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Author Topic: Ballad of the Stars (IC) - Chapter 1: Derelict Frigates and Mining Colonies  (Read 7414 times)


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Re: Ballad of the Stars (IC) - Chapter 1: Derelict Frigates and Mining Colonies
« Reply #75 on: February 15, 2013, 08:43:47 pm »

"You looking for folk to help deal with them, sir?" Trevor gestures to himself after a slight bow of his hips. Before he straightens, resting a hand casually on the Katana on his belt, tone polite, crisply speaking in his native accent.

"I'm in a crew looking for work, you see. And while my captain isn't the most honorable sort, we'll try to do the job and get it done."

Ask if they're looking for someone to help deal with the pirates.
"No, I'm being obstinate for the sake of I hate you."


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Re: Ballad of the Stars (IC) - Chapter 1: Derelict Frigates and Mining Colonies
« Reply #76 on: February 15, 2013, 08:49:27 pm »

"I- uh- I don't really  see anything, but I have a feeling that we aren't alone. This corpse and all... There is no rot or signs of freezing or anything. This is new. Maybe hours ago."

Leera nervously plods along, hand resting on her pistol, in the middle of the group.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2013, 08:51:26 pm by Gotdamnmiracle »
Go back see if he's there and run him over, and drink his gun!


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Re: Ballad of the Stars (IC) - Chapter 1: Derelict Frigates and Mining Colonies
« Reply #77 on: February 15, 2013, 08:49:46 pm »

Head into the Science Center. Maybe we can still get some Science.


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Re: Ballad of the Stars (IC) - Chapter 1: Derelict Frigates and Mining Colonies
« Reply #78 on: February 15, 2013, 09:20:21 pm »

Meet the magistrate and ask about the pirate problem.
((Don't feel like writing IC right now.))
Country Name: Lindiria
Name: Sir Alexei Robret
Region: North
In Thirteen Colonies Game


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Re: Ballad of the Stars (IC) - Chapter 1: Derelict Frigates and Mining Colonies
« Reply #79 on: February 15, 2013, 10:08:32 pm »

"You don't have to sound so cheerful."

Homura looks up at Greg's comment, eyebrow invisibly quirked behind the impenetrable curtain of her bangs. " 'Bout what, the drifter? Shit dude, you don't even like treasure?

...Fuck, tell me what it's like to be a joyless, empty shell of a man sometime."
She mutters, slowly shaking her head as she digs through the detritus pilfered from her pockets for a smoke and a lighter, and passes them to Aster. "Here, toke up."

Standing, Homura tilts her head when the captain's announcement comes over the intercom. " 'Taint'? Shit, that doesn't sound good..." She sighs, fiddling with a dial at the back of her neck as she slides back into her seat. "Well, Red, was gonna invite you along while I hit the showers if you wanted t' talk, since I figured they had things handled over there, but I guess me and the Daimyo of the honorable Boring Clan here need to stay plugged in so we can beat it in case the others get eaten by aliens or somethin'... so seeya inna bit, yeah?"
[18:14] <The_Gamemaster> I am here.
[18:14] <The_Gamemaster> I am always here.
[18:15] <The_Gamemaster> I have always been here, and I always will be here. I am the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end.


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Re: Ballad of the Stars (IC) - Chapter 1: Derelict Frigates and Mining Colonies
« Reply #80 on: February 16, 2013, 11:48:07 am »

(whats the next room by the way? Cargo bay? corridor? we need some sort of map really..... scanner print out, maybe?)

The Ship is dark. Kara flicks the 'On' switch for her helmet flashlight and thoroughly looks around the next room.

Deep Waters

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Re: Ballad of the Stars (IC) - Chapter 1: Derelict Frigates and Mining Colonies
« Reply #81 on: February 17, 2013, 01:51:52 pm »

"Hey, Red; you guys got a plan yet? Nothin' on sensors yet; I-- oh." Homura greets Aster over the bridge speakers as she enters the bridge, but her tone flattens as the engineer starts shamelessly picking her pockets.

"Y'know, I can actually see you doing that. Like, literally. Since I'm hooked into the cameras.

...And you're going to do it anyway, 'cos it's my shift and I can't stop you. It'd be nice if you'd just, y'know, ask occasionally, 'cos I'd totally share.

She sighs at length. "Yeah, you have fun with that. And pay me back this time, maybe?"

Aster continues rummaging through the pilot's pockets, not even pausing her movements as she looks up to flash a shit-eating grin at one of the cameras. "It's almost like y'don't know me, 'Mura. Why ever would I ask when I can just swipe it straight from the pockets a'your unconscious body?"

((Time dissonance ftw!))

Upon hearing and feeling Aster scream and thrash awake, she drops back into her body as quickly as possible, jerking upright and yanking cords out of her head. "Shit, Red, you okay? C'mon, pull it together. You're with the boarding crew, ain'tcha?"

Aster pants, bringing a shaking hand up to wipe a light sheen of sweat off her forehead. She blinks, then begins rubbing at her eyes with both hands before looking up to blink blearily at Homura. "I... fuck... ‘Mura? Tha’ you? Ugh..."

Without waiting for an answer, she lets out a groan and flops back on the floor. Unfortunately, she ends up hitting her head on a console halfway there, and, rubbing the back of her head with an obscene curse, she jerks back up, twisting around to glare at the offending metal panel. She mutters groggily as she begins to stand, "Yeah, yeah... boardin’ crew... m’fine... jus’ a dream..."

She stumbles slightly upon standing, but manages to steady herself on the same console she hit her head on, reaching to rub her back with a wince, "Ah, fuck... learn me t’sleep on th’rustin’ floor..."

((Time dissonance ftw!))

"You don't have to sound so cheerful."

Homura looks up at Greg's comment, eyebrow invisibly quirked behind the impenetrable curtain of her bangs. " 'Bout what, the drifter? Shit dude, you don't even like treasure?

...Fuck, tell me what it's like to be a joyless, empty shell of a man sometime."
She mutters, slowly shaking her head as she digs through the detritus pilfered from her pockets for a smoke and a lighter, and passes them to Aster. "Here, toke up."

Standing, Homura tilts her head when the captain's announcement comes over the intercom. " 'Taint'? Shit, that doesn't sound good..." She sighs, fiddling with a dial at the back of her neck as she slides back into her seat. "Well, Red, was gonna invite you along while I hit the showers if you wanted t' talk, since I figured they had things handled over there, but I guess me and the Daimyo of the honorable Boring Clan here need to stay plugged in so we can beat it in case the others get eaten by aliens or somethin'... so seeya inna bit, yeah?"

Aster grins at Homura’s jab, taking a long drag from the drugstick before exhaling a cloud of smoke in Greg’s general direction, though she’s not quite near enough for it to really affect him. "Can always count on you for a laugh and a half, Blue." She pauses, then adds with a chuckle as she moves to take another drag, "An’ a good high, too!"

The engineer waves the raven-haired pilot’s concern off, passing the smoke back to her. She replies nonchalantly, loosening a strap on her light armor near her chest as she moves toward the airlock, "I’m fine ‘Mura. Told y’it was just a dream. S’hardly out’a the ordinary. An’ fuck, if aliens come out lookin’ for a meal I’ll jus’ wave the cappy at ‘em, that’ll lose their appetite right quick."

Pausing just before moving out of sight to give Homura a sly grin, Aster adds, "Wouldn’ mind takin’ y’up on that shower, though!"

((Time dissonance ftw!))

Aster follows after the others cautiously, eyes flicking across the room with almost paranoid intensity before flinching back at the sight of the floating corpse, "Fuckin’ fires a’Jigoku! Why don’t y’warn a girl about this kind a’shit before y’have her step inside the floatin' death trap!"

Clutching at her heart for a moment, the engineer shakes her head in the helmet of the envirosuit muttering curses as she awkwardly makes her way through the zero-gravity environment towards a console. The suit’s radio barely picks up some of the words. "Fuck-... can’t be... assed t’fuckin’... rustin’... these condi-... fuckin’ lucky I’m..."

Aster finally reaches the console with a clumsy leap and a grunt. She steadies herself with a hand on the edge of the unit before beginning to tap at it, cursing even more when the thick fingers of her envirosuit leave her accidentally mashing the wrong buttons. Calming herself down, she resumes tapping, slower and more purposefully this time, muttering to herself, "Let’s see what we have here..."

Check the console for any extra information about the current state of the ship, logs of the previous days to see if she can find out what happened, and any emergency power protocols so she can have some goddamn gravity around here.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2013, 02:00:26 pm by Deep Waters »
[23:14:34] <GameMaster> And so (...) a one-armed dwarf and a mage wearing a blanket walk into a tomb.
[23:14:42] <GameMaster> Sadly, that isn't a joke.

[20:42:03] <HailFire> our wizard tower just got smoked by projectile cats from space


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Re: Ballad of the Stars (IC) - Chapter 1: Derelict Frigates and Mining Colonies
« Reply #82 on: February 17, 2013, 02:42:24 pm »

Aster follows after the others cautiously, eyes flicking across the room with almost paranoid intensity before flinching back at the sight of the floating corpse, "Fuckin’ fires a’Jigoku! Why don’t y’warn a girl about this kind a’shit before y’have her step inside the floatin' death trap!"
"I did say it's rather creepy; You can't expect a dead ship to just be all roses and puppies. Though I suppose the eviscerated heart is a bit out there; they don't normally just pop out on their own, and you'd have to be doing something pretty weird for it to be removed in a fight or outside one.

"Admittedly, I just didn't want to be alone in here in case whatever did this is still around."
What if the earth is just a knick in one of the infinite swords of the mighty fractal bear?
Glory to Arstotzka!


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Re: Ballad of the Stars (IC) - Chapter 1: Derelict Frigates and Mining Colonies
« Reply #83 on: February 17, 2013, 08:30:42 pm »

Joe barges into the bunker, and immediately begins to babble something about gaining science. The two researchers on hand are left dumbstruck. A mohawked man squints, mumbles something, and then rubs at a grizzled jaw. A few feet away from him, a woman clad in a lab coat looks up from the microscope she had been examining, pulls off her goggles, and asks, rather plainly: "I'm sorry. What?"

Erick is ushered through to a room behind the receptionists desk, through a pair of steel doors, the floor transitioning from metal tiling to a rather posh looking carpet. Behind an oaken desk, a portly man garbed in a bright red robe looks up from the datapad in his hands, eyes narrowed, fuming.
"Oho. So we've another rat come from the skies. If you're looking for recompense for the local piracy, you'll need to return tomorrow. I am not dealing with every petty claim of lost goods at the moment."
Upon being questioned about the pirates, and any aid which might be rendered in that regard, he sighs and reaches up to rub at the bridge of his nose. "Yes, yes. We have an idea where they might be housed, but we haven't any way to truly track them. I'm told there's a man within the Southern section of the colony, but he is...not forthcoming, to say the least."

The guard which Trevor is speaking to pauses, and then looks back to the robed man, who rises from his crouch to approach.
"We are looking for aid in such matters, yes," he answers, calmly. "You will need to speak with the Magistrate about such things, though..."
He pauses for a moment, and then nods to the guard, who respectfully backs away. Lowering his voice, the samurai continues: "...He wishes to see this dealt with honorably...Name your price, mercenary."

Kara flicks on the light of her envirosuit's helmet. It doesn't really help much, though, unless she sticks her face right into whatever it is she's looking at.
With sharp eyes, trained for such things, she notices far more than her fellow guardsman might have. In the corner, tucked beneath a console, is a crate which likely holds ammunition for the ship's weaponry. The firing and loading console is likely somewhere nearby, and the weapon turrets themselves as well.
Though upon closer examination, it would appear that it's empty...Odd. Perhaps the turrets themselves are still loaded and ready to fire, though?

Akito begins to weave a spell, calling upon the kami and the seven thunders of legend to grant his ally, Kara, a boon of courage, so that she might better face the trials ahead...
And he is found wanting.
And then proceeds to lie, very clearly, about that fact. You would need to be crazy to buy whatever he's selling.

Plodding along in the center of the group, Leera notices nothing of interest. Perhaps she's too distracted by all the floating blood?

Greg just sort of hangs out by her side.

Aster heads on over to the console...But it won't turn on. Probably because the ship is out of power. Barring that, she begins to root around beneath the console, eventually pulling aside a series of wires to reveal a button, almost hidden beneath the thing. This is the emergency switch for the ship's life support and power systems. Only the kami know if they'll still work, but the party will soon be privy to that information.
Rerouting the wires, and then hitting the necessary switches and buttons, Aster quickly finishes rooting about.
A low thrum moves through the walls of the creaking vessel, and the lights, in the bridge at least, suddenly flicker on before dying.
A moment later, everybody feels a lot heavier, and the floating debris- body, chair, blood and all- come crashing to the ground. The ship begins to rock, rhythmically, as debris in other sections begin to follow suit.

The lights flicker on, and then off, again. Dim, hardly receiving the power necessary to stay on for more than a few seconds, but they're on, at least. In the staccato lighting, near-useless as it is, the group is provided with a startling conclusion: The blood which has just splattered the floor is a brown-red in hue, but some, if not all, of the blood which splatters the damaged envirosuit of the corpse is a deep, dark black.

Spoiler: The Ship and Her Crew (click to show/hide)
Fame is a vapor. The only earthly certainty is oblivion.


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Re: Ballad of the Stars (IC) - Chapter 1: Derelict Frigates and Mining Colonies
« Reply #84 on: February 17, 2013, 08:34:23 pm »

I'm the science Officer with the ship Black Sea. I'm looking for any useful information to be gained from the local science effort.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2013, 08:45:48 am by Remuthra »


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Re: Ballad of the Stars (IC) - Chapter 1: Derelict Frigates and Mining Colonies
« Reply #85 on: February 18, 2013, 01:21:16 am »

Jerrod stares a the corpse.

"So far we've seen someone who's died a very unnatural death, and I've seen some blood in my day, so I can say with some confidence that this person has bled a very unnatural hue. And this is just the first room. So, at this time, I feel it's pertinent to ask: exactly how valuable is whatever's on this ship, and exactly how much do we really need it?"
What if the earth is just a knick in one of the infinite swords of the mighty fractal bear?
Glory to Arstotzka!


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Re: Ballad of the Stars (IC) - Chapter 1: Derelict Frigates and Mining Colonies
« Reply #86 on: February 18, 2013, 02:27:21 am »

Akito pauses for a few seconds, hoping that nobody would call him out on his pathetic display of spell-casting and bluffing, before turning to Jerrod speaking once more with authority. "We have decent numbers, and some of us are well armed. Ship parts can be applied to the Black Sea or sold for a good chunk of change. But I do agree we need to gather information before we make any final decisions.

The Captain then picks up his communicator and calls back to his pilots on the bridge. "Hey. Can you guys try to run another scan of this scrapheap to see if you can pinpoint where on this ship the lifeforms are?" (Disregard if pilots can't run scans while jacked in)


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Re: Ballad of the Stars (IC) - Chapter 1: Derelict Frigates and Mining Colonies
« Reply #87 on: February 18, 2013, 02:55:04 am »

Greg look around "Yay, blood." he say in a mono tone.

He draw his Katana "Let go looking for trouble like always."

Going searching, but keep with Leera.
You were planning to have a 15 year old magical girl kill Witches by drinking them under the table!? It's original, at least.
Morpheus, a magic girls game


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Re: Ballad of the Stars (IC) - Chapter 1: Derelict Frigates and Mining Colonies
« Reply #88 on: February 18, 2013, 04:33:10 am »

Kara walks quickly back to the bridge.

"What the hell was that? do you WANT to bring every damn thing in this hulk down on top of us? We just lost the element of surprise!"

She then catches sight of the black blood.

"That seems familiar.....i seem to remember the instructors at the Imperial academy talking about something like this whilst showing us pictures and holotapes.... Anyway, this derelict is a curiosity. The turrets and other armaments seem to be loaded. The ammo stores also seem to be empty. Whatever happened here, it was violent and judging by that corpse, it wasn't pirates....."

Shifting her weight to the other foot, she motions to Aster. "I think its best if we take a look at the cargo bay, power core and engines, to at least stabilize the lights and life support. Cmon Aster, with me."

Escort Aster to the Engines/Power Core/Cargo bay to try and stabilize the ships systems and look for loot.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2013, 04:34:53 am by kahn1234 »
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