The highest cause of death for pregnant woman is spousal murder~
Just to add on another statistic.
That kind of makes sense, since most other causes of death are presumably fairly low for pregnant women. They usually get regular medical checkups, and need to be young enough to get pregnant in the first place. Anyway, I think quoting statistics like that without any context is kind of misleading. :/
Same goes for the numbers Sarkeesian gives. Neither adjusted for population nor compared to other numbers, the only thing they tell us is that sometimes women are assaulted or killed. That violent crime
exists. It just feels like an emotional appeal to
behold the evils of patriarchy. A beating every nine seconds gives 3504000 beatings per year, or an annual beating rate of 2232 per 100 000 people. I could only find numbers for
aggravated assault, so no idea how this compares to men. Three murders by boyfriends, husbands or ex-partners per day gives 1095 murders per year, or a rate of 0.7 per 100 000 people per year, and amounts to a little less than a third of
all murdered women.
Men are about 3.8 times more likely to get murdered than women.
As for trivialising female suffering, I'm not convinced that is happening, either. Kind of the opposite, actually. Female suffering is put on a pedestal as a whole different kind of suffering. After slaughtering hundreds of nameless monsters and uniformed enemy soldiers, the player is so jaded to fantasy violence in general that to push him out of his comfort zone, the game has to make him
hit a girl.By the way, I got my murder counts from
this CDC report based on 2010 data.