After a bunch of suggestions for more PDA spam, I'll post the format. If you want to add one, post it here in this format, cool?
sender = pick("Buy Dr. Maxman","Having dysfuctional troubles?") //pick from a list of senders
message = pick("DR MAXMAN: REAL Doctors, REAL Science, REAL Results!",\ //pick from a list of messages
"Dr. Maxman was created by George Acuilar, M.D, a CentComm Certified Urologist who has treated over 70,000 patients sector wide with 'male problems'.",\
"After seven years of research, Dr Acuilar and his team came up with this simple breakthrough male enhancement formula.",\
"Men of all species report AMAZING increases in length, width and stamina.")
Now, if you want chances for various senders:
sender = pick(300;"QuickDatingSystem",200;"Find your russian bride",50;"Terran beauties are waiting",50;"Find your secret sexy crush",50;"Beautiful unathi brides") //number is the chance of picking
message = pick("Your profile caught my attention and I wanted to write and say hello (QuickDating).",\
"If you will write to me on my email [pick(first_names_female)]@[pick(last_names)].[pick("ru","ck","tc","ur","nt")] I shall necessarily send you a photo (QuickDating).",\ //various options for the email
"I want that we write each other and I hope, that you will like my profile and you will answer me (QuickDating).",\
"You have (1) new message!",\
"You have (2) new profile views!")
Finally, let's say you want to do like the Nigerian spam and give someone multiple changing names:
sender = pick("Dr","Crown prince","King Regent","Professor","Captain")
sender += " " + pick("Robert","Alfred","Josephat","Kingsley","Sehi","Zbahi")
sender += " " + pick("Mugawe","Nkem","Gbatokwia","Nchekwube","Ndim","Ndubisi")
Have fun, and be creative!