After the initial 'oops', most of the group began to concentrate on the main entrance, while Henry and Adrien went toward the cracked wall.
~~Enemy Turn!~~Then, the soldier in the main hall rushed at Sterling! He stabbed him greviously, and the swordsman responded with a cut across the spearman's arm!
Second later, a deadly-looking arrow barely missed Sterling, flying past his head. Archer A cursed at his terrible aim while his two Bandit buddies moved closer.
Sterling could see that there was pair of two other criminals heading right toward the main hall.
Hit: 93+15-15-16 = 77
Hit roll: 19, hit!
Dmg: 12+1-3 = 10dmg
Sterling counters!
Hit: 105-27 = 78
Hit roll: 66, hit!
Dmg: 11-1-5 = 5dmg
Hit: 99-15-16 = 68
Hit roll: 84, miss!
~~Player Turn 2~~
Adrien: 20/20
Ami Storm: 17/17
Charlotte Braxis: 17/17
Daniel: 18/18
Derick: 18/18
Gregor von Hexham: 20/20
Henry: 17/17
Sterling: 10/20
Bandit A: 24/24
Bandit B: 24/24
Bandit C: 24/24
Bandit D: 24/24
Bandit E: 24/24
Fighter A: 23/23
Fighter B: 23/23
Archer A: 20/20
Archer B: 20/20
Archer C: 20/20
Mercenary A: 21/21
Mercenary B: 21/21
Mercenary C: 21/21
Soldier A: 17/22
Soldier B: 22/22
Soldier C: 22/22
Soldier D: 22/22
Knight A: 22/22
Mage A: 22/22
Mage B: 22/22
Bores: 23/23
Arinne: 24/24
Cracked Wall (Outside): 20/20, 5DEF
Cracked Wall (Middle): 20/20, 5DEF
Cracked Wall (Top-right): 20/20, 5DEF
Cracked Wall (Top-left): 20/20, 5DEF
Door (Left): 40/40, 5DEF
Door (Top-right): 40/40, 5DEF
Door (Top-left): 40/40, 5DEF