I will also claim my portion of Celestia's power, and invest it in a new light if needed. Make it different--maybe a sort of silverish and/or greenish color? Regardless, let it be known that I made the new Light. If I have to, use some of my own energy to make sure the new Sun is as bright as the old. (Color would just be a cosmetic effect, right?)
Guys, Celestia's the Sun...What happens when she flees?
We're burning her body until we can get my fiery afterlife of awesome set up.
Not if I make a new Sun first!
Besides, Light is one of my subdomains, I should be better at it than whatever you're doing. You can do yours, too, but I'm getting my new sun out first, and it looks like a sun.
I posted my turn!
Now GWG will have to form a new conspiracy against me!
Or something.
Hey actually since I don't have any land of my own, could I have some of LB's land? I'll build everyone a temple (god and devil alike) and I'll set up workshops and mansions for all my fellow fae.
I'm fine with this. Can I have Celestia's old temple, since I'm making the new Sun?
Yeah, lets focus on getting everything semi stable before cutting up the pie.
Once I get the new Sun up it'll be a bit more stable than it was before, because pretty much everyone banded together. And, incidentally, if said alliance was going to become permanent, I'd join.
Hmm. I wonder how many human followers I have.
I don't think my Dragons can build a city by themselves.
Maybe I'll create a race of goblin workers.
That's what Devils do right?
Go ahead, sounds fun. Just wait, though...one day I'll make some AWESOME new stuff...