You know, I really fear for the future sometimes. Dwarf Fortress has bred this culture, and has amassed this conglomerate of individuals with this certain set of morals, or, more appropriately to say, this certain lack of moral character; and Dwarf Fortress has put us all here, in this one place where we can mingle and bond. It's scary. We're all sociopaths. We're all sociopaths who partake in some sort of devilish death worship and that's not even the worst part, since sociopaths are everywhere. The worst part is that we're all sociopaths and we're here in one place and we enable each other, enable ourselves and our peers, and that turns us into even bigger sociopaths. Does anybody remember a time when you treated your dwarves as if they were more than just pieces of meat? Think back to your very first fort. Now think about your current fort. It's a subtle yet profound change of style - back then you cared about each and every dwarf, giving them big rooms and everything they needed and you made sure they didn't die at all costs. Now death is an inevitability. Dwarf Fortress does not have players. It has sociopaths. And I fear for the future. I fear for the future because someday, we're going to be the ones at the helm. Just think if the next world leaders run their countries like how they play their forts. It's a scary thought. Truly maddening.
As for OP, all dwarves get kitten mittens. That's mittens made out of kittens, by the way.