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Author Topic: Fallout: Equestria (v0.30c) Pinkie Pie is Watching  (Read 499352 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fallout: Equestria (v0.98c beta) Life Goes On...
« Reply #1875 on: March 13, 2013, 06:47:22 pm »

If it could give a natural attack like the battlesaddles will - if i understood that post correctly - then it would be better. Just imagine them ponies  using power hooves with their mouthes:

The unicorn punches the raider in the left hindleg with her power hoof shattering the bone!
The unicorn's teeth takes the full force of the impact, and it's shattering it!
The unicorn loses hold of the power hoof.
The unicorn now looks ridiculous.
The raider laughs madly.
The unicorn dies from embarrassment.
Active Interactions: RAIDER_MADNESS


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fallout: Equestria (v0.98c beta) Life Goes On...
« Reply #1876 on: March 13, 2013, 07:07:24 pm »

Thanks for the tumblr link Maklak…I wasn’t aware of that one. :)

I feel discussion of zebras is a bit early given where we are in the FoE timeline (We haven't even gotten to the Enclave yet), but here's a hint:

Caesar’s Legion

I'm still taking suggestions on possible bonus-granting armor and weapons, as well as anything else you'd like to see in the next version. :)

Well, the first things on the top of my head are stealth cloaks and (possibly) shameny/blessed garb that lets normaly not magic-y creatures do magic-y things. Like, say, give a Earth Pony the creature classes needed to preform basic magic and such. Again, both pretty zebra related. As for weapons....what about Highlander Claymores that give bonuses to endurance? :P

Ooh, what about finding a strange "Bejewled Amulet" rarely in Image/Arcane Science crates that do all sorts of fun things when a unicorn gets a hoof on them?

"The Great And Powerful Overseer has gone stark raving mad!"

"The Starspawn is surprised by the Overseers ferocity!"

"The Starspawn's Major Constilation flys off in a arc!"


Phoenix Talisman? Total regeneration is actualy doable in DF, and there's probably a way to limit a curse to equines.

Perhapes it causes them to morph into a "PONY_RAMPAGE" creature with a super hard organ part that functions for all the major organs that also instigates the regeneration reaction?

On a second note, we could have some megabeasts of sorts. Considering the seeming theme, rouge regenerating superponies and armored, hostile gun-toating cyberponies could fill in semimegabeast slots.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2013, 07:17:19 pm by Pokon »
A vile force of dark'ness has arrived, led by their champion Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fallout: Equestria (v0.98c beta) Life Goes On...
« Reply #1877 on: March 13, 2013, 07:09:56 pm »

> I'm still taking suggestions on possible bonus-granting armour and weapons, as well as anything else you'd like to see in the next version.

Pipbuck: horseshoe, protection-wise equivalent of either combat or Power armour.
Stealthbuck: same
This limits those items to military squads, but that's where you want them anyway. There are some possible oddities with how many a pony would equip and how they are going to work with other horseshoes. Pipbucks should be for front left hoof and stealthbucks for front right hoof only. This may solve at least some problems. They should also have higher value than masterwork plasteel horseshoes.
Invisibility cloak: a cloak would wear down and we have stealthbucks anyway.

Battle saddle: leather armour item that can be worn instead of a cloak. Exactly one fits over all armours and has low coverage (20, with no UBSTEP, LBSTEP?). Variants: minigun, flamethrower, (rocket?,) medical, (shotgun?). If you want them to tear down and use up (simulating depleting ammunition in a way), make them in the form of cloaks that will wear down. In any case we should be able to select "material" type in the squad equipment.

Shotgun battle saddle: gives 4 interaction that shoot ~10 pellets once per 200 TUs. Takes a box of pellets and ~4 gunpowder to make, as well as a battle saddle and 4 "shotguns" (made from 1 steel bar each, no schematics for early production). Shotguns could also be attached to rifles. This type of battle saddle would be "poor pony's minigun" and should take less resources to make, be devastating against weak opponents and glance off tougher ones and be meant as a transition upgrade before miniguns.

Power armour: barding, only EP's get the bonuses. We still get the Armour User training token.
Power armour helmet: gives the rebreather property to EPs.
Scorpion Power armour: like SR PA, but works for all ponies.
Battle saddle upgrades should be orthogonal to power armours.

Little Macintosh, Spitfire's Thunder and any other "unique" weapons can give bonuses to users.

Magical weapons can give interactions too, but that would mean no ammo for them. I suppose that's OK, if making them in the first place uses up batteries and they shoot pellets (that is they shoot pellets like BB guns to make them be ranged weapons, but in practice give interactions every 100 or so TUs that are much more powerful than bullets).

There is no point in assault rifles having "rapid fire" (actually something similar to miniguns) because that wouldn't use up ammo, but there is a possibility of having "rifle with under-barrel shotgun" (has interaction that fires ~10 pellets at the target once per 200 TUs) and "rifle with under-barrel fireball grenade launcher" (sets stuff on fire at range once per 200 TUs). Of course those weapons would require additional resources to make, just like the chainsaw / ripper rifles do. They should be weaker than the battle saddles. "Rifle with under-barrel shotgun" should take ~100 pellets, ~1 gunpowder, 1 shotgun and 1 rifle to make.
All upgraded rifles should of course be subject to "refubrish" or whatever the quality upgrade reactions are called.

Hunting rifles and AMRs could improve VIEVRANGE to 30 for those who don't have it higher, but I've never had any problems with this anyway, so this isn't worth the time to implement.

Kinetic sledgehammers / power batons: A shock with electricity interaction?
Other tier 2 melee weapons: A bleeding interaction?

I don't think Power Hooves are possible. Well, maybe as a bonus to strength or kicking or a short range interaction. Ponies already kick quite strong and wear metal horseshoes by default, which is probably as good as it gets.

Ministry statuettes: grant a bonus to whoever happens to be carrying them. (Either as easter egg or actually the same thing that the workshops perform, meaning two figurine stockpiles that take from each other in a busy place would trigger this a lot.)

A magical Tier 2 Riot shield that gives you a shield spell that is weaker than the Unicorn version, but stacks with it. A battery and a (kinetic?) (shield?) talisman would be required to make this shield. I know this isn't cannon, but makes sense. Production of shield talisman should require shield spell hologem, possibly preserved in the reaction. It could give you SHIELD_ADEPT too. Effects of 2 or more of these don't stack.
Shield could also be one of the effects provided by "Advanced Power Armour" from Starmetal.

Gas mask + goggles: a "hood" item that either tears apart (or doesn't), gives a degree of protection from the dust storms and is easier to (mass) produce than helmets. Heck, if protection-wise those would be the equivalents of tough leather hoods, I'd recommend them for civilians too. These should stack with security and combat helmets, but not Power or Scorpion.

Backpacks / flasks / quivers shouldn't provide bonuses and interactions because we don't have control over who wears which ones of them. Same with jewellery. Well, I suppose it would be OK for adventure mode.

Special helmets for Unicorns (Power Horns, equivalents of combat helmets protection-wise) could grant them additional spells. Of course they would have to cost a spell hologem and a battery to produce and that makes them insanely expensive as even normal spell hologems take a lot of time and gems to produce.

Starmetal sutures, splints, crutches and dressings could have some funny properties as an easter egg.

I've noticed that the Linux version is missing. Maybe I should update it, although we should get a new version of this mod soon, so it may be better to wait.
Quote from: Omnicega
Since you seem to criticize most things harsher than concentrated acid, I'll take that as a compliment.
On mining Organics
Military guide for FoE mod.
Research: Crossbow with axe and shield.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fallout: Equestria (v0.98c beta) Life Goes On...
« Reply #1878 on: March 13, 2013, 11:53:07 pm »

Holy crap that’s a lot of suggestions! :o

I’ve noted most of them down, but I won’t be able to include all of them in the next release due to time constraints.

> Power hooves and unarmed weapons
Not practical I’m afraid, as unarmed combat doesn’t use items, and syndromes can’t add physical attacks. Power armor does increase strength, which is useful for heavy kicks.

> Zebra items
Zebra cloaks and talismans (Think Xenith’s bloodwing talisman that gave her wings) are planned for later along with the rest of the zebra technology tree.

> Spell amulets
Great suggestion! Infusing talismans with spells would allow novice unicorns to cast magic otherwise limited to the highest level unicorns. :D

> Phoenix talisman
While feasible, this seems a bit overpowered to be added just yet.

> Megabeasts
A few more are planned, yes.

> Syndrome boots like pipbucks and stealthbucks
I haven’t done extensive testing yet, but it should be possible to equip different boots on the same pony.

> Battle saddles
My plans are pretty much as you mentioned, though multi-pellet shotguns are impossible with the current interaction mechanics. Materials will be tricky…I intend to classify syndrome armors as leather so they can be sorted in stockpiles and the military screen while disallowing melting. There are a lot of leather types in the materials screen, though, so choosing specific armors may be faster.

> Power armor
Also as you mentioned. Power armor will be classed as leather too (This won’t affect their durability, just their location in the stockpiles). You can wear battle saddles on top of the armor.

> Unique weapons give bonuses
Already on the development list.

> Magical firearms
Solely magical firearms aren’t practical as ponies will rush their enemies in between shots. Ordinary firearms with underslung secondary weapons is quite the creative idea, though sorting syndrome weapon materials will be more difficult.

It’s not possible to increase viewrange, unfortunately.

> Kinetic sledgehammers/power batons
Transmitting syndromes requires piercing the enemy, so only edged weapons can have offensive bonuses.

> Ministry Statuettes
That would require the statuettes to be converted into clothing.

> Enchanted shields
Interesting, very interesting.

> Gas mask + goggles
Several other items will have radiation protection, so this won’t be necessary.

> Star metal
Oooh boy…you don’t want to know what I have planned for star metal. :P

> I’ve noticed that the Linux version is missing
I had no idea how to integrate the Linux version with DFhack, so I removed it. :(

Many thanks to everyone for your awesome suggestions! :D

Rest assured I’ve made a list of these items and will work on implementing them, if not in the next release, then in the following ones.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2013, 11:55:02 pm by Lycaeon »
“I want to calm the storm, but the war is in your eyes.
How can I shield you from the horror and the lies?
When all that once held meaning is shattered, ruined, bleeding
And the whispers in the darkness tell me we won’t survive?”


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: Fallout: Equestria (v0.98c beta) Life Goes On...
« Reply #1879 on: March 14, 2013, 12:11:38 am »

Yeah.. I took these notes as I was playing, so all the events are on separate lines. I'll make sure to make it clean in the next one. The robots are a nice idea, but when I go into preferences for each pony it says no work animals are available. I still have yet to encounter any surface megabeasts (i think all the dragons died in world gen, but as i recall there are still 1 or 2 star spawn left). I need to check legends again.

>battle saddles
Couldn't we get Calamity's battle saddle, the AMR version of a battle saddle?

Also, how are you planning to add irradiated changelings? Are they going to be like vampires, semi-megabeasts, or just ordinary creatures?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fallout: Equestria (v0.98c beta) Life Goes On...
« Reply #1880 on: March 14, 2013, 03:36:28 am »

> Couldn't we get Calamity's battle saddle, the AMR version of a battle saddle?
Calamity had hunting rifles, I believe.

> multi-pellet shotguns
What about having 10 or so interactions to shoot pellets with [FREE_ACTION] that are all blocked with coresponding syndromes?

> Spell amulets
I suggested helmets because you can't control amulets in military equipment. A Power Horn of <spell> would have a talisman and a battery attached to it. Otherwise wands could work too, but use up grips as weapons do. There are wands in G1 after all. Shields could work for this as well.
Ah, I think what you have in mind is not a single Adept / Novice spell, but rather a bunch of spells to make any Unicorn on-par with a Master of some school of magic. This is OP and should be expensive to make.

> Solely magical firearms aren't practical as ponies will rush their enemies in between shots.
That's why I suggested that magical firearms are really BB guns that also shoot laser bolts at the enemy. This idea is ridiculous for many reasons, but on the plus side, the ponies won't rush the enemy. On second thought there must be a better way to do this.

> > Ministry Statuettes
> That would require the statuettes to be converted into clothing.
To be worn constantly yes, but some version of that script allowed for hauled items to give their syndromes. This is what I had in mind. Nopony would get the bonus on a regular basis, but the interaction would occasionally fire up. Either way this is not that important.

> Ordinary firearms with underslung secondary weapons is quite the creative idea, though sorting syndrome weapon materials will be more difficult.
Ah, I see why it wouldn't work now. A chainsaw rifle is made from the same material as chain and has an extra chopping attacks. A rifle with an under-barrel weapon would have to be made of "shotgunium" to give the user a "spell" syndrome. My bad.

> > I've noticed that the Linux version is missing
> I had no idea how to integrate the Linux version with DFhack, so I removed it.
The one I provided previously already had dfhack and at least some of the UI plugins. It had an outdated Dwarf Therapist, though. Here is a bit of advice: when you want to make a Linux version and in doubt, rip off Masterwork Mod. I did.

I should upload something later today.
EDIT: On second thought dfhack just updated and some plugins may not be compatible wit it. I also have trouble getting the newest dfhack to work and finding an up-to-date Linux standalone Dwarf therapist.

EDIT2: I updated it, but if anyone wants to use it, it is better to compile your own version of Dwarf Therapist. No update notes this time around, all I changed since the last Linux version are the RAWs, a few additional plugins and Dwarf Therapist 20.4
« Last Edit: March 14, 2013, 04:31:56 pm by Maklak »
Quote from: Omnicega
Since you seem to criticize most things harsher than concentrated acid, I'll take that as a compliment.
On mining Organics
Military guide for FoE mod.
Research: Crossbow with axe and shield.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fallout: Equestria (v0.98c beta) Life Goes On...
« Reply #1881 on: March 14, 2013, 04:47:05 pm »

> AMR battle saddles
The armor piercing large caliber rounds can’t be replicated by interactions.

> Changelings
Here's what I have in mind for them, though they may be delayed in light of the new DFhack release:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

> What about having 10 or so interactions?
A creature with multiple interactions will only perform one at a time (The protectapony lasers is an example of this).

> Amulets
I’m thinking a headpiece that has low layer size so it can be worn under helmets. Similarly, pipbucks and stealthbucks will resemble socks so they can be worn under boots.

Most amulets will be single spell, transcribed from the appropriate spell hologem at the arcane/MAS terminals. Multi-spell versions like the alicorn amulet will most likely be unique MAS crate drops similar to Spitfire’s Thunder and Little Macintosh, but even rarer due to the already low MAS crate salvage rates.

> Magical firearms and secondary weapons
I’ve archived this idea for later development, as it’s going to need a bit more work.

Thanks for the suggestions Maklak! :)

I’m going to spend the next few days looking over DFhack r3; the numerous scripts and plugins it adds each hold new possibilities for the expansion of the mod. Autosyndrome alone will phase out the bulky upgrade potion system, and some of the other changes affect features planned for the next update.

Falconne mentioned he will be updating his plugins soon, so I’m not too concerned about leaving mousequery and the happiness monitor behind.

All in all, it’s an exciting time to be a modder! :D
“I want to calm the storm, but the war is in your eyes.
How can I shield you from the horror and the lies?
When all that once held meaning is shattered, ruined, bleeding
And the whispers in the darkness tell me we won’t survive?”


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fallout: Equestria (v0.98c beta) Life Goes On...
« Reply #1882 on: March 14, 2013, 05:18:26 pm »

In my last post I've provided a Linux version of 098c that seems to be working. I just embarked, #prospect'ed and used DT to switch around some jobs, nothing fancy, but encountered no errors.

Curiously the r3 of dfhack doesn't display the prompt on my Linux Mint 13, so I just had to switch back to r2 of dfhack.

Oh wow, the first post underwent some heavy editing. I should probably look at it.

> > What about having 10 or so interactions?
> A creature with multiple interactions will only perform one at a time (The protectapony lasers is an example of this).
Ah right, I've noticed Protectorponies firing in short bursts, not all the lasers at once. They don't have the FREE_ACTION, though, so I was hoping it would allow firing up multiple emissions at once. Guess not.

> > Amulets
> I’m thinking a headpiece that has low layer size so it can be worn under helmets. Similarly, pipbucks and stealthbucks will resemble socks so they can be worn under boots.
Lol. This could work, but don't forget to add steel-grade protection with maybe 30-50% coverage to pipbucks. In FoE those things are almost unbreakable.

> Multi-spell versions like the alicorn amulet will most likely be unique MAS crate drops similar to Spitfire’s Thunder and Little Macintosh, but even rarer due to the already low MAS crate salvage rates.
Well, in any case it's probably best to start with single-spell, Unicorn only (EPs can wear, but don't get the interaction),
Apprentice level only or maybe Adept at most.

> I’m going to spend the next few days looking over DFhack r3
I hope it will be fruitful :)
Quote from: Omnicega
Since you seem to criticize most things harsher than concentrated acid, I'll take that as a compliment.
On mining Organics
Military guide for FoE mod.
Research: Crossbow with axe and shield.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fallout: Equestria (v0.98c beta) Life Goes On...
« Reply #1883 on: March 14, 2013, 05:41:05 pm »

Which would make sense, being that love and happiness are in quite short supply in post-apocalyptic Equestria. :)

Love and happiness are the main exports of all my stables.
Quote from: tahujdt
I don't know about unicorns, but back in .95, one of my PA soldiers was diagnosed with power armor. I drew a fairly good picture about it, but my science project (a bunny) pissed all over it.
Fallout: Equestria - Index of Stable Reports x Fallout: Equestria - Orange


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fallout: Equestria (v0.98c beta) Life Goes On...
« Reply #1884 on: March 14, 2013, 05:44:29 pm »

Which would make sense, being that love and happiness are in quite short supply in post-apocalyptic Equestria. :)

Love and happiness are the main exports of all my stables.

I can vouch for this except for in Pineapple. That place is.... Less than promising on the salvage front.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fallout: Equestria (v0.98c beta) Life Goes On...
« Reply #1885 on: March 14, 2013, 06:53:03 pm »

Love and happiness are the main exports of all my stables.
But Replica, terror and death are much more profitable!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fallout: Equestria (v0.98c beta) Life Goes On...
« Reply #1886 on: March 14, 2013, 06:58:45 pm »

Which would make sense, being that love and happiness are in quite short supply in post-apocalyptic Equestria. :)

Love and happiness are the main exports of all my stables.

I can vouch for this except for in Pineapple. That place is.... Less than promising on the salvage front.

Who said anything about salvage? ;D

Love and happiness are the main exports of all my stables.
But Replica, terror and death are much more profitable!

Still I prefer to import vengance and export love.
Even those scum, the steel rangers, deserve SOME love.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2013, 07:01:19 pm by Replica »
Quote from: tahujdt
I don't know about unicorns, but back in .95, one of my PA soldiers was diagnosed with power armor. I drew a fairly good picture about it, but my science project (a bunny) pissed all over it.
Fallout: Equestria - Index of Stable Reports x Fallout: Equestria - Orange


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fallout: Equestria (v0.98c beta) Life Goes On...
« Reply #1887 on: March 15, 2013, 01:22:15 am »

> Oh wow, the first post underwent some heavy editing. I should probably look at it.
It's not much, just a DFhack section and some new tips.

> They don't have the FREE_ACTION, though, so I was hoping it would allow firing up multiple emissions at once.
FREE_ACTION technically can be used multiple times, but the DF AI refuses to do so.

> Well, in any case it's probably best to start with single-spell, Unicorn only (EPs can wear, but don't get the interaction).
Amulets will be in a separate update due to the sheer number of spells and associated reactions. The framework is in place though - only one amulet can be worn at a time, under a mask and helmet. A unicorn wearing an amulet for a spell she already knows can cast it twice as often.

> Love and happiness are the main exports of all my stables.
Love and happiness won't get you very far in the wasteland. Bullets and explosions, however...

> Even those scum, the steel rangers, deserve SOME love.
You'll get your chance. ;)
“I want to calm the storm, but the war is in your eyes.
How can I shield you from the horror and the lies?
When all that once held meaning is shattered, ruined, bleeding
And the whispers in the darkness tell me we won’t survive?”


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fallout: Equestria (v0.98c beta) Life Goes On...
« Reply #1888 on: March 15, 2013, 12:46:47 pm »

I figure that shotguns should be powerful, extra-short range guns. The plural of the ammo would be shells, and the singular would be "buckshot". Thus;"'The flying buckshot blasts the Raider in the foreleg and the severed part sails off in an arc!". Would that work?

EDIT:Also, the plural of standard ammo should be rounds, i.e. "medium caliber rounds", "small caliber rounds". Also, will we ever get real AP ammo? Or is steel AP ammo the best we'll get?
« Last Edit: March 15, 2013, 12:54:24 pm by tahujdt »
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I suggest that we add a clause permitting the keelhauling of anyone who suggests a plan involving "zombify the crew".
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fallout: Equestria (v0.98c beta) Life Goes On...
« Reply #1889 on: March 15, 2013, 12:50:55 pm »

Is it weird(Or bad)that whenever I have a choice, I'm always the evil mastermind... including this mod(other than my incompetency as a leader{I am doing well ATM though})
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