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Author Topic: Medieval Fodder Simple-RTD! (v1.0) And so it ends!  (Read 37067 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Medieval Fodder Simple-RTD! (v1.0) The more players, the better!
« Reply #150 on: December 07, 2012, 12:06:13 pm »

One new medieval foddring coming up!

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Love, scriver~


  • Bay Watcher
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Out a call in rage, to scare my enemies deeply into submission, then
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...You're arguing with the GM? Why don't you argue with Jesus about how much Peter liked clams?
Because each player's delicious tears are fuel for the continued torture that is the Warrens of Oric the Awesome.


  • Bay Watcher
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Berry roll her shoulder good not broken. Turning to the melee she ready her sword and
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You were planning to have a 15 year old magical girl kill Witches by drinking them under the table!? It's original, at least.
Morpheus, a magic girls game


  • Bay Watcher
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Name: Gobluck [Female Goblin]
Side: A
Skill: Agile
Everything else: Rolled by GM apparently.
The demon code prevents me from declining a rock-off challenge.

Is the admiral of the SS Lapidot.


  • Bay Watcher
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Vendetta's voice booms out through the battlefield, or at least as well as it can considering the dying, the metal, and the everything. Kill stealing prick!

Spoiler: Consolations prizes (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: December 07, 2012, 05:39:56 pm by Onyxjew944 »
Greater Collection
Quote from: Steel Resolve
I shall be ready! My head is full of disturbing but useful information. And all it cost me was my peace of mind and sanity. A bargain!
They told me to aim higher, so we dug deeper.


  • Bay Watcher
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Breathing was getting tricky, and the holes in his chest were bubbling - this wasnt a good thing, but soon he would be dining at the heads of his dispatched foes in the afterlife.

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As the Americans learnt so painfully in Earth's final century, free flow of information is the only safeguard against tyranny... Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master."
— Commissioner Pravin Lal, 'U.N. Declaration of Rights'.


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"My axe cannot axe Axe!"
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  • Bay Watcher
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Aria Lantra {B}

My father, a woodsman. My mother, a farmer. My sister, a Commander.

And who am I? A soldier under the Baron's command and subordinate to the commanding ranks. Armed with only my father's hatchet, the only thing I've cut from then on was either straw dummies, or people.

There were many people. Dead, dying, wounded, around me. Our officers were doing their jobs of leading the men properly, and the weather was ominous as usual.

It was another day in the field, now that I've reached the frontlines. The enemy did bring on their executioners...but we fought back, and scavenged their weapons against them.

Why were axes known as their mainstay anyway?

Request: Bodycount?

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Yet another act of the bloody saga;

Mason Govier, seemingly at east with incoming death, throws himself into melee combat yet again. But it seems that Death doesn't want to take him to Valhalla, at least, not yet. The melee against Vendetta is slow and uneventful one, neither of the two getting even close to scoring a hit.

Tim XVII in the meanwhile lunges with his spear at Pretty Obvious. The large man have difficulties evading the blows, and at one moment, Tim's spear pierced through his sturdy chainmail and stabbed him at the chest - however, the cut was minimal, a scratch it is.

Berry Smiles then attacks Mason Govier. Surprisingly, the critically wounded axeman finds a spark of life in himself and surprises Berry with his onslaught! At one moment, his blade smacks her head with flat side. Ringing noise and red haze before her eyes were clear indicators that this is very, very bad.

In the meanwhile, Axe attacks BETA ALPH. This quickly turns to be a bad idea, and even later, Axe's head flies to the side, detached from the body - BETA ALPH decapitated his foe with one, powerful swing of his battleaxe. Another of Baron's lieutenants bites the dust.

Having killed Axe, BETA ALPH turns to the nearest enemy; it is Tim XVII. The valiant spearman yet again doesn't bend under the onslaught of his enemies; even better, his sharp spear scores another mark, plunging deep into BETA ALPH's abdomen.

At the same moment, Vendetta rushes toward Pretty Obvious, trying to kill him. Alas, the melee proves to be rather difficult - the large swordman evaded several attacks, before getting too tired to evade another one. Vendetta's axe slams into Pretty Obvious' chest, but the chainmail easily absorbs most of the force. Blood slowly trickles down the ashen, iron rings of the mail.

Next few seconds are rather boring; amongst clanking of metal and noise of the rain, Aria Lantra fights against BETA ALPH, just like Pretty Obvious has a duel against Tim XVII. Both of those duels were shows of masterwork parrying, but that also means that no blood was spilt over the already dark crimson ground.

Rain gives up and turns into a drizzle, but the fight continues, for the glory and death of it's participants.

Aethewiff enters the battle!
Brutus Romanov and Gobluck join the fray together!
Side A is no longer at disadvantage.

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Quote from: Draignean@Spamkingdom+
Truly, we have the most uniquely talented spy network in all existence.
Quote from: mightymushroom@Spamkingdom#
Please tell me the Royal Physician didn't go to the same college as the Spymaster.


  • Bay Watcher
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Spoiler: Again! (click to show/hide)
Greater Collection
Quote from: Steel Resolve
I shall be ready! My head is full of disturbing but useful information. And all it cost me was my peace of mind and sanity. A bargain!
They told me to aim higher, so we dug deeper.


  • Bay Watcher
  • A photo is worth 1,000 words... all: Guilty!
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Whoops, wrong person
« Last Edit: December 08, 2012, 07:11:03 am by Nerjin »
The demon code prevents me from declining a rock-off challenge.

Is the admiral of the SS Lapidot.


  • Bay Watcher
  • I'm a good guy...girl. My horse just eat souls.
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You were planning to have a 15 year old magical girl kill Witches by drinking them under the table!? It's original, at least.
Morpheus, a magic girls game


  • Bay Watcher
  • A photo is worth 1,000 words... all: Guilty!
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Okay this time I double checked everything.

My bad about the last thing.
The demon code prevents me from declining a rock-off challenge.

Is the admiral of the SS Lapidot.
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