> It could work, but it is preferable to use something like itemsyndrome.
I may have gotten the hang of using item-trigger, but it would make previous saves uncompatible and may not work.
> I'm starting to regret talking you into porting to 0.40 so early.
Why? As far as I can tell, things have been going so swimmingly (sacarsm, sorta).
> "Unswerving Control", a feral dog bone coffin
At least it is usable, not some random piece of junk like an earring.
> The protectapony was actually trying to protect a foolish hunter with a BB gun, who got killed in action soon after entering the map by aforementioned mirelurk.
In the .34 version, BB guns suck and cannot kill anything. Coupled with the fact that most things are way more deadly than vanilla, it is advised to turn off hunting on everyone.
> Turns out it was the spouse of one of my ponies as well. Wow.
Wait, robots can marry ponies, that is strange. No one ever mentioned that happening.
> How the hell do you kill something made of water?!
You drink it (joke).
That brings up an issue,
even with divine materials off, demons still thrust up a spire from the underworld and form a slab, I am not sure if there are vaults though.
. How do we fit that in fluff wise?
And I have a gameplay question for the more experienced players, how do you go about capturing slaver thieves, they keep getting spotted before they reach the cage traps and run away.
Updating reactions look easy enough, the hard part is item-trigger. And the good news is that the whole system is a lot cleaner, boulders will still be produced to train the skill, but apart from that lists upon lists of different inorganic material seem to be a thing of the past.