> As for Vertibucks, wouldn't Skytanks make for a better choice? Not familiar with Vertibucks as i have never touched project Horizons. Are they at all similar to a Vertibird?
A single skytank was still big enough to transport multiple prisoners and sturdy enough to withstand a few hits. Vertibucks weren't described in detail, but they are like vertibirds from Fallout 2, yes. Pretty much fancy military helicopters.
> I thought those highlanders are supposed to be the ones from Project Horizons.
My bad, then. I stopped reading Project horizons at chapter 36, I was too angry at the cheats in chapter 34 to continue.
> Bringing heavy weaponry into a fistfight is not fair.
I'm not a believer in fair fights
In any case AFAIK there are only three tokens for civilisations bringing pets with them and the possibilities are: everything that lives in subterranean biomes, everything from good biomes or something else. In any case all of those are taken by various creatures, including ghouls, and Steel Rangers couldn't even get to bring robots with them. The chances for Enclave bringing anything but a few squads of soldiers in Power Armour are slim, but having elite troops would work.
Come to think of it, it would be !fun! if Enclave and Griffins came at the same time and fought among themselves.
> Come to think of it, nothing fluffwise stopping us from building a raptor, assuming we can get the schematics and a Dashite who can help assemble the cloud bits.
That's like saying nothing stops us from building a Zeppelin if we have an engineer and some workers. Those things are enormous and complex. You also need tools and knowledge to build tools to build tools to build them. Well, we do develop the technology to build robots, power armours and so on, so I suppose Vertibucks and Skytanks might be doable, but at an enormous cost.