You decide to create a champion in the physical world. It will be a humanoid with a tentacled face and slimy skin. You decide to make the avatar on Onydia. You fiddle with some of the native planarians before tossing aside your work and making it from whole cloth, as they say. Your champion now exists on the planet, and is a bit confused.
Excellent choice! says Gomork.
I can tell we're going to get along juuust fine.Sure you are.Interesting. Anyways, your screwing around with the life on the planet left some weird background magical ripples, alerting the magicians and shamans in the various onydian tribes. They're organizing expeditions to investigate. Your champion is also curious about the world.
What will you do now?
Form: Crystal Sphere, full of colorful mist which can form into appendages or little creatures.
More detail
Two worlds
Geology: Mainly ferrous rocks, with large deposits of copper and gold in many areas.
Wildlife: Blue plants. Southern continent wildlife is mainly land-living cephalopods, such as the tendrilled walkers--squid which walk around on their tentacles, using their eight arms to snag food.
--Southern: Dark skin, red hair. Highly intelligent and well-known for various questionable/criminal activities. Good at ice magic.
--Northern: White skin, yellow or orange eyes. Excellent sight, excellent weather magic. Inefficient feudal system. Once followed the Whale Spirits, but turned their backs on them for Ores, a god.
-Gnomes: Pale skin, dark hair, violet eyes. Possess no bones. Noted for skill with medicine, social situations, and witchcraft. Worship a hierarchial, matriarchial pantheon of gods and goddesses who they believe are generally distant and uninvolved in their lives. Religion focused on rituals. Government is...ethical, it its own way. Mostly scattered tribes. Half-dwarf, half-human.
-Humans: Dark hair, fair skin. Marry late and rarely have kids. Precognitive alchemists.
-Manormul: Misshapen worms with many elongated arms. Divided into several castes with different jobs and appearances. Complex system of holidays. Complex reproductive cycle. Dictatorship.
-Ordynars: Skinless cephalopods. Lead by hunters. Involved in a cold war with dwarves to determine fate of the gnomes.
Geology: Mostly igneous rocks
Wildlife: Green-chlorophylled plants like jungle ones. Animals are 80% reptilian, but with a few birds, gastropods, and flatworms. There is also a species of semi-planarian beings with tentacles and sometimes arms and/or intelligence.
Sentients: Onyd, giant stubby-limbed reptiles. They have sweet pheromomes and are 60% servants. They create more onyd with a ritual to their god, in which lizards are turned into new onyd. They understand how the mind works but are typically depressed.
Other bodies:
Feer, gray moon orbiting Lyt
Jauns, yelow moon orbiting Tra
Lyt, lavender sun
Pakin, gray rocky moon orbiting Onydia
?? (You)
Gomork, a god like a green ball of tentacles. It tries to promote the ordynars and is coaxing Onydian species into more...squiddy forms. It wants to spread its image of ideal life onto all species. [1 Major Act, 3 Acts, 2 Minor Acts]
Ores, a god in the form of an amorphous blob of hair. It has a rivalry with Zera and Thox. It wants to be worshiped by everyone. [2 Major Acts, 5 Acts, 1 Minor Act]
Thox, a god with a shifting humanoid shape. It wants to create as much life as possible. Thox dislikes Gomork for trying to make all life so...similar. [1 Major Act, 2 Acts, 7 Minor Acts]
Zera, a god in the form of a bull-headed serpent with wings made of energy. It has a rivalry with Zera and focuses on Onydia. It wants to rule said planet. [4 Major Acts]