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Author Topic: Pantheon Play Thread: In the beginning there was...  (Read 85940 times)

Ukrainian Ranger

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Re: Pantheon Play Thread: In the beginning there was...
« Reply #885 on: March 23, 2013, 09:49:12 pm »

One may say that Vanida ignored the council, but she knew every word said here, thanking to her husband... She knew that the whole situation with the Eversummer was her mistake, her blind anger against giants did nothing good, but she was close to madness back there

And yet she had to talk to Giants, to apologize for what she did. Give them something. And she found a way, Vanida  chose one of the most loyal white sisters, one that had a small trace of fjortun (and thus Thaneos)  blood.  Using her power Vanida changed the human to a  giantess : alluring and charismatic, one that could rival even The Goddess of Love in her beauty. Overfilled with energies of love, closely related to the life giants and yet not same as they. She was much closer to humans both in looks and her nature. She needed to eat, she needed to sleep and rest, her body was susceptible to deceases, giving birth to divine beings is as dangerous for her as it would be for humans. And yet she was immortal, she was as tall as real giants, she was as tall as them, she had divine healing and empathic powers and indeed she had Thaneos' blood in her veins.

My beloved follower, my sister, my friend. I gave you immortality, I gave you the power,  and I ask you to not use it in a wrong way. You are now one of the giants, as one of your ancestors was. You are a sister of the Three. Sister by blood, but I ask you to become Sister by love. Love them, love their people, love their fortress, love the whole continent.  Say them about how I changed you, say them that I give them a sister as a way to apologize for my temporary madness. Say them that If I could I'd return their father as they desire, but I can't because his energy is too mixed with energy of Az-Sho. Say them that I seek peace. Explain that my foolish act was from all the pain I suffered. Tell them how I changed. Cease their hatred of gods. Explain that while we do mistakes, even crimes sometimes, we care about mortals. Teach them to care about weaker mortals, like the first three races. Love them as sister should love and should you ever desire become a wife for one of them. Farewell, my sister, I wish you luck in your new life"

With that words Vanida sent the human she changed directly to the room of the elder life giant, hoping that he will not harm a newly gained sister.

1 act:  Turn one human into a new female giant
Minor act: send newly created giant to the flying fortress
« Last Edit: March 23, 2013, 10:10:54 pm by Ukrainian Ranger »
War must be, while we defend our lives against a destroyer who would devour all; but I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend.


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Re: Pantheon Play Thread: In the beginning there was...
« Reply #886 on: March 24, 2013, 03:46:20 am »

'Kar'lan, my friend. I have a request to make of you. I see a storm coming, and wish to secure my worshippers against it. To this end i ask that I be permitted to secure a corner of your afterlife for my own worshippers, to be entered or exited as they will. It would be a place where those dissatisfied to live a life of peace could go to feel the thrill of the hunt again. Furthermore, i propose that those who choose to dwell within would be permitted to enter and exit your afterlife at your will, so that they may best defend the world.'

Kar'lan permitted himself a small smile.  "Whether you believe it or not, in both sections I have created areas like what you describe.  In the paradise, an area that challenges their skill, as well as sustains the soul indefinitely, if they wish for that boon in their hunt.  In the hell, the situation is reversed.  As a member of the guardians, I have already allowed you to use the various areas of the paradise and hell for afterlives of your worshipers."

Kar'lan returned to his previous emotionless expression, before continuing,  "However, living mortals are unable to enter the afterlife, due to the nature of the entrance repelling the attached souls in a reverse black hole.  The only ones who can go past this barrier are me, my ethereal creations, and souls, in order to prevent harm from coming to the souls.  There are soul-eaters in the deadlands, and I do not want them coming to harm those who have lived their lives, and are going through their penance for breaking the four tenets I judge by, or are finding happiness, for the first time for some."
'Your forethought is admirable Kar'lan, and I see no need to interfere with it. I bid you farewell my friend.'
My dreams are not unlike yours - they long for the safety, and break like a glass chandelier.
But there's laughter and oh there is love, just past the edge of our fears.
And there's chaos when push comes to shove, but it's music to my ears.



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Re: Pantheon Play Thread: In the beginning there was...
« Reply #887 on: March 24, 2013, 07:22:05 am »

"A misuse of words then, Catalyst. Here is what I propose in more direct terms: you shall sacrifice 20% of your total biomass to me on a regular basis-as long as that is sustainable- and I shall in return grant you exclusive use of a divine unit of power...Would that be agreeable? I am quite willing to haggle."

Our strongest desire is to grow larger and stronger.  If we were to gain use of this divine unit of power, we would no doubt put it's use to that aforementioned goal, which means that this deal would only prove beneficial to us if the divine unit of power can be used to somehow increase our rate of growth by enough to offset the costs... and seeing as how we do not currently know the actual capacities that this unit of power can be used to, it would be unwise for us to immediately commit to such an arrangement.

It would be more agreeable for now at least, to simply sacrifice to you when we need to access the device as apposed to at regular intervals, which could easily prove damaging to us.

As a separate offer completely... do you wish for any of your followers to receive the Catalyst gift?  Just giving it to a small number could prove very advantageous as they would gain powers of change.  Of course these followers would not be fully incorporated into the hivemind and would retain their free will and worship of you.
Sure thing peanut man!


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Re: Pantheon Play Thread: In the beginning there was...
« Reply #888 on: March 24, 2013, 01:39:17 pm »

"Aye, perhaps that would be for the for allowing my followers to join you, well I am not sure. They have their own minds; perhaps they shall wish to and perhaps they would not. I shall alert them to this opportunity."

"Now, I do believe that we have a workable agreement. If there is nothing more to discuss, I shall take my leave."

Action: Alert the Shattered of the Catalyst and its offer. Allow individuals to to take it, if they so wish.
You win Nakeen
Marduk is my waifu
Inanna is my husbando


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Pantheon Play Thread: In the beginning there was...
« Reply #889 on: March 24, 2013, 02:58:05 pm »

Excellent, I am sure we will be in contact with one another throughout the future.

Turn any volunteers into Altered
Sure thing peanut man!

Digital Hellhound

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Re: Pantheon Play Thread: In the beginning there was...
« Reply #890 on: March 28, 2013, 09:53:31 am »

The Spider was worried - but more, tired. She would need to rest and deal with the strange ships later. Some plans were already forming - a lone shapeshifter, perhaps, who could discover the true scale of this threat...


No Act: The Spider rests in the Voidguard

The Voidguard is to remain alert and attack any strange ships that approach. The Arks should avoid groups of these ships.
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!


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Re: Pantheon Play Thread: In the beginning there was...
« Reply #891 on: April 10, 2013, 11:06:14 am »

Turn 10
((okay this took quite long...anyhow propably some stuff got lost in the process...if something is missing then tell me so in the OOC thread and they will be mentioned to in shorter in between updates. On Second thought i just realized that i deleted all the acts i gathered together (again  ::) ) and that i have no idea anymore who used what acts...i know its getting annoying but could you post your remaining acts from last turn (if you have any left that is) in the OOC Thread?))

A New Age begins. Reclaiming lost glories of Old the Dwarves and Humans of Udilsbor spread through the tunnels, resettling the old ancestral homes of the Dwarves. It soon turns out however that the Humans wish to take their leave, uncomfortable with the dark and the underground they clamour for the surface.

Meanwhile in the afterlife, Kar'lan is noticing a strong pull has he releases the souls belonging to Udil. rapidly his afterlife starts to empty out. Almost a third of his souls vanish into Volindia, which fills up almost struggling under the flood of souls. With the creation of Volindia, the Death Cult in Udilsbor slowly wanes and vanishes completely. Along with it worship with Feros as the Antagonist starts to recede. In their place new figures enter the Mythology of Humans and Dwarves of Udilsbor. The Figure of the Traitor, a Dwarf named Gren, who defied the Dwarven God. Another is that of the Devourer a being who would bring about the end of times, and who would devour all gods. In the Dwarvish stories also another figure appears time and time again. The God of Lies and Bluster, Corvus the God of Scavengers and Ravens. He is depicted as the god who takes the praise for things he didnt do.

Rather tragic figures in the Dwarven Mythology form the Giants, being Misguided Zealots, led on a path of Darkness by the Great Betrayer Gren and the Lying Crow God. As the years pass and the Dwarves and humans settle most of the other Continents they also meet again with the Giants and the Karas. Led by the Giants raiding parties drive the human colonists back into the sea and the Dwarves back underground. The same thing happens in the North where giant wolves hunt down colonists and winter storms sink the colonists fleets. On the Fourth Continent they are burned to cinders by the Fire Giants and those of the First Continent are never heard of again. the Shadelands are also not settled due to it being completely dead. A few Colonists however reach solid land and start colonizing the second and the seventh continent, aswell as the fifth. There small colonies flourish for a time. In Udilsbor however surface expeditions lead to the Swamp Dwarfs. Early attempts at converting them fail and soon religious fanatics clamour for a crusade agains these heretic dwarves.

Again Kar'lan feels a strong pull as his Afterlife is emptied of even mroe souls as Aldemas revives his Shades and along with him their shape changes, from night to light. The Illuminated are born. And given a task by their god they begin to cleanse the Shadelands, the Black Sands turn slowly into a normal Desert.

Meanwhile the warring Kingdoms of Squiddles and Seaspawn face a new threat the Catalyst swarm has arrived and is devouring wihtout discrimination. While Seaspawn still ahve the spark of Godhood in them they have trouble keeping the infection in check and the kingdom rapidly decays into smaller Fiefdoms fighting for their very lives. the Squiddles without any divine weapons are falling rapidly to the Swarm and are taken in entirely. As the swarm adds these two races to itself it notices that things aren't as easy as thought. The Evovled among them fall prey to terrible mutations and lose all their will. Those who are infected will never recover among them. They grow in size and strength and turn into a similiar being like the First Seaspawn. Only without reason. The squiddles are added more easily into the Collective, although they too mutate rapidly. They turn into breeding machines, constantly birthing more and more smaller versions of themselves. Tiny versions of themselves. Beings that latch onto uninfected and slowly grow in and around them and finally devouring them completely before exploding into a cloud of new Catalysts.

Although these early victims all lose reason and are beyond any recovery, the Hivemind adapts to these foreign minds and learns a lot about how to change their DNA and adapt the Swarm to them.
As a small cloud of Catalysts is sent to the Anghinwar, they at first lose themselves in the Gods Prison, then suddenly contact to the Hivemind is lost. Wandering deeper and deeper into the Prison they are changed,broken and rebuilt. After years the Prison has moulded them into new Prison Guards. Another obstacle to overcome for any foolish god or mortal trying to open the God's Prison.

As the swarm finally reaches the Coasts of the North and Feros informs his followers about the offer of the Swarm,[5,2] reluctantly several thousand of Feros Followers agree. However the Catalysts inside don't stay dormant, in fact the humans react terribly to the infection and that is when things go wrong...terribly so. Maddened by pain and mutation, the humans shamble,run and crawl off into the wilderness, their catalysts breaking contact with the hivemind, they themselves maddened by whatever is gong on. The Broken were born. Quickly vanishing into the thick woodlands they would soon reappear as contact is lost to several Wildkin villages.

Turning away from these pictures of murder we turn to the Corvid Moon. The Crowborn have flourished over the years, in incredible numbers. Millions of them and the humans are crowding the moon, which is slowly reaching the border of what it can sustain. Inside the vast City the Corvid Moon has turned into, strange cults are growing mroe and more popular, especially since the Crow God seems to care less for his specimens lately. With the waning of his power Fatianna grows in power.

With the Creation of Argentus, a massive tree, to which the Souls of the Exalted are tied, her worship grows strong. But also Kar'lan is getting more influence in the City of Crows. With it the power base rapidly shifts. the Exalted slowly take more and more important positions, in religion,military and government, relegating Humans and Crowborn to lesser positions. The powerbase shifts again as the Magnus Comet passes the Corvid Moon. Suddenly people find themselves able to do acts of divinity without worship of Fatianna. Called Heretics by her followers viscious progroms are demanded by the more radical followers of her, while most of these magic users claim to follow a new god...Magnus.

The same happens in the Human Settlements of Despair and in Eversummer. Those known to be Mages are despised or even outright hunted. The only Safe Haven for a Cult manages to establish itself on Desolate, in the Swamp Dwarf lands.

With the Arrival of Lo's gifts on the Corvid Moon more and more Secret Cults spring up and gathers followers, which in turn are cracked down upon by Exalted who deem them heresy, the streets start to run red with blood.

Meanwhile a group of Shattered is sent to the Fourth Continent. There they encounter the Eldtursar. As it turns out they destroyed the Hortimachina because it was trying to destroy their homelands. As the Shattered protest they kill all but one of them and send him back with a message. If Lo should dare enter the lands of the Eldtursar again they would wreak terrible vengeance upon him.

Vanida has sent a single Female Giant to Eversummer. She falls in love with all three of the Brothers and soon she is found pregnant. Over the following decades she births a dozen children, each being a child of one of the three brothers.

With the passing of another Century a New Age is dawning an Age of Darkness. From the First Continent where the God of Chaos and Order fell an armada is emerging. Hundreds of Ships taking Course towards the Second Continent. Soon contact to the kingdoms that had established themselves at its coasts breaks up.

Even worse, Corvus God of Knowledge succumbs in his weakened state to the Reborn Aldemas. His death causes Chaos and Uprisings in Ravenas. Cults proclaiming the End of Times emerge and the City tortured by it's shadow wars of the Cults now opens up into open warfare between the different religions and cults. In all of the Chaos the fleet from the border of the Galaxy suddenly appears in proximity to the Corvid Moon.

In Ravenas the Exalted can no longer supress the Cults inside the City and thousands gather on a marketplace to hear a self-proclaimed prophet of the Great Devourer speak to the people.

In the North the Number of Broken grows rapidly as the once peaceful refuge turn into cruel hunting grounds for the broken, the hapless tribes of Wildkins and Skrettir not managing to mount an effective defense.

A incident involving a Emberdwarf Trader and a Swampdwarf Thief escalates into angered mobs arming themselves and marching towards the Hillforts of the Dwarfs, loudly Proclaiming a rightful Crusade.

In Eversummer the Karas Clans have united under a charismatic High Chief and founded the Karas Dominate. Armed with Muskets a heavy increase in Military Organization is noted by Shattered Observations.

Generally Technology has reached the level of Late Renaissance through the careful administration of the Tutelaspheres and the Sattelites employed by Lo. In Ravenas however Technology is even beyond that. And as the Prophet of the Cult of the Devourer proclaims that the time is ripe to bring back their god through the burning of Argentus, his words are amplified by loud speakers and his back guarded by men armed with rifles. Ravenas has reached the Industrial Age...

And to all this Taerai reawakens...

Spoiler: State of Despair (click to show/hide)

Spoiler:  Entities (click to show/hide)

Spoiler:  Gods (click to show/hide)

Spoiler:  Bestiary (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: April 14, 2013, 09:05:43 am by Ghazkull »


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Re: Pantheon Play Thread: In the beginning there was...
« Reply #892 on: April 10, 2013, 02:06:00 pm »

Fatianna was not mad.

She was not upset at her followers for their brash and unbecoming acts in Her name.

She was only a bit...


the mistreatment of the mages, simply for being of another's faith, and even of the Cult of the Devourer, angered her, for she was not a goddess of oppression and control, but rather one of the oppressed, of those hurt and put down by those stronger than they, those of secret meetings and stealthy action.

Her followers, even her Exalted, had gone against her charge, against her very being.

And she was not happy for it.

The air crackles with silver fire within the temple which had been constructed as her main point of worship, and soon her form emerges, blazing with that same silver flame, as silent as ever, as serene in face and form... but she radiates such an aura of displeasure and borderline fury that it seems almost a physical force.

"My people." Her voice, projected from her, spreads over the moon, to every one of the followers, and her Exalted. "Hear me! Many things have been done in the time since the Tree first sprouted. My Exalted have come forth to this Moon, and though I am a goddess of secrets, of subtlety, they have claimed overt power. They have suppressed those who do not follow me, they have oppressed those groups that I am sworn to protect: the downtrodden, the weak, those whose voices are not heard. I say, to all of you! Mage, Exalted, Crowborn, Even those Cultists of the Devourer who reside here! Henceforth, I declare this moon to be neutral to worship of any type. All may exist here, and survive, and thrive, so long as they allow the others to do the same." Her gaze sweeps over the city, silent for a time as her people stare up at her in shock. "Those of my people who do not wish to remain may return to the planet below as I do, and make a living there. Any who wish to leave, may. However! Those Exalted among you, those whom I have accorded special privilege and duty! All of you, from the least to the greatest, shall return to Argentus immediately, for I must speak to you at length. You will wait for me." She looks to the sky.

And then she vanishes.

High above the surface of the moon, Fatianna now floats, looking up at the armada which had arrived... Concerning, that they had found their home, through even her Ring's protection of secrecy... And so she would come to investigate. She sends a whisp of power out, to the ships... a simple message, a hail sent across the depths of space. [Hello. I am Fatianna. You have entered the system of my people, and I would know why.]
Quote from: Wing, via Discord
I want a coat that doesn't make me look like a rear admiral from the East India Company


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Re: Pantheon Play Thread: In the beginning there was...
« Reply #893 on: April 10, 2013, 02:51:10 pm »

Feros was angered. His deal with the being known as the catalyst had turned sour. And some of his people, those who had gained magic, had turned from him. But wait. There was an opportunity there. Yes, indeed. He spoke to the mages then:
'I come here not to seek your worship again but to aid you.'
He then turned to address the whole population of the north, ensuring the broken also heard.
 'You have heard of the dissapearance of the outlying wildkin villages? They are caused by beings known as the broken. they were once your brothers but are changed by the being known as the swarm. i do not believe it intended this, and i did warn them the process would not be without risks, but the fact remains that they are no longer what they were. Thus I make you an offer. To whomever of you can stop them, through whatever means, magical, military, diplomatic, i will grant a boon of their request as long as it is in my power. To you the broken I say this: you have harmed my people. Justify this. Or run.'
My dreams are not unlike yours - they long for the safety, and break like a glass chandelier.
But there's laughter and oh there is love, just past the edge of our fears.
And there's chaos when push comes to shove, but it's music to my ears.



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Re: Pantheon Play Thread: In the beginning there was...
« Reply #894 on: April 10, 2013, 03:35:42 pm »

Flesh and blood were consumed as horrible screams raked through the water only to be drowned out by an incessant buzzing from the nightmare swarms.  The Catalyst reveled in sating its hunger and felt its strength grow with every creature consumed.  Still not everything had gone as planned.  It seemed as though the hivemind was not as strong as was expected... this posed a considerable problem.  One that in truth, terrified the Catalyst more than any other foe imaginable.  These Others must be brought back into the fold or destroyed.  For if the Catalyst could not even control itself, what hope was there for the grand future it envisioned?

Feros, I am sorry...  In truth I do not understand what happened myself.  Perhaps it is simply a result of my relative youth and inexperience or perhaps some other power was at work.  In either case, not only has the union failed to happen as I had hoped, but the very Catalysts themselves have broken away from my mind.  For both this reason and to make partial amends for my mistakes, I plan to do everything within my power to help you remove this problem if you would have my help.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2013, 03:39:05 pm by gman8181 »
Sure thing peanut man!


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Re: Pantheon Play Thread: In the beginning there was...
« Reply #895 on: April 10, 2013, 04:32:59 pm »

'Your help? No. I do not blame you, but I have had enough of your help right now. this is my problem, to be dealt with by me alone. Perhaps if all else fails. But until then, I request that you do no more.'
My dreams are not unlike yours - they long for the safety, and break like a glass chandelier.
But there's laughter and oh there is love, just past the edge of our fears.
And there's chaos when push comes to shove, but it's music to my ears.



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Re: Pantheon Play Thread: In the beginning there was...
« Reply #896 on: April 10, 2013, 05:33:45 pm »

Aldemas had finally won the battle. He absorbed the very essence of Corvus himself. He was whole once more, and hopefully, another God would not revive him in the same style as Aldemas. The onset of Energy left him as empowered as a newborn, just much more cunning from previous mistakes.
Now that this chapter in his Godhood was over, Aldemas had no need for revenge, and could return to the caring of his Children.

His children would soon be ready to settle in the harsh desert, empowered by the rays of the sun. He had an idea. He taught his Illuminated to take from the desert sands, and harness the crystals in the sand. To demonstrate, he lifted up thousands of tiny crystals, and fused them together to create the Sun Shard. This crystal harnesses and redirects both the healing and reversal auras, and storing the light of the sun present in every Illuminated. He ties the Souls of every Illuminated to the stone as well, for if they were to die, they would be revived. Also Able to heal almost every wound, and reverse the passage of time itself; healing scars, taking away madness, and even turning parasites back into Larvae(for easy removal!). Aldemas taught every Illuminated to create their own smaller versions of the Shard, which could invigorate an Illuminated, and do everything which the Original Shard can do at a much slower rate; unless an Illuminated were to combine or create dozens of the shards. The Shards can release the light of the Sun to empower the Illuminated even at night, or to blind enemies.

Aldemas had much more to do, as he had the energy left in him to do much more. He used some of the energy left from the Absorbtion to create hundreds of more Illuminated, at the base of the Sun shard, to be left to their own devices.

Aldemas uses the rest of the energy left inside of him, he uses the energy to Forge himself a suit of Armor from the very Flames of the Sun itself. The Corona of Rebirth!
Creates the Sun's Shard, a massive crystal, harnesses energy of the Illuminated to heal/or reverse time.(All souls are sent to the Sun Shard for eventual revival)He teaches the Illuminated to create Mini Shards, which can be combined to create lesser Shards.(Can only be activated by an Illuminated, who can decide which function to use. Can also harness and release Sunlight.)
Creates much more Illuminated, to be left to their own devices near the Shard.
Creates the Corona of Rebirth, armor
(1 Mighty Act!!!)
« Last Edit: April 11, 2013, 08:18:47 am by javierpwn »


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Re: Pantheon Play Thread: In the beginning there was...
« Reply #897 on: April 10, 2013, 11:41:27 pm »

 Rage, all she felt was rage, HER FRIEND WAS DEAD!
Maybe she didn't know him very well, maybe she hadn't spoken to him much, but he had given her shelter, and he had protected her when she was weak, he was her friend, AND NOW HE WAS DEAD!
Aur-Sha wreathed and swirled around her little mountain, massive chunks of it melting away as the fires once again raged and burned with an overwhelming fury. First her father, now her friend, they would pay, she would make sure of that. By the time Aur-Sha had calmed down, the mountain was reduced to less han half its original size. Finnaly Aur-Sha began to think more clearly, they would pay, yes, but first she wuld need to prepare, and for that she needed power. The worship provided from the ravennas citizens gave her strength, but right now they were burning themselves out with civil conflict, and there was the matter of the strange ships which had appeared above  the moon, but first there was the city.

The first thing they felt was a dull trembling, barley noticable without concentration. Then the plates and cups began to vibrate, the clicking and clacking attracting more attention. Then the ground vibrated with an intenisty, books fell down from shelves, plates smashed on the ground, and then she showed herself. The ground burst open with a huge explosion of earth and flames, appearing at the edge of the city the serpent emerged, her burning eyes surveyed the city as panicked citizens stopped to watch the ancient of flame and earth. Then she began circling the city, the rest of her body slowly emerging from the earth as she cricled the city, when she had gone full circle about the city she stopped, and spoke. "MORTALS, CEASE THIS POINTLESS VIOLENCE AT ONCE!" Aur-Sha let that settle for a while before continuing, "The god Corvus was slain by treacherous attack after centuries of constant conflict made him weak, you now are standing at a crossroads, if you continue to fight then you will surely burn yourselves in the fires of war, but if you unite, remove your diffrences, then you could carry yourselves into a new age. Above this wolrd lies a fleet of ships, ships which were not made by anything from this universe, ships which may very well attack and destroy you." Painting the ships in a bad way, but she needed something to unite them. "Settle your diffrences in peace, not violence. Civil conflict is a pointless waste of lives and reasources. From now on no-one here is to harm another human or crowborn, those who disregard this will face MY wrath.
If it is a question on rulership, make an agreement, if it is a question of beliefs, make your own choices, and respect others choices, if it is a question of race, respect those diiffrences and live with them, and make your life a fair one. All of these conflicts can be sorted through diplomacy, but this conflict is not nessicairy, and you WILL stop it, or I WILL intervene."

Aur-Sha remained for a few moments, before heading back into the wilderness, she had read their minds, she new which gods they worshipped, except that devouerer though, she had no idea who that was. Still, not important, she snaked her way up the highest peak she could find, looked out to the stars, and made her call, "GUARDIANS, MAGNUS, HEAR ME. Your followers are drowning themsleves in their own blood, and something had appeared that may threaten them externaly, come to the Corvid moon, so we can discuss solutions to these problems, Aur-Sha calls to you." Then she went back to watching the stars, and more closely, the strange ships

Demand that the crowborn stop fighting eachother, and threaten retribution on those who do fight
Call to all the gods that the citizens of ravennas worship, (Except the devouerer) and ask them to come to the Corvid moon
In denial of sanity...

and insanity


  • Bay Watcher
  • Mr. Peanut - The Peanut Man
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Re: Pantheon Play Thread: In the beginning there was...
« Reply #898 on: April 12, 2013, 03:50:16 pm »

The Hivemind had been divided.  Some had broken away by means unknown to the Swarm and if this trend continued, it would be the end of a grand vision.  UNITY must be achieved.  DISSENT must be crushed.  These abominations to the Great Collective would never be tolerated.  Action was essential if the losses were to be contained and the Lost Ones returned to their proper place.
To this end, the Catalyst set a few more plans into action.

The first and possibly most important would be the Conduits.  Organic partially mobile structures usually formed within hives.  These Conduits radiated the energy of the Hivemind, enforcing its thoughts on anything and everything possible.  This energy most strongly affects Catalysts or Catalyst touched organisms and helps ensure that they do not break away from the Hivemind.  Those that already have broken away from the Mind will find the Conduit influence strongly pulling their thoughts back to that of the Central Intelligence.  Even non Catalyst beings will be affected by the Conduits though and may find themselves strongly attracted to the Hivemind.  Each Conduit increases this power but it is only by having many of them that the Catalyst Hivemind shall reign supreme.

The second action is to begin scouting out new sources of energy and matter.  To this end, many Swarms are sent out into the galaxy.  When they find an uninhabited planet, they will land and begin consuming the very planet itself until nothing is left but more Catalysts.  If an inhabited planet is located, the Swarm will land and form an initial hive so as to establish the Catalyst presence there and begin the process of biological absorption.  If any space faring vessels or organisms are observed, they will be followed but not harmed until further action can be determined.

Third, all of the formerly occupied Coral towers are consumed for energy with an occasional new hive taking its place.  In addition to this, the current hive will be extended underground by biological root like structures that slowly consume the world's resources to make more Catalysts.

Finally, a protector for the Hive was needed and to this end a great many Catalyst organisms gathered at the main hive.  Rapidly combining together, these organisms form a gigantic new creature of near god like proportions.
The Leviathan is birthed; a giant monster combining traits of a squid, serpent and insect.  While it primarily prefers the deepest depths of the oceans or to be floating in space, this beast is capable of going on land as well but is significantly slowed down due to its tremendous weight.  It can fly by using large swarms of Catalysts to surround and carry it.  It is completely connected to the Hivemind and defends it at all costs.  Additionally it has the ability to communicate verbally the words of the Hivemind, in a tremendously loud but deep voice.

Create the first of the Conduits
Scout out new sources of energy and matter in the universe - begin consuming uninhabited planets and start hives on inhabited planets - follow but do not harm any space traveling ships or organisms
Begin consuming unoccupied coral towers and make at least one more hive if possible
Extend current hive with underground organic roots that absorb planet nutrients to make more Catalysts
Create a Leviathan as described earlier in post
« Last Edit: April 12, 2013, 04:02:34 pm by gman8181 »
Sure thing peanut man!

Zanzetkuken The Great

  • Bay Watcher
  • The Wizard Dragon
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Re: Pantheon Play Thread: In the beginning there was...
« Reply #899 on: April 12, 2013, 07:18:14 pm »

Kar'lan walks through the armory of the judgement halls.  Within it, he dons one of the sets of shifting armor and equips one of the shifting weaponsEvents are shifting once more into an age of chaos.  I must be prepared to defend the dead.

After he finishes, he raises his hand to the armor, and uses an act to imbune the armor with the power to grant acts to the wearer, if the wearer is Kar'lan, or, if they are mortal, follows the four tenets.

Kar'lan then returns to the throne of judgement and uses another act to create another barrier to the afterlife, hiding all that is within it, as well as usage of acts within it, as well as the effects of those act's creations, from outsiders.

Kar'lan then uses a third act to create the sphere of memory, which records the events of the universe, stretching back from the begining of mortal races, to the present, working to continue the recording of events until the end of time, as a homage to the fallen deity Corvus.

Kar'lan then uses his fourth act modify the barrier to allow access to the afterlife by only those he allows, when he allows, but only if those who are allowed enter do not have any intention of fighting a battle.  If there is a conflict amongst those allowed, they are instantly removed from the afterlife by having the barrier's effect reenable against the offender, sending the offender to the edge of the white hole effect outside of the afterlife.
Quote from: Eric Blank
It's Zanzetkuken The Great. He's a goddamn wizard-dragon. He will make it so, and it will forever be.
Quote from: 2016 Election IRC
<DozebomLolumzalis> you filthy god-damn ninja wizard dragon
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