My dwarf broke both her left and her right hand. After extensive surgery and bonesetting, she's up and about, now stuck with an endless clean self job. She walk to the soap stockpile, to pick up soap, then takes 3 steps towards the well. Only to find out, she did not pick up soap at the stockpile, because both her hands are broken and in casts. So she moves towards the stockpile again. There's no job cancellation spam, and the clean self job does not go away for a moment, whether she is walking towards or away from the stockpile. I checked by progressing time one step at a time. There's not a single "no job" to be seen. She does however flash a red questionmark. Putting her in a military squad and giving her a move order does not break the loop, she keeps the clean self job, but she does change to to recruit appearance when I activate her. Just now, she stopped the job to go get a drink. Apparently she bit open a barrel to drink from it, for she is no longer thirsty, and heading back to the clean self job. I suppose I am stuck with this behaviour until either her broken arms heal, she dies to her infection, or she bleeds out (the last doctor seems to have performed a bad job, causing her to bleed)
I didn't see such behaviour mentioned on the bug tracker yet, so I submitted it there.