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Author Topic: Adventuring Party OOC Thread - Adventures in Hiatus  (Read 268268 times)


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Re: Adventuring Party OOC Thread - Adventures in Updates
« Reply #4680 on: October 25, 2014, 07:39:03 am »

Sounds good to me.
Let's kill some bandits!
Er, sky pirate people.
We shall make the highest quality of quality quantities of soldiers with quantities of quality.

Ross Vernal

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Re: Adventuring Party OOC Thread - Adventures in Updates
« Reply #4681 on: October 25, 2014, 11:48:30 am »

Two votes yes. One more and the motion is passed.

You'll see an up date on the Character Contest and Alpha liftoff today.

Ross Vernal

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Re: Ye Be An OOC Thread - Adventures in Beating the Deadline
« Reply #4682 on: October 25, 2014, 11:07:52 pm »

You have three votes, as do I. More are coming. :D


Author - Gamerlord
Name: Otunnort
Race: Toadman (Kinkind)
Height: 3.4 metres
Weight: 320 kilograms
Appearance: Like a toad on two legs. Do you really need any more than that?
Strength 22, Stamina 16, Agility 8, Speed 8, Endurance 22, Willpower 22, Intelligence 14, Perception 8
HP: (Endurance + Level)
Level: 1 Adventurer, 2 Dreadnought (massively armoured/armed warrior) 1 Poet (spoken)
Virtues: At least 5, no more than 7.
Obstinate (critical) - shrugs off most hits - while they still injure him, only strong hits stagger him, and only the mightiest knock him down.
Blub Blub (major) - breathes water.
Coldminded (minor) - strong versus mental intrusion by warmblooded beings.
Flaws: At least 5, no more than 7.
Mercy (critical) - may randomly choose to spare foes.
Sentimental (critical) - will likely be easily swayed by appealing to it's sentimental side.
Hobbies: No more than 3 points.
Poetry - Duh.
Carving/Decorating his armour - honours his fallen friends with images on his armour.
Playing darts - finds it relaxing and takes his mind off of his grief.
Revenge of the Fallen: Whenever a close friend or valued ally falls in battle, Olux can enter a grief fueled berserker rage, not only making him stronger and tougher, but also fast. Which is a very bad thing for whoever is fighting him (basically triple the speed).
Eulogy: +5 to any rolls involving talking about, writing about or otherwise mentioning fallen comrades.
Gods: Malaquai for all domains. Follows no other gods.

Author: Gamerlord
Name: Zuul, for short.
Race: Undead (Wraith)
Height: Varies
Weight: None
Appearance: An indistinct, vaguely humanoid shadow. It flickers and vanishes when you look at it head on.
Strength 0, Stamina 10, Agility 15, Speed 8, Endurance 8, Willpower 28, Intelligence 20, Perception 15
HP: 11
Level: Adventurer 1, Soul Thief 2 (Arcane Mage Class)
Virtues: At least 5, no more than 7.
(Critical - 3pts)
Soul Drain- By touching a creature, the character can drain its mana, adding it to a special mana reserve. If the creature would soulbreak while subjected to this drain, its soul is instead drained and added to the character's possession. The character may then use the soulbreak at its will, consuming the soul. The creature still dies from having its soul removed, though. A creature having its soul drained must beat a grapple check against the character's willpower to move away from its embrace.
(Critical- 3 pt)
Mystic Dynamo- If the character is hit by a spell affect, it can make a Willpower save. If it makes the save, it drains the effect rather than being hit by it, and drains the cost of the spell from the caster.
(Minor - 1 pt)
Spiritual Link- 15% Increased Spell Potency
Flaws: At least 5, no more than 7.
(Critical - 3pts)
Incorporeal- The character treats physical objects as if they did not exist. It cannot be harmed by normal forces, unless specially constructed to resist this trait, and cannot interact with his environment. It can float through the air, and objects it touches pass through it without ever contacting it. Magical effects still harm it, but only the damage caused by the magical portion of the attack hit. The character also has a strength score of 0, for obvious reasons.
(Major - 2 pts)
Severed Life- The character has neither a soul nor a mana pool of its own. It cannot regain mana, cannot be affected by the effects of mana drain, and cannot soulbreak.
(Major - 2 pts)
Silver Bane- Objects constructed of silver are toxic to the character. It is affected by them just as if it were solid, and loses mana from its contact. Once its mana is gone, it loses health. Once it loses both, it's banished.
Major- Collecting the life force of living creatures
Minor- Persuading others not to attack on sight
Arcanist- Increased Spell Potency
Shadow Walk- The character is always considered concealed, unless a creature beats a check to see it.

Name: Violette
Race: Humankind - Luteola
Height: 3" 8'
Weight: 20kg
Appearance: Slender girl 18 yr old, short cropped blonde hair, cheerful demeanor, hates being treated like a child.
Strength 4, Stamina 14, Agility 10, Speed 10, Endurance 10, Willpower 16, Intelligence 16, Perception 8
HP: 13
MP: 29
Level: Adept 4 (magic channeled to boost physical abilities)
Virtues: At least 3, no more than 5.
(Critical - 3pts)
Magical Muscles - Can boost speed, strength and agility by spending MP.
(Major- 2 pt)
(Minor - 1 pt)
Hammerspace - Keeps her weapons... somewhere. We aren't asking and she isn't telling.
BFS Training - Specifically trained to wield weapons that would be impractical for anyone but a freaking giant.
Flaws: At least 3, no more than 5.
(Critical - 3pts)
Frail - When not pumping magic into her body she is incredibly weak and finds it hard to move with her favourite gear.
(Major- 2 pt)
(Minor - 1 pt)
I'm Not A Kid - Easily taunted with her short height and childish looks.
Hobbies: No more than 3 points.
Candy - For someone who takes offense at being treated like a kid she sure does love her candy.
Feats: 1 per every 2 levels. You start with 2 as a Level 3 character.
Buster Blade - Can crush armour/smash through defences when using her weapon of choice - a greatsword that's more than twice as big as her.
Hurricane - Experienced at fighting large groups of people at once and being in the middle of the melee. Still doesn't understand the concept of 'friendly fire' though. (in melee attacks hit everyone around her - even allies)

Author: Rolepgeek
Name: Jacyus Maethteirn
Race: Humankind (though part of this may change, depending on things)
Height: 6'1"/185cm
Weight: 230 lbs/105 kg
Appearance: This depends, actually. See below.
Strength 15, Stamina 16, Agility 12, Speed 11, Endurance 18, Willpower 21, Intelligence 13, Perception 10 (Average of 14.25, though it might be offset by a virtue?)
HP: 35(maybe, just maybe, 36 if Anti-Mage counts as being a combat class)
MP: 31(or 33, if Templar counts as a magic class, which it might, depending; also, it may not matter, depending on things.)
Level: Adventurer 1, Templar 2, Anti-Mage 1/Null-Mage 1
See below...
Also see below.
2 - Green Thumb: Everyone was expected to do something beyond the normal chores, and Jacyus was always good with plants. He still likes to keep a few around, as a reminder and some small way to make up for his deeds.
1 - Poker Face: The road, or guard duty, can be boring sometimes, and card games are a nice way to pass the time or relieve the stress of a day spent suspicious of everyone you see. Jacyus was typically the one entrusted with the cards, and he knows quite a few games...he's also rather good at them, a matter of skill, rather than luck or foul play.
See below for this too.

Now, see, for the 'see below' stuff, it's because there's some decisions I need to make, which partially depend on some parts of Ross' world, and some parts of his style and such. (some work needed)


Author: Xanmyral
Name: Kazimierz "Kaz" Smolensky
Race: Human (Rutila-Luteola)
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 180~ lbs
Appearance: A stick-figured sort of man, Kaz often makes himself look bulkier than he actually is with thick, obscuring clothing. But don't let his lack of obvious strength fool you, this man has a voice that can match giants, dragons even some say. Pale, sickly looking, along with a straw colored hair that's just shy from white and eyes a color that always makes people wonder if its a dark red or a dingy sort of brown. You'd be hard pressed to find him without at least some armor on, usually favoring a breastplate, sabatons, gauntlets and a helmet with light chain filling in the gaps to avoid restricting his movement too much. But don't forget the omnipresent brace of pistols that cross his chest, holding a number that many try to count but can never seem to reach a consensus.
Strength 14, Stamina 10, Agility 15, Speed 14, Endurance 11, Willpower 12, Intelligence 15, Perception 13
HP: 10 + 11 + 4 (Assuming Warlord is a Martial Class) + 2 (Assuming Tactician isn't a Martial Class) = 27
MP: 5 + (27/2 = 13~) + 4 = 22
Level: Tactician 2, Warlord 1, (Dirty) Fighter 1
Commanding Voice (Major): This is a man that, when he speaks, people listen. Some whisper its an innate telepathy as often rumored of his race, others that he's just that charismatic or commanding, and a few that since he speaks so little as it is, when he does speak you know something is up or important. His voice always has a way of projecting farther than one would think, reaching heights and volumes more reserved less for men but for large roaring beasts of myth. When he shouts at someone to jump, they don't even ask how high, they just know.
Cunning (Minor): Kaz is just plain smart. Not the kind of intelligence you can gain with a book, but the kind that you earn tooth by tooth. When he fights, its as much a match of wits as it is a match of brawn and skill, when he speaks it always seems to have an undercurrent of thought to it, as if he has meticulously thought out what he's said beforehand.
Of The Still (Minor): While not a stillborn like many of his race, his birth still wasn't the easiest, and he has all of the general traits of his kind. His skin is pale, his hair is pale, his eyes gleam red, and his wounds never clot easily. Some of the more superstitious and ignorant may think him an undead, considering his aversion to the sun and like of concealing clothing and armor. He's generally sickly, usually always with some sniffle or cold that he just grins and bears unless he has enough for a treatment.
Greedy (Minor): If there is a vice to this man, it's gold. Its visible to all that his ears perk slightly at its mention and his eyes take on a sparkle akin to the shine of the metal. He's always on the look out for a quick buck, but that doesn't mean he's dim or foolhardy about it. He knows better than to betray an employer after all, that gets around and people won't want to hire you if they think you'll drop them if the enemy offers a few coins more.
Silent (Minor): Smolensky is a man of few words. Very few words. It isn't uncommon that he'll speak in a manner similar to Trade Speak, leaving off the unnecessary "filler" words as he calls them like "the" or "a" or the like. As such, he's rare to speak, rarer to speak fully with what he says often just fragmented and terse, and even rarer he speaks loudly.
Whittling (Major): The man is good with a knife on wood, that much is for sure. The wooden stocks on his guns are even self-carved so they fit just right in his hands. Rather helpful too when one finds themselves on the move and its rather easy to lose a piece of a board game.
War Games (Minor): Chess, checkers, go, or even one of his own invention, doesn't matter Kaz plays it and would love for a game, say, do you have the time? If he isn't drafting up plans, checking with the quartermaster, making sure all dozen of his pistols are loaded, the man is probably playing strategic game with someone.
Just Shoot The Bastard: Kaz is not what one would call a fair fighter. As a tactician and a warlord, Kaz is expected to be behind a fair group of men and bodyguards, leading and telling them what to do and how to act. So, to put it simply, he isn't meant to be in drawn out fights or slug fests. He's meant to tell others how to slug it out. When he does find himself in combat though, he's a slippery, underhanded bastard of a fighter. It isn't a strange sight to see Kaz go for a swing to simply feint into a shot from the many pistols in his brace, or to aim his shots a little too low below the belt.
Where Does He Get These Damn Things?: If nothing else, Kazimierz is a paranoid man and one who knows many hiding spots for both clothing and body. Don't be too surprised if he pulls a gun or three out of his boots, gloves, hat, belt, brace, sleeve... You get the point. He almost always has a loaded gun on him somewhere.
OOC COMMENT: A stat line of 13 average, this man is meant to be leading the armies and taking care of the general minute tactical stuff for the players. One can yell for him to do something, he works out exactly how it should be done, sort of thing. Not really meant to be front line, but he can fight. Why I'm iffy on him being Melee or Misc, since he's more of a tactician than a fighter.

- Cunning but Greedy Tactician (Designated Planner/Tactician/Army Commander/Dirty Fighter) Melee/Misc
Spoiler: The Man Who Coined The Phrase "Lucky Bastard": Complete (click to show/hide)
Name: August Fleming
Race: Human (Cerussa)
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 200 lbs
Appearance: By all means August appears to be utterly average. A human of unnoticeable height and frame, if overweight and obviously starting to bald, Fleming would only stand out if he were the only human around and even then it might be easy to miss him. But that suits August fine, being noticed is for the hero types, the types who depend on people like him and keep him on a payroll: everyone needs a quartermaster after all, once they get big enough. That's not to say August pushes his luck, while he's very much self-aware, he's also not dumb enough to try and get on the nerves of some who he serves (except in the case of money), after all adventurers are a fickle lot.
Strength 11, Stamina 9, Agility 10, Speed 9, Endurance 10, Willpower 10, Intelligence 11, Perception 10
HP: 10 + 10 + 4 == 24
MP: 5 + (21/2 = 10~) + 6 (Assuming Luck Blessed is Supernatural) + 1 == 22
Level: Luck Blessed 3; Quartermaster 1
Fountain Of Luck (Major): With so much luck about August, one supposes its only natural that it affects those around him. Some mages call it an innate sort of magic, others a blessing from the gods, but August just calls it natural progression. One man can only have so much luck, after all, before it spills over. Everyone around him just winds up being that much luckier, whether in cards, in battle, or just in general, making this man a walking good luck charm.
Work Horse Whisperer (Minor): Fleming always could get the best out of mules and draft horses, or any beast of burden really. If it walked and could carry several heavy packs or pull a cart, the man can work with them like a natural. They listen just a bit better, are less likely to bolt, and can go just a bit farther when around Fleming.
Entirely Boring (Major): The man is, without a doubt, utterly boring. His words sort of drone and his tone can't be described as monotone because it at least has two inflections. He's the sort of man you'd see quietly arguing with a street peddler about the price of an apple, the same sort you'd forget you saw about a minute after you've done so.
Stingy (Minor): August is a penny pincher to the extreme, which while a good trait for a quartermaster, is rather bad if you actually want supplies that while helpful aren't strictly required. He's been known to haggle for an hour on the price change of a single copper for some objects.
Pack Rat (Major): The man is obsessed with his carrying devices, and isn't shy to talk about it. You'll almost never find him without a backpack filled with an improbable amount of stuff.
Gambler (Minor): Fleming loves the dice and the cards, the thrill and the chance. It probably helps that he usually wins, and he's done it enough that he's rather known in dins and alley ways fellow gamblers are known to frequent.
Gilded Tongue: August has argued and haggled his whole life for just a bit more cash, and its shown with his experience. While not a merchant by profession, he's learned quite a few of the tricks of the trade and his speech and mercantile sense shows.
Improbable Chance: Despite being boring and if anything but a combatant, the man has a survival rate that would astound those who knew. From picking up coins on the ground and dodging a fatal blow to having a burning building land everywhere but where he was when it falls on him, he's a lucky, lucky bastard.
OOC COMMENT: Average stat line of 10, you can probably guess this guy isn't meant to fight. He's the general logistics, mercantile, and living cargo train of the team. He's the guy who'll gather up pack animals, a wagon, and generally figure out how to allow the players to haul whatever they like away to their hearts content. To avoid being completely helpless though, the man is sort of meant to be an avatar of lady luck given form and a gender swap.

- The Goddamn Luckiest Bastard Alive (General Good Luck Charm/Quartermaster/Pack Mule Handler) Misc
Spoiler: Eccentric, Sword of Improbable Size, and Silken Clothing: Complete (click to show/hide)
Name: Ingvar Lundin
Race: Human (Sinopa-Rutila)
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 155 lbs
Appearance: One wouldn't assume much from this humble looking old man, appearing to be in his eighties with a face road-mapped with wrinkles. Until they see the large ringed saber on his back, easily almost reaching his height. Wearing silken robes and always carrying an expression of peace no matter the circumstance, Ingvar appears to be one who's reached a zenith of inner peace and equilibrium, possibly having wore out his wilder side in his storied past. Don't be fooled by the man's humble and vulnerable appearance, for he can match any normal man younger than him in strength and speed, possibly even exceed.
Strength 12, Stamina 11, Agility 14, Speed 16, Endurance 13, Willpower 10, Intelligence 14, Perception 14
HP: 10 + 13 + 8 (Assuming Swordsage counts as both) = 31
MP: 5 + 12 + 2 + 4 (Above Assumption) = 23
Level: Swordsman 1, Swordsage 2, Duelist 1
Immortal Body (Critical): Ingvar doesn't actually have an immortal body, but it damn sure seems so. For a man in the tender years of eighty-some, he moves with the grace and strength of a man in the prime of his life. His thin arms are able to heft things it doesn't look like he should, his bony legs propelling him to a speed that someone this old just, well, shouldn't. Yet it does. While not Immortal, Ingvar certainly appears it.
Sinopa-Rutila (Major): As a Sinopa-Rutila, Ingvar cannot attempt magic, aether, nor psionics. Of course, not through lack of trying. Lundin has tried again and again to use magic, but each time it fizzles to nothing. While lacking the magical aptitude to attempt anything magical, he's taken to the meditation and the philosophy that often tags along with magic with gusto.
Ascetic (Minor): As a swordsage, Ingvar has denied much to himself in his life. He refuses to hold above a certain amount of coin, any more he gives away freely. He denies himself sweet foods and drinks, alcohol is a no, and the pleasures of the flesh. While it has helped temper the man's will and body, it sometimes leaves him appearing to be a prude to those who he denies.
Boardgames (Major): But if there is one gift of life he gives himself, it would be games. An keen way to sharpen one's mind, as he says, its almost all he does in his free time. It isn't uncommon for one to find himself sitting alone during the quiet times just staring at a board with pieces several turns in, in deep contemplation.
Meditation (Minor): However, when he isn't playing boardgames such as chess, go, checkers, or whatever derivative, then he must be meditating. Seated upon a semi-comfortable spot, oblivious to the world, Ingvar reaches the depths of his mind with meditation.
Uptempo: Ingvar has fought for most of his life. As a form of training, meditation, and learning, it is his profession and what he is good at. Whether for a mock fight to test one's skill, or a real fight where blood might be shed, Lundin has gotten through time and time again by just being faster than his opponent. Due to this extensive training, when focused Ingvar can call upon a well of endurance to give himself a burst of unsettling speed.
Trained Resilience: Despite being a Sinopa-Rutila, Ingvar tried his hardest and for most of his early life trying to learn the ways of magic. While his efforts have time and time again turned up naught, the knowledge and practices he learned has helped him understand magic in a way only true magic users would, and which he uses to his advantage to eek out the most of his natural resilience to magic.

OOC COMMENT: This man is meant to be a general beatstick, a guy who can stand on the front lines and fight if push comes to shove. He's a large sword user, but focused on speed instead of strength. If you want a bodyguard or someone who can try to punch through a line quickly due to deadly speed, this is the guy you send, really. Due to his race, he also excels somewhat as a sort of mage-killer type unit, with his speed, sword, and improved resilience all contributing to being a fearsome foe for those of the typical magical inclination.
- BFS Swordsage (Beat Stick/Lightning Fast Beat Stick/Magic Non-User Aficionado/Talking Without Mouth Matching Up) Melee

Spoiler: Engineers Are Problem Solvers: Complete (click to show/hide)
Name: Ainir Isthar
Race: Fire Giant
Height: 13'8"
Weight: 2 1/2 Tons (5000 lbs)
Appearance: At her gargantuan height, Ainir stands out amongst all but other giants. Looking to be young adult if features are to go by (years is a relative number when dealing with other races, after all), Ainir appears to otherwise be an average (if on the more comely side) looking female fire giant dressed in modest, functional clothes suited for one who spends their lives on their feet and wits. Despite that, she doesn't appear to be one accustomed to heavy lifting or hard work, always with a calculating and examining look as she addresses her surroundings with a fine tooth comb, her eyes often looking and trying to notice every etch on a surface she sees. Many who know her often call her obsessed with her job, enough so that it isn't uncommon that she sleeps little in favor of working on the latest blueprint, but that makes her a talented (if unknown) engineer.
Strength 11, Stamina 10, Agility 13, Speed 12, Endurance 14, Willpower 16, Intelligence 16, Perception 12
HP: 10 + 14 + 4 = 28
MP: 5 + 16 + 4 + 2 = 27
Level: Geomancer 2, Engineer 2
Engineer's Insight Into Geomancy (Critical): Due to Ainir's extensive background in both Engineering and Geomancy, she is able to combine the two to a frighting level. She knows where the stress will be placed on an object, thus where she can strip material from or where she needs to strengthen, making her constructions in a way a more mundane engineer would only dream of. She's learned this blend of talents through careful dedication and training, but it was worth it. [Efficiency bonus]
Large Target (Major): Despite the fact that she is an engineer and a geomancer, that doesn't do anything to aid the fact that she's a giant. Even if she wasn't a mage, the fact that she stands tall and towering over most people makes her a natural magnet for negative attention in combat. She tries to counteract this with defensive magic, but one can only take so concentrated an attack no matter their defenses however.
Perfectionist (Minor): Perhaps as a natural result of being an engineer with extensive control over her results and materials, maybe she always just was, Ainir is a perfectionist. Things have to be just right!  Otherwise, why bother? The walls must be an immovable object! The siege equipment must be an unstoppable force! But such results often take time.
Sculpting (Minor): A mixture of her engineering and geomancy professions, her perfectionist tendencies, and downtime tends to make Ainir a rather creative one. Whether making full body statues, busts, or maybe scale replicas of things she plans on building, she's often leaving a mound of rock sculptures hanging around.
Drawing (Minor): Of course, before one must go onto even the scale replica phase, one must plan it out on a piece of paper. After all, why waste the mana that could be better used elsewhere? A good piece of charcoal, a large piece of paper, and she's off drawing up a variety of blueprints for any design that may catch her fancy.
Planning (Minor): But, as with all processes, one mustn't waste perfectly good charcoal and paper without a plan in mind! Visualize it, think of it, imagine it, plan it out. How tall should it be? How heavy? What is its function? There's a lot of process into a good wall or building, after all.
Reflexive Defense: Due to her rather hulking frame and size, Ainir has developed a sort of reflexive geomancy if attacked. Dodging is sometimes infeasible when you reach a certain height after all, sometimes its just better to take the blow as best you can. When assaulted, Ainir will attempt to pull up a stone shield to protect herself in the direction of the attack, trying her best to not get killed.
Expert Siege Builder: While building is a profession, job, hobby, and love of her life, she has an equal love of just plain destroying things. Every wall is a challenge, every keep simply a puzzle of what must be done to topple it, every tower a question or riddle. Every building has a breaking point, after all, and she takes a certain joy in making things to find it.
OOC COMMENT: This character is meant to be a siege and defense specialist with an obvious magic focus. She's meant to help easily and rapidly turn even flat ground into something heavily defensible, or to turn a defensible position into dust through either her magic or her wits as an engineer. She can fight just as well as build with her magic however, and with a focus on efficiency it should hopefully last her in protracted fights.
- Geomancer Engineer (Rapid Fortifications/Reinforcement/Siege Breaker and Maker) Magic

Spoiler: This May Sting A Little, Ignore The Tingling Sensation: Complete (click to show/hide)
Name: Auron Gnash
Race: ???
Height: 5'7
Weight: 400~ lbs
Appearance: A man in a heavy, thick robe that covers almost all of his body except for his face, hands, and feet. Auron tries for as concealing of clothing as he can, to avoid unwanted attention, so he often pairs his robes with sturdy traveling boots and his hands with thick gloves, his face usually covered up with either bandages, a scarf, or whatever he can find that doesn't appear too out of the normal. Underneath the cloth layers however, he is a man of metal and machinery, a disturbing mixture of something that appeared to once be humanoid but after many grafts and integrations is now more old-world tech than whatever he once was, if he wasn't always like this. Regardless of this, he's often a soft-spoken but kind person, but this is often lost in just how disturbing his physical appearance and mannerisms is, as if he just gives off some sort of wrong-ness.
Strength 10, Stamina 10, Agility 11, Speed 11, Endurance 17, Willpower 14, Intelligence 18, Perception 13
HP: 10 + 17 + 4 (I think Aberration would be supernatural) = 31
MP: 5 + 16 + 4 (Above assumption) + 2 = 27
Level: Technomancer 1, Doctor 2, Aberration 1
Mechanical Aberration (Critical): Auron is... A thing. That's not to say Auron isn't a person, but it isn't exactly easy to tell what he is, or perhaps what he used to be. Regardless of what he might of once been, or if he always simply was this, he is a rather peculiar if disturbing sight. He has a vaguely humanoid form, but it lacks anything organic, instead being a strange mix of old world tech of attached to himself and metal, appearing akin to an almost metallic golem. His movements are always followed by an odd creak and groans of metal. While this form obviously makes him hardy against assault, it isn't an uncommon sight to see a part of him simply fall off due to regular movement, so one would suspect that while made of metal he isn't necessarily sturdy. His form does give him a rather interesting knack with machinery.
Disturbing (Major): The man is just straight up disturbing. He falls into strange silences at the drop of a hat, he has mechanical eyes that don't need to blink, and occasionally his mouth falls off when he speaks, still talking without dropping a beat while he reattaches it. Something just feels wrong about him, and his too-strange-to-be-called-eccentric mannerisms don't help.
Socially Awkward (Minor): Auron doesn't really understand people. Machinery he gets, they're simple to understand as they're always logical. People, less so. He has trouble understanding personal space, regular conversation, and many other things that normally would just mark one as socially awkward, but for him tend to be merely emphasized due to his strange form.
Cleaning (Critical): The man is a little obsessed with cleaning. Its easily noticeable. His clothes, thick robes to hide his strange form to try and put people at ease, are impeccably spotless no matter the situation. Even if the man has been through hell and back, his clothes are perfectly clean, pressed, and smell pleasant. As is himself, it isn't uncommon to see him clean the mechanical parts of his body extensively until they shine, nor for him to clean his medicinal tools compulsively.
Old World Techie: Auron knows his stuff about old world tech, which is a good thing considering he's practically made out of bits and pieces of it. He can study a piece, tinker with it, and understand either how it works or maybe how it shouldn't work. Of course, such prizes are rare, so he sadly often lacks the chance to discover new bits.
Revitalized Medicinal Renaissance: Gnash has a fascination with the biological. Ever since he discovered long ago a repository for old medicinal techniques, the man has practiced, learned from, been tutored by, and attempted a variety of knowledge of the medicinal means. While it may not be as fancy as magical healing, he feels it holds up just as well, and considers it more satisfying.

OOC COMMENT: Auron is meant to be a sort of first aid kind of guy. He lacks obvious healing magic, but he knows a good bit about old tech and old medicinal techniques, so he may have something that could be just as good, or be fast enough that it doesn't matter. He's not really meant for combat but he can probably fight, largely depending on what he has on/in him and what Technomancer can allow him to do with his strange body.


Author: Remuthra
Name: Rosarius Aranis
Race: Angelborn
Height: 6'5"
Weight: 438 lbs
Appearance: A tall, elegant man stands before you, shirking a suit of armor for a delicate pastel pink wifebeater and a plaid green-and-red kilt. He moves with a lightness disproportionate to his great height, his shoulders adorned with delicate wings of wrought silver and his long blonde hair flowing in a light breeze. Colorful sparks of rainbow light drip from his delicate, carefully manicured fingers as he walks, and he holds a fine silver lute in his arms, worked to resemble a winged angel.
Strength 7, Stamina 8, Agility 18, Speed 15, Endurance 8, Willpower 18, Intelligence 20, Perception 14
HP: 22
MP: 32
Level: Priest of Bree 4
Virtues: At least 5, no more than 7.
(Critical - 3pts) Angelic Charm- Rosarius, in line with his chosen goddess, has been blessed with supernatural beauty and perfection. Those who look at him must resist being enthralled by his presence.
(Major- 2 pt) Argent Wings- As an angelborn, Rosarius has delicate silver wings. While primarily decorative, these do allow him flight.
Flaws: At least 5, no more than 7.
(Critical - 3pts) Pacifist- Rosarius disdains combat and the loss of life as distasteful, and has taken a vow of pacifism in his devotion to physical perfection. He will not use his abilities to physically harm others, and will not defend himself or seek to avoid harm in battle.
(Major- 2 pt) Vanity- Rosarius is utterly convinced of his own superiority, and dismisses others as beneath him in general. Besides the personal ramifications, this does not tend to make him friends with the local powers, and he has been banished from at least two separate kingdoms.
Major: Playing the Lute
Minor: Charisma
Perfect Visage: Rosarius' lack of self-preservation and innate captivation make him difficult to attack. Characters trying to harm him must pass a save to steel themselves first.
Divine Conduit: Rosarius' devotion make it easy for him to channel his powers. His divine magic is stronger, as a result.

Author: GrizzlyAdams
Name: Lichenrock
Race: Wood Elfkind
Age: 34
Appearance: Broad-shouldered but lightly built, he sports a mane of wiry black hair that's been twisted into thick dreads and tied into a loose knot to keep it on his back. Sharp features, a large nose & a goatee. Eyes are dark brown, almost black. Light-skinned.
Strength 8, Stamina 18, Agility 15, Speed 12, Endurance 16, Willpower 15, Intelligence 9, Perception 14
HP/MP: 37/29
Level: Martial Artist 3, Pionic 2, Ranger 5
Critical - Disciplined: Donlir is a training fanatic- he starts each morning with intense physical and mental training, sticks with his regiments, follows orders. He goes the extra mile, and when needed, he'll go the extra twenty.
Major- Leader: In spite of his small stature, Donlir knows how to give orders. He's respected by his men for the tight ship he runs, and respected by his commanders for getting results.
Major- Pathfinder: Donlir is experienced traversing dense forests, desert dunes & canyonland, surviving off the land as he goes. Remaining undetected, tracking & trapping are specialties as well. He learned from the best when it comes to the ranger business
Critical- Arrogant complex: Donlir grew up in a wood elf community but frequently had contact with high & sun elves who belittled his heritage and himself as 'boisterous and hedonistic'. It didn't help that his parents were house-servants in a high-elf household. After tragedy saw him swept away to humanlands where he learned his trade, he rejected the stereotypes of his culture and looks down upon anyone who isn't as disciplined as himself. He's also left with a lingering feeling of insufficiency- his deepest fear is being found lacking, and being repeatedly disrespected can lead to unstable consequences.
Major- Passive aggressive revengeance: Donlir is the kind of guy to keep grudges, make like everything's fine, and then 'accidentally' leave the person who slighted him to be ripped apart by wolves.
Major- Difficult to find: Donlir slinks away frequently to avoid contact with his 'peers' and/or to train. If he isn't expected to be somewhere, you probably won't find him without a rather loud search effort.
Critical- EXERCISE!
Imbued muscles- Donlir uses kinetic psionics to greatly enhance his punchy bits. He looks like a bicycle but hits like a truck.
Inertia Manipulation- Donlir uses telekinetics to drastically increase his jump height & running speed. His strides are long & his jumps impossibly high.
Collateral- Donlir has practiced using Pyrokinetics to augment his abilities, and as such has learned a few things about self-preservation. He can redirect heat around and away from his body.
Acrobatic Parkour- Donlir's high-flying antics let him traverse difficult terrain at very high speed.
Batman- you know that batman trick? Yeah that one. He likes to do that, to the consternation of his conversation partners.
Alignment is Lawful neutral. No idea for gods, most likely casual/none.

Race: Caretaker of Zakai's aspect of Loyalty
Age: He looks 12.
Appearance: A young boy with dimly glowing gold eyes. Dark skin, black hair, cropped with a fade.
Strength 3, Stamina 8, Agility 10, Speed 7, Endurance 7, Willpower 27, Intelligence 30, Perception 20
HP/MP: 19/48
Level:Summoner 7, Bodyguard 1, Caretaker 2, Teacher 3
Critical: Loyal Son- Loyalty is woven into every inch of Banneret's being, serving with a great house until it has officially dissolved and his acquaintances dead. He has seen generations of his house grow up, reproduce, and die, faithfully giving his strength & wisdom to each in turn. He is a great asset to whatever family he serves.
Banneret knows the sciences, can teach them well, and yet has plenty of time for play. While he prefers to act & operate as a child, he can adopt a more mature manner when it's appropriate.
Major: Life Unending- Banneret doesn't age, requires little sustenance, and does not sleep no matter how physically exhausted he becomes.
Major: Child Genius- Little escapes Banneret's notice, he's quick to formulate plans and has a knack for solving difficult problems
Major: Naivety- Banneret, while excellent at formulating attack plans or designing defenses for obvious & defined enemies, he has trouble expecting deceit & sniffing out treachery.
Major: Darkness- Banneret sees particularly badly in the dark. Worse yet, he's fearful of it. Phobic, even, though he's learned to control it. Even so, it doesn't take very long for him to be overwhelmed.
Minor: Childish- While he shifts and begins lessons promptly, Banneret otherwise gets carried away in his child mode. It takes a stern voice to snap him out of it.
Critical: Games of all ages. You name it, he's played it.
Master Summoner- Banneret pulls creatures and things out of the aether at a whim. Whether it's a Giant Mastiff mount, 300 giant fireants, or a nice toy boat, it takes moments for it to materialize.
Puppet master- Banneret can simultaneously directly control around one dozen creatures
Long Range Transmission- Banneret can directly control his creations at extreme ranges, (up to 300 miles, though it gets more difficult as the distance increases).
Creationnnnnnnn-Banneret can extend the time his summonings persist by pumping more mana into them at a slightly increased cost
Myelinated Manastreams- Mana cost reduction
Double-Myelinated Manastreams- Further mana cost reduction
Lawful good of course, he worships Zakai and his house.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2014, 11:13:36 pm by Ross Vernal »

Ross Vernal

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Re: Adventuring Party OOC Thread - Adventures in Updates
« Reply #4683 on: October 25, 2014, 11:13:03 pm »

Author: Ross Vernal
Name: William Watkins
Race: Quarterbredkind (3/4 Human, 1/4 Sidhe)
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 170
Appearance: Hair that looks black/brown most of the time and dark copper-red in the sunlight. Big eyebrows, strong cheekbones. Well-built. Hazel eyes, which sometimes appear purple in the right light.
Strength 14, Stamina 15, Agility 11, Speed 10, Endurance 19, Willpower 20, Intelligence 18, Perception 10 (8 in vision, 12 in scent/taste, 10 in others)
HP: 32
MP: 41
Level: Adventurer 1, Enchanter 1, Elementalist 1
Power Level: First Tier in Enchanting and Water Elementalism, Second Tier in Everything Else
Arnum in Magic and Knowledge
Malu in Time and Space
Timeus in Water and Honor
Virtues: At least 5, no more than 7.
Steel Will (Critical - 3pts): William's defining trait is his willpower. He is capable of forcing himself to perform extreme feats of physical ability, scraping together enough mana to cast spells, seeing things through to the end, and snapping through illusions and glamours. He's the sort of person who never gives up.
Magically Talented (Critical - 3pts): William's intelligence and willpower work very well with his grasp of magic - even at a young age, well before most children harness their talent, Will was capable of casting first-tier spells. Spells he cast cost less energy than it takes others to cast, and he has created several individual spells based on what he has learned.
Romantic (Minor - 1 pt): William likes nature and poetry, and is also rather prone to the romantic gesture and courting.
Flaws: At least 5, no more than 7.
Impatient (Critical - 3pts): Will doesn't much like the whole "waiting" thing. He's a man of action, a person who likes to do instead of sitting around waiting for it.
Angry (Major- 2 pt): William has his pet peeves. He's rather polite about it at first, but will steadily grow more and more annoyed until he's openly angry at the jackass.
Loves Sleep (Minor - 1 pt): While William can certainly work without sleep, he prefers at least eight hours a night and gets bitchy when he doesn't get enough Z's.
Hobbies: No more than 3 points.
Major: Enchanting
Minor: Cooking
I Can Do It!: William is made of willpower, and when in a crisis, is capable of invoking extra HP, MP, stamina, or whatever else it takes to stay alive or get the job done.
Balance: William has incredible balance and a sense of his own body, quite capable of walking across a tightrope without effort or keeping his feet under him when in motion.
William can make up to a thirteenth-level Armor Enchantment or a seventh-level Weapon/Item Enchantment. While he is a first-tier caster, a great deal of his mage studies are dedicated to specializing in Enchanting and Water Elementalism; as such, spells outside of those domains are cast as though he is a second-tier caster.
Special Inventory:
1 Truesteel Duelist's Blade (Cold Damage, Magic Damage, Damage +3, To-Hit +2, 10 MP Pool)
1 Truesteel Mail Coat (Soak +5, Dodge +8, T4 Mage Shield, 30 MP Pool)
1 Aquatic Focus Totem (30 MP Pool, Reduce Water Elemental Cost 25%, Increase Water Elemental Damage 25%)


Author: Chink
Name: Gespenst
Race: Wraith Lord (Undead)
Height: 6'' 2'
Weight: 0
Appearance: Appears as a tall, ghostly man wearing a dark, tattered cloak with a concealing hood, but is usually invisible.
Bio: Gespenst was a powerful mage who died a long time back, in the War of the Gods. He was cursed by a god after his death to wander the earth evermore, never to find rest. He is now just a shadow of his former strength, having forgot much of his art in his fall.
Strength 3, Stamina 8, Agility 18, Speed 16, Endurance 20, Willpower 23, Intelligence 21, Perception 12
HP: 35
MP: 40
Level: Adventurer 1, Priest of Mingan 1, Chaos Mage 2
Virtues: At least 5, no more than 7.
Wraith (Critical + Minor): Gespenst is entirely invisible, able to pass through non-magical barriers, able to fly, immune to non-magical damage, and does not need food, water, or rest, due to his being a wraith.
Magical Experience (Critical): Even though Gespenst has forgotten most of his magical abilities, he is still able to cast the spells he remembers quite efficiently.
Flaws: At least 5, no more than 7.
Wraith (Critical + Minor): He can only move around 5-10 pounds at one time, he cannot damage others except through magic or possession, he cannot wear armor, he takes extremely large amounts of damage from magical items and spells (around 2x-4x more damage, depending on the spell or enchantment type), and he can be manipulated and controlled easily by necromancers. (Although this requires them to actually cast a spell. They can't just tell him what to do.)
Insatiably Curious (Major): Gespenst, in general, will not move in from things he doesn't understand. If he finds something that confuses him, he will tirelessly pursue knowledge of how it works, ignoring all other goals.
Enchanter (3): Gespenst still maintains basic knowledge of how to enchant weapons and armor with spells from his war days.
Seeker of the Truth: Gespenst has, throughout his life, sought knowledge of how the world works, so that he can use it to his advantage.
Improved Racial Abilities(Racial Feat): Due to his being an entirely magical creature, Gespenst has learned to actually be able to sense raw magic. This affords him the ability to, at will, see straight through all the non-magical objects of the world, and instead only see enchanted objects, materials or items that have inherently magical properties, and spells cast. He can also tell how much mana a spellcaster has left for use, and is able to use magic more easily due to his ability to sense and see it. He can also now carry more weight(10-20 pounds), and telepathically speak with those he knows from any distance.
Possessor(Racial Feat): Gespenst can, with some luck, possess those unaware of his presence, taking control of their bodies. While he is in control of their bodies, he has access to all their physical traits, but still keeps his own mental ones.
Arnum: (Wisdom, Technology, Truth)
Mingan: (Chaos, Blood, Necromancy)
Malu: (Time, Space, Creation)


Ross Vernal

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Re: Adventuring Party OOC Thread - Adventures in Updates
« Reply #4684 on: October 25, 2014, 11:49:35 pm »

Aside from myself, I'm going to vote for the Fire Giant and Kaz. It really took me a while to decide who to vote for, since they all look cool. :D

So, official vote:

Ainir the Fire Giant Engineer, Kaz the Tactician, and William the Enchanter.

Official count:
Ainir the Engineer -  1
Kaz the Tactician - 1
William the Enchanter - 1


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Re: Adventuring Party OOC Thread - Adventures in Updates
« Reply #4685 on: October 26, 2014, 06:46:56 am »

Damn, I had forgotten about my first two. I'm assuming we can't vote for our own, because now that I look at him again, I really like Otunnort.

Kaz the Tactician
Auron Gnash This May Sting A Little, Ignore The Tingling Sensation
Violette the BFS Specialist

The first would enhance our combat abilities, the second would get along great with Morgrod and would open the doors for TechnoGhoulsTM and the third just sounds fucking hilarious to have around. Though if we are allowed to vote for own I'd change my third for Violette/Otunnort. Depends which I want as a back-up PC.

EDIT: Just realised you voted for one of your own Ross, so I'm guessing it's cool.

EDIT2: Ross, how would I go about developing/adding a new set of/type of abilities to Morgrod? (Really want to be able to control dead plants, if I can't already do that.)
« Last Edit: October 26, 2014, 07:12:54 am by Gamerlord »

Ross Vernal

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Re: Adventuring Party OOC Thread - Adventures in Updates
« Reply #4686 on: October 26, 2014, 08:32:11 am »

You can vote for yourself. That's why you have three votes.

Practice it IC. I'd say that you possess the ability, but just never felt the need.

Official count:

Kaz the Tactician - 2
Violette the BFS - 1
Ainir the Engineer -  1
William the Enchanter - 1
Auron the Technodead - 1

Ross Vernal

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« Last Edit: October 26, 2014, 06:12:59 pm by Ross Vernal »


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Re: Adventuring Party OOC Thread - Adventures in Updates
« Reply #4688 on: October 26, 2014, 04:55:58 pm »

Ross, just as a note the first link always takes you to a different place which is a little high on my "warning-o-meter" for phishing or virus-riddled sites/links. Forgetting that "." between the "en" and the "wikipedia" can do some awful stuff it seems.

Now for my vote... Uh... Shoot, I dunno. I've never felt so limited with only just three votes. I'll have to get back on that after I look over all of the contestants, but I will say I'll only vote for one of my own considering that I have quite a few in there.


Votes: Otunnort (I see synergy and combat helpfulness),  Auron (Because technomancy, although Kaz almost beat him out), and William Watkins (Enchantment!).
« Last Edit: October 26, 2014, 05:35:33 pm by Xanmyral »

Ross Vernal

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Re: Adventuring Party OOC Thread - Adventures in Updates
« Reply #4689 on: October 26, 2014, 06:16:27 pm »

Well tits. Fixed. And yeah  it's a struggle.

Kaz the Tactician - 2
William the Enchanter - 2
Auron the Technodead - 2
Violette the BFS - 1
Ainir the Engineer -  1
Otunnort the Battlepoet - 1



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Re: Adventuring Party OOC Thread - Adventures in Updates
« Reply #4690 on: October 26, 2014, 06:30:24 pm »

Abstain from voting
((I don't think heating something that is right above us to a ridiculous degree is very smart. Worst case scenario we become +metal statues+. This is a finely crafted metal statue. It is encrusted with sharkmist and HMRC. On the item is an image of HMRC and Pancaek. Pancaek is laughing. The HMRC is melting. The artwork relates to the encasing of the HMRC in metal by Pancaek during the Mission of Many People.))


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Re: Adventuring Party OOC Thread - Adventures in Updates
« Reply #4691 on: October 26, 2014, 06:37:46 pm »

I shall also abstain.

Ross Vernal

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Re: Adventuring Party OOC Thread - Adventures in Updates
« Reply #4692 on: October 26, 2014, 07:34:35 pm »

Kaz the Tactician - 2
William the Enchanter - 2
Auron the Technodead - 2
Violette the BFS - 1
Ainir the Engineer -  1
Otunnort the Battlepoet - 1

List of Mild Shame:
Remuthra, Lenglon



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Re: Adventuring Party OOC Thread - Adventures in Updates
« Reply #4693 on: October 26, 2014, 07:59:10 pm »

List of mild shame? OK, not abstaining.

Why did somebody vote for the teamkilling little woman with the WMD? Even though she is small, I wouldn't want to hit by a sword that big moving at combat velocities, because there's a highly specific, highly technical word for it...Ouch.

I vote for that guy over there. Yes, that's the one.

I actually vote for Kaz, William, and Auron.

I will start work again on the armor stuff, taking into account all those posts with information telling me that I was wrong (I love being proved wrong. Sometimes ;))
Sorry for the spoiler, I needed this list moved to a more convenient space for later.
« Last Edit: October 26, 2014, 08:12:14 pm by Madman198237 »
We shall make the highest quality of quality quantities of soldiers with quantities of quality.


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Re: Adventuring Party OOC Thread - Adventures in Updates
« Reply #4694 on: October 26, 2014, 08:12:13 pm »

Alright, I vote Ross as a party NPC :P.

And lamellar is still power armor.
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