It's fascinating that there's no mention of the IRS or AP scandal in this thread. Surely big government must be defended against these false allegations of corruption?
I don't know the details of the IRS bit - it sounded like one of those right-wing-echo-chamber-scandals-in-name-only that means some good employees do their job for doing the right thing in a way that could seen as "inappropriate". Maybe it
isn't, but the only arguments I've seen have been of that sort, so I've mostly ignored it. But the right-wing desperately loves it's non-scandals, because they really like getting upset about things, and this feels exactly like all the other non-scandals they've come up with.
On the other hand, the AP bullshit is exactly the same sort of bullshit this administration has been shoveling since it came into office - it's disappointing, but not surprising, as it's a pretty straightforward continuation of the war on leaks and transparency. Rage-inducing, though, and I've seen people complaining about it here. But compared to the stuff Obama and Bush before him got up to on the same front it's just... tiring to discuss, really. It's more of the same. At least this time it looks like the did it
legally. As messed up as it seems to be, they seem to be going after the "right" people in the "right" way, so...
Essentially, I don't understand WHY it's such a big deal? I'd love it if some positive change came out of this, but that's not the narrative I'm getting from the people complaining about it. The most I can see is a backlash supporting Republican's who will promptly... do more of the same, maybe even worse? It's one of those aggressively bipartisan problems, and there's a reason it probably doesn't show up much in this particular thread beyond it's political implications.
There's quite a few legislative scandals that people complained quite a bit about here on the board not that long ago of which there was barely a whisper in this thread for the same reason.