Sigh, Opera hanged and ate my post, again. Amazing, it did that again after that, but I managed to salvage my post by using select all and copy from the menu, which still worked.
The new version is welcome and I looked over the RAWs when I was at a Brony meeting today, but for now I'll just comment on the thread.
The changes in this version are pretty big and in my opinion any community forts and the like should wait for two weeks for updates and just experiment and discuss things in the meantime. > Reactions that upgrade a creature, marked in parentheses (eg. requires chicken) require you to pasture the creature next to the workshop before running the reaction.
If I understand correctly, the pony running the reaction gets a one-time interaction to upgrade something that expires after half a day and has range 10. If this is true, LoS from the workshop is not required and just meeting an appropriate creature on the way back is enough. This makes long 10-wide room with workshop at the end, big pasture in the middle and only one entrance valid, correct?
> Pinkamena: This version of the popular Mr. Hooves line of robots was developed by the Ministry for efficient processing of the large numbers of dissidents, spies, and potential traitors.
I imagine her pink and approaching her work with glee. She is the scariest robot so far.
> Bug: If a subject still in a cage is hauled within 1 tile of an active Pinkamena, he will be converted inside the cage and will yield a memory orb upon release, but no blank pony.
Now I'm interested if this exploit could be abused, say by putting pinkamenas and cages close together. Even with efficient cage trap system, the test subjects are going to be pretty scarce and memory orbs are a precious and limited commodity. They can be used to either train 1500-6000 XP (0.5 * 60 * (50 to 200)) in any combat skill or for a low chance to get a treasure map that we can send an expedition to. Pretty useful. Contrary to the novels the memory orbs are destroyed after one use, but there really is no other way to balance them.
Well, if this only works one time, I can still get an orb and use the prisoner for weapons training.
MoM crates should sometimes have old memory orbs in them. Maybe some other Ministry crates as well. > [Expeditions] The squad will then depart (Becoming unconscious) for a week. Future expeditions to regional locations like Manehattan and Fillydelphia will require longer periods of time.
From what I've seen in the RAWs they will also bleed (to death?) after the expedition. In any case, the way to do this is not to use the best squads, but a bunch of recruits. Better yet, build a barracks for 20+ recruits in active squads (cannon fodder only, no military CMs and the like) in the staging area. Replenish from EP migrants as necessary. Those squads don't really need weapons or armour, but it's probably best to provide them anyway, because after a few years of this, their survivors will skill up enough to join the regular military.
> Concrete can now be manufactured at the stone foundry from clay, flux, and worthless stone.
Concrete has no value tag, which I assume it has value 1, as it should. 1 Flux and 4 stones are needed for 20 concrete blocks, so there is no net gain of blocks over regular mason shop. Well, we can use bonemeal for Flux and at least everything can be constructed gray now.
> Landmines will stealth and wait before enemies are within 1 tile range before exploding.
Judging from the heavy bleeding those and Sprite-bots are one use only. They have interactions of range 3 that target enemies and cause explosions.
> Wood and plywood can be burnt to yield increased ash at the kiln.
Making gunpowder out of wood is viable now, when saltpetre is in short supply. Also, wood is more efficient source of ash than plywood.
> Gunpowder replaced with a toy, solving stack issues and increasing reliability of ammunition breakdown and manufacturing.
So now we have carnisters of gunpowder that can be stored in bins and don't need to play around with bags. Works for me
> Removed plywood shields.
Mottled leather shields it is, then.
> Replaced BB rifle with air rifle and increased its penetration.
Their maxvel is unchanged, so if the post I linked some time ago is still correct, this shouldn't change anything. Someone should test this.
> Gypsum added to MOP crates.
Yeah, I've noticed in the RAWs, but I think those are gypsum stones, not gypsum powder.
Well, it is great that pony upgrade potions aren't needed anymore.
> Highlander ponies.
Well, maybe as a caste of wastelanders or something else.
The idea to use blanks as robobrain parts is too insidious to pass up.
If the prisoners get turned into a slave caste, they should probably suck at everything (slow_learner ?). What I don't like much about it is that it would open the way for Griffins to create a masterpiece, join the military, marry a stable pony and have children.
I also like the idea of "report to re-education centre, citizen". I think there is a "brainwash" dfhack script somewhere and there is a way for workshops to run scripts.
> Power Armour
NOT for Unicorns.
There are two reasons for this.
* In-fluff the armour was developed by MWT specifically for EPs and in the novel was never used by Unicorns. Some spin-offs, such as PH or the one about Korgoth, have UPs in Power Armour, but even then as an exception rather than the rule.
* In-crunch the EPs have better physical stats and adrenaline rush (that tires them after it expires) going for them, while UPs have spells and learn military and crafting skills faster plus they have shield walls. So EPs get a good armour to even things up a bit. There was a discussion about it a while back.
On the plus side, UPs get the bonuses from Scorpion Power Armour, which is made out of plasteel, a material superior to steel.
> Ponies can hold things in their hooves. Shocking, I know, but otherwise earth ponies would only have one grasper.
An alternative some Pony Mods use is to have left mouth and right mounth, so ponies can wield two things with their mouth alone without penalty, but I like more graspers and shield wall.
> > Also, why can't I get the bloodwings my miltia butchered to get PROPERLY collected and butchered?!
> This shouldn't be the case. I'll look into it.
I've heard about this bug before and it probably has more to do with DF than this mod.
> > As for expeditions...will you still let us find high quality salvage by settling in the incredibly dangerous biomes?
> There will still be high-quality salvage, but it'll yield less tech.
Well, OK, but for me the main source of high quality salvage are caravans. Ah, right. You're talking about nerfing drops from salvage, not just reducing the frequency of high quality salvage "trees".
> How big should an embark area be in order to get a nice amount and quality of salvage.
I just go to heavily forested areas, cut down both trees and salvage and generally don't run out of trees to cut down.
> Can ammo be made slightly cheaper? 3000 urists for a single stack of medium bullets seems pretty high, yet that's the average I'm seeing.
The way I see it, we're not supposed to buy bullets, just gunpowder and saltpetre... but I think you're right. Bone pellets are pretty cheap and a magazine of rifle bullets shouldn't cost as much as a working robot.
> On an unrelated note, has there been any work on a dedicated sprite pack for the mod?
Some of the sprites are there, for example robots and a few creatures, but the mod could definitely use some work from a sprite artist. Both the in-game graphics and stonesense (which needs to be 32x32 instead of 16x16 and requires some xml work that I could probably do). All the stable ponies, ghouls, wastelanders, slavers and so on, are just letters for now.
As a side note, I embarked in some tropical swamp rich in saltpetre and started training a two pony squad. They got a few points in fighter and kicker from sparring and spend their time on demonstrations that don't teach them anything.