I'm just saying that the LNP launcher seems to reset the settings to default as it did that once already, so I'm going to launch directly from the DF exe itself.
The settings do reset to default when you change a graphic pack, otherwise that shouldn't be happening. Is this what you see?
Actually my experience, with the Java LNP launcher, as of r36, was that if there was any problem with a launch, for example a user abort, then the LNP seemed to set everything it has defaults for (or, at the least, init.txt & dfinit.txt, but I remember thinking it was "everything" though not exactly why I thought that) back to the LNP defaults.
Which actually relates to my reason for this visit to the thread, whilst I do appreciate everything that is being done for us in the continued maintenance of the (Expanded) LNP, I would like to make a feature request, specifically, would it be possible to add a button or option to the Java launcher to let one redefine the "Defaults" it uses as being your current configuration? (I write current config to wherever "defaults" are stored rather than the reverse), 'cos I make enough changes that I don't usually remember to copy everything across when upgrading, & as mentioned above, have enough of a tendency to trigger the Java launcher to reset my adjustments to oblivion that I still (rarely) use the "old" style launcher (& also have the old dfinit utility installed too) even when not upgrading.