Looking at it, I don't really need to say much that BMM hasn't already said. Valor in 19,12 would be good for the northern choke and Olison, and Alex has nobody in range to attack and vulns.
So if Seyena can grab him and plop him down there, Alex can heal him. Salvatore could auto-hit the wyverns with no supports or Charisma, so no worries about him killing C (has a 30% chance to crit to boot (PS + Alex Support), but that's more of a knee slapper than needed). Olison can range axe (suggested at non-counter range) any of the three and have a decent chance of killing any of them, with thanks to charisma and general statitude he has.
Not really much input (on the PC side of the coin) needed in that plan, really, it's good. Tiron should cast sharpness on someone, Anja should use the last of that flute on Danya (or double people), Danya should keep on keeping on, same with Matilda. May be good for Seyena to tell Matilda to take her staff though.
- Salvatore can deal with him in the safest manner, that's pretty much uncontested. If he lands a hit, he deals 24 (35 (Base) + 1 (Triangle) + 2 (Personal Skill) - 14 (Enemy Defense)) and can potentially have a 43% (38 (Base) + 10 (Personal Skill) + 20 (Support) - 25 (Enemy Dodge)) to drop him with a critical strike, assuming Alex provides support. I can't remember how much sharpness increases hit by, but a quick search says +30. Assuming Salvatore can get all of his bonuses, he'll have a total hit chance of... (105 (Base) + 15 (Triangle) + 15 (Personal Skill) + 10 (Charisma) + 10 (Support) + 30 (Sharpness) - 85 (Enemy Evasion)) 100 on the nose. That's pretty hilarious, but makes the pretty vast (understatement) assumption that he has sharpness, and within three squares of both Valor and Alex. Those triangle bonuses, man.
- Valor is more of a gamble, in that if he fails things would get ugly quick. If he lands a hit, he deals 17 (30 (Base) + 1 (Support) - 14 (Enemy Defense)) damage on a hit, assuming he's around Seyena, and has a chance to crit of 81% (36 (Base) + 30 (Support) + 40 (Wrath) - 25 (Enemy Dodge)) which would drop him, also assuming Seyena is around. His chance to hit, assuming total bonuses, would be an 87% chance (127 (Base) + 15 (Support) + 30 (Sharpness) - 85 (Enemy Evasion)), unless I'm missing a bonus somewhere.
If we put the two to pure percentage, Valor has a 70.47% chance to OHKO Silvaro, assuming all bonuses, compared to Sal's 43% chance to do so. However, Sal's is at little to no risk of personal damage in the assault, while Valor would take a hefty hit, which would have a good chance of being a crit, in return.
Our options with him basically boil down to taking a higher chance with a greater failure should it fail, or a lower chance with a lesser failure should it fail. Both are quite tempting, but both are dangerous. Status effects (unless there for the length of the battle) are lost on downing, so with Valor if he fails he'd lose sharpness, thus would need it again to get that high chance of hitting again. Sal would live through a hit, but this isn't in a vacuum, I expect June to knock him silly should he fail and she isn't distracted.
Of course, if Sal were to do this, that would leave a rather worrying hole in the eastern choke.
Mr. Armor is for our mages, unless we feel like whiffing on his armor all day every day to kill him.
June will be the most annoying out of all of them due to being a mage that can survive death once and auto-evade an attack. I suggest throwing Seyena with pure water at her, because she takes a grand total of zero damage (34 (Total) - 24 (Seyena's Resistance) - 10 (Pure Water)) from her attacks. Hitting her will be the hard part however, and unless Seyena crits with one hit and hits with another, she can't bring her down to zero on a single hit. Her stats will reach ludicrous levels once her resolve kicks in, which will be horrifying.