Roll 38Name: Russano Neskratt
Race: Aldros II, Unknown Origin
Abilities: (Active)
Breeze of Life -
Flash Portal -
Lightning Bolt -
Twisted Transistor - -
Spell Flux [1/2] -
Universal Clock II -
I Like These Odds (Toggle)Traits: -
Diplomat -
Ironmind -
Warlock -
PsiboundInventory: x
Torque x
Ceremonial Battle Robe +
Old Century Royal Guard Suit -
Black Clothing +
Bandages (clothing) (8/8) -
Holo-President -
Lesser Warp Crystal +
Corsair Rapier +
NightfallConditions:Miniquests:New Power: Cleanse all debuffs (1/5 successful casts)
Name: Kenjaro
Race: Cyrian
Abilities: -
Cellular Regeneration -
Martial TranceTraits: -
Bloodlust -
Martial Focus -
Rifles are for CowardsInventory: -
Ultrasonic Axe +
Nanosteel Combat Armor - 1x Shotgun Magazine
"Devourer" Rock Drill +
Damaged Nametag + Commander's Radio
Conditions:Martial Trance [1] (+2 to spells, + 0.5 to other actions)
Name: Davis Theul
Race: Edgeworlds, Sirian Father
Abilities: -
Telepathy [0/3] - -
Interference Wave[/color]
- -
Tagging (Passive)Traits: -
Military Training -
Electrician -
Chemist (1/3) -
Tactician -
Never Bring a Knife to a GunfightInventory: +
Marktan Combat Armor -
TR4 Assault Rifle (30/30) (Plasma Rounds) (3x Plasma Spray Loaded) -
2x 30 Round Plasma Cartidge Magazine -
1x 20 Round Plasma Spray Cartidge Magazine -
R341 Rocket Gun (2/2) -
Handyman's Tools -
S1200 (15/15) -
2x Pistol Magazine - Cryogenics Bay Keys
Miniquests:Experience Trait: Directed Energy Weapons (1/5 4+ rolls or practice turns)
Name: Ryan
Race: Unknown
Abilities: -
Pyrokinesis [0/3] -
Technopathy [0/3] -
Healing -
BurnoutTraits: -
Backtrack -
Perception -
Instant Reflexes -
Lack of Common Sense -
AmnesiaInventory: +
Old Century Royal Guard Suit +
Modern ClothesConditions:Miniquests:Discover Power: Ra---o--
Name: Dominic Zoshan
Race: Ross/Polarian
Abilities (Human Form): -
Geokinesis [1/3] - -
Discipline of FormTraits (Human Form): -
Gentleman (1 Gentleman Points) -
Duelist -
PoliteAbilities (Myslef Form): -
Metallokinesis [0/3] --
Seismic Slam --
Bladestorm -
Entropy LeechTraits (Myslef Form): -
Epicenter of Rage (0 Fury)Inventory: +
Gunberd - 20x Gunberd Round
Armored Trenchcoat and Top Hat -
Repair Kit - 3x Large Paper Cup
-- Popcorn
=Granite Dagger= - Cryogenics Bay Keys
HEN, AKA Dominic ZoshanThe commander, listening to the exchange, regains his senses and rights himself. His right boot kept his foot cemented to the metal grating, albeit on its side, and with that point of balance he flung himself back onto his feet with a thrust of his right arm. He spotted the rifle on the wall where it came to rest and made a run for it.
Pushing up the collar of his coat to obscure the bottom half of his hooded face, Dominic shouts in a
deep and bold voice:
"STOP HIM OR WE WILL BE DOOMED."He really enjoyed pronouncing "doom" that way.
Unholy_Pariah, AKA KenjaroAxe in hand, Kenjaro sprints at the commander, catching up to him quickly. He launches himself off the floor and places his full mass behind a wide two-handed slash, aiming for the back of the commander's knee where the plates of his armor intersect.
[6+1] The axe lets out an ear-piercing squeal as it its blade digs through the exposed inner lining of the suit, tearing apart the commander's knee and eliciting a muffled shout from within the suit. Stunned by the pain and crippled by the injury, the officer loses control over his motion and trips to the ground.
As Kenjaro wipes the blood and impact gel off of his axe blade, he hears Dominic screaming at him to look out just as a large dagger flies spinning past his face. The dagger bounces erratically, leaving dents in the walls, and comes to rest on the floor standing on its pommel. Kenjaro looks at the commander, who is stuck in a sitting position with frozen limbs and arm stretched out as if he were gripping a handle.
Martial Trance active! (2)Martial Trance will end next turn....
After hiding the commander, whose muffled shouting can hardly be heard despite its frequency, Dominic announces that he and Kenjaro should get to the hangar while they still can.
Kenjaro, surprised by the sudden hospitality, hesistated to think things through. He had this supsicion that Dominic may have had something to do with the explosions, and that by escaping with Dominic, he would essentially doom the men and women he had worked with in the past month to an unjust death.
In fact, he remembered a lot of people who could prove useful and wanted to escape as well. There was a scientist he knew who went by the name Codo. He was brilliant, though reckless, and his actions had indirectly led to his ship being attacked by pirates. Technically, Codo owed Kenjaro for getting him caught in this mess, but squabbling over whose blame it was would only arouse suspicion and worsen their chances of an escape.
((I'll let you guys RP this out. I don't want to force anyone into any course of action.))
((Also, I've decided to more explicitly mention which colors/formats belong to which character as it will get comfusing in the long run. Characters whose lines were previously bold are now colored like the rest.))
Overseer WallaceMaxinum McDreich, AKA Davis TheulNine's commander isn't responding to my call.
Going to tell alpha and bravo to talk to him. He's upset about the code changes, I bet.
Davis is sure the man he was reading doesn't know about Davis' muddling around. If there were any suspicion in the man's thoughts, Davis would know.
This person seemed to have a lot of power. Digging a little deeper to figure out whom he was reading could help.
superBlast, AKA RyanRyan consciously searches the room for control panels and exposed wiring. He could tap into the room's electrical network and get a feel for it that way.
[1] In doing so, he seems to have created a signal somewhere, somehow. Two panels on the wall slide downward, revealing turrets hidden underneath. Both turrets extend from the wall and train their autocannons on those in the center of the room.
"What's this?"The turrets remained stationary.
"I swear," Wallace said in confusion.
"that wasn't supposed to happen."He took out a remote from his pocket and appeared to be pressing buttons.
"The green light's on. This isn't right at all..." he muttered.
[Interruption possible: Overseer Wallace]
Caellath, AKA Russano Neskratt((The following will only happen if you choose not to interrupt Wallace))
The overseer presses a button that causes the turrets to retract. Embarrassed, he sits down.
"I'm so sorry. If you'll excuse that just for now, I'd like to explain the contract I talked about in the recording I sent you."He points his remote at the wall, which turns out to be a screen that displays some information on common presentation software.
"A convoy funded by his majesty's charter is about to leave for a colony in the edge worlds. It's lightly guarded, but we're short on manpower... do you like where this is going?"