I predict the next major conflict will happen there, if it isn't already happening.
And the latest terrorists in France have conveniently told somebody that they were from Yemen's Al-Qaeda.
how convenient
They didn't tell somebody, we know they went there.
To police is overloaded with suspects and extrmism is too widespread to keep an eye on them all. Guess that widespread immigration, plus bad schools, plus disdain, plus lack of police, plus immigrant gettho, plus support for Islamic monarchies, plus destabilisation of the middle east, plus special treatement of Israel, plus mondialisation causing an economic crisis, plus making less and less efforts to have the immigrant network with the natives, plus accusing the natives of racism to cover up the problems in the gettho, plus turning a blind eye to growing ressentement, plus austerity wans't a good idea after all?
Who would have guessed? And the sad thing is : everyone, peoples have been protesting about all that for years, but politicians choosed to turn a blind eye.
Basically here's the discourse of our political class : "No more budget for schools it's too expensive!"
"What? Reducing immigration to what we can handle, then? This racism cannot stand!"
"Holding Israël accountable? Anti semitism! They can kill who they want."
"Too much ciminality? That's because lack of school and lack of reinsertion? What more budgets for that? No, we cannot spend more money! You're still complaining? Racist!!"
"There are problem with the immigrant culture? RAAACIST!! What? 90 % of women of egypt are sexually mutilated then what? No there won't be a cultural shock!"
And then there is the far right : "immigration is the root of all evil. EEEEEVILLLLL"
And that's the same for everything. "Car pollute, let's make less road!! What? Good trains? No! privatisation and less trains! What mobility problems? Use a bike like they do in Amsterdam! Amsterdam is flat and Brussels is not, which mean that it's much, much more difficult in Brussels? not my problem peasants!"
"We need clean energy" (understand they don't want to invest anymore) "Energy supply is infficient? Let's cut supply to some areas, lol".
"Mondialisation and free trade is the way forward!" "We can't tax corporations anymore? No problem we can still tax you, peasants".
Maybe it's time we act?
Edit : forgot to talk about the jutice system : overloaded, arbitrary, and the prison are bad enough to radicalize peoples and make inmates more criminals while the sentences are short and unlikely enough not to be a real detterent. They really met the sweet spot. I met a beggar at the train station that asked me for money "because he didn't want to go back to prison". He said he got out a few days ago and that he had nowhere to go no social lodgment, no work,... real smooth reinsertion. I really feel my taxes are well used.