Man, do you guys on the internet never sleep or something? Aw, you're part of the 'net already, aren't you?
You might know, the Ten Commandments can be summarized into 1)Love God; 2)Love other people.
That is not exactly accurate. Especially the second point. The Ten Commandments demands towards treatment of other people are not very demanding: Honor your parents, don't kill, don't steal, don't adulterate, don't perjure, don't covet. I don't even violate those standards towards people I hate. Except the coveting, but that isn't even harmful.
As for the first, you could still love Yahweh and have other gods, worship Yahweh through a graven image, take his name in vain, and work on the Sabbath. It is very explicitly emphasizing a style of worship rather than loving this particular god at all.
No. That I did not come up with that one, Jesus did. And I summarized them a little bit. The first one is fully "love the lord your God with all your heart, all your mind, and all your soul." It isn't just "loving," though you can not possibly worship other gods and still love YHWH. No one can have two masters, one will be loved and the other scorned.
And, as I say later in that comment, I know you love your neighbor. I say that. I think you're part of the non-Christians who aren't dicks. Only a few are, and there are just as many "Christian" assholes as there are atheist assholes.
So... yeah. I guess that's sorta my overall stance on y'all. But I would never try to judge you, that isn't my place. I want you guys to know that.
You are totally judging us, you're just sugarcoating it and diverting it off onto your religion.
No. I have never met you, and I don't know what is going to happen to either of us. Hell, maybe you'll go to Paradise and I'll go to Hell. I don't know what will happen. And I won't try to figure out what will happen. Please, don't assume you know what I think of you.