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Author Topic: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Derm has entered the Booze Dimension  (Read 993438 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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"Huh. Magic."

Head to the sparring ring, and stand in the center.
The non-assholes vastly outnumber the assholes but the assholes can fart with greater volume.
((You're an arm and a torso in low orbit. This was the best possible resolution of things.))


  • Bay Watcher
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Will more Thallids to start growing, then take my big Thallid to the monster room.

Agora: open-source platform to facilitate complicated discussions between large numbers of people. Now with test site!

The Temple of the Elements: Quirky Dungeon Crawler


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    • Rushvalley Tower Defence

Kin orders some booze from the barkeeper. Chug 'em. Say Uristrast and use the glasses to contain the liquid. Chug 'em too.

Also, listen in to the conversation between Thrakor and the barkeeper.

Interactive signature (experimental). Refresh page to update image.


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I'll just shrug and go back to Glassco.

"So, how's the new form of transport going? Do you need any spells from me to improve it?"

"Yeah, I got me an idea. So, know how you can make marks and stuff, right? I'm not so sure I can personally make one strong enough to affix this in the right shape and give it flight, and control its flight... But I noticed that after you make a mark, you have to activate it. I'm thinking, that after I will it into its right shape, you make me a mark that will give it controlled flight, I activate it and see if I can get it moving. Then, we can get outta here the non-lame, sheeple way.

All of this depends on whether or not I kill myself doing this however, which has happened before... Also, I'd stand clear of the stone wall just in case. I'm trying to will it to fall down on one of its sides without touching it because I know better than to stand near a stone wall when its about to fall. If that doesn't work though, as in I can't get it to fall on its side, lets try the mark idea. Then I, or you, can just make it levitate into a sitting position to make this wall a floor, and give it some guard rails for safety. Hah, imagine if this works! Sailors of the sky." Glassco rubs his hands together at the thought with fidgety excitement. "If it doesn't work though, worst that happens is it crushes me I suppose. Can't be worse than being turned into a steel chest plate however..."


  • Bay Watcher
  • Fear no man, and trust no wizard.
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Evaporate it. WITH MY MIND

"Oh nea ya' faaking don't! I'm nae dyin' before I get drunk this time!"

Greater Collection
Quote from: Steel Resolve
I shall be ready! My head is full of disturbing but useful information. And all it cost me was my peace of mind and sanity. A bargain!
They told me to aim higher, so we dug deeper.


  • Bay Watcher
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    • Stuff

Throw my axe at the carrion beast!
"I chose you, AX!"
You hurl your ax like an enraged lumberjack. It embeds itself in the creature's leg and looses a thick sludge of coagulated blood. The Beast doesn't seem overtly bothered by it though.

"It's not very effective..."

deactivate the circle then grab my candle and mini-homunculus.

run to the village center, yell WORDS at carrion beast in an attempt to steal derm's kill, or at anything else that ambushes me before i get there.
if it dies before i can attack draw my CIRCLE in the dirt and place my little flesh man in the large space then activate it.

((also my little guys alive right? albeit probably mindless

Oh and what are the stats on my crossbow?))
You deactivate the circle and it fades out of existence. You gather up your crap and carry your tiny mindless man over to the Carrion beast.
[C Spd:2]
[carrion beast end:3+2]
You run right up to the carrion beast's face and shout your first word. A pillar of fire explodes around it, scorching necrotic flesh and filling the air with a sickly sweet smell.  It charges out of the plume of flame, still smoldering, reaching for you with multi-fold, grotesque hands.
[c spd:2]
You skip backwards and shout your word again. The Creature screeches as it's engulfed in flame again, a barely visible black smudge in a pillar of flickering red and yellow. The flame clears a moment later and the beast stumbles out, charred and crumbling apart, it's limbs falling as charcoal. It gets a few more steps towards you before collapsing.

[You gain a point]

"Hm..." Glassco scribbles into the leather-bound book. 'Can't will spells to do things while using them. Probably because it isn't sentient. Not sure why I thought this would work.' He glances at the wall and sighs. He looks down the path, seeing the person John was assaulting flee down it. More people going down that path. Glassco ponders if it would just be easier to go down that path... "Eh, fuck that. Never been one to go with the crowd."  He pops some joints in his neck, and looks his book over again. "Alright, I can still strong arm you into working, Mr. Stone Wall." He pauses for a moment, before also writing in the book 'Remember, spells aren't sentient. Talking to them is not a sign of a healthy mind, so don't.'

Glassco walks over to the wall and says Dorbaelo Hobitaeaod. Take a few healthy, safe, steps back. Try to will it to move to its side... Somehow, and make the edges of the wall on whichever side is facing up to extend, warp, or basically make a basin or bowl-ish shape. Mini-guard rail, basically.
Gonna assume you put your hand on it.

A mark appears on the wall and activates.
The wall sort of falls over and the edges curl up and form a rough sort of bowl shape.

Go to Silica and give her the bows and arrows.
"Here. Take this. At the force that thing fires, that glass should be one hell of a shrapnel bomb. I... obviously have troubles using the damn thing.

Hancal Taaelth Sshasal Kokareum.

Feeling safe enough to drop guard near well-armed friends, deeply contemplate just how far the Clo-caltel gravy train can take us. Consider spawning multiple copies of the same types of weapons to see if there's random deviation or some way to control the kind of weapon you get through thought. We've had repeating crossbows and what seems like a compound bow from what I can assume are similar spells. And with creative wordplay, consider the viability of a floating control console, just so I can look like an uppity futurebastard.

You get several large silver objects. They're rather strange, they look like cats claws but with serrated, saw-like edges.

Ah!  Life!  Quests!

"Howdy, sir!  What's going on in this place?  Where are we? What happened to the other buildings?  Is there anything you need me to do for you?"

Question the dude.  Bash him with the mace if he gets aggressive.

The man kind of glaces at you, a sinking mass of weather warn skin and dull eyes staring out of a mass of matted hair.

"Kings raiders. Came for more men. They're mad. But so are the men 'round here. We burnt the world, but they still need more men."

He pauses for a long second

"You wanna do something? Go kill the king."

Hmm. This is actually a really nice bow. Needs some arrows though.
say "Hathic Shaontrod" and if I get arrows and don't die test fire the bow
You summon up 10 crystal arrows. You pick one up and pull it back in your bow, taking aim at a particular brick in the wall of the temple.

Your aim is dead center...or at least it would be if you didn't just sort of drop the arrow and twack yourself in the fingers as the string snapped forward.


Why the hell is that guy trying to kill me! I never did anything to him! Freakin' asshole! I don't wanna get killed! My self-imposed moral rule of not killing people sucks!

Say "Zaral" and hope he steps on it while he's chasing me (since it's hard to see while in a cloud). If he catches up though say "Shareeb" while aiming over the top of his head in hopes of knocking him out. In both situations keep running down the path as safely and quickly as possible for as long as the turn will let me. If I run into another player, ask them to help me out.
Your word doesn't work so you just hoof it out of the clouds and make it to the outer gate of the village. There's a man standing there, very skinny, half naked, and unarmed. He looks at you for half a second before charging with a wild shriek.

"Zzeralleth Cainthalsaz Shaazeshelial"
Activate mark, and if the spell takes, go back to the temple basement and hug the Smoulderer.
"Ah, nothing quite like highly dangerous self-experimentation."
Ok I'm gonna save you a potential bit of heart break here by telling you that monsters "despawn" if left alone in a room. So there's no guarantee that it or anything is down there. Thats for you and everyone else.

((I'll assume this altar is like the others.))
Cut my hand with the knife and spill some blood upon the altar.
((I have a question, if you lost a character forever would you be able to make another?))
You make a pact with Shub-shalsheil. A mark appears on your right palm.

(Yep, just not the same one.)

"Well, maybe one of those burnt buildings out there still has a bit of flame for me to borrow. I think I'll just HOLY GOLD, WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!?"

Head outside and look for burning wood to put in my torch. If anything looks dangerous, have my serpent attack it.

((I just realized... If I can make an incredibly dense metal flexible, and will it with my mind so I don't have to worry about weight, I more or less have a DF whip. OGOD. My snake's tail is a DF whip. Best. Minion. Ever.))
You float back out of the temple to scarlon and to the village homes street. You take a look around. The only place where you can see smoke coming from is down in the village center, out of a chimney. 

[Have to admit, out of all the materials in this game, being able to manipulate gold must be pretty awesome. Just watch out for electricity, gold is quite conductive. I'm curious, Piecewise, do you randomly select the material given power over, or pick? Mixture of the two? I ask because the second person got mushroom one after messing around with mushrooms for a while.]
It's random, more fun that way, right?

"Thanks, but I'm not really confident using weapons...."
((I think you have handed the weapon to the least qualified player. Sure you can't use it, but I'll probably accidentally kill myself or other people with my 0 Dex.))
"I feel rather responsible for what happened, is there anything I can do for you Patrick?"
Silica walks over to a nearby wall, rock or tree, faces it and says "Anth Roth"
A phantom image of a sort of gooey glob appears and flies off in front of you, vanishes a second later.
"~You-live! Tod-2A-is-best-aide!~"

Ride my companion out of the temple. Be ready for trouble.
You ride your companion all the way down to the edge of the cloud cover but hesitate to go in.

((Lets try to make contact))

mentally contact the sword and request it to not harm me with its flames, if succesful pick it up, otherwise continue trying to contact it. Also say "Donbel Quielio Admenstiar

The sword remains just as flamey as before. Hmmm. Have to touch it to control fire, can't touch it because it's on fire. Catch 22.

You get a strange sort of brestplate; it seems to be made of of some sort of crystallized obsidian.

Hit the creature with my weapons if it is still alive afterwards!

The horrible thing you managed to attract has been destroyed. The only thing left is that glowing ghost thing and it is made of fire. Or at least it kinda looks like fire? Maybe it's not.

Heh. Minecraft FTW!
Say Adamenstiar Donbel. Pick up sword.
[pot:2] pick up that sword, but no diamond chest plate for you yet.

+1 Channeling, because fuck having only two words.

"Hehe, guess we'll never figure out what happend to you, will we?"

Wind up my sword again and enter the building the guy came out of.

Also, what's up with all these insanely good rolls I've been getting. Seriously, wtf. I bet I'll roll a triple 3 right now and die horribly.
You shake the gore off your drill and rewind it before walking cautiously into one of the buildings. It's a small, barren sort of place; a two room, two story box carved into the stone with the kitchen and hearth downstairs and, you assume, the bedrooms upstairs. The kitchen, if you can call a half smashed wooden table and scattered wooden utensils a kitchen, is empty and silent, but you can hear something moving upstairs.

I'll just shrug and go back to Glassco.

"So, how's the new form of transport going? Do you need any spells from me to improve it?"
You shrug and sigh and walk back over to Glassco. Hopefully his science is working out better.

"Huh. Magic."

Head to the sparring ring, and stand in the center.

You wander into the sparring ring and start making kungfu noises and hoping about.

Will more Thallids to start growing, then take my big Thallid to the monster room.
You summon up about a dozen tiny mushroom men.
"Yes, YES! Come forth my tiny mushroom men! Rise up!"
Nope again.

Kin orders some booze from the barkeeper. Chug 'em. Say Uristrast and use the glasses to contain the liquid. Chug 'em too.

Also, listen in to the conversation between Thrakor and the barkeeper.

"I've got mead and ale for free. The world is at it's end anyways, you might a well drink my stock. But I've got rarer spirits if you can pay. No gold here, souls of men and beast alone will buy my wares."

Evaporate it. WITH MY MIND

"Oh nea ya' faaking don't! I'm nae dyin' before I get drunk this time!"
[ls spd:5]
[ls dex:6]
The Lost spirit strikes out again, arms stretching and twisting toward you. You don't even have time to move before they strike your chest. They pass through your flesh and then begin to pull back, dragging your soul-a hazy greenish mass shaped like your body- out with them.

Your attempt to control the spirit with your fire control tattoo prove ineffective. Despite it's appearance, it's not fire, or at least not normal fire.

Order my minion to actually kill something, and watch it to make sure it follows the order.  Tap my foot waiting for mana to regen.

Your minion charges in at the Lost Spirit currently tearing out Possibly's soul. It takes a swing at the eerie creature hovering above a corpse and it's blow passes completely through it without damaging or effecting it in the least.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
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Silica aims away from everyone else and says "Shaontrod Phal"
((Is there any way to reduce corruption?))
Quote from: Caellath (on Discord)
<Caellath>: Emp is the hero we don't need, deserve or want

Harry Baldman

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"~The-clouds. They-are-doubtlessly-evil.~"

Place hand on Tod-2A, say "Dorbaelo Adamenstiar Shaazeshelial". If that works, have him run like hell through the cloud cover while carrying me.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Kobold Sympathizer
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Saurinae observes his surroundings looking for someplace that may be untouched
I HAVE to get better at using this bow, but a backup weapon wouldn't be bad..
says "Rali-Heliel Taaelth"
Nevermind the disturbingly knowing look that kobold has on her face. That dwarf SHOULD be embarrased!


  • Bay Watcher
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Walk outside to where the light is better and examine the mark on my hand.
((I forgot to put this on the character sheet, but my character is left-handed, if that matters.))


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"Zzeralleth Cainthalsaz Shaazeshelial"
Activate mark, and if the spell takes, go find and punch a monster in the temple basement. If no monster is there, head down the mountain path.


  • Bay Watcher
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((Well then lets try this))

move to edge of the path and use say words while pointing at the clouds
So it was like a binary search, except the question is "Has the input been brutally murdered?", and it only ever returns True.


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And thus balance has been restored to the universe.... +1 channeling

get out of the combat zone, say clo-caltel Contallthelthel provided i have the pool
« Last Edit: March 20, 2013, 04:29:12 am by Unholy_Pariah »
Clearly running multiple missions at the same time is a terrible idea.  The epic battle to see which team can cock it up worse has escalated again.

And Larry kinda gets blueballed in all this; just left with a raging bone spear and no where to put it.


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Name: Jixiu

Appearance: Instead of a robe, Jixiu always wears a white lab coat. He has a wild hairdo that just kinda sticks out everywhere. This is due to many failed instances of SCIENCE!

Funding rebels because seriously, fuck those guys.
((They're basically the new Mongols.  I gotta say, I have a newfound respect for the Jamaican police force after playing this game.))
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