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Author Topic: Paranormal Mafia 22 - Game over!  (Read 57816 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Paranormal Mafia 22 - Day 1 - Terror Underground
« Reply #90 on: December 04, 2012, 02:11:49 pm »

Questions to answer:
First of all Unvote I think I have what I want now. Was not aware of this hate-parade for kook dispute though. I apologize for bringing that up.
This argument is easy to completely destroy.
Are you a doppelganger?
Well when you put it that way I can see how my argument starts to fall apart. For sake of completeness I’d like to point out that I’m not Dopp.

It seems safer to me to just off you today then just in case. Here's what you're probably trying.

1. You roll dopp. All is not lost.
2. You decide to play the odds that no one actually rolled Kook.
3. You claim and then paint this picture of trying to save our cop a night action.

Equally likely? You're doing what you said you're doing.

However herein lies an issue. Either option is likely. You've admitted we can't trust your claim. Maybe you're town or maybe you're dopp. But right now you're the biggest visible threat. If it inspects dopp like a dopp, and it claims town like a dopp, it's probably a dopp. My vote stands.
Ah but here's the thing my dear friend: The odds of you being dopp are a confirmed 1/4. Odds of being a Kook? Much much lower. Odds of there being multiple Kooks? Comparatively Astronomical! While it is possible for there to be multiple kooks the liklihood is low enough that we'd be safer playing the odds that you are just a straight up dopp.
(bolded by me)
Nerjin: So, just to be clear, what you are saying is that Hapah is probably a dopp?  However, you are also saying that it is just as likely that Hapah is a dopp as it is likely that Hapah is a kook?  However, you are also saying that the chance of Hapah being a kook is much smaller than the chance of Hapah being a dopp?  Those can't all be true.

Also, guess who else claims town?  Town does.
What I said was that if inspected there was a ¼ [now 2/5] of his claim of Kook being true. The likelihood that he is Dopp is higher. I can sorta see how that may have been misconveyed. Also with the town claim thing I have no real excuse. Get too worked up I guess.

Nerjin, have you read any Paranormals? Have you played any games with a miller role? Was your post #54 an RVS one or a shameless attempt to tunnel Hapah based on a nulltell?
You IC'd on my first mafia game. This is my first one with a Miller role. I have read some of the Paranormals. Apparently not any of the ones where Miller roles are discussed... Also RVS. I was sort of hoping he'd panic but no such luck.

Nerjin, have you played a paranormal before? Scratch that, have you played any open setup with millers before? And you are aware, that there have been multiple kook claims within a single game before?

Also, did you take into account that claiming a kook as town is pretty much the standard, but claiming kook as scum is extremely ballsy? While it would statistically be a good move for a single dopp to do this, it does take balls to be in the spotlight as scum, and slightest mistakes might earn you an evening in the gallows.

To reiterate: No I have not played Paranormal before. I have no played open setup before. No I did not see a kook claim before. Ballsy claims can work rather well when everyone assumes that those who do it couldn't possibly be Dopp because it's too ballsy. The slightest mistake bit is true for every role. Not just scum.

It seems safer to me to just off you today then just in case. Here's what you're probably trying.

I disagree, because we'll have more information overall if we lynch somebody else. He's an easy lynch right now, and if he does flip dopple, we'll have less to go on for picking tomorrow's targets.

The most dangerous scenario is that he's a doppelganger war vet, and he's encouraging us to night action him. But I think that's a long shot. He could just as easily be a town war vet, and he's trying to save town while encouraging the dopples to night-kill him.

Anyways, if we don't lynch him, and he survives the night, then I think he's worth some more attention. Unvote.

I would, however, view anyone pushing for his lynch with an ounce of suspicion, considering he's confirmed town if he's telling the truth.

Captain Ford as I've said before this makes little to no sense. Your attempts at explaining this away have been sub-par at best. I find it hard to believe that you just happened to forget a large amount of information like what happens when a Kook is examined. Also I fail to see how leaving him alive for a night would give more information.

Spoiler: Post #69 (click to show/hide)

Bolded for emphasis by me.

Okay... Wait until we have more information may mean something later on but not during the RVS. Besides the only information we can count on is the information we have now. More MAY come along but I always assume the game will die down soon. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush and what not.

As for bold part #2: Subtle indeed! But I think you'll find that most of your posts where we discussed the Kook roll was you defending Hapah. In fact you seem awfully keen on leaving him alive to probe him tomorrow.

Bold part the third: I saw you prodding me for a reaction. Much less so you prodding Hapah. Care to point out where you did that?
The demon code prevents me from declining a rock-off challenge.

Is the admiral of the SS Lapidot.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Paranormal Mafia 22 - Day 1 - Terror Underground
« Reply #91 on: December 04, 2012, 02:14:37 pm »

Just thought of this: Is Mr. Jim Groovester allowed posting? He's not playing. Is that allowed?
The demon code prevents me from declining a rock-off challenge.

Is the admiral of the SS Lapidot.


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Re: Paranormal Mafia 22 - Day 1 - Terror Underground
« Reply #92 on: December 04, 2012, 02:19:26 pm »

Re: Kooks: I think Hapah's pretty likely to be town, Dariush less so, since the conversation had gone on for a while before his claim. Anyways, the whole kook-issue is a large, steamy pile of WIFOM, so wasting time on that should probably stop. If anyone thinks it's a town tell, let them regard it as such, and If anyone else thinks it's not, let them.
Also, did you take into account that claiming a kook as town is pretty much the standard, but claiming kook as scum is extremely ballsy? While it would statistically be a good move for a single dopp to do this, it does take balls to be in the spotlight as scum, and slightest mistakes might earn you an evening in the gallows.
Well, isn't that nice. Not only you think that I am somehow less likely to be town because I only got to the computer like twenty hours after the game start, but also you managed to directly contradict yourself. Would you mind making up your mind about the claims?
Nerjin, have you played a paranormal before? Scratch that, have you played any open setup with millers before? And you are aware, that there have been multiple kook claims within a single game before?
Oh hey, an exact copy of my post, right down to the sentence contents, structure and ordering. Do you really think that 'being a copycat' and 'scumhunting' are equivalent concepts?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Paranormal Mafia 22 - Day 1 - Terror Underground
« Reply #93 on: December 04, 2012, 02:46:26 pm »

Re: Kooks: I think Hapah's pretty likely to be town, Dariush less so, since the conversation had gone on for a while before his claim. Anyways, the whole kook-issue is a large, steamy pile of WIFOM, so wasting time on that should probably stop. If anyone thinks it's a town tell, let them regard it as such, and If anyone else thinks it's not, let them.
Also, did you take into account that claiming a kook as town is pretty much the standard, but claiming kook as scum is extremely ballsy? While it would statistically be a good move for a single dopp to do this, it does take balls to be in the spotlight as scum, and slightest mistakes might earn you an evening in the gallows.
Well, isn't that nice. Not only you think that I am somehow less likely to be town because I only got to the computer like twenty hours after the game start, but also you managed to directly contradict yourself. Would you mind making up your mind about the claims?

I didn't really, though. You're less likely than Hapah to be town, because you got to read the discussion  that Hapah's claim and Nerjin's actions initiated. The one where webadict says it's a town tell, while generally everyone else agrees for it to be a null one. This would get a single potential vote off your back in the future, basically for free. Webadict's one, which is not exactly a small thing, if he's still as formidable as he used to be. See how it works?

I don't like how you jumped though.

Nerjin, have you played a paranormal before? Scratch that, have you played any open setup with millers before? And you are aware, that there have been multiple kook claims within a single game before?
Oh hey, an exact copy of my post, right down to the sentence contents, structure and ordering. Do you really think that 'being a copycat' and 'scumhunting' are equivalent concepts?

I actually read that part of your post after forming my own, and thought I'd let it pass, because I didn't really care too much.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Paranormal Mafia 22 - Day 1 - Terror Underground
« Reply #94 on: December 04, 2012, 03:52:54 pm »

Reading thread now. I should post later today as long as my internet keeps working.
Monstrous Manual: D&D in DF
Quote from: Tack
What if “slammed in the ass by dead philosophers” is actually the thing which will progress our culture to the next step?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Paranormal Mafia 22 - Day 1 - Terror Underground
« Reply #95 on: December 04, 2012, 04:22:54 pm »

I'm writing this as I go, so there may be stuff already adressed by someone else. Damn it people, how did so many posts appear in a day?

Nerjin: You are stirring up a lot of WIFOM regarding Hapah's kook claim. The point behind claiming kook is to prevent alignment-based (or in this case race) investigator roles from wasting a night, since he'll turn out as a dopp no matter if he is lying or saying the truth. Kook has been discussed to death, moving on.

I would, however, view anyone pushing for his lynch with an ounce of suspicion, considering he's confirmed town if he's telling the truth.

I'm a nice guy. I want you to think about what you just said.


Done thinking?


Let me explain what I mean here. By your logic in the last sentence there basically everyone who role-claims and is doubted falls under the same category. Therefore those who accuse those who claim are under suspicion just cause someone MIGHT be telling the truth. Care to explain how it makes sense to wait for tomorrow Captain Ford? It seems to me that we get more info from a lynch today.

This is even more confusing. What's even with the "I'm a nice guy" part? The post following that is also just as confusing and fallacious, but I'm not quoting it to keep this post from getting gigantic.

And then everyone say this while I am in class. I'd still like to know why you felt the need to point out that you are a nice guy.

Captain Ford:

Shakerag Same question.
Why didn't you make your own question?

Captain Ford:
How important do you think original questions are in RVS?

Deathsword: I've seen that questioning pattern before. In fact, I've used it myself. As scum. It sounds an awful lot like, "he's scummy. Isn't he? Back me up, bro." Give me an argument for why this is or isn't an example of buddying or a scumtell.
It was an RVS question. It was literally the first thing I thought about when asking you a question. If you used it yourself and you consider it a scum move, why did you wait this long to call me on this? Why didn't you point this out when you answered it?

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

1. It's more like an RVS question than an attack. I just want to see more activity from Deathsword, since he's only posted once so far.
2. It's not the same thing. He criticized Nerjin, and then turned to me to back him up. I just asked him to explain his actions (no third party involved). Explain to me how that's the same thing?

Why make an "RVS question" when we are well out of RVS? Are you trying to backpedal on your vote-attack on me?

Also, I stay out most of the day in university. Thus, I can only post at night. Also, your timezone may not be the same as mine (which is GMT -3).
Monstrous Manual: D&D in DF
Quote from: Tack
What if “slammed in the ass by dead philosophers” is actually the thing which will progress our culture to the next step?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Paranormal Mafia 22 - Day 1 - Terror Underground
« Reply #96 on: December 04, 2012, 04:53:09 pm »

Nerjin: You are stirring up a lot of WIFOM regarding Hapah's kook claim. The point behind claiming kook is to prevent alignment-based (or in this case race) investigator roles from wasting a night, since he'll turn out as a dopp no matter if he is lying or saying the truth. Kook has been discussed to death, moving on.
True. As has been stated though I did so to apply pressure.

I would, however, view anyone pushing for his lynch with an ounce of suspicion, considering he's confirmed town if he's telling the truth.

I'm a nice guy. I want you to think about what you just said.


Done thinking?


Let me explain what I mean here. By your logic in the last sentence there basically everyone who role-claims and is doubted falls under the same category. Therefore those who accuse those who claim are under suspicion just cause someone MIGHT be telling the truth. Care to explain how it makes sense to wait for tomorrow Captain Ford? It seems to me that we get more info from a lynch today.

This is even more confusing. What's even with the "I'm a nice guy" part? The post following that is also just as confusing and fallacious, but I'm not quoting it to keep this post from getting gigantic.

And then everyone say this while I am in class. I'd still like to know why you felt the need to point out that you are a nice guy.
Then you would do well to state what confuses you about it. I've admitted the fallacies [such as they are called] previously. As for the "nice guy" thing I decided to say that instead of "You are an idiot. By that logic anyone who claims anything should be safe from persecution." But I decided not to be [that] rude.
The demon code prevents me from declining a rock-off challenge.

Is the admiral of the SS Lapidot.


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Re: Paranormal Mafia 22 - Day 1 - Terror Underground
« Reply #97 on: December 04, 2012, 05:32:09 pm »

Questions to answer:
First of all Unvote I think I have what I want now. Was not aware of this hate-parade for kook dispute though. I apologize for bringing that up.
Why apologize? There's actual discussion going on because of it. I enjoy proving Bookthras wrong. So, this idea that you created a hate-parade is unfounded.

So, question: What did you learn?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Paranormal Mafia 22 - Day 1 - Terror Underground
« Reply #98 on: December 04, 2012, 05:33:00 pm »

Whoops. I forgot to attach that to the rest of my post.

You guys put so much into your evaluations on people but so little into anyone else's. It makes for really poor scumhunting.

webadict: What did you mean by this?
Everyone tends to ignore everyone else's opinions. It leads to a million discussion all unlinked, and we get nowhere. At some point, you might just have to stop, say you agree, and vote. A lot more will get done that way.

webadict:  Ask Bookthras a question that has nothing to do with Kooks or statistics.
Already done.

Book, Webadict, what exactly did you hope to achieve by derailing this to a kook statistics discussion? It hasn't taken anyone a step closer to finding the scum.
He said it was a nulltell, and I disagreed with that statement.

Re: Kooks: I think Hapah's pretty likely to be town, Dariush less so, since the conversation had gone on for a while before his claim. Anyways, the whole kook-issue is a large, steamy pile of WIFOM, so wasting time on that should probably stop. If anyone thinks it's a town tell, let them regard it as such, and If anyone else thinks it's not, let them.
Also, did you take into account that claiming a kook as town is pretty much the standard, but claiming kook as scum is extremely ballsy? While it would statistically be a good move for a single dopp to do this, it does take balls to be in the spotlight as scum, and slightest mistakes might earn you an evening in the gallows.
Well, isn't that nice. Not only you think that I am somehow less likely to be town because I only got to the computer like twenty hours after the game start, but also you managed to directly contradict yourself. Would you mind making up your mind about the claims?

I didn't really, though. You're less likely than Hapah to be town, because you got to read the discussion  that Hapah's claim and Nerjin's actions initiated. The one where webadict says it's a town tell, while generally everyone else agrees for it to be a null one. This would get a single potential vote off your back in the future, basically for free. Webadict's one, which is not exactly a small thing, if he's still as formidable as he used to be. See how it works?

I don't like how you jumped though.
I agree with this statement. All of it.

Also, I actually did miss Dariush's
Re: Kooks: I think Hapah's pretty likely to be town, Dariush less so, since the conversation had gone on for a while before his claim. Anyways, the whole kook-issue is a large, steamy pile of WIFOM, so wasting time on that should probably stop. If anyone thinks it's a town tell, let them regard it as such, and If anyone else thinks it's not, let them.
Also, did you take into account that claiming a kook as town is pretty much the standard, but claiming kook as scum is extremely ballsy? While it would statistically be a good move for a single dopp to do this, it does take balls to be in the spotlight as scum, and slightest mistakes might earn you an evening in the gallows.
Well, isn't that nice. Not only you think that I am somehow less likely to be town because I only got to the computer like twenty hours after the game start, but also you managed to directly contradict yourself. Would you mind making up your mind about the claims?

I didn't really, though. You're less likely than Hapah to be town, because you got to read the discussion  that Hapah's claim and Nerjin's actions initiated. The one where webadict says it's a town tell, while generally everyone else agrees for it to be a null one. This would get a single potential vote off your back in the future, basically for free. Webadict's one, which is not exactly a small thing, if he's still as formidable as he used to be. See how it works?

I don't like how you jumped though.
I agree with this statement. All of it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Paranormal Mafia 22 - Day 1 - Terror Underground
« Reply #99 on: December 04, 2012, 05:41:48 pm »

Well I learned a few things. One is not related to this game per se but may be helpful in the future.

1. I learned that if I want to piss a bunch of people off I need to say "Kook is pro-town/scum/none" and then be aggressive about it.
2. Hapah isn't a likely scum right now [as he reacted relatively calmly under accusation.]
3. Captain Ford is likely scum. At very least he buddies un-neccesarily so I view that as a bit suspicious.
The demon code prevents me from declining a rock-off challenge.

Is the admiral of the SS Lapidot.


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Re: Paranormal Mafia 22 - Day 1 - Terror Underground
« Reply #100 on: December 04, 2012, 07:01:29 pm »

Well I learned a few things. One is not related to this game per se but may be helpful in the future.

1. I learned that if I want to piss a bunch of people off I need to say "Kook is pro-town/scum/none" and then be aggressive about it.
2. Hapah isn't a likely scum right now [as he reacted relatively calmly under accusation.]
3. Captain Ford is likely scum. At very least he buddies un-neccesarily so I view that as a bit suspicious.
Is that all you learned?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Paranormal Mafia 22 - Day 1 - Terror Underground
« Reply #101 on: December 04, 2012, 08:30:02 pm »

Well off the top of my head yes. I plan on re-rereading the thread tomorrow so something more may jump out at me.
The demon code prevents me from declining a rock-off challenge.

Is the admiral of the SS Lapidot.


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Re: Paranormal Mafia 22 - Day 1 - Terror Underground
« Reply #102 on: December 04, 2012, 08:57:15 pm »

Well off the top of my head yes. I plan on re-rereading the thread tomorrow so something more may jump out at me.
Well that's lame. I was hoping for something better.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Paranormal Mafia 22 - Day 1 - Terror Underground
« Reply #103 on: December 04, 2012, 09:15:47 pm »

Well I also learned that the secret to ridding this world of evil resides in Coconuts. However only if they are blessed by Used Car Salesmen named Carl on Wednesdays... But that hardly seemed relevant.
The demon code prevents me from declining a rock-off challenge.

Is the admiral of the SS Lapidot.


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Re: Paranormal Mafia 22 - Day 1 - Terror Underground
« Reply #104 on: December 04, 2012, 09:43:45 pm »

Well I also learned that the secret to ridding this world of evil resides in Coconuts. However only if they are blessed by Used Car Salesmen named Carl on Wednesdays... But that hardly seemed relevant.
No, that's completely irrelevant. Please stay on topic.
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