Have the puppies explode into geysers of ice cream. While all this insanity is happening, undo whatever is holding me. If nothing, run. If successful in undoing, run.
[3] The puppies drool ice cream as they [5v3] bite you. [4-1] Despite the puppies, you loosen the bonds and [2-1] trip and fall on your face.
Begin fundraising campaign, claiming to use the money to, "Help the poor Kitties".
[5] Fundraising successful.
sooo... alcohol is now 220 proof?
anyways! continu running adds for the churches. with earned money buy radiostation and more radio equipment.
[6] You do. The cops finally catch onto your scam.
Reflect on my Organ-Donating ineptitude. Find new flock members. The old ones were too organless to help me much, anyway. Also, kidnap one LCS member. Enlighten, send back as sleeper.
[3] You have some new flockites. [2] You don't capture any LCS members, so no sleepers.
expand influence. build complex aroudn church.improve image more.
[4] Your influence expands. [1] Your image is worsened. Called it.
summon more angry followers
[2] People are still angry about the "called Jesus a moron" thing.
Give free booze to hobos if they agree to convert to my religion.
[1] Why? There's already free booze flowing along the ground!
play adds for the church of booze.
1 Church of Booze + 2,000 gallons of alcohol = Violation of Physics