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Author Topic: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Derm has entered the Booze Dimension  (Read 993411 times)


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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Derm has entered the Booze Dimension
« Reply #5295 on: May 27, 2013, 06:55:24 pm »

My initial build was actually designed with the intent to live longer than one turn before I start casting spells that would nuke myself. My first soul is going into potency most likely, once I know more about what kind of thing I want to cast. As for putting 2s into things, it means I only need one soul to go from 0 to +1. I wasn't just concerned about not having -1s, hence leaving potency for later. I'm more concerned with exploding into gore, and not above min-maxing myself for optimized survival.

As tempting as 9 POT 1 POOL is.

For that reason I'm leaning more towards the stony god. There's a reason Null was untouchable until PW killed him off via anticlimax, and it was because he optimized defense over offense, instead of just putting all his points into the BLOW STUFF UP stat.

I'm also the kind of guy who takes bonus pride points in intentionally forgoing the typical tried-and-true tier 1 stuff if it means I have a lower chance of winning, but still a non-zero chance and the ability to do it in excellent ways.  For instance, ICELANDIC DEATH METAL BEAR.

Sticking with my initial build, if I die oh well I'll roll up a new char.
Quote from: Dwarfotaur
Everytime one of my militia has given birth in the Danger Room, it's lead to instant baby smoothies for everyone.

Gotta Catch 'Em All!

Dat Sig Thread


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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Derm has entered the Booze Dimension
« Reply #5296 on: May 27, 2013, 07:17:35 pm »

I don't tend to do freeform well. Hopefully there's a way out that isn't suicide related.

Runework and exploration!

Well, thats a circle, not a rune, but sure.
You trace out the circle in mid air before peering down into the tree. Sticking your head in lets you see a bit more, as your eyes adjust. Inside is a rather large space that goes out into darkness in all directions, but next to the knothole are what look like twisting roots of growths, almost like wooden pathways that snake off into the darkness.

((SOMEone said I was...

Also, I'm admitting, probably not for the first time, that I have NO idea what Blackpool's accent is right now.))

"This mus' be tha thin' tha' Derm'n'th'others war takin' aboot." ((A linguist just felt a cold shudder, I bet.))

Explore. Try to find a place with a fairly safe place to test things or, ideally, other people. If I can't find anyone friendly, Words.

Hmm. well the leaf is a fairly safe expanse to test things. As per people they've all kinda scattered in different directions; most of them flying.

You get a fuzzy image of what looks like a halfman, half lizard creature.

Clo-caltel Clo-caltel Zothelthcaon Harialltontal, and focus on making a crossbow.
[pot:1+1] is in one of its moods I see.

Examine the fruit, then use Runic Magic.

The fruit is a massive thing, bluish and resembling a strange, spherical  raspberry in shape, with the whole being made of many smaller sections.

Bracelet, saw and bag.

This will be fun.
Attempt to hit the owl with my Warhammer. If that fails, drop the hammer and say "Shalzethtol Rothcaltal" and aim at the Owl

[MO spd:3+2]
[MO pot:3+2]
[MO dex:6]
The Mage Owl flaps up out of your reach and fires a pair of arcane eyebeams down at you. You're not fast enough to dodge them, so you cross your arms in front of you, hoping to block as much damage as you can. Before the beams can make contact though, the ground in front of you split open and a wall of stone, shimmering with tiny, square silver crystals, erupts forth and blocks the beam.

"Well...thats helpful."

You lean around the wall and shout words at the birds.


"Hey, did you know theres a song involving birds and words? I won't sing it though. It's kinda overdone."

Umm.  That's not good.  That's very not good.  I hope whatever monkey does allows a dodge roll.

Turn tomorrow, when I'm actually concious.  For now, why have the various spd rolls from my monkey dodging not been added to my god favor?
They have been.

No I didn't just add those right now.

No idea what you're talking about.

Continue construction. Will some of the fungus to consume the random bits of steel trash (With acid, if necessary.) that are laying around from the last few turns, and use that to reinforce the fungus supports.

Also I think you forgot to count my god favor.

Fixed that. You now have Elemental Immunity. You're completely immune to damage or harm from your element.

Lets say you get though the mounts there and create the two staircases up and down. And further shore up the existing structures with metal laced fungus.

((So, how should we deal with Black Helmet? It is possible he is not hostile.))
"Any ideas on how to establish tow-way communication to the people in the rift?"
Silica steps outside the anti-magic zone and says <words> before stepping back into the zone.

Spoiler: Silica's Catalogue (click to show/hide)

Strange thing you're going for here. I'm not sure I get what it's supposed to be but it seems high tech.

"Ragh! This is more frustrating then driving a TRUCK!"
Milo consults the notes in the margins of the book, observing that there are even more then last time he looked, some even in his own handwriting.
"Well, that's interesting. Two?"

Duplicate the circle as it currently is, out of oragami and everything, put the copy a few feet away. Activate both. Deactivate them, put one of the current oragami runes in the circle in place of the current one, then reactivate them to observe any effect. Should they fail to cause anything (and I didn't have to refold the rune I use, and have the mana), deactivate them and put the same rune (freshly folded) into the other circle and reactivate.
You duplicate the circle and put it a few feet away. They both activate and it produces a rather odd effect. It's like the circle is projecting sound at you. It's not saying anything interesting, but you can hear things that are going on near by. Hmm.

Ignore the ruins and head further along. At the crossroads, turn left. If not possible, turn right. If that's not possible, go straight ahead.
You head that way and end up in the same clearing where sy is fighting the Monkey. Also, something comes to punch you.

It's a dear, walking around on it's hind legs, wielding a large circular shield and a sword.

((A linguist just felt a cold shudder, I bet.))

[With the way Hoyt talked, I'm sure it would of given one a seizure.]

"AHHHHHhhhhhhhhh... Oh thank gods that's over. I don't think I'll ever get over death. Specially the exploding kind." Glassco shuddered as he regained his bearings. "Right, need to meet him back at the village..." Entering the grounds of the temple, he saw not much has changed. Still the portal to another world that showed someone choking to death, some people doing stuff and jotting down in their journals, and a giant diamond helmet being unattended next to some guy. Score!

Edging closer to Sven as nonchalantly as he could. He willed the helmet into a snowboard like shape with grooves for his feet, made it float, hopped on it and willed the diamond to form around his ankles to fasten him onto it, then sped off towards the village. The entire time this was happening, he was speaking to Sven. "Hey guy, nice helmet, mind if I take it for a spin?" This was spoken while he formed it into the board shape. "Ohwhythankyouthat'sverygenerousI'llbesuretoremembertohelpyououtlaterifIseeyouagainyougotmywordseeyah!" This when he hopped on and sped off.

I'm honestly not sure what helmet you're talking about.

"I am SO BORED. Time for random destruction!"

Run at the nearest guy who's in a spell-allowed place and repeatedly garstopit them, up to three times.

Lets see, who is close...Flabort is pretty close.
[Flabort aware:4-1]
[flabort end:6]
Flabort takes the toxin appreciably well.  He still loses most of his skin and begins bleeding from every orifice though.  He does, however, manage to sort of stagger-leap onto you and start trying to strangle you.

((Sad face.))

Kin goes out the bar, greets Johnathan and walk towards the forest. He also says "Zaral Ratheale" while thinking of a basketball and enjoying the scenery.


You summon a great big old sphere of lava. It just kinda splatters to the ground and starts to spread out.

You make it down to the edge of the forest.

Throw a ring inside the circle and see what happens (if it isn't still active, redraw it with the runes I sent you reversed). Then deactivate the circle and see whether or not the ring or ground remains superheavy.

Then try some more experiments.

Just gonna point out that your "remade" circle here isn't identical to the last one.  But the other one is still active so.

Throwing in another ring reacts the same way really; by being crushed. After deactivating the circle the ground reverts to stone and nothing is heavy any more.

[+1 will with that soul]
"Hmm rather.... boring"
Leave the church and look around for this some one to murder near the path from the temple, if successful say murder words at them
Well...looks like thrakor is fighting someone over there. That might work.

[RM aware:5]
The Mage sees you coming.
[mage spd:4]
[mage pot:5]
[mage dex:5]

The mage spins on his heel, points his staff at you and says two words. A beam of water, as though fired from a fireman's hose, sprays out of his staff and catches you square in the chest. It sends you rolling back, screaming as it extinguishes your flames.

"Hmm, now that my friend is temporarily deceased, I wonder if I have my magic back. I guess I should try making a new sky pirate mascot. Halthelshar Ratheale Zoth-Hareth."

"Although on second thoughts, what kind of sky pirate doesn't have a floating ship."
I jump into the ship, lie down in it, touch it with my hand and say "Dorbaelo Hobitaeaod Ah-thaelao."
You leap up onto the ship and use your words.
[pot:2+1] floated for a second.

*Sigh*. I have my own killcount, and it consists of only myself.

Well, lets prepare myself for round two three.

Words. (after walking outside, I'd also like to poke my head into the candle room if possible)

Well that failed, but it's an interesting and very brutal sort of thing you're making there. May be hard to hold on to  as is though.

46 candles are burning right now, by the way.

Western path it is. Words

The path leads into an area so shaded by the overhead folliage that it's almost pitch black.  In this darkness, odd things grow; enormous mushrooms and fungi five stories tall, swollen fruiting bodies and luminous molds cling to the blackened and rotting remains of fallen trees and animals. Otherworldly bioluminecence lights this shadowed glen with slowly flowing greens,blues, purples and reds.The smell of moistness and rotten wood hangs so heavy that it makes you dizzy and you have a hard time telling if the strange shapes darting around in the shadows are real or merely tricks of the unsteady light. The path, lit by an outline of faintly glowing toadstools, branches into a crossroads. The path to the south leads out of the mushroom forest and back into the light.The path to the north leads to a strangely glowing field. The path to the west leads to  an expanse of strange white growths. The path to the east leads to a crossroads outside of the mushroom forest.

You have the distinct feeling that something is hiding in the undergrowth here.

You get a tiny discharge of fire and electricity that looks a bit like a bird.

Huh, then I guess I need to science the rune more...
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Leave the altars and head outside to where I was experimenting with the poison rune that killed me, then
Shareeb Contallthelthel, then. Twice.

Well, you get one sword at least.

Oooh, I have an idea for some Fun.

Will the mage to follow me quietly to the Temple of Scarlon.  Sacrifice time!
[mage will:2]

You mentally dominate the mage after he's finished hosing off that flame guy and lead him over to the temple to scarlon. It's the same as how you left it; enormous and extravagant.

Try once more to get Dual Sand blades.
Head back to the crater, and head deeper.

You try several times and take the two that turn out the best and head deeper into the shipyard.

You walk to the lip of the crater and lower yourself down into it, careful not to go skidding down the steep incline of blackened and shattered rock. Discharges of energy, multi-colored electricity, swirls of arcane energy that rise like twitching smoke, and stones that seem to sprout smaller stones like budding fungus grow and crackle all around you. You take a moment to pick out a good path of descent and think you spot one; a thin path made by a flow of molten stone that ran down the crater wall like a drop of water in a glass bowl and then hardned, forming a semi smooth path all the way down. It's the safest way you can see, not a safe way, mind you, just the safest way.

As you look around you notice something moving toward you. It looks human...sort of. It's shimmering and only sort of seems to exist; worse yet it's completely faceless and leaving a trail of solid after images behind itself like the body of a snake.

((PW, the flesh appeared to my right, are you sure you didn't make a mistake?))
Say more words.

Yep, thats right. Keep in mind it APPEARED to your right. It didn't shoot off toward your right, it just appeared on the right side of you. Also, you used two targeting words, but one of them overwrote the other. Much like this time.

A lump of flesh appears behind you and fires off into the wall with a wet thud.

(+1 pot)
"Ahahahahaha! Now THAT was awesome! Of course, this whole losing a hand thing could be a problem, if I couldn't just make a giant floating replacement out of solid gold. Yep, today is a good day."
((This may just be because the skeleton was pretty low level, but there were no rolls when I crystalled it to death. Also, if anyone could create an item to control crystal, could you try making my hand usable again?))

Head above-ground and float over towards the forest. Attempt to find where the gold from my giant hands went, and reform them. If anything so much as looks at me funny, rip it apart with giant golden hands, and cut it to pieces with the crystals if it lives.

I think the gold is in your throne. Since you formed everything into butterflies and then back. As per that ring...well...cursed items are interesting.


Head to the second building.
You walk up the stairs and come to the top of the hill. The top of the hill is a large, flat expanse ringed by crumbling stone ruins. Spread across the expanse are hundreds of weapons: Ancient swords, spears, halberds, and axes plundged into the ground as makeshift gravemarkers for long forgotten warriors. Across the field of blades is a rather massive ruin, a Grand mausoleum wrapped in ivy and thorns, it's intricate designs weathered and dull with age.

As you step into the field of blades something moves in your peripheral vision. You spin to face it and watch as a great boulder, carved in the shape of a head much like the ones up near the entrance to the forest, lifts out of the dirt and undergrowth. Its carved features glow brilliant green as it rises into the air and moves silently toward you.

Wow. Another 1+1? Really?
Wander around the forest, looking for something that looks weak and is not a player. If successful, Cainthalsaz it three seperate times, for three lasers of doom. If that does not kill whatever it is, stab it with my crystal-edged sword after throwing my non-crystal-edged sword at it. Drop my old breastplate. If no enemies show up, then say Adamenstiar Hobitaeaod Gonteli.

Well, the closest area is the pillars of the sky, and there are two people fighting there already. Not sure if you want to go there, what with potential crossfires and all.

Also, I'm just gonna give you that helmet. Because it's pretty low level gear and this is like the 10 goddamn time you've tried to summon it.

Say words.  Stay away from the monkey, and cross my fingers.

[mw spd:3+2]
An aura of force  appears around you and instantly fades away. The monkey, for his part, continues to smolder, growing hotter by the second.

words and stuff, then walk down to the monster basement.
You summon up a shield made of diamond. With it in hand you head down into the basement. There's a chrome hopper down there.

"Well, I'm back where I started.  Only one last place to check"

Go back to the training room and try the northern path.

Try more WORDS.

Bracelet and goat.

You head back to the previous room and find something waiting for you there. It's a man, very thin, dressed in a gray uniform. He's standing in a corner, seemingly staring at the wall.

Yea, I'm starting to think that insatiable bloodlust isn't the fastest way to level up here...
Well, murder is, yes. But bloodlust probably not. Careful planning and knowledge will help you a lot more then brazen violence.

Unless you chose blastel. Blastel loves that shit.

Okay. I read up to the first page of the NEW WORLD ORDER after Null bit the dust, and said "fuck it."

Jumping in this thing with pretty much no knowledge of what's situationally going on, maybe a couple of the popular words but that's mostly it. (And by that I mean stuff like Zentol and Garstopit, not, y'know, actually situationally useful stuff. Prepare for science!)


Name: Laularu the Mildly Competent
Appearance: Looks like a dweeb. Exactly non-wimpy enough to not trip over his own shoelaces and DIE, and exactly wizened enough to have the potential to cast more than DEATH TENTACLES FROM BEYOND TIME AND SPACE, but clearly not showing the particular brand of confidence that comes from murdering people repeatedly with black holes. Probably meat for farming, but, we'll see :P


zeroes to other things obv. Pseudo-almost-balanced dodge-based science conduit engage!

Until I get access to things other than garstopit, of course. Then.... prepare yourselves.

Sure you want to be using magic with zero potency? You have a pretty high chance of bad shit happening to you. Admittedly, it would be funny. Just saying,  with -1 pot expect a lot more !!SCIENCE!! as opposed to science.

My initial build was actually designed with the intent to live longer than one turn before I start casting spells that would nuke myself. My first soul is going into potency most likely, once I know more about what kind of thing I want to cast. As for putting 2s into things, it means I only need one soul to go from 0 to +1. I wasn't just concerned about not having -1s, hence leaving potency for later. I'm more concerned with exploding into gore, and not above min-maxing myself for optimized survival.

As tempting as 9 POT 1 POOL is.

For that reason I'm leaning more towards the stony god. There's a reason Null was untouchable until PW killed him off via anticlimax, and it was because he optimized defense over offense, instead of just putting all his points into the BLOW STUFF UP stat.

I'm also the kind of guy who takes bonus pride points in intentionally forgoing the typical tried-and-true tier 1 stuff if it means I have a lower chance of winning, but still a non-zero chance and the ability to do it in excellent ways.  For instance, ICELANDIC DEATH METAL BEAR.

Sticking with my initial build, if I die oh well I'll roll up a new char.
Okie dokie.  Consider yourself spawned in. You appear in a big square room, standing in the middle of a magic circle surrounded by 8 mummified monks. There's only one door out of the room.


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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Derm has entered the Booze Dimension
« Reply #5297 on: May 27, 2013, 07:18:29 pm »

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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Derm has entered the Booze Dimension
« Reply #5298 on: May 27, 2013, 07:23:19 pm »

Thank you! seems to hate me.
Do a little happy dance. Walk around through the woods, looking for monster to stabbity. If found, then Cainthalsaz three times at it, then stabbity. If no monsters found then say Shaazeshelial Zzers Harialltontal. I need better rolls here!


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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Derm has entered the Booze Dimension
« Reply #5299 on: May 27, 2013, 07:28:02 pm »

"GgrgrgreeEEEEEE!! That HURTS! I'm gonna make sure you can't do THAT again!"
Non-lethal, but aggressive WORDS. While clinging to Eotyranuss's neck.
The Cyan Menace

Went away for a while, came back, went away for a while, and back for now.


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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Derm has entered the Booze Dimension
« Reply #5300 on: May 27, 2013, 07:28:15 pm »

I can do anything I want, as long as I accept the consequences.
"Y'know, my favorite thing about being a hero is that it gives you all kinds of narrative justification to just slay any ol' jerk who gets in the way - Black Mage.
"The bulk of [Derm]'s atrocities seem to stem from him doing things that [Magic] doesn't actually do." - TvTropes
"Dammit Derm!" - You, if I'm doing it right.
Moved to SufficientVelocity / Spacebattles.


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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Derm has entered the Booze Dimension
« Reply #5301 on: May 27, 2013, 07:33:44 pm »


I'm honestly not sure what helmet you're talking about.

This one.

summon headwear
You summon a massively heavy diamond helmet. Far too heavy to wear, or even pick up.

So I guess... Uh, repeat my previous actions then I'll do new actions to restore Glassco to the proper time-line?

Spoiler: New Actions (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: May 27, 2013, 07:44:10 pm by Xanmyral »


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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Derm has entered the Booze Dimension
« Reply #5302 on: May 27, 2013, 07:34:34 pm »

More Mystic Magic then see what type of texture the fruit's outer shell has. (Hard, soft, etc…)
« Last Edit: May 27, 2013, 07:36:25 pm by Vakothu »


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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Derm has entered the Booze Dimension
« Reply #5303 on: May 27, 2013, 07:35:56 pm »

Thank Yo-Drell. Then, using the wall as cover, Garstorpit the owl
Nevermind the disturbingly knowing look that kobold has on her face. That dwarf SHOULD be embarrased!


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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Derm has entered the Booze Dimension
« Reply #5304 on: May 27, 2013, 07:59:00 pm »


I want my mega-mace.

"Drat. Alright, lets go for some defensive gear!"

But screw it nobody tames a murderbear without taking risks.


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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Derm has entered the Booze Dimension
« Reply #5305 on: May 27, 2013, 08:08:54 pm »

Missed the rest of my PM. Well, doesn't matter, I'll send in a new one. Let's see if I can recreate Null's sword in armor form...


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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Derm has entered the Booze Dimension
« Reply #5306 on: May 27, 2013, 08:25:35 pm »

How hot does the money look?  Steaming?  On fire?  Ground-smoldering?  If it's either of the latter, or hotter, just stay away and regen mana.  If it doesn't seem too bad, Garstorpit the monkey.  Also, order my zombie minion to attack that deer thing.

Now I'm stuck wondering whether it's gradually buffing itself, and I need to kill it now, or if it's charging an attack, and I need to throw up defenses.  Ugh.


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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Derm has entered the Booze Dimension
« Reply #5307 on: May 27, 2013, 08:28:19 pm »

Just give him a firm spanking.
HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.


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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Derm has entered the Booze Dimension
« Reply #5308 on: May 27, 2013, 08:53:20 pm »

fire an arrow at the hopper from the doorway then switch to my flame sword of control fire and my diamond shield of defence +1 and charge at it.

Use situational words.
Clearly running multiple missions at the same time is a terrible idea.  The epic battle to see which team can cock it up worse has escalated again.

And Larry kinda gets blueballed in all this; just left with a raging bone spear and no where to put it.


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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Derm has entered the Booze Dimension
« Reply #5309 on: May 27, 2013, 09:06:52 pm »

((Shouldn't I have 1 potency now?))

Continue towards the forest, murdering any opposition with high-velocity cannonball-sized hunks of my throne.
I meant we'd start stabbing the walls and floor for points and not just for science.
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