Passed along.
Fortune has smiled upon us today. The Lord, I thinks, see's fit to grant us an army, as if he was requesting we make use of it. Is there as yet some unforeseen danger on this planet? As near as I can tell, we remain absolutely alone here, and though the planet itself is inhospitable, we seem to be settling in fairly well. Regardless, the recovered vehicles have allowed us to scout out several amazing sites for our colony pods, and I feel that in a few short years we will be fully prepared to settle them. The amount of alien fungus to the south and west worries me a bit - we've seen no sign of it being dangerous, but it seems almost... foreboding. It is difficult to move through, at the least, so I rest easy knowing we have such fine colony sites awaiting us that rest far from the reach of those purple tendrils.
Brother Luke has been acting strange lately, ever since the exploration team discovered the artifact (or perhaps that is simple the first I've noticed of it) and I've assigned extra surveillance to him. He is not as good at lurking as he believes, and he would do better to fill his networks with those who have a greater loyalty to himself than to me. I trust that the Lord still guides his heart, but this place is full of temptations for the unwary - it may be that he has lost the true path, and will need to be gently guided back to the light.
-Sister Kiera Griffin, The Diary of Planet, 2105