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Author Topic: BYOR 10 - Game Over: Town/Survivor Win  (Read 80143 times)


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Re: BYOR 10 - Game Over: Town/Survivor Win
« Reply #555 on: November 12, 2012, 05:51:12 am »

Heheh, glad to see it's over and the good guys won. When I saw Tiruin survive the lynch, I groaned; too many revives! too few deaths! ...for a moment I saw a vision of a game that would go on forever, with us arguing on D8 about who to fail to lynch, trapped in an endless hammer-revive-deathless-nights cycle...

So, very glad to see Hapah's doomsday thing had some oomph and finality to it. And amusing how he hit himself with it.

Also, Bookthras, put your claim down you dirty survivor. :P

Bookthras - Bruce, Chief Research Poet of the University of Woolamaloo
Alignment: Survivor
Wincon: You win if alive when another alignment wins or if you are the only remaining player.

(1-Shot, Day) Reduce: If any players are voting for you, they cannot vote for the remainder of the Day. Remove those votes.
(1-Shot, Night) Recluse: Everyone that targets you is instead reflected back to themselves.
(1-Shot) Bruce [target]: You name the target Bruce. Any actions targeting him target you and vice versa. This lasts for the rest of the game.
(1-Shot) Truce: You cannot die during this Day or Night Phase.

IronyOwl was right, I played this abysmally. At the start, I decided to make myself seem dangerous to the scum (who I thought was Dariush) so I could use "Recluse" and have their night kill reflected back to themselves. That didn't work out, and I ended up using up the 1-shot mirror to no effect (as far as I know) on N1... and begin D2 without defences and still making myself annoying to the scum. That was no good.

Then on N2 I used Bruce on Hapah, which caused things targeting me to hit him and viceversa; I thought that if I indeed attract a NK, at least it wouldn't hit me, but its real effect was that Hapah targeted me->Bruce->himself with the Goddess thing. Tiruin targeted Hapah->Bruce->me, so that's how that happened. Had it been a kill, I'd be dead.

As to the I-ain't-claiming thing, it was partly because when I made my claim I made a mistake with my results of N2/N3 (which if I tried to correct would make me seem scummy), partly because if I explained the Bruce thing it would lose all effectiveness, and partly because, since I was all out of options, at least the evasion was amusing. I enjoyed confounding Jim and Tiruin.

Finally, I didn't really have a revive-as-such; I had a one-shot "I can't die today/tonight" thing, but if used it'd be used up regardless of whether I was attacked. When I was about to be lynched, I could have used it and have another deathless day, but instead chose to do the remove-votes thing, as it was funnier, would give Hapah and Tiruin a better chance for visibility, and would leave the one-shot invulnerability option open.

But yeah, all in all a survivor should be even more cowardly; lurk more, don't get anyone angry sort of thing. But I just couldn't do it! I can't be that accommodating and nonconfrontational, and I hate lurking as a strategy (if one is busy, so be it, but if I can post I will!), plus I can't help myself from pointing out scummy stuff when I see it. On top of that made several mistakes, and needed to not be seen as scummy... So I made for a lousy survivor, yes.

The role, however, was really fun. Lots of options, very cowardly, very viable without being overpowered. Thanks, wuba! I hope one of these days I do get a poetry posting restriction or something, but with a jester alignment (there's no way people wouldn't lynch me if I really posted a limerick every single post). I've never played a jester; I'd like to try it.

     A poet, I wanted this time,
     not a coward, but a writer sublime,
               but wuba's decision
               was my courage's excision
     ...but to chime with a rhyme ain't a crime!

Fun game, all! Good job.
No one ever listens to Zathras, no. Quite mad, they say.  |  That ain't a shepherd.

Zathras hefts the corpse-of-webadict puppet and works its mouth: "I declare world peace! Yay! All hail Zathras!"
Everyone is handsomely rewarded, and lives happily ever after.  Except for Bookthras, who dies of poison in the night.


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Re: BYOR 10 - Game Over: Town/Survivor Win
« Reply #556 on: November 12, 2012, 05:55:20 am »

Then on N2 I used Bruce on Hapah, which caused things targeting me to hit him and viceversa; I thought that if I indeed attract a NK, at least it wouldn't hit me, but its real effect was that Hapah targeted me->Bruce->himself with the Goddess thing. Tiruin targeted Hapah->Bruce->me, so that's how that happened. Had it been a kill, I'd be dead.
It was a kill...


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Re: BYOR 10 - Game Over: Town/Survivor Win
« Reply #557 on: November 12, 2012, 06:12:45 am »

Then on N2 I used Bruce on Hapah, which caused things targeting me to hit him and viceversa; I thought that if I indeed attract a NK, at least it wouldn't hit me, but its real effect was that Hapah targeted me->Bruce->himself with the Goddess thing. Tiruin targeted Hapah->Bruce->me, so that's how that happened. Had it been a kill, I'd be dead.
It was a kill...

Heh. Even better! But by my read, it was a "Possession" thing (Possession Hapah > Bookthras, you said in scumchat):
(Mafiakill) Possession [target1] [target2]: Target1 kills target2 in addition to their normal action.

But due to Bruce, that was actually reversed, you targeted me (instead of Hapah), which is what Jim saw, and then I went to mafiakill Hapah (Bruce), who had been hit with his own Goddess thing, making him immune to kill actions!
(1-Shot, Night) Goddess [target]: Target gains (Auto) Zombify: [...] Kill actions have no effect on you.

What a crazy night. I'm sure wuba was seeing double by the time he calculated the outcome of that.

... better to be lucky than good, and all that.
No one ever listens to Zathras, no. Quite mad, they say.  |  That ain't a shepherd.

Zathras hefts the corpse-of-webadict puppet and works its mouth: "I declare world peace! Yay! All hail Zathras!"
Everyone is handsomely rewarded, and lives happily ever after.  Except for Bookthras, who dies of poison in the night.


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Re: BYOR 10 - Game Over: Town/Survivor Win
« Reply #558 on: November 12, 2012, 06:15:42 am »

* Tiruin has gained a new title!

Abysmal Action Aiming!


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Re: BYOR 10 - Game Over: Town/Survivor Win
« Reply #559 on: November 12, 2012, 08:54:26 am »

Dead chat ahoy!

It's mostly filled with "Why'd you kill me dammit" and "What the crap is going on?"
HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.


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Re: BYOR 10 - Game Over: Town/Survivor Win
« Reply #560 on: November 12, 2012, 09:22:22 am »

That Auto-ability-juggling was pretty fun actually. Probably one of the most fun things I've ever had.

But I do need to work on my fakeclaiming. ;(

Man. Book, if I would've said that I am scum, and vote Hapah and you win with scum 100%, otherwise we'd kill you at night... would you have gone with us? :P
(That's just an idea I had about stopping my lynch, but eh)
My Mafia Stats
just do whatevery tolyK and blame it as a bastard mod
Shakerag: Who are you personally suspicious of?
At this point?  TolyK.


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Re: BYOR 10 - Game Over: Town/Survivor Win
« Reply #561 on: November 12, 2012, 10:28:37 am »

Quote from: Best quote ever proving my abysmal tactical skills?
Ironically, Hapah's Judgment isn't Night only.

Stupid intuition of mine. Always correct when I don't listen to it.


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Re: BYOR 10 - Game Over: Town/Survivor Win
« Reply #562 on: November 12, 2012, 10:58:26 am »

Slight mixup if that's the case, then: I should've known that I got shot N2 and it failed. Would have made things quite a bit easier to figure out, lol.

I didn't see any reason to claim my big red button as a Day or Night ability; figured it would mess up scum's math. I guess I could have just started blasting D4, but we signed up to play Mafia, not watch me spam my red button, lol. It seemed very reckless, to boot.

I put forward my plan on the last day mostly because it would disarm Tir (who was my primary suspect) of his swap ability, which scared the hell out of me. The fact that it would have confirmed Jim and IO's roles was nice, and gave me a way to present the plan that wouldn't set off all the alarm bells.
I can't be expected to remember the names of everyone I've tried to stab.

Bored? Go read the EVE Chronicles.


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Re: BYOR 10 - Game Over: Town/Survivor Win
« Reply #563 on: November 12, 2012, 11:12:26 am »

I was withholding that darn swap for day, of all reasons. I'm strangely glad you blew it up during the night and was truly confused on which hand to pick from as an ability.

Still, worth it. I scared Hapah. :P


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Re: BYOR 10 - Game Over: Town/Survivor Win
« Reply #564 on: November 12, 2012, 11:26:52 am »

Just read dead chat. Sorry Dar!

(And I didn't realize that scum could shoot my pewpew beam.)
I can't be expected to remember the names of everyone I've tried to stab.

Bored? Go read the EVE Chronicles.


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Re: BYOR 10 - Game Over: Town/Survivor Win
« Reply #565 on: November 12, 2012, 12:31:43 pm »

Spoiler: Roles (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Actions (click to show/hide)

Look at Night 3 and understand my pain.


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Re: BYOR 10 - Game Over: Town/Survivor Win
« Reply #566 on: November 12, 2012, 12:43:25 pm »

That's nuts, lol.
I can't be expected to remember the names of everyone I've tried to stab.

Bored? Go read the EVE Chronicles.


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Re: BYOR 10 - Game Over: Town/Survivor Win
« Reply #567 on: November 12, 2012, 01:03:00 pm »

Also, I might have made far to many revives this game, but that was kind of a theme this round. Zai is right about that theme thing. I can't help it.

And I'm upset that Toaster didn't get to fully use his ability. He was a literal Jack of all Trades - Survivability, Investigation, Protection, Obstruction, Power-Giver... Each came at a price of the other, too.

Hapah's role was also a step away from the norm. He got an sk's role for a townie, and I figured it'd be more fun to run with that.

Think0028 had also made Bookthras invincible at the start, but was modkilled. An invincible survivor...

Jim Groovester had a mixed role. I wanted him to have the decision between survivability and investigation. I gave him three revives and a weak action, and he could throw the revives out for more powerful actions. Basically, a recreation of the Litter of Kittens role from a while ago but with defined parameters.

Shakerag I had NO idea how to handle, and he keeps giving me these roles, so I figured this would be punishment. He managed to accidentally kill himself by overbidding.

TolyK's role was actually pretty powerful. He could kill through auto abilities, but he was thrown to the backburners to try to remove the auto abilities of someone without them. Had he killed people instead, it might have been a different game.

In fact, the entire scumteam was based on misdirection. TolyK and Tiruin gave people a false sense of security, and Deathsword was inspection immunity king. Not only that, but they could have combo'd in many ways, such as Deathsword randomizing three people while TolyK posionbombs him. Then he could activate his Day Immunity for a triple kill, without him dying. Or Tiruin's role swap. This made was the counter to multiple revives.

Tiruin's role was fun to make, because his role seemed... like a fox. It was cool. He was the wise but sly, and he had just a touch of magical power.

Dariush's role was nice, too. He got to pretend he was important. Plus, it helped make TolyK's role even more powerful.

IronyOwl got a 50% kill magnet ability called Half-Yordle. All that needs to be said.

Bookthras got a fun role that was all about keeping alive. I think I balanced that one pretty nicely.

penngo009's role I had trouble with, so it came out a little rough. He also wasn't quite a fan of it, despite it being one of the harder counters to the scum. I can't think of a way to make it better, though.

Same with Urist Imiknorris's role. I just couldn't get that feeling of "This is a differential equation" built in to a role. It seemed more like Sherlock Holmes, and I was upset about it, but I couldn't fix it. His role had me stumped for days.

But, zombie urist's role I did manage to save. These last three were tough, but I rewrote zombie urist's role from a weakling to a bit of a vengeful role. It wasn't my favorite, but at least I didn't feel like it was a role that was completely off the mark.

I'm not sure how having 3 people modkilled changed the game, but it seemed necessary. I'm glad the game was still enjoyable after that. Overall, I'd give myself an 80% on this game. 90% on the roles, 70% on mod activity, 65% on flavor, 95% on keeping the game going.

Anyone have any comments on the game to improve future BYORs?


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Re: BYOR 10 - Game Over: Town/Survivor Win
« Reply #568 on: November 12, 2012, 01:09:42 pm »

Shakerag I had NO idea how to handle, and he keeps giving me these roles, so I figured this would be punishment.

Exactly as planned.


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Re: BYOR 10 - Game Over: Town/Survivor Win
« Reply #569 on: November 12, 2012, 01:28:03 pm »

I rather liked my role, and was going to drive the game based on how my first shot of Jack went.  Inspect and Kill were my top two choices- the inspect being especially nice because I could turn into an Axe Cop and just blast the first person I inspected as scum.

Then ZombieU ate me.  Boo.  I hadn't really thought through how to handle Queen Sacrifice, but it would have been useful to block/kill someone.
HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.
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