seyda neen
I support any suggestion that leads us to civilization, or at least somewhere with access to the strider network.
If Sheogorath/Discord shows up, it might be in Seyda Neen

Judging from the position of the sun it looks like it's a little past midday. There's no silt strider or mage guild transport out of Peleagiad, but Seyda Neen is the next town over, and it was an uneventful trip when you passed through the general area with Draren several days ago. You're hesitant, but figure you can probably make it before sundown if you don't spend too much time stopping to pick herbs.

Setting out down the road, and with nothing else to do, you have a chat with the voices along the way.

Azura has two shrines on Vvardenfell. If we have to go all the way to the Cavern of the Incarnate instead of her regular shrine,
a more roundabout route will be needed even with long-lasting high-speed levitation, otherwise we'll be the eye of a Cliff Racer tornado.

: "The Cavern of the Incarnate is inside the Ghost fence though. That's Dagoth Ur's back yard. I'm not sure how easy it's going to be to get to Azura's main shine way up on that cliff on the coast, or even to find it without being able to look at a minimap for that matter. But I doubt walking around near a monster infested volcano in an ash storm is going to be any easier. And remember that the Dreamer Caius was interrogating immediately recognized me, even called me by name...and the Ascended Sleeper at Seyda Neen offered to call off his attack if I'd go back to Red Mountain with him. Dagoth Ur obviously wants me for something. Is it really a good idea to go hang out on his front doorstep and hope he doesn't notice?"

we have no way of being sure that she'll talk to us. I mean heck, Azura's quest in Morrowind involves a bet between her and Sheogorath, and we went and asked him for help.

: "Maybe, but remember I was dead at the time, and it's not like I asked for him to show up. Whereas I DID try praying to Azura when the sun rose. I'm guessing she won't be offended that we consorted with the enemy. Plus, so far everyone's been very willing to talk to me. Vivec, Divath, Yagrum...some of the most secluded and powerful entities on the island. Plus Sheogorath and apparently either Hermaeus Mora or one of his minions...I somehow doubt Azura would refuse to speak to me if I showed up at her shrine. And remember that I have her mark inside my head. Divayth and Caius both confirmed that. Presumably she already has some sort of vested interest in me. If not, absolute worst case we can try start talking to the ashlander tribes and start running through the hoops to become the Nerevarine, and that should make her interested. Although...Clover had obviously been cured of Corprus when I saw her. Does that mean that she's the Nerevarine and that I can't be? We should probably talk to Divayth at some point to find out for sure whether it was his potion that cured her. But honestly I'd like to be stronger before I make that trip again. I think I kind of got lucky the first time, and now that I know what it's like to be dead, I'd really rather not do it again. Plus, that dunmer that Sheogorath encouraged to loot my body took the puzzle cube that Divayth and Yagrum were using to send private messages back and forth. And Yagrum specifically said the message inside was about me. It's going to be the first thing they ask about if I go back, and I don't really want to have to tell the strongest Telvanni magelord on the island that I lost his toy."

Since some players have done certain parts of the main quest, and other players did other parts, the main quest as we know it might well be broken now.

: "Yeah, I've lost track of how many ways the main quest has been broken. Caius left early. There was that whole thing with Clover and corprus. There are apparently four new strongholds instead of just the one. Who's the Hortator? How are the Great Houses going to agree on a single leader if they're all backing somebody different? And what about Vivec? Remember, the temple was supposed to be hunting down the 'false Nerevarine' for a while before Vivec finally got on board. But I spoke with him pretty much first thing when I got here about me possibly being the Nerevarine, and he didn't so much as blink."

Michale ponders for a moment.

: "Ok, let's walk through this. Let's say Clover is the Nerevarine. Caius sent her to Iluinibi, she contracted corprus, and she's been cured. That's one of the requirements for the Ashlander prophecy, and it's all straight out of the Main Quest. But, Awesomicus, Adorabella and SexyWithers are the ones who have strongholds, on behalf of Houses Redoran, Hlaalu and Telvanni respectfully. Plus Miss Imare werewolf Pie, and we still have no idea who's she's affiliated with. Meanwhile Clover, the one who most looks like she's probably the Nerevarine, doesn't have a stronghold at all. Receiving the support of a single Great House and then becoming the Hortator for all three of them is just as much a part of the Main Quest as being cured of corprus and making the Ashlanders happy. But how are the Great Houses going to agree to back a single person when they've all chosen different candidates?"

Michael shrugs.

: "I don't know. I've been saying for a while I think the Main Quest might be broken. Maybe we can fix it. But how? Kill the other three, so the Great Houses all back Clover, who's the only one the Ashlanders will accept? Or can anybody be cured of corprus and can we choose anyone we want? For that matter, what do we even need approval from the Ashlanders for? They were a huge part of the Main Quest, but apart from that green glass artifact sword in the cave, I don't remember that entire quest arc contributing anything other than convincing the Tribunal Temple and Vivec to be cooperative. And we've already spoken with Vivec. I'm not sure whether the Ashlanders matter anymore."

"On the other hand, what if Clover isn't the Nerevarine? We know she was cured of corprus, yes, but she said she has console access. Is it possible she simply used that to cure herself? And in fact, isn't console access one of the interpretations given for Vivec's ascensions to godhood? I never managed to read through all 36 of the sermons books, but isn't that one of the theories? And Maximus said that he used to have console access too, until Clover took it away from him. So do they all have console access? Are they all Nerevarines? Can anybody become one? Is that what the deal is with the Cavern of the Incarnate and that whole sequence talking to all the 'failed' Nerevarines?"

Michael's thoughts are interrupted by a patrol on the road.

: "Hello."

One of the Legionnaires speaks up for the both of them.

: "Well met."

: "You two on your way to Pelegiad?"

: "Indeed."

: "I'm Michael."

: "Apius Vant. We weren't introduced, but I remember you from the Seyda Neen debriefing. You were the one who asked whether reinforcements would be coming from the mainland."

: "Yes, that was me."

: "Detached duty?"

: "...yes. Detached duty. Important Imperial Legion...duty...stuff."

He nods and doesn't say anything. After a moment of looking back and forth at the two of you, the other Legionnaire shrugs and introduces himself.

: "I'm Lucius. Nice to meet you."

: "You too. So...Lucius. I'm guessing that you're one of those reinforcements I asked about?"

Now that you've been here for a while, it's uncanny how obvious an outlander is. His speech, his manner...he's clearly not a local.

: "Yes. Been in the Legion for about six months, and Trooper Vant here is showing me the local routes. But wow, it's great to be here! Do you have any idea how hard it is to get a transfer? I didn't think I'd ever get to see this island. Vivec city! And what about that giant mudcrab town? Is that for real? What about the Ghost Fence? And the Buoyant Armigers! Did you know that they fly? All of them!"

You can't tell for sure through the helmet, but you think Apius rolled his eyes at that. Lucius continues unhindered.

: "So what else should I see? What are the sights? Or is it all just boring same-as-always to you? Where are the best off-duty hangouts? Can you hook me up with a cute dunmer? Rumor back home is that the island is brim full of crazy magic sluts, but so far I can't even get any local girls to talk to me.  Apius here has been pretty tight-lipped about-"

Apius takes that moment to interrupt.

: "As eager as you are to experience the culture, Trooper, I doubt Recruit Michael will be able to assist you. Like you, he's...also new to the island."

You chuckle.

: "It's ok. You can say it. I'm an outlander."

As if it were possible, he stiffens.

: "No, you're an Imperial Legionnaire. You serve the Emperor, and you are therefore worthy of my respect."

You wait for a moment, expecting there to be a 'but' after that statement, but he doesn't give one.

: "We should resume our patrol."

: "Oh. Right. Sorry. Nice to meet you, Michael."

: "You too. See you around."

Apius nods, Lucius waves and the two resume their patrol.

Watching as they go it's difficult to tell the two apart in their armor, but the personality differences were striking. You briefly wonder how the locals will adapt to having an entire cohort of outlanders on the island, all with foreign customs and mannerisms. Vvardenfell is notoriously clannish, and there will probably be some ruffled feathers. But at least they're more likely to live to be annoyed by it.

You resume your walk, practicing your Destruction skill as you go. You still fail a lot of spellcasts, but nevertheless feel like you're still improving at a reasonable rate.

I will support singing for no reason
it is your call on the song.
Singing "Let it go" again isn't a terrible idea.

: "Sure, we can do that."

Michael thinks for a moment, then smirks and begins singing.

: "The moon glows bright on my kingdom tonight, but I'm nowhere to be seen.
It's lunar isolation, and it looks like, I'm the queen.
My stars are glowing unappreciated now.
Tried to keep it in, but I don't know how.

Don't let them in, don't let them see,
Be the good mare you always have to be
Conceal don't feel, don't let them know.
Well now they know!

Let it go, let it go...can't hold it back anymore.
Let it go, let it go. Show them what your power's for.
The moon is mine. And it's here to stay...let the night rage on...

The dark never bothered me anyway.

It's funny how some distance, makes everything seem small.
The sister who controlled me, can't get to me at all!
I'll get back, I'll get her soon, you can call me, Princess Nightmare Moon!
No right no wrong, no rules for me...I'm free!"

Destruction skill is now 21

Michael continues singing.

: "Let it go, let it go!
I am one with outer space...let it go, let it go...
It's the darkness you will face.

Here I stand, and here I stay...let the night rage on...

My power flows into the nightmare's of each soul
I'm starting to feel like the villain in this episode.
The darkness covers over everybody's screams!

No, you don't want me back.
I'm evil now it seems.

Let it go, let it go...

I'm the Princess of the Night!

Let it go, let it go...I'll be causing all this fright!

Here me now, no more light of day,
Let the night rage on!

The dark never bothered me anyway."

As you pass by the silt strider outside Seyda Neen, the sun begins to drop close enough to the horizon that the ash in the air makes it seem red. More interesting, however, is the Legionnaire apparently escorting a naked Breton woman up the ramp.

Upon closer inspection you see that she's not completely naked. She's wearing magic-suppressing slave bracers? Curious, you approach.

: "Prisoner transport for two to Balmora."

She woman gushes enthusiastically.

: "Woohoo! I'm a prisoner! Never would have guessed what that's like!"

: "That will be 10 gold, sera."

As the guard counts out his coins, you interrupt.

: "Excuse me, Legionnaire, but what are the charges?"

: "Indecent assault!"

: "I've already told you, outlander. Nudity, though frowned on, is not a crime. Stealing forks and stabbing guards in the chest with them is."

She shrugs nonchalantly.

: "Well, I wasn't aiming for his chest. It was his fault for moving his face out of the way."

If Sheogorath/Discord shows up, it might be in Seyda Neen

You make a wild guess.

: "Discord?"

The woman looks briefly surprised then drops forward into a deep bow.

: "At your service. And you are?"

: "Enough. Onto the transport, outlander. I think you'll find the cells at Fort Moonmoth less easy to escape from than those in the Census Office."

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What do you do?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Marooned in Morrowind, a suggestion game Ep.68 UPDATE
« Reply #2351 on: June 04, 2015, 11:56:14 am »

Just want to point something out:

...not inside the ghost fence. But it is way off in the boonies, in the ashlands no less, so still probably dangerous.
Dwarf Souls: Prepare to Mine
Keep Me Safe - A Girl and Her Computer (Illustrated Game)
Darkest Garden - Illustrated game. - What mysteries lie in the abandoned dark?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Marooned in Morrowind, a suggestion game Ep.68 UPDATE
« Reply #2352 on: June 05, 2015, 03:26:15 am »

(for reader reference, the story told about the 12 worlds etc. is the Annotaded/Children's Anuad, which at least in the cosmology of standard Elder Scrolls lore refers to Anu the Amaranth, who dreamed up the Aurbis after going into the sun in grief over Nir's death; the Anu and Padomay in Aurbis are based on him and his brother, but are both literally him... like everyone else. In standard Elder Scrolls lore, CHIM is realizing this, but that's a big tangent.)

(Oh yeah, and "why 12?" is likely significant)
« Last Edit: June 05, 2015, 03:43:31 pm by Putnam »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Marooned in Morrowind, a suggestion game Ep.68 UPDATE
« Reply #2353 on: June 05, 2015, 11:57:34 am »

Oh hell, its back.

Uhh, I have no intelligent suggestions, I'll get back to you.
GENERATION 9: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.
I wish my grass was emo, then it would cut itself.
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Sorry, Bro.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Marooned in Morrowind, a suggestion game Ep.68 UPDATE
« Reply #2354 on: June 06, 2015, 02:31:55 pm »

Uhh, I have no intelligent suggestions, I'll get back to you.

Same. Though it's good to know that we know where Sheogorath/Discord is going, I suppose, not that they're likely to stay there for long.
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Even if you found a suitable opening, I doubt it would prove all too satisfying. And it might leave some nasty wounds, depending on the moral high ground's geology.
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Baffler likes silver, walnut trees, the color green, tanzanite, and dogs for their loyalty. When possible he prefers to consume beef, iced tea, and cornbread. He absolutely detests ticks.
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