Head 2hp
Torso 8hp
R. Arm 3hp
L. Arm 3hp
R. Leg 3hp
L. Leg 3hp
Items: Great Stone Axe
Collecting Flint would be good for a flint on flint method, instead, all you get are stones since you didn't bother to search for it. The rocks scrape each other trying to get a spark. (6) You get a spark eventually and the smoke rises, the fire begins to blossom around the wood and leaves. The fire shoots up quickly enough and lights up the beach. You attempt to make yourself comfortable near the fire since you didn't get shelter. At least this will keep you amazingly warm in the chill. Also bug-safe.
Head 2hp
Torso 5hp
R. Arm 3hp
L. Arm 3hp
R. Leg 3hp
L. Leg 1hp
Knowledge: Dew-capturing leaf.
You go to make more dew collectors. (1) You go towards the jungle to attempt to collect them, Your last vision is a gun to your head, and a hand around your mouth. Pulled into the woods before you could even scream, you are knocked out and taken through the dark jungle. You wake up soon enough to find your attackers dragging you. You look for a point and attempt to elbow the man carrying you. (1) You swing your arm back but your movements are noted and he throws you against a tree hard, hurting you badly for (3 Torso) damage.
You are now in a fight as you recover yourself. You see two men, one with the handgun and the other is barehanded. (Unarmed enemy rolls 6, you roll a 5, and the pistol man rolls a 4 for turn order.) The barehanded man comes at you after the tree slam to attempt to keep up momentum (4 Attk) but you barely defend him (4 defense). You now have a chance to attack or defend.
Head 1hp
Torso 8hp
R. Arm 2hp
L. Arm 3hp
R. Leg 3hp
L. Leg 3hp
Pistol Man
Head 1hp
Torso 8hp
R. Arm 3hp
L. Arm 1hp
R. Leg 1hp
L. Leg 3hp
Items: Pistol(? Ammo)
Head 1hp
Torso 8hp
R. Arm 3hp
L. Arm 3hp
R. Leg 3hp
L. Leg 0hp
Items: 2 Cane/Crutches
Clothes/Armor: Leg Splint
You go near the jungle and start making a bed out of the leaves. (1) The darkness soon takes you as well. A slightly war-torn looking man drags you into the jungle, finding yourself on the ground he goes for an instant ground attack aimed at your head! (1) You get knicked off the side and it hurts, but luckily you do not take the blow too hard. Getting him off to the side you stand up to ready yourself for combat. (You roll a 3 to go first, enemy rolls 2 to go after)
War-Torn enemy
Head 2hp
Torso 6hp
R. Arm 3hp
L. Arm 2hp
R. Leg 3hp
L. Leg 1hp
Items: Knife
Head 2hp
Torso 5hp
R. Arm 3hp
L. Arm 3hp
R. Leg 3hp
L. Leg 3hp
You try to make a hut out of nearby dirt and leaves (6) You actually manage to pull it off, though its partially leaning against rocks for support, and the inside is big enough to accommodate four people. It seems you actually weren't crazy. The house is easily breakable though, and should be treated with care. For now though, you have a nice dirt hut. Not durable, but a hut.
Head 2hp
Torso 8hp
R. Arm 3hp
L. Arm 3hp
R. Leg 3hp
L. Leg 3hp
Items: Two coconut canteens (4 units water), Cooked Shellfish (2 units)
Knowledge: Unsafe Boulder Shelter, Clean Stream
Looking for edible things on the beach (6) You find clams, and using the nearby fire, you easily cook them. You have enough for 2 units of food. Now heading towards the stream, you deem the small clearing to be a safe area(3). You get a little lost and end up there but you find a hungry dog. It stares at you menacingly, growling. It seems it isn't happy with you coming in on its drink. (You roll a 2, dog rolls a 1, you get first combat action) ((Side note, the roll to get there was because it was through the DARK AND DANGEROUS JUNGLE))
Wild Dog
Head 1 hp
Torso 2 hp
Front L. Leg 1 hp
Front R. Leg 1 hp
Back L. Leg 1 hp
Back R. Leg 1hp
Head 2hp
Torso 8hp
R. Arm 3hp
L. Arm 3hp
R. Leg 3hp
L. Leg 3hp
Items: Solid Stick, Edible Grass?
You have no need to look for a place as borno offers room for the tent-like structure. You easily go over and there is enough space to go between you. You have a safe place to sleep, with that tad bit of awkward warmth.
Head 2hp
Torso 8hp
R. Arm 3hp
L. Arm 3hp
R. Leg 3hp
L. Leg 3hp
Items: Edible Grass?
You look for food(2) and can't quite find any. Some nearby grass seems edible, but you aren't sure... It doesn't smell safe. For now though you sleep in your tent-like shelter, sturdy and reliable except in winds and camouflaged, it should keep you quite safe from many things. At the very least, it gives you a comfortable place to sleep. And hey, you even got company that was looking for shelter.
((Some of you may be wondering. Why did NRDL get the free ride? Why was I taken away? Because. He didn't go to get supplies to make a shelter near the jungle. He didn't plan to go near it.))
The night falls, and the moon fully realizes. Is bed time now for all the bad and good little ones.
Map: Beach Camp-*Dew Collector*, Fire Pit, *Unsafe Boulder Shelter*, 2 person make-shift shelter(borno's), 4 person Mud Hut(Nosa's)
*Clean Stream*-Nothing of importance
((** Means the knowledge is not shared and is only known to a few or some people, others can be found again by others, especially easily found things.))
((The next turns Will be combat only, anyone who isn't currently in combat is considered sleeping until tommorow.))