continue, hopefully the next guy gets the fort up and running, what im wondering is why we didnt embark onto a volcano or somthing as !FUN! as that? forces us to...."trade" (as in we wont hold them over the open magma-pit by their toes and conveinetly go to get a drink untill we get what we want) with the elves and demon worshipping humans. and the "unknowing" vessels to.
i say we do that next fort!!! would certainly add more appeal than to just have a hole in the ground when you can turn a volcano into a supermassive fort with inbuilt heating and actual water systems! (somone might have to do a DF hack to get some water going but hey! drinking water IS needed!)
other then that the only thing better would be if the volcano gets constantly assulted by b oth kolbolds, spawn, necromancers, undead, goblins, and FB's...and maybve the titan or dragon that comes along!
can we please? because at this rate we might have to connect the fort via surface and have all those entrences all lead to one large one thats trapped to hell and back with cage, stone fall, upright spears, and other nasty things we can come up with!
finally would make it INTRESTING to dig into a volcano with limited wood supplies. i bet by the end of the frist summer somone wouldve turned them all into beds, then moods go crazy on others...
finally i have one thing to say, in the face of the spawn, i suggest both CARP, steel or hardened iron, and death-trap danger-room usage...dont add actual spears..i accidently did to one of my own was funny for a second to see the streak of red painting the floor...good thing i got the soap industy and the bee-keeping all figured out!