One of the things I kinda dislike (I currently mostly play on yogstation) is the extreme stacking against the security force in some game-modes.
For example changelings:
We had the warden in custody who we were 100% sure was a changeling. He had no loyalty implant, he was heavily hurt on sensors and when we got to him he was completely healthy and one hallway further there was a closet with a husk corpse in it together with mime clothes.
but admins go noooooo, you have no proof.
seriously, provide a changeling test then.
Or AI malfunction:
people were disappearing from around the entire station and getting dragged into space. The entire maintenance was full of hacked apc's. But we could not even say "check the AI" because that was considered metagaming. We try to contact station engineers and RD, but of course they did not answer because the AI likes to eliminate people who can actually say the AI is malfunctioning. How are you supposed to ever stop it with those rules, without literally seeing a cyborg dragging someone into space? (I really preferred the old AI malfunction where the AI just had to prevent anyone from escaping instead of arming the self-destruct).
That server is way to strict on a lot of things. "imagine someone gets killed by an antagonist while not absolutely necessary". Rounds do not get ruined by antagonists killing people, round get ruined by restricting everyone's gameplay and having no action in the round.
And you knew that magicool regeneration and a corpse mean that it's specifically a shapechanging creature how?
And you knew that the APCs are hacked by the AI how?
Canonically, neither are known to happen. Ever. AT BEST, the RD and the Captain may, in some rounds, know that there is SOMETHING, but you cannot know what, how or why.
And 'stacking against Security' is just ridiculous when we are talking about a single antagonist, whose job is specifically to provide challenge and create conflict, versus respectively an entire team of people wielding weapons and, at least theoretically, working together in a coordinated manner, with support from the regular crew, and versus an entire STATION of people who, at the first sign of AI acting up, will break out every spacesuit, tool, weapon or anything else they can find/steal/kitbash and turn them into a tool to obliterate you.
Now granted, with our popcount Sec is often severely understaffed, if staffed at all, but there's only so much you can do with the fluctuations in population to not make it a Sec bumrush at high pop and utter massmurder at low.
Server is back up, and I finally had a chance to update it.
Time to eat other people's hearts out!