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The Loyalists (Led by Pan)
The Revolutionaries (Led by Grimnir)
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Author Topic: [Succession Game] Hammerscar - Politics, rebellion and war.  (Read 49625 times)


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Re: Hammerscar - Succession game, serious tone, grim mood!
« Reply #30 on: November 17, 2012, 02:04:21 am »

May I be dorfed as a craftsman/engraver, or record keeper. Something involved with writing.
Also, a turn please.


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Re: Hammerscar - Succession game, serious tone, grim mood!
« Reply #31 on: November 17, 2012, 02:11:36 am »

Also, I might do art, so is it any trouble to ask for character descriptions?


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Re: Hammerscar - Succession game, serious tone, grim mood!
« Reply #32 on: November 17, 2012, 07:42:56 am »

I'd love to get dwarfed as a Medical Dwarf named Grau, I shall mend the bones of the broken with my hammer.
This signature was EDITed for tpyos.


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Re: Hammerscar - Succession game, serious tone, grim mood!
« Reply #33 on: November 17, 2012, 09:10:37 am »

VI - The Beginning of a Legion

It was midsummer. The sun was high in the sky, and outside Hammerscar, stood Brewster and Grimnir. None of them spoke much - there was really no need. The foodstocks were adequate, there was drink, and in Hammerscar itself, new tunnels were being dug, to house the furnaces from which charcoal would be burned. Grimnir was satisfied. Not that it showed on his face. His eyes wandered across the hills.

"Newcomers," said Brewster suddenly, with no explanation, and certainly no newcomers in sight. "What?" said Grimnir, a surprised look on his face. But Brewster was right - half an hour from then, eight dwarves (one of them a mere child) wandered into the Halls of Hammerscar.

"Greetings," said one. "I am Nav. I bring word from the mountain homes, good luck and a promise of a caravan in autumn."

To this, Grimnir, who was accompanied by Reaver and Pan, said. "Well, then, we thank you for your words, and bid you welcome to Hammerscar," Land of the Free, he added in his head, but dared not speak a loud.

"Allow me to introduce us," said Nav, and pointed around to the other dwarves. Unremarkable, most of them, but still useful. Two others caught Grimnir's eye, however. One called "Nix" a sturdy, strong looking Dwarf, bearing a sword by his side. A veteran, thought Grimnir. We're not alone.

The other had been nicknamed "Sloth" by the others, a fact that Grimnir was not keen on. However, he could not afford to disregard anyone who came to Hammerscar. They were few enough as it was.

"Sloth knows a thousand secrets about the wild herbs," said Nav, and Grimnirs doubt faded a little. "Nix is a soldier, and I am a forgesman." Grimnir nodded in approval. The ritual neared an end. "Step into our halls, treat your brothers with respect, and you'll be at home." Grimnir and Nav shaked fists.

A good beginning, thought Grimnir to himself, as they drank and feasted that night.
And the Lord said unto John, "Come forth and receive eternal life." But John came fifth and won a toaster.


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Re: Hammerscar - Succession game, serious tone, grim mood!
« Reply #34 on: November 17, 2012, 09:28:01 am »

Dwarf me please!

Name: Tirion
Sex: Male
Skills: Engineer (Mechanic+Pump operator for stats)
Weapon of choice: crossbow.
"Fools dig for water, corpses, or gold. The earth's real treasure is far deeper."


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Re: Hammerscar - Succession game, serious tone, grim mood!
« Reply #35 on: November 17, 2012, 11:10:07 am »

Scroll 3

The first weeks of our arrival was not without excitement. Once the wagon came to a halt we dwarfs got to work.

The game here is fat and happy. They don't know to fear we on two legs. A herd of yaks was my first target in months. When the first ray of light struck the tip of the tallest of tress I set out towards my goal. As I said they were slow and easy prey. I followed them down the river, careful to keep down-wind of them. Finally they paused to take a drink of the fresh mountain water running downhill.

One stopped sideways - the perfect shot. I drew a perfectly cylindrical bolt from my quiver. I've already checked the heads before I even left for the hunt, so I know they are sharp. Now comrades, the thrill of a kill is a big one, but after weeks and months of not being able to, the thrill is ten folds. I cocked the bolt into the chamber. I controlled my breathing, in and out slowly while I aimed the shot. I drew in a last breath, exhaled half of it and took my shot! The twang of my crossbow. The whisp of the bolt through the air. The tear of the yaks right eye, as the bolt travels deeper into the skull, splitting the skull and tearing the yaks brain. A perfect kill.

The yak dropped instantly in the same spot I had shot him. His front knees buckled, and dropped his head and chest into the water. His rear followed and the new corpse splashed in the river. The river soon carried the blood towards me. I rush forward and slit its throat to properly finish my hunt. The heart pumps and veins throb at the excitement of the hunt! I carry our first kill home.
« Last Edit: November 17, 2012, 11:16:43 am by Brewster »


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Re: Hammerscar - Succession game, serious tone, grim mood!
« Reply #36 on: November 17, 2012, 12:00:33 pm »

Pan realized too late what he is dealing with now... Madness, Pan was sure of it! A simple proposal to exploit the local wealth for the benefit of the community... denied? Hammers of gold? Throughout the season and a half's interactions with Grimnir, Pan has concluded that this Grimnir fellow will lead him and the whole bloody lot to ruin without guidance.

Of course, Pan has smiled and extended a diplomatic smile and courtesy at Grimnir's stoic refusal towards providing funds for the autumn caravan. Instead, he decides to broach the issue of stock counts - the fortress' exact number of supplies, arms and materials. He volunteers himself as book keeper to keep the counts accurate. The matter of the gold should resolve itself once Grimnir come to his senses from his wild fantasies.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2012, 10:00:06 am by Pan »


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Re: Hammerscar - Succession game, serious tone, grim mood!
« Reply #37 on: November 18, 2012, 10:24:04 am »

Entry VI - Leaves and Fire

"Hear not the wind -- view not the woods;
Look out o'er vale and hill-
In spring, the sky encircled them --
The sky is round them still.
Come autumn's scathe -- come winter's cold --
Come change -- and human fate!
Whatever prospect Heaven doth bound,
Can ne'er be desolate."

 - The Autumn, Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Grimnir and Brewster had decided upon above ground farms. They were viable all year round, and there was something wrong with hiding beneath the eart, Grimnir felt. Not that it was wrong, but he was content to look out over the hills, assured that if any Goblin showed up, he'd know it instantly. The few tame animals wandered about, close to the land plots, and Grimnir took a well deserved break.

A smiling Nav came to him, and they shook hands. "Good news," Nav said. Grimnir didn't answer. "The wood furnaces will be done soon!" he said, and Grimnir nodded in approval. This would mean weapons. Unfortunatly, they had not found any iron or coal in the underground, but to Grimnir, silver warhammers was more than acceptable. "I'll forge them myself," continued Nav, and Grimnir smiled, if only shortly.

"Good work," Grimnir said, and turned around to tend the crops. Hammerscar grew quicker than he could have imagined. Bedrooms, halls filled with busy dwarves carrying the deep ores and stone to the surface, trees being felled, and Brewster out in the wilderness, looking at everything with a quiet, considerate smile.

Suddenly. Chaos. A flock of ravenmen struck down in the fields, distupting everything, hunting the sheep, flapping all around. All of this was quickly ended, as Grimnir planted his axe in one of them.

"OUT OF HAMMERSCAR!" he yelled, and his scream echoed through the hills. "OUT OF MY LAND!" They flew away. The hills were very quiet that night.

Entry VII - A Smell of Ash

The halls smelt burned and dry. Grimnir smiled, as Reaver led him to the Forgehalls. "Here it is," he said, solemnly, as Nix carried log after log into the great fires that burned in the forges. The heat was immense, but none of them looked displeased. Raw smiles were in their faces, as their eyes lit up from the flames. Grimnir was no different. In the fire, he saw the future of Hammerscar.

Hammers of silver, pounding down the hordes of Goblins they would inevitably face. With glee, he imagined a Legion of Hammerscar Warriors, bloodthirsty and strong, cutting down one hellspawn after the other. A thousand cuts, he thought to himself.

Then, through the halls, an echo came. "Newcomers!" it said, and Grimnir and his friend left the Forgehalls. The traditional ritual was performed, and the Newcomers were let into the fold. A bitter smile flashed across Grimnirs face. The Mountainhomes must be crumbling, he thought. Then, one of the newcomers catched his attention. In his hands, he held a strange device, made of stone, and bearing strange symbols and gears.

"How are you?" he asked. "Tirion," the young Dwarf answered, flashing a shy smile. "I craft devices from the bones of the mountain." Grimnir sent him a curious look. "I see. What kind of devices?" he asked, wearily. Tirion smiled. "Give me a workshop, and you'll see," he said, a strange dreadful tone of doom in his voice.

But in his voice, and in his eyes, Grimnir felt again a fire burn, one that spelt doom to the enemies of Hammerscar, one that spoke of spikes and cages and knives of glass, and a thousand bleeding cuts, of grinding stones and broken bones, and goblins dead, before they could murder the children of the mountain. And Grimnir smiled, and Pan marked down the location of Tirions labotory.

It was done by morning.

Entry VII - Panacea

"It's a disgrace," someone said. Grimnir looked around. "Well I mean it, you silent son of a yak!" the same Dwarf said, clearly directed at Grimnir. Puzzled, Grimnir sent him a confused look. "We most certainly need a Hospital! We'd rather build it now, then wait for disaster to befall us!" he continued.

"What's your name?" Grimnir demanded. "Grau," the Dwarf replied.

"Well then," said Grimnir. "You're right. And you'll be in charge of it too," he added. Surprisingly, Grau took this in stride. "Very well," he said. "I'll ask Pan to arrange for the necessary supplies." He disappeared into the halls. Reaver was busy with the new Great Hall, and Brewster had again disappeared into the wilderness, probably putting several bolts into the Ravenfolk.

As Grimnir went up the stairs to inspect Tirions newest invention (traps that would make stone drop on uninvited guests), he heard someone mumbling deep underground. He went down.

The quiet, low sound of a chisel met him in the darkness. "The bones of the mountains," a voice said, stopping the chisel for a moment. "Yes, ancient bones, and I conjure forth the stories within," he continued, apparantly talking to no one in particular.

Grimnir finaly found him, kneeling down, and carving images into the raw stone. "Why not do it up in the Forgehalls?" Grimnir asked. The dwarf was apparantly not surprised that someone stood behind him. "Well of course. When this story is finished, the rest of the mountain will talk," he said, his voice low, deep and considerate, as if he turned every word in his mind before he spoke. He did not turn to look at Grimnir for one second. "Have no worries, Old Scar, there's a time for everything. The halls are next, indeed, the next storytellers on my list. Go now, and see that the hammers of silver are forged. We are all anxious, and the mountain sings of war." He felt silent, and again, the steady beat of his chisel filled the air. Grimnir left in silence, deep in thought. In the darkness below him, the Dwarf muttered: "A thousand cuts into the mountain, for gold and steel, blood and bone. A thousand cuts indeed..."
And the Lord said unto John, "Come forth and receive eternal life." But John came fifth and won a toaster.


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Re: Hammerscar - Succession game, serious tone, grim mood!
« Reply #38 on: November 18, 2012, 04:01:52 pm »

Tirion's Personal Log

Entry 1

Fools. Our Mountainhome is full of fools. I learned that long ago, as I grew up watching our leaders squander the hard-won glory of our ancestors, sacrificing sacred tradition not for progress but for convenience. I saw the king relieve our veterans from their duty and neglecting to train new recruits, so more coin is left to buy the decadent trade goods of the elves. I saw vampires go unpunished and unopposed as long as they left the nobles and their families alone. I saw priests requisition weapons-grade silver, bronze, even precious steel to build shrines and statues for the gods, as if pretty, useless gold and platinum weren't already given to them. And I saw the fat majors and softened captains of the guard laugh and dismiss my ideas for traps, thinking me mad. MAD!

As if diplomacy alone would defend them, when the goblins return.

Entry 2

Word goes around the Mountainhome: Grimnir went to build a new outpost. Some whisper that this one will be different: Hammerscar, a place where we can reforge our race into greatness.
I asked my parents about Grimnir. Turns out, my father served with him in the Goblin War. Says he's a big goddamn hero, and utterly fearless- figures he left in the midle of winter. Told me he'd go join him personally, if not for his bad health and Mother's attachment to the Mountainhomes. I told him I should go after Grimnir, he agreed. Mom was a tougher nut to crack, but in the end she let me go- I'm an adult now, I can go wherever I want, and I damn well should go to the one place where my talents are appreciated.

Entry 3

Never thought migrating would be so full of light. I took the time to go out in the sun and even rain before we started, to get used to it, but it's not the same as spending the whole damn day under the sun. And the day after that, and the day after that. And that wind pulling at my beard... I think I'll be sick.
One of the others say it's alright, I'll get used to it. His name is Grau, he's quite helpful and knows a thing or two about healthcare. I'm glad the new settlement will have a doctor.

Entry 4

We've arrived at last. Hammerscar is surrounded by savage lands, but evil is not present. Yet. And when it will come, with a tide of green, we'll be ready for it. I met Grimnir, and he actually recognized the full potential of my inventions. I've been immediately given a room to set up my own workshop. I worked it all night, and when it was ready, I started making mechanisms from the bones of the mountain.

Let those goblins, elves, and beasts of the land come. They'll never know what hit them.
"Fools dig for water, corpses, or gold. The earth's real treasure is far deeper."


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Re: Hammerscar - Succession game, serious tone, grim mood!
« Reply #39 on: November 18, 2012, 05:17:21 pm »

This is a mastercrafted cow leather book. It is adorned with rings of marble and amethyst. It is old, more than 2 decades old. There is no writing, only pictures.

A small cave in a hill, dwarves crafting simple stone tools by carving them with another, chipping away the excess to leave a sharpened stone axhead.

The cave, on the side of a great mountain, rising far above the clouds. And fire in the distance.

The dwarves running away from a threat unseen. And a small boy, left behind.

Men of steel and bronze take the boy, they lead him somewhere else. Fire is seen from the direction the rest of the dwarves ran.

The rest of the book is missing. All of the drawings seem to be hastily constructed out of bottom-line dyes and pigments. The author is unknown.

Zombie - 1
I go where fate takes me. It took me here. I know why I came here, it was because my tales and frescoes offended those who could not see inside the lines, could not see the truth in them, and only saw the hate inside themselves in my work. They exiled me, they said, you could be better off in a place where your imagination could take you. But there was nowhere to go, but here. I would've gone by myself, but the people who rounded me up, they said, would send me with people like myself. I need none but myself. Fate seems to take me where I do not want to go. But I follow it anyways.
I came with a mechanic and several others, all silents monuments to our great kingdom. Of them, only the mechanic seems of worth. I must remember him. Yes, a page for him.

As I settled in, I chose a small place to pass the time with my craft, where the stone had been untouched but for a pick. I chiseled into the mountain, cut into it, and saw it bleed dust, bones, and metal. A man came up behind me, his voice indicated to me he was the fortress overseer. He asked me about the mountainhalls, and of their decoration. The time will come, it will come.


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Re: Hammerscar - Succession game, serious tone, grim mood!
« Reply #40 on: November 18, 2012, 08:14:21 pm »

Entry IX - Barrels and buckets and bins

"Tradesmen!" it echoed through the hills, in the very last days of autumn. They days had grown long and cold, and few ventured outside the gates of Hammerscar, save Brewster, Grimnir and some of the other farmers. As chance would have it, Tirion and Grimnir stood in the farming grounds as the words reached them.

"Go fetch Pan," Grimnir told one of the farmers, and she nodded, and ran to the gates. Grimnir himself kept a weary eye upon the road, and as the two carts, loaded with tradegood rolled into their newly constructed trade depot, he allowed himself to smile.

"Weapons," Tirion told him shortly, before he disappeared into the Halls, probably to draw down one of his plans. They came and went, but there was no one questioning his skills. The mechanic had quickly become respected, despite his new status.

"I'm Asen," a voice said, and Grimnir turned to face him. "I bring words from the Mountainhomes. The king urges you to pay your tribute. I am here as his liason," he continued. He was a wealthy man, this was a given. His robes were silk, and heavy jewelery hung from his neck. He was in stark contrast to Grimnir, in tattered, old clothing, leaning on his wearied copper axe. "Does he now?" said Grimnir laconicly, his face not betraying his emotion.

"Yes he does. You'll do well to remember your place, Grimnir the Farmer," the liason said, and had you not been listening very carefully, the spite in his voice would have gone unrecognicable. Grimnir smiled. It was a happy or content smile; it seldom was.

"Tell him I'll give him the tribute he deserves," said Grimnir, as Pan emerged from the gates. Grimnir started his walk down the hills. "He'll get everything he deserves," mumbled Grimnir to himself, as the Liason returned to join the caravan. "A thousand cuts indeed,"

Entry X - The Figurine of Gold

The traders had left, and Pan had been very satisfied with the trade, apparantly. Weapons, food, iron, drinks and leather bags were among the goods, traded for a few barrels of cut gems. The Mountainhomes grew lavish and lazy, Grimnir felt, and it showed. Jewelery for weapons and armour. A barracks was being dug out at the very moment, under Reapers command.

Then, suddenly, a yell of surprise echoed through the mountainhalls. Pan almost fell down from his chair, and even Tirion stuck out his head, to see what all the fuzz was about. Rimtar, a farmer, had suddenly dropped a barrel of alcohol, and while Nix were furiously navigating the suddenly very slippery halls, Rimtar had cried out "Eureka!" and dashed for the workshops. Grabbing a couple of gold nuggets out of the hands of a very surprised Nav, she took a jewel, and locked the door to one of the workshops.

In the silence of the surprised halls, only Zombi insistent chisel were heard. "Remarkable," he remarked to Grimnir, who had not spoken a word. He nodded. "Well, it's tradition," said Reaver, returning from the Barracks. Nix nodded too. Grimnir left the halls. He had confidence in Reavers management. At any rate, when winter was finished, Reaver would take up his mantle, and he would focus on his axe. Reaver was more charismatic, at any rate. Grimnirs words would be heard at any rate.

It took Rimtar a week to finish her design. Even Nav was stunned by it's beauty. It depicted a giant leopard sorrounded by dwarves. It came from an old myth, they reckoned. Its simplicity was... Unnerving. It was so beautiful it almost seemed otherworldly. And it was made of pure gold, the treasure of Hammerscar. Grimnir was encourages by this. There was yet spirit in the mountains.

Grimnirs Final Speech

Friends, brother, dwarves. I led you here with little hope for the future - the Mountainhomes grow distant and uncaring with every day. We are forgotten, and the blood we spilled have gone ignored.

This has all changed.

We have built, upon this desolate spot, a place of hope and honour. There is yet spirit and power in the Dwarven race. There is yet axes to be swung, and battles to be had.


I am no politician. I am a warrior and a brewer. I will step down from my position as your leader, and I am thankful of your trust in me this far. Instead of me, Reaver will led Hammerscar for the year to come.

He is not alone, of course, and each one of us is his advisor and his friend. I have complete and utter trust in him.

He's a light in the darkness of the mines, and a flame burning goblin, dead and alive both, a burning fire to hammer out our weapons. He will serve Hammerscar adequately.

We are the thousand cuts, and the thousand voices.

Armok bless you all.


Uh, I might have done a mistake. Zombi is 16 years old in this. Someone might have to retcon this. Anyway, Reavers up. Here's the save:
And the Lord said unto John, "Come forth and receive eternal life." But John came fifth and won a toaster.


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Re: Hammerscar - Succession game, serious tone, grim mood!
« Reply #41 on: November 19, 2012, 03:57:53 pm »

Uh, I might have done a mistake. Zombi is 16 years old in this. Someone might have to retcon this. Anyway, Reavers up. Here's the save:
Could you swap my spot with Brewster's? I've got a lot more on my hands than I expected for thanksgiving and I don't think I'll be able to play it much for the next 4-5 days.


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Re: Hammerscar - Succession game, serious tone, grim mood!
« Reply #42 on: November 19, 2012, 06:35:55 pm »

Uh, sure. Brewster, you go. I'll cook up some in-game explanation later.
And the Lord said unto John, "Come forth and receive eternal life." But John came fifth and won a toaster.


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Re: Hammerscar - Succession game, serious tone, grim mood!
« Reply #43 on: November 19, 2012, 09:36:37 pm »

I'd like a turn and a dorfing as


See if you can get him to flash red.



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Re: Hammerscar - Succession game, serious tone, grim mood!
« Reply #44 on: November 20, 2012, 06:17:50 pm »

If no one else wants to go, I'd be happy to.
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