Yes I will admit that worked out quite a bit to my advantage. You kill a huge chunk of his armies while I get a couple extra turns to build up mine. I'm not sure which land you're specifying right now because I don't have my game open but I'm sure we can work it out.
Bluerobin I suppose when you're already at war with a nation, you don't have much to lose by insulting them?
Edit: as a side note I've been watching a lot of the battles going on and it's quite nice seeing how people like to set up their armies. It does make me feel a bit lazy wih my one giant squad approach. Still the first army sent in is mostly composed of units from a random event so I don't care much what happens there.
Come on guys, we're supposed to be warring gods. What is a proper war of ascension without a little smacktalk every now and then?
But yeah, Bluerobin more or less got the jist of it-- I'm in rather serious wars with 3 of you, I'm perfectly neutral(If you don't count trade relations), but realistic, with regards to sauromachia. So basically the people I really care about diplomatically would be Lanka and Pangaea. To that end I make every effort to ensure that attacking me isn't their wisest course of action.
I was oddly low on battles this turn for once. (woo, my gem income didn't fluctuate horribly for once. -2 from R'yleh, +2 from Niefelheim.) However, if you're talking interesting tactics then I have a good one for you. Bruce Mane, an Oracle of Subterranean Water, took a small army of troops through the paths of the deep into the surrounded fort in the bay of Ethereal sharks. 15 newly enlisted Naiad Warriors, supported by a small contingent of Olm Spawn and a half dozen earth elementals have to hold the fort against 160 enemies, mostly Shamblers and Kappas.
The earth elementals were able to cut the occational path through the shamblers, but were torn apart quickly. The olm spawn and Naiads; however, hold the gate flawlessly. The powerful awe (+3) of the Naiads, along with their armor and defense, keep them well protected from the basic independent shamblers. The Olm Spawn fare extremely well also, having a powerful blessing on them. Weapons of sharpness and schools of sharks are the primary support spells from Bruce Mane.
I lost 1 Naiad (of 15) and 4 Olm Spawn (of 19), plus all 8 Earth Elementals. The army almost all got enough melee combat in to be 1 star experience now.
So that is my battle tactics. The actual location of the forces I deploy and whatnot certainly could use refinement. For instance, I think maybe the earth elementals should have been in the far back on hold and attack this time. Actually, they should have been in a different army where they could be more effective, but I was a tad low on available troops to defend that fort-- what I mustered was all that was available that turn. However, the key to my tactics is that the units that were available were very good quality troops. These Naiads are my newest experiment I've taken up.... had too many water gems piling up. With that awe and their good magic resistance, they prove to be quite nice against low quality infantry. They arn't nearly as good against Neifelheim.... nor are they particularly well defended from the giant rocks a lot of my units like to teamkill with. And that fatigue was really racking up by the end.
Uhg, my armies are in dire need for a few turns of reorganization. Like they're mostly just ad-hoc whatever-I-had-available creations. Ugly, after how much attrition some of them have gone through.