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Author Topic: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Derm has entered the Booze Dimension  (Read 992886 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Derm has entered the Booze Dimension
« Reply #5325 on: May 29, 2013, 09:23:19 am »

Give up, say words. For the second series, try to hit some of the furniture from a decent distance.

Quote from: NW_Kohaku
they wouldn't be able to tell the difference between the raving confessions of a mass murdering cannibal from a recipe to bake a pie.
Knowing Belgium, everyone will vote for themselves out of mistrust for anyone else, and some kind of weird direct democracy coalition will need to be formed from 11 million or so individuals.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Mad Artificer
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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Derm has entered the Booze Dimension
« Reply #5326 on: May 29, 2013, 03:08:16 pm »

Take the sword and wander into the village.
Clo-Caltel Prathoal Zzers!
There are words that make the booze plant possible. Just not those words.
Alright you two. Attempt to murder each other. Last one standing gets to participate in the next test.
DIRK: Pelvic thrusts will be my exclamation points.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Derm has entered the Booze Dimension
« Reply #5327 on: May 29, 2013, 06:07:46 pm »

Thank you! seems to hate me.
Do a little happy dance. Walk around through the woods, looking for monster to stabbity. If found, then Cainthalsaz three times at it, then stabbity. If no monsters found then say Shaazeshelial Zzers Harialltontal. I need better rolls here!
You head into the Pillars of the sky area and find two monsters, a rather hot monkey and a freaky deer thing. Although it looks like they've already engaged two other wizards in a fight. You could run in and try and steal a kill, if you wanted.

You successfully make yourself stronger and faster.
"GgrgrgreeEEEEEE!! That HURTS! I'm gonna make sure you can't do THAT again!"
Non-lethal, but aggressive WORDS. While clinging to Eotyranuss's neck.

"Ohai there I got bored so RO-wait bad idea. Umm... SHAREE- wait no that's probably crush me at some point. Screw that, GARSTOPIT, GARSTOPIT, GARSTOPIT, GARSTOPIT, GARSTOPIT!"
(I am doing a lot of individual garstopping, as evidenced by the commas. Also, before doing this, Kick Flabort where it hurts and punch the neck. YOUR SOUL SHALL BE MIIIIIIIINE. Also try escape grip.

[Flab speed:4-1]
[eot speed:1]
[flab pot:2+2]
[eot end:3]

Lol's reaction plans are rather undermined when his tongue comes alive and starts trying to wriggle down his own throat.

The rune in the middle burns away; must be a slot for a different kind of rune. The result is a strange silvery, crystalline lump that seems to be burning endlessly. Looks difficult to hold.


I'm honestly not sure what helmet you're talking about.

This one.

summon headwear
You summon a massively heavy diamond helmet. Far too heavy to wear, or even pick up.

So I guess... Uh, repeat my previous actions then I'll do new actions to restore Glassco to the proper time-line?

Spoiler: New Actions (click to show/hide)
Oh, that thing vanished a while ago. Most things that are failures do. But we'll just say there's some spare diamond left over from when the ship was made.

You make your board just fine. Now it's just a matter of flying down hill; hovering a few inches or feet above the surface of a jagged mountain, careening down at over a hundred miles an hour through thick cloud cover....

This is starting to sound like it's gonna be very fatal. Or at least require multiple rolls. Might be better off just going down the path...

In fact thats exactly what you do. You just sort of hover your way down the path until you meet up with john.

More Mystic Magic then see what type of texture the fruit's outer shell has. (Hard, soft, etc…)

Nothing, snake, nothing.

The fruit looks pretty soft from here, like a thin skin drawn over juicy inside.

Thank Yo-Drell. Then, using the wall as cover, Garstorpit the owl
May not be the best idea. The owl is flying so it's definitely gonna stay out of range of single words.


I want my mega-mace.

"Drat. Alright, lets go for some defensive gear!"

uh oh
Your entire right arm explodes in a burst of greenish black gas. You start bleeding. A lot.

Missed the rest of my PM. Well, doesn't matter, I'll send in a new one. Let's see if I can recreate Null's sword in armor form...

You summon up a sheet of steel. Its got an odd sort of glow to it.

Your eyebeams are rather anemic but it appears that the metal survives them better then if it was simply normal metal.

How hot does the money look?  Steaming?  On fire?  Ground-smoldering?  If it's either of the latter, or hotter, just stay away and regen mana.  If it doesn't seem too bad, Garstorpit the monkey.  Also, order my zombie minion to attack that deer thing.

Now I'm stuck wondering whether it's gradually buffing itself, and I need to kill it now, or if it's charging an attack, and I need to throw up defenses.  Ugh.
The grass around it is on fire so it's pretty toasty.

You send your zombie to attack the deer.

Say "Noreeb Uristrast Rothcaltal" at the deer while pointing my open palm at it from point-blank range. Have Fast Dude slash it until it is deader than Tod-2.
[trackstar spd:3+2+1]

[track dex:4]
[track str:2+2]
[deer spd:6+1]
[deer str:4+3]
The deer swats your minion's sword away with its shield and counters with his own blow.
[deer dex:6+2]
[Deer str:2]
It strikes your minion's blade with it's own, trying to smash it apart, but its blow glances off.

You fire a concentrated beam of booze like a water cannon. It completely misses the deer. Damn.

[deer spd:6+1]
The deer, seeing that it can't hurt you or your minion and that a zombie is charging in from the distance, turns tail and runs off into the forest.

((Shouldn't I have 1 potency now?))

Continue towards the forest, murdering any opposition with high-velocity cannonball-sized hunks of my throne.
You make it all the way down to the edge of the forest without a problem.

"Holy hoping hobbits!  Where did you come from?"

Ozzy calls out to the sneaky stranger.  If the man responds in a cooperative manner, ask him what he knows of this place and try EXPERIMENT WORDS.

If he chooses to attack instead use COMBAT WORDS.

The man doesn't respond at all.

Dunno, and tentacles.

"Ah wunner if thay're mah frens..."

Determine if the figures are flying with or without wings. Words.

They're pretty damn far away...but it looks like they're flying with wings.

You summon up a torso made of wax. Okie dokie.

Try the same words again. Clo-caltel Clo-caltel Zothelthcaon Harialltontal!

You summon up what amounts to a Gatling crossbow.

Continue working on the base. Do the downstairs area first.

You complete the entire, long, main tunnel and light it with the fungus lamps.

First thing's first. Go find the altar to the Stone God and start praying and worshipping and praising him and thanking him for safely delivering me safely to the appointed place and general niceties.

Then say Thrancaole Phal because, why not. Summon Ink is usually good for making runes.

Does that mean you want to join him? To do that, there's a knife and a basin there on his altar. I'm sure you can guess how that works.
We'll assume you go outside for now. 
Welp. Let the good times roll.

Silica says <words> before stepping back inside the anti-magic area.

Spoiler: Silica's Catalogue (click to show/hide)
Eventually silica is gonna figure out there are probably easier ways to do this. Well, easier in the long term.

You get some magnetic clockwork arm armor that helps stabilize your aim.

say words while gripping self
NOPE AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhh. ouch. Well your fire is gone so you're only half the man you were. But you're not dead at least. Ow.

Speak with ghost creature, weapon at the ready.
It doesn't seem to want to talk. In fact it's circling around you like a demonic tron light cycle, enclosing you in a wall of solid afterimages.

"Time for a mascot. Halthelshar Ratheale Zoth-Hareth."
You summon up a glass sphere.

"Yar." It says, in a mildly depressed voice.

Kin readies his sharp crystal lightning fists and enters the forest proper. He also tries "Trialo Aealthel" while aiming for one of the trees.
You head into the forest until you hit a fork in the road. Left goes toward some carved trees, right toward an ancient foundation.

You fire the phantom image of a tail out behind you. Alrighty then.

"A challenger appears. Come at me then."

Wait for the stone to get closer, and ready my staff to give it a nice big whack.

((I really hope this Glyph head is magic, and not has it.))
You wait. The stone doesn't get closer. Rather several large stones tear themselves out of the ground and begin to hover around it, spinning around it in a rather frightening orbit of potential bludgeoning.

Will the mage to point his hand away from me/anything important then say Magical Phrase.  Then sacrifice him to Scarlon.
[mage pot:6+1]

The mage produces a stack of red paper slips, each about 4 inches across and 8 long. The seem...volatile.

That done, you bring him to the altar and drive the blade straight into his sternum. The blood pools and trickles down into the slits along the edge of the altar. From there, it runs somewhere below. The statue of Scarlon bends low.

"What does do you desire?"

Give up, say words. For the second series, try to hit some of the furniture from a decent distance.

a bit of static electricity sparks in your palm.

Take the sword and wander into the village.
Clo-Caltel Prathoal Zzers!
village center you go.

You get a clockwork warhammer. It hits harder then normal by means of a piston sort of thing. Ever see big O? Hm.

And a small amount of ink.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Derm has entered the Booze Dimension
« Reply #5328 on: May 29, 2013, 06:13:06 pm »

Ah damn.

More runework!
I can do anything I want, as long as I accept the consequences.
"Y'know, my favorite thing about being a hero is that it gives you all kinds of narrative justification to just slay any ol' jerk who gets in the way - Black Mage.
"The bulk of [Derm]'s atrocities seem to stem from him doing things that [Magic] doesn't actually do." - TvTropes
"Dammit Derm!" - You, if I'm doing it right.
Moved to SufficientVelocity / Spacebattles.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Derm has entered the Booze Dimension
« Reply #5329 on: May 29, 2013, 06:14:23 pm »

Unholy Pariah

3 speed (+1) (+1 tat)
3pot (+1)
1 Str (+1 tat)
1 dexterity
1 awareness

Tattoo:Fast, strong full body

Sha-calun the Everflame Lv.0 (11/20 6 natural pot roll/using fire)
(reroll natural pot 1's)

Imbued with Diamond.

Silver flask (perm)

Fire sword of fire control
Clockwork greatbow (Generates glowing dust arrows)

3/3 pool
Location: Temple basement. 

Str:  1
End:  1
Dex:  1
Spd:  1
Awar: 0
Pot:  3
Will: 3
Chan: 4

Sha-calun the Everflame Lv.0 (12/20 6 natural pot roll/flame usage)
(reroll natural pot 1's)

Diamond-obsidian Greaves
Bone-fire sword of control
magma stone bow.
Obsidian fire greatsword (spd-2,str+2)
Diamond-obsidian brestplate

Injury: Right arm gone

Tattoo: Full body fire obsidian diamond, perm.

pool 4/4

Location: village homes

Javier mcGristle
Decently burly man(average Joe)
Potency:3 (+1)
Channelling :3 (+1)

Bits of scrap metal. 
Sand whip
Steel lizard whip.
Clockwork bear, controlled but inanimate.
Ivy style swordwhip.
Twin sand blades.


Clockwork-rubber chest, perm,
Clockwork sand left arm, perm.


Location: Crater lip

Nul-sheal the Green:Lv.1 (0/20 uses of element)
(Control over:Sand)
{Elemental affinity: +1 to all rolls using the element.}


Strength: 1
Endurance: 1
Speed: 1
Dexterity: 1
Awareness: 0
Potency: 1   
Will: 1
Channeling: 5

Shub-shalsheil lv.1 (0/20 circle/mark usage)
(Circles take 1/2 time to inscribe)
{Air inscription: Circles and Runes can be inscribed in mid air using nothing but the tip of the finger.}

Tattoos:large, strong, full body.


Location: Somewhere

Plastic ring of booze control.
Giant lava-obsidian ax.


Name: Himself
Description: A notably normal guy.
Spd:3 (+1) (+1 tattoo) (+1 body modified)
Pool 2/3

Ninja outfit
Cloak (force aura, single use).
Necromancy ring (in stomach)
Zombie Raider Heavy (dex+1)
steel dagger
Plant control ring (marked with steel control)

Flux:Lv.0 (12/20 change thing into other thing, dexterous/speedy actions)
(+1 to dodge rolls. On natural 5 to spd or dodge, become mercury)

Tattoo: Full body necromancy, fast


Corruption: 3/8

Location: pillars of the sky


Name:  Thrakor
Appeareance:  A short guy with an attitude problem.  Has a scraggly beard he should probably shave, unremarkable brown eyes, and receding hair that's going grey early.  A bit slender.

Strength: 0
Endurance: 1
Speed: 1
Dexterity: 1
Awareness: 1
Potency:  0
Will:  6
Channeling: 0

Scarlon:Lv.0 (1/20 will successes)

Mask of scarlon (Inherent mind control capacity)


Gash in upper right arm.

Pool: 1/2
Location: Temple to scarlon 
0 soul
Harry Baldman
Name: Tod-3

Appearance: though he possesses most of the hallmark characteristics of the Tod series, Tod-3 (now purportedly with up to an amazing 5% less stupid) is still the silvery, featureless  humanoid with a weird bowling ball head you may or may not have grown to feel strongly about. However, to signify his possibly lesser stupidity, the big, bushy beard from his predecessor, Tod-2, is now gray and gives him something of a wise look. Oh, and due to popular, screaming demands of the masses he now wears pants. They are rather nice pants, to tell the truth.

Strength: 0
Endurance: 0
Speed: 1
Dexterity: 1
Awareness: 0
Potency: 3
Will: 1
Channeling: 4

Diamond Track star homunculus (+2spd) with Sturdy Crystal sword (spd +1, str+2)
Floating diamond shield of control
Fragile goat

tattoos: Full body giant air fast, perm.

Location: pillars of the sky

Name: Glassco Vaughan
Appearance: Brown, short length slicked-back hair, average height and frame, gives off the look of a con-man.
STR: 0 (-1)
END: 1
SPD: 1
DEX: 1
AWR: 0 (-1)
POT: 0 (-1)
WIL: 7 (+2)
CHA: 0

Traitor of Scarlon mark


Nul-sheal the Green:Lv.0 (11/20 uses of element)
(Control over:Diamond)


Location: village center.

pool: 2/2

Name: Ryan
Appearance: Looks kinda out of shape and is a little short compared to average. People tend to think he's younger then he really is by his appearance. He's actually 20.

Strength: 0
Endurance: 1
Speed: 0
Dexterity: 3
Awareness: 1
Potency:  3
Will: 1
Channeling: 2

Heavy robe
Small knife
Geography scroll
Clockwork cluster shot crossbow (6 shot mode)
50 clockwork expansion bolts.
Steel cleaver.
Strange, cold feeling, sword.
Silver flask

Inujuries: No hair or eyebrows.
Teeth missing

Flux:Lv.0 (9/20 change thing into other thing, dexterous/speedy actions)
(+1 to dodge rolls. On natural 5 to spd or dodge, become mercury)

Location: three heads

pool 2/2
Singular Byte

Name: Jonathan

Description: A man with long black hair and a goatee. He is under the impression that the necronomicon is his own autobiography from the future.

Str 0
End 1
Spd 1
Dex 1
Awa 0
Pot 3
Wil 1
Cha 3

Parathun:Lv.0 (1/5 chance to mutate from killing, cutting/warping flesh)


Location: Village center
pool 3/3

Strength: 0
Endurance: 1
Speed: 2
Dexterity: 1
Awareness: 1
Potency: 3
Will: 1
Channeling: 3

Tattoo: Flame wings on chest(active. Disappear if deactivated)
Flame claws on right hand. Perm.

Clockwork Piston warhammer.

Right wing injured. (-1 spd flight)

Sha-calun the Everflame Lv.0 (14/20 6 natural pot roll/flame usage)
(reroll natural pot 1's)

Location: Mushroom forest   

Souls: 2

1 Endurance
2 Speed
2 Dexterity
2 Awareness
1 Potency
1 Will
2 Channeling.

Fists (+2spd, -1str)

Imuded with crystal

Big hat (imbued with plant and crystal)
Metal rod. [imbued with blood]
Crystal knife

Location: Branching paths

Tattoo: Full body lightning, perm

pool 2/2

1 soul
Name: Sanya
Still the same Sanya, short, quiet, and covered in cloth. As with each reincarnation, she takes a slightly different aesthetic- this time, her robes are black with large, eye-like designs. Much to her chagrin, these robes also fail to cover her midriff- more of a dancer's outfit than one for a mage.

Sanya remembers few details about the reincarnation process, but does remember having her abilities shifted about. She feels much more adept with magic this time around, but lacks physical strength.

Str: 0
End: 0
Dex:  2
Spd:  2
Pot:  1
Will: 0
Chan: 4

Shub-shalsheil lv.0 (0/20 circle/mark usage)
Circles take 1/2 time to inscribe.


Location: village center.
Steel sword.
Clockwork piston hammer (+3 str, -2 spd)

Corruption 1/8

pool 4/4

Name: Larry

Story: As it turns out, Larry is sort of a messiah. Three days after his death, he showed up in his hometown, wearing nothing but his briefs and telling stories about his time in the pits. He took a bit of time off to recover from the mental horror of it all, but when he heard that things were getting interesting, he grabbed his old grimoire and began another adventure. He still can't use magic words...

Strength: 1
Endurance: 1
Speed: 1
Dexterity: 3
Awareness: 1
Potency: 1
Will: 3
Channeling: 0

Nul-sheal the Green:Lv.2 (1/20 uses of element)
(Control over:Gold)
(Elemental Affinity: +1 to all rolls for using your chosen element)

Right hand crystalized and useless.

Golden throne. 
Torch (lit)
Crystal homing spike curse ring.

Location:  edge of the forest.

pool 0/0

Stephen strange Blackpool

Strength 0
Endurance 0
Speed 2
Dexterity 3
Potency 2
Will 1
Channeling 2

Hand scythe
Gold ring
Bottle of booze.
Diamond arrows of air control (10)
Forcefield arrow

Injuries: Left hand gone.

LOcation: Somewhere

pool 2/2
Name: Nahere
Appearance: Short, with black hair and green eyes. Otherwise nonedescript, he is one of those people who tends to fade into the background.
SPD:1 (+1 from tattoo)

Location: Somewhere

Steel sword of plant control.

Tattoo: Steel with wings, full body. Fast.


pool 4/4

Name: Silica Tykki
Appearance: Pale with white hair that seems to slowly attenuate out of existence rather than end, glass-like eyes with blue flames inside. Other than that, nothing else about her indicates that she is a spirit possessed construct.


Clockwork bear with intelligent mark. (at the temple grounds)
one giant cloth arrow.
Clockwork Sword of Destruction.
Steel-ink ministaff.
Arcane lightsaber.
Forcefield generating gauntlets
Clockwork toxic sword.
Clockwork Dust spear
Clockwork Dust Mortar
Clockwork Crossbow that fires arrows of Light.
Clockwork greatbow that fires chainsword
Magnetic clockwork arm armor (+1 dex)

Location: Temple upper

pool 4/4

Name: Windsor Woodlock
Description: Windsor is a classy man, relatively young and he has looks a bit aristocratic. His hair is black.
Strength: 0
Endurance: 3
Speed: 1
Dexterity: 0
Awareness: 0
Potency: 3
Will: 0
Channeling: 3

Flux:Lv.0 (1/20 change thing into other thing, dexterous/speedy actions)
(+1 to dodge rolls. On natural 5 to dex or dodge, become mercury)

Golden bear statue, size of his fist.
Clockwork drill sword (0 spd,-1 str off, +1 str slash, +2 stab)
Fancy suit and a Fedora.
8 foot tall mindless flesh man thing
stone control ring.
Clockwork knife bracer.

Corruption: 1/8

Tattoo:Single use right leg steel. Right arm, clockwork magnet.

Location:Village homes, hiding in one. 

Effects:Imbued with Crystal and Plant

pool 3/3

1 soul
Dex 1
Spd 1
Will 7 (+2)(+1 for fungus)
Awareness 1
end 1
Pot 0
Cha 0

Location: Path toward the beach.

Nul-sheal the Green:Lv.2 (0/20 Combat uses of element)
(Control over:fungus)
(Elemental Affinity: +1 to all rolls for using your chosen element)
(Elemental immunity: You become immune to your chosen element)

Broken leg (Fungi cast)
Burns on face and hands (Fungi mask and gloves.)
Left arm torn off at the elbow.Bandaged.

Fungus Lacrosse stick.
Spore bombs (5)
Fungi-minimech, light weight, can climb
Necromancy ring (Hidden on sea path cliffs)
2 thallids with ring things. (and springs in their legs)
fungus Ring with control over iron, flesh and steel.
Ring with control over acid, stone and force.

pool 0/0
Name: Yornich The Snail
Appearance: A tall, imposing fellow with a hooked nose, bushy eyebrows and a decent-sized red beard. Scowls a lot.
Was a feared legbreaker in the coastal town he lived in before being teleported elsewhere- the abstract, monstrous creature tattooed on his chest marks his allegiance to some bloodthirsty little gang.
Strength: 4
Speed: 3
Dexterity: 3

Location: Hall of gods.

pool 0/0

Name: Zeran'Tal
Gender: Male
Appearance: 5ft. 9in., long blonde hair, cloaked in a white robe.
Strength : 2
Endurance : 1
Speed : 1
Dexterity : 1
Awareness : 1
Potency : 1
Will : 1
Channeling : 2

Pool: 2

Location: Forest crossroads.

Crystal staff
Ring of Fist flame aura (worn)
Rare earth magnet Warhammer(-2 spd, +3 str)

Yo-drell lv.0 (1/10 natural 5 end rolls)
Stone skin
Yo-drell's protection on Natural 5 end roll

Strength: 1
Endurance: 2
Speed: 1
Dexterity: 3 (+1)
Awareness: 3(+1)
Potency: 1
Will: 1
Channeling: 1

Location: Entrance to warrior's graveyard

Blastel: Lv.1 (0/10 kills with his weapon.)
+1 to str for attacking
Killing with his weapon heals wounds.
Bloodsport: Spilling the blood/successfully injuring an opponent grants you additional Str bonuses to further hits against that opponent.

Blastel's weapon: 4 foot wooden staff with heavy metal caps on each end. (0 spd,+1 str)


Pool 1/1

Strength: 1 (+1 tat)
Endurance: 1
Speed: 1 (+1 tat)
Dexterity: 1
Awareness: 1
Potency: 3
Will: 1
Channeling: 3
Diamond sword.
Diamond helmet (Control diamond mark) ---------------|
Clockwork diamond chestplate                         |(-1spd)
Diamond arm armor.-----------------------------------|
Diamond greaves

Diamond chestplate
Diamond sword with crystal edge.

pool 3/3

Tattoo:Full body strong and fast, single use.

Yo-drell lv.0 (0/10 natural 5 end rolls)
Stone skin (Not effective while in fire form)
Yo-drell's protection on Natural 5 end roll

Location: pillars of the sky.
Name: Somnus
Gender: Male
Appearance: 5ft. 5in. tall, neck-length brown hair, dressed in a midnight blue robe.
Strength : 0
Endurance : 1
Speed : 1
Dexterity : 2
Awareness : 2
Potency : 1
Will : 1
Channeling : 3
Pool: 3/3


Shub-shalsheil lv.1 (11/20 circle/mark usage)
(Circles take 1/2 time to inscribe)
{Air inscription: Circles and Runes can be inscribed in mid air using nothing but the tip of the finger.}

Rubber control staff
Several rubber arms and legs.
Rubber arm enchanted with toxin

Tattoos: Full body rubber, perm.

Location: Somewhere

Name: Jixiu

Appearance: Instead of a robe, Jixiu always wears a white lab coat. He has a wild hairdo that just kinda sticks out everywhere. This is due to many failed instances of SCIENCE!


(Hidden in village home
Clock work spear of Destruction. [Spd +0, str +1]sp
Clockwork destruction chestplate)
Necromantic injection knife.
Clockwork necromantic bow.

Tattoo: Clockwork wings, reusable.

Other Eyes


Location: village center 
Name: Ozzy
Appearance: An thin hispanic man sporting a dark blue mohawk and spiraling tattoos.
Str - 1
End - 1
Spd - 1
Dex - 1
Awr - 1
Pot - 2
Wil - 1
Chn - 2

Parathun:Lv.1 (1/10 chance to mutate from killing, cutting/warping flesh)
4 arms (Allows for two melee strikes in one turn, assuming first one succeeds)

Steel bracers (On each arm)
Steel shin guards
Steel helmet
Raider uniform- extra arm holes ripped in.
Long sword
War pick x2
Pair of manacles

Juryrigged torch.


Location:training ground, magic testing chamber
Name: Daniel Grey
Appearance: A pale skinned man with dark brown hair and grey coloured eyes. Kinda tall and thin with a good deal of stubble on his jaw.

Strength: 0 (+1 tat)
Endurance: 1
Speed: 1 (+1 tat)
Dexterity: 1
Awareness: 0
Potency: 3
Will: 1
Channeling: 4

Shub-shalsheil lv.0 (2/20 circle/mark usage)
(Circles take 1/2 time to inscribe)

Bit of wood, 2 candles.
Steel sword
Diamond chestplate.
Gatling crossbow.

Tattoos:strong, fast full body.


Location: Village homes

Pool: 4/4


Strength: 0
Speed: 0
Dexterity: 1
Awareness: 1
Potency: 3




Location:spawn room
Name:   Doctor Octogonapus
Gender:   Male
Age:   45
Appearance:   Bald, green eyes, average height
Strength:   0   (-1)Tattoo(+1)
Endurance:   0   (-1) (+1)
Speed:      0   (-1)Tattoo(+1)
Dexterity:   0   (-1) (+1)
Awareness:   0   (-1)
Potency:   3   (+1)
Will:      1   (0)
Channeling(Pool):   7

Ring with control over acid, stone and force.


Sha-calun the Everflame Lv.1 (1/20 6 natural pot roll/flame usage)
(reroll natural pot 1's)
(Smolder: Fire based attacks get an automatic +1 to all rolls related to them (pot, dex to hit, etc)


Corruption: 4/8

Location: cliff path to the sea.   
Milo Thatch
Potency: 6
Will: 1
Channeling: 3


Shub-shalsheil lv.0 (10/20 circle/mark usage)
(Circles take 1/2 time to inscribe)

Skin burnt off, Bleeding a hell of a lot.

Location: Temple grounds

Bob is an average man. He knew what his calling in life was from his younger days as a child: repair toasters. Sadly, he couldn't find any openings in toaster repair, so he became a butler.

Strength: 0
Endurance: 0
Speed: 0
Dexterity: 0
Potency: 3
Will: 1

Circle: Basement (;pmid=240877;kstart;f=inbox;start=1605;sort=date;#msg240877)

Tattoos. Tongue(;pmid=244450;kstart;f=inbox;start=1680;sort=date;#msg244450)

Location: temple grounds
Name: Adrian Haber (Pronounced ah-ber)
Appearance: A somewhat-stooped, tall man, of a heavyset figure, with close-cropped black hair and gray-green eyes behind spectacles.
Strength: 1
Endurance: 1
Speed: 1
Dexterity: 1
Awareness: 1
Potency: 1
Will: 1
Channeling: 3
(Pool: 3)

Clockwork power bow (+1 str)
Clockwork gauntlets (+1 str)

Location: temple grounds.
name: bloggs
Appearance: extremely generic, except that he has no nose.
str: 1
end: 1
spd: 1
dex: 1
awr: 1
pot: 2
wil: 1
cha: 2
NAME: Lol yo face
STORY: LYF was eaten by dinosaurs once. Now he's in here. Wherever that may be.
Strength: 0 (-1) (+1)
Endurance: 2
Speed: 0 (-1)(+1)
Dexterity: 1
Awareness: 2
Potency: 2
Channelling: 3

Location:Temple grounds.

Otherflesh legs and arms

Corruption: 3/8
Name: The Cheesecake Meister
Appearance: Elderly man, weak, lanky arms and legs and wears a cheesecake hat and a pink "I love Cheesecake!" shirt.
Strength: Damage from physical blows, lifting things, wearing heavy armor, not being a girly man.

Endurance: 0

Speed: 3

Dexterity: 3

Awareness: 0

Potency:  1

Will: 1

Channeling: 2

Name: Professor Bigf00t
Appearance: 2m Tall, average build, strange grey patch on back right side of hair since Nul-sheal only knows when. Fancies himself a mad scientist and cryptanalyst. Lord knows he will need both of these in force if he plans to survive... THE PERPLEXICON!
Strength: 0
Endurance: 0
Speed: 0
Dexterity: 1
Awareness: 0
Potency: 1
Will: 3
Channeling: 5


Right arm missing. Bleeding out: 2 turns.


Location:temple grounds
Ilral Cilobad: Ripped from his life as baron of Ibashsfeshs, Ilral is just looking for a way home.

+3 Endurance
+2 Dexterity
+2 Speed
+3 Channeling

location: clothing shop

Muscle hat.


Name: Laularu the Mildly Competent
Appearance: Looks like a dweeb. Exactly non-wimpy enough to not trip over his own shoelaces and DIE, and exactly wizened enough to have the potential to cast more than DEATH TENTACLES FROM BEYOND TIME AND SPACE, but clearly not showing the particular brand of confidence that comes from murdering people repeatedly with black holes. Probably meat for farming, but, we'll see :P


Active enemies
Sy vs Monkey warrior at pillars of the sky

Carrion beast vs Zako

Saur vs Mage's Owl at forest crossroads.

Gyph head vs Kisame.

Chrome hopper vs Unholy

Combined circles:
Derm (on)
Vak (on)
Nahere (on)
Flab (on)
Empi (on)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Derm has entered the Booze Dimension
« Reply #5330 on: May 29, 2013, 06:15:27 pm »

Also, where's mah god XP?
I can do anything I want, as long as I accept the consequences.
"Y'know, my favorite thing about being a hero is that it gives you all kinds of narrative justification to just slay any ol' jerk who gets in the way - Black Mage.
"The bulk of [Derm]'s atrocities seem to stem from him doing things that [Magic] doesn't actually do." - TvTropes
"Dammit Derm!" - You, if I'm doing it right.
Moved to SufficientVelocity / Spacebattles.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Derm has entered the Booze Dimension
« Reply #5331 on: May 29, 2013, 06:33:12 pm »

More Favor-Grinding then see if I can puncture a piece of the fruit's skin slightly offset from me with my rubber finger.


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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Derm has entered the Booze Dimension
« Reply #5332 on: May 29, 2013, 06:36:31 pm »

((I liked the tron ghost mental image.))

Touch Angle, say words.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Derm has entered the Booze Dimension
« Reply #5333 on: May 29, 2013, 06:41:15 pm »

I am going to need a ranged weapon.
Say the words "Clo-caltel Zothelthcaon" and get ready to smash the MO with the warhammer if it gets close
Nevermind the disturbingly knowing look that kobold has on her face. That dwarf SHOULD be embarrased!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Derm has entered the Booze Dimension
« Reply #5334 on: May 29, 2013, 06:46:26 pm »

((I told you those words were non-lethal. Now, letting you know, you can still draw runes, but those are pretty tricky to use in combat))
"There. Now, if you know what's good for you, you'll keep out of my hair and from saying THAT word ever again. Now, healing, healing..."
Milo flips through the book looking for something on the subject.
"...darn, nothing. Nothing about it at all, baring changing into something completely else."

((Edit: Derm, I'll bet you put a B/C/D rune into an E slot again, or an E rune into a B/C/D slot. Or else it expected a Shape where there was an element. But "center" slots tend to be the bigger slots, meaning E slots. Just FYI, from what I gleaned))
((Edit 2: Circles I've found with slots that could reasonably be called "center" slots that aren't E slots: A28-A30, A45, A55, A57-A61, MAYBE A62-A66 (Depending on what you do and don't define as a slot), and of course !!A56!!, so most are at the very end.))
« Last Edit: May 29, 2013, 07:01:27 pm by flabort »
The Cyan Menace

Went away for a while, came back, went away for a while, and back for now.


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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Derm has entered the Booze Dimension
« Reply #5335 on: May 29, 2013, 06:47:10 pm »

Ooh! I have a idea! I hope this works!
Say PM words. Hope it works.
If this works, I get a catgirl!
« Last Edit: May 29, 2013, 06:54:01 pm by ArchAIngel »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Derm has entered the Booze Dimension
« Reply #5336 on: May 29, 2013, 07:18:53 pm »

Wheres my chrome hopper fight?
Clearly running multiple missions at the same time is a terrible idea.  The epic battle to see which team can cock it up worse has escalated again.

And Larry kinda gets blueballed in all this; just left with a raging bone spear and no where to put it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Derm has entered the Booze Dimension
« Reply #5337 on: May 29, 2013, 07:48:50 pm » not what I thought I said.

Push torso off branch and watch it fall. Words, hopefully the right ones.
Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Derm has entered the Booze Dimension
« Reply #5338 on: May 29, 2013, 08:01:05 pm »

Fuuuuuuuck yeeah.
Poke the ink. Grab the hammer, and go over to a wall. Attempt to add HAMMER to INVENTORY.

Draw on a wall, somewhere that would piss off a villiger if they're even alive anymore. Do Test Pattern Alpha.

There are words that make the booze plant possible. Just not those words.
Alright you two. Attempt to murder each other. Last one standing gets to participate in the next test.
DIRK: Pelvic thrusts will be my exclamation points.


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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Derm has entered the Booze Dimension
« Reply #5339 on: May 29, 2013, 08:28:21 pm »

Construct the experiment room and armory, and anything else I have time for.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2013, 11:33:46 pm by Angle »

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