Horizontal gene transfer : Basically, a system that allows for "usefull" genes to be transferred from a single specimen to another without needing offspring.
There isn't really any way of knowing which gene is useful, and a successful animal is hardly going to give its genes to some randomer it doesn't know.
The first part is a bit sticky, IRL the transfered information is usualy eaither randome, neare a virus insertion site, or on a specilized plasmid. Natural selection gets rid of the bad ones. The second part is simpler, its copy paste not cut and paste. the risk to the donar is neglagable (unless the recipeant is going to out compeate the donar afterwards)
Yeah, that last bit. And it'd be way too much work to rewrite your ENTIRE genome just to get an extra bit in, that's what sexual reproduction is for.
You don't rewright the entire thing, just the part that is homologus to the donated part. IRL only a smal fragment is transfered, It lines up in part or in whole with a peice of the recipeant genome and they are swaped out by homolgus recombonation, or if its a plasmid it just gose into the cell cytoplasm, or if transmited with a virus (or potentialy a virus like particle) is just inserts into the genome at a sequence defind by the enzimes it came with. Horazontal gene transfer is
complicated , mostly becuse of how many types there are.
Edit: this is shaping up to be a very scholorly quote pyramid
Edit2: you can get around the danger of being out compeated by the recipiant if youi only donate to individuals in the same pack and use group selection to make it profitable to bothe the donor and recipiant. If everyone in a group is working together then they arn't compeating against one another but rather against other groups