Sorry about the last round FlyingDice, although I still think my decision as AI was somewhat justifiable. AI laws were always a bitch to interpret though, so I'll see what other people think.
To summarize the situation as best as I can, a traitor takes the captain hostage in the bridge. I'm told of this and lock him in there with the captain. He threatens to kill the captain unless I let him go and the captain tells me to not listen to him. So letting him die would conflict with my first law, however letting the traitor go would be potentially dangerous and I'd not be listening to the superior officer on the ship (Although the harm law should be interpreted first of course.) Sort of a weak assumption, but ICly he potentially could of. Then the CE came around and basically told me not to unbolt the doors and agreed with the captain. What I decided to do impulsively, since I didn't want the captain to die, was that I unbolted the doors for him but electrified them. He touched them, received minor damage and was incapacitated. They arrested him and then brought him to the escape shuttle.
Would this be seen as justifiable? I know the server's stance on AI laws has more or less been "Interpret it on a case by case basis", but I want to know if what I did wasn't really that good of an idea, so I know what to do next time.