It's like this that makes me want to stay up. Anyway that sounds like Oswald alright, except he's more violent this round.
Hanslanda, I'm curious if you were the AI what would you have done?
When Oswald did what he did? I would have locked down the bridge and ordered (if I had one) my borg to stun and cuff him, then take him to the permabrig. If I didn't have a borg, I would order Axl Blyant and Bomrek to exit the bridge, if possible, and leave him locked down there for the duration of the round.
And if things become utterly ridiculous, I would have vented his air, killed him, and had someone card'n'wipe me for violating my laws. (This is the proper response to an AI or Borg violating their laws, btw. Requesting termination, because you probably can't self-terminate. The AI technically can, by turning off their own APC, but you aren't really dead, just unpowered and inanimate.) Sounds excessive, yes, but look at what he did. I'd call that causing harm to a human.
Never ever make me a Head Rev. Whoever did that was asking for a Rev fail.
the best revs start out from small roots, and you weren't the only headrev. I picked two downtrodden proffessions to be the head revs, without attention to who was playing what. And you'll be better next time.
The one time I got to be a Revhead, I was an Atmos tech (never done atmos before). I flashed my fellow Atmos tech, went and got job-changed to Security. Then, I was running around flashing criminals, because who better to have as your fellow Revs? The cook was especially good. Someone's like, "Oh noes da cook had a body!!" So I go there, and I'm like, "Yeah, you just need to come to brig and tell them it's all good, it was dead. I know what's up and you know what's up *cook walks into his backroom, I follow* so that they don't flip out next time. *Door closes, flash* Hello brother. *smile* Let's go to the brig now."
Eventually, someone stole my ID, and I ended up being put in brig by my shitcurity fellows, they had the shutters closed. After a long time calling out over the radio, a bomb went off and destroyed most of the front section of Brig. I escaped into the tunnels, and was wandering around extremely injured. Swarms of Revs roamed the halls, ganging up on and beating any non-Revs they found. It was horrifying. You haven't seen 'Robust' until you've seen a Botanist, a Janitor, an Atmos Tech, and an Assistant start wailing on one very outmatched engineer with fire extinguishers, a hatchet, and a screwdriver to the eyes.
It is amazing how fast you can break into places you shouldn't when there's thirty+ people helping you.