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Author Topic: Crossing the Bright Void 2 - A Space Pirate RTD: Sieging a Space Station  (Read 24817 times)


  • Bay Watcher
  • Life is too short for worries
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"Get ready, lads."

Isara held the pistol in one hand and the knife in the other. If any of them would attempt a move at close quarters, her weapons would readily be at bay before they would fire off a round.

She would just aim for debilitate or disarm them. Just to stay out of the line of firing.

Hide near the doorway or the expected location of entry and stay silent.


  • Bay Watcher
  • The sparkles are because I'm fabulous, of course.
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"Oh, hell yes."
Get inside. Try and hide within the cockpit so that if the Hunters head inside, they couldn't see us.
((You realize the hunters are on your side right?))
((Oh. The name just scared me.))


  • Bay Watcher
  • Life is too short for worries
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Time for that regular bump!

'Breathe in...and exhale.'

Isara could hear every movement around her. A still picture of the area, and what to interact with. Her other allies were busy themselves, but she knew that a moment as seemingly small and insignificant as this would mean the first large step into their plan. The weapon in her hand signified how crucial it was--a weapon designed to kill rather than maim, should things go to worse.

The trigger, the handle, the safety, the sight. All meant to put a single tiny bit of matter into another object with enough force to kill a person. In this close range, it wouldn't work enough to disable more than 'shoot an appendage and really hurt them', wounds like those still caused massive internal bleeding when left alone, and hemolysis if targeted at a blood vessel...which usually meant on every hit.

Then the knife. A sleek and slender blade, sharpened at both ends to offer a versatile and dual use. For cutting and thrusting, the hilt was more suited for angular strikes than not--it was meant for battle, other than more mundane and peaceful uses. The tensile strength of the blade would at least cause some harm to armored foes, if the right chinks in their armor was found. Or in the least distract them.

And yet this would be all for naught had the world been a less narrow place. Narrow in thought and in mind, a story from her youth played itself in high-speed in her head, yet fully understood.

The past and the future. The dreams of a utopia with advances in technology. It was all thought to be the 'fix' to the problems of humankind--as said in what she read in history. The start of the atomic age, and the intricate work on solar technology.

This was no answer or solution. The problem lied with the people's motives in using it. They were weaponized soon enough. Some for survival, and some for gain. This was only driven by the dictatorial atmosphere of the era.

This was something she would try to change.

"10..9..8..." came her silent count. Every second feeling like forever.


  • Bay Watcher
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((I don't know how I managed to forget about this for 2 weeks.))

Well, seemed like the UM had stepped up the security measures. There would be know way they could blast their way in. Luckily for them, their disguise had just walked inside.

Activate stun grenade. Attempt to roll it towards the enemy, rather than throw it..*

* Wait till they're inside.


  • Bay Watcher
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Jack Hansan (Tavik Toth)

"It's all I have left of a my old ship that was destroyed. I was lucky enough to be near enough to the shuttle and used it to get off the ship. I've been making sure this thing is useable since."

As you speak the man stands up, and quickly replies,

"Well we're coming aboard, regulations state we gotta give your ship a once over and then you're free to go so open the rear hatch and we'll get this done as fast as we possible can."

With that the man turns away, waving at the two soldiers they begin to make their way around to the rear hatch and you flip off the external intercom as a few beads of sweat begin to drip down your face. Suddenly a beeping fills the cabin and a display to your right reads 'Unregistered User trying to activate Prowler, occupant recognized as one Deniard Wilkins. Allow activation?" and below those words two blinking buttons appear, one says Yes and the other No.

Deniard Wilkins (Spinal_Taper)
Holstering your S-40 you haul yourself into the cockpit of the exo-suit and as you slide into the seat the machine lets out a hiss and draws you inside of it. Metal hatches slam shut behind you and video displays appear in front of you with munition readouts, heat level displays, and a basic 2d image of the machine displaying its structural integrity. As you put your feet on the control pedals, and your hands on the arm controls a giant red message appears on the screen,


Durand Mondegan (Caellath)
Turning to look at those boarding the ship you see all of them have their standard issue with them, most of it strapped to their back though some of it they are forced to hold in their hands. A pair of officers direct the soldiers entering the ship, altogether you get the feeling this place is the peak of order and command which you had never expected from the UM due to their ramshackle distribution on the planet itself. Moving away from both the booths and the ship you head to the washrooms, pushing aside the door you are met by the sight of a nearly empty room though you can hear a few people further towards the back.

Sitting against a bench you find what you're looking for, a Regitor Assault Rifle, a bandolier with four clips of munition for the Regitor, and a Yulrich Naval Shotgun with six shells in all. Taking it all you throw the assortment of weapons over your shoulder and head back out to the hangar bay with your disguise now fully complete. You calmly walk across the hangar, and get in line to get aboard the dropship, you wait several minutes before finally reaching the officers at the mouth of the dropship, one of them eyes you curiously but the other keeps his eyes on his clipboard and orders you up to the top floor of the dropship.

The trip to the top takes a fair bit longer, and by the time you take your seat amidst the actual soldiers you can hear the ship's engines begin to roar in the distance. Now to wait, or perhaps you might have a way of taking advantage of this situation.

Spoiler: Durand's Status (click to show/hide)

Tavik Toth

  • Bay Watcher
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Yes. Then find the easiest solider I can take out without raising the alarm."

To self: "Surprise..."


  • Bay Watcher
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Wait for the travel and stuff.
"Hey steve." You speak into the air.
"Could you guys also make a hamburger out of this arm when they cut it off? I wanted to eat it just for the sake of tasting it."
>That is horrible and disgusting. It will no doubt set you apart and create fear in your team mates. So of course.


  • Bay Watcher
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Jack Hansan (Tavik Toth)

You reach forward, press the yes button, and not long after the sound of grinding gears followed by a loud thud fills the cabin. Terence looks over at you questioningly and you say with a broad grin on your face,


Pushing yourself up out of the seat you draw your revolver and nod towards the back of the shuttle before heading out into the personnel bay with Terence at your side. You walk to the back and punch in the codes to drop the ramp, now to decide whether you wanna wait for the exo-suit to start wreaking havoc or go in guns blazing ...

Deniard Wilkins (Spinal_Taper)

The entire cockpit display goes blank before a few seconds before flickering back on, the message from before is replaced by a new one reading 'User Deniard Wilkins accepted. Powering up Prowler Prototype. Opening blast doors now.' With that the massive blast doors in front of your whir to life and slide back into the walls to either side of you, the Prowler's sensors pick up some speech before the doors are fully open.

"Command we have an undocumented shuttle in the Spire, I believe them to be rebels. Requesting immediate backup ..."

The speech breaks off as below and ahead of you three UM soldiers turn to stare at you in complete surprise. Do you throw caution to the wind and open fire, or attempt to keep some semblance of cover and drop down in the midst of them?


  • Bay Watcher
  • The sparkles are because I'm fabulous, of course.
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"Oooh, not your lucky day, is it? Look, if any of you guys make it, you might want a new job afterwards."
Fire some heavy anti-personnel weapons. Like a gatling gun, or a machine gun, approach them while firing. If there's nothing of the sort on the suit, fire at them behind cover, then break through like the kool-aid man.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2013, 05:29:18 pm by Spinal_Taper »

Tavik Toth

  • Bay Watcher
  • Oh dear....
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Wait for the exo suit.



  • Bay Watcher
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Deniard Wilkins (Spinal_Taper)

"Oooh, not your lucky day, is it? Look, if any of you guys make it, you might want a new job afterwards."

You say over the intercom as you quickly maneuver the arms into position, and mash down the fire buttons, gears scream to life as the guns begin to spin up on the wrists of the machine. The sound of the guns is muffled inside the cockpit but you hear a faint unbroken tat tat tat as each shell leaves the guns, you watch as the two soldiers turn into a fine red mist as most of your bullets find their flesh.

The UM officer however reacts faster then the soldiers and is down on a knee when the firing begins, one of the rounds takes his right shoulder out but with the other he draws the sleek officer's revolver. The first shot goes wide but the second shot hits one of the belts feeding the chainguns, and ripple tears through the Exosuit's right arm, armor in several places buckles inward and a few others explodes outward throwing shards of metal everywhere.

The cockpit hud starts screeching warnings that all ranged weapons are unusable and that the machine needs repairs as you see Jack, followed closely by the Hunters, come dashing around the side of the ship ...

Spoiler: Exosuit Status (click to show/hide)

Jack Hansan (Tavik_Toth)

The moment you hear the sound of gun fire you slam the button and the blast ramp start to drop down, not waiting for the thing to fall all the way the second there is enough room you hoist your self over the top of the ramp. Your feet hit the ground with a dull thud, and you push up from your crouched position into a run as you sweep around the side of the ship, the sound of other feet hitting the ground not far behind you.

Rounding the bend you level your revolver and charge around the corner firing, your shot goes wide but is soon followed by more as some of the Hunters joins you. A barrage of shots tear into the UM officer as he turns to try and fire at your gathered group, he is dead long before his body hits the floor and as he plops quietly into a growing pool of blood the Hunters go dashing off to the blast doors and maintenance door.

A pair of them go around the room taking out cameras with pistols before going to join the others at the door ...

The Entire Group (Tavik Toth, Tiruin, Spinal_Taper, and 10ebbor10)

As the Hunters go off to secure the exits the four of you, Terence, and Ursa look over the corpses of three soldiers and prepare for the next phase of the plan. Terence has a small datapad in his hand and you can all see a building schematic on the holodisplay though its far to complex for you to actually read, clearing his throat the old man speaks up,

"Lets see, that maintenance tunnel can get us to the databank in half an hour and our chances of actually encounterin' anyone are low, but if we go out those blast doors there is a set of elevators straight across. Usin' those we can be down in ten minutes, but we might run into a patrol on our way down.

The choice is up to you guys but the more time we waste the more likely the UM forces are to realize our plan, not to mention I doubt the Hunters will be able to hold out against them for to long. They are masters of their art but they are only ten of 'em, I would guess they'll be able to buy us at the very most forty minutes from the command center.

From there its hard to tell with how many passages there are in this place but I'd guess five minutes at the least, twenty five at the most. So what do the four of you wanna do? With that exosuit's guns not functionin' its only the six of us that will be goin' down there."

UM Security Forces
Spoiler: UM Officer (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: UM Soldiers (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: September 05, 2013, 02:36:36 pm by adwarf »

Tavik Toth

  • Bay Watcher
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"Deniard, what do you think?"



  • Bay Watcher
  • Life is too short for worries
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"A fast strike in, and out. We've the advantage of surprise now and I say we use it instead of dawdling around."

Isara sheathed her knife after speaking, pointing in the direction the others went, as well as the larger and bigger guns. "Might I mention that they're making quite a good show of a distraction? We're lightly armed, and no match for any response force. So I say let's go straight to our objective and complete it."

Voting Blastdoor-elevator route.

"Besides, blast doors take eerily long to close. I've never understood why they choose to do that despite our technology of today."


  • Bay Watcher
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We've been detected. It won't be long before the entire station is swarming with soldiers. No point in subterfuge now.

Tavik Toth

  • Bay Watcher
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"Elevator it is."

Take elevator.
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