That's the Fun part! I think I can find a map of the beginning of the campaign somewhere, I may even annotate it... Eh, it's 11:00 pm and I can't sleep, so let's write!
The King of Poland, Grand Duke of Lithuania, Zrk2, First of His Name, Most Blessed Protector of Bay12istan, had convened a meeting on New Year's Day 1700. While the rest of the world recovered from a severe case of dehydration His Royal Pomposity had convened a meeting of all senior ministers of the kingdom.
There was Stworca, Minister of the Army, famously descended from Dick "He of Spectacular Testicular Fortitude" Mountainjoy of Armenia. How his family became Polish nobles is unknown. In any case he was the Penultimate Commander of the Polish-Lithuanian Army and as such was obviously necessary at this meeting.
Secondly there was USEC_Officer, the only officer in the Polish Navy and thus, by default, Grand Admiral of His Glorytude's Royal Navy. Of course given that he claims to fly something called an "Interceptor" in his spare time his usefulness is doubtful at best, and actively damaging at worse. Of course that summarizes the entire Polish navy, so... We'll take what we can get.
Then there was Megaman, the barbarous Sicilian Minister of Foreign Affairs. Of course it is unknown how a Sicilian came to hold such a post in the Polish nation, quite similar to Stworca. All that being said he is a competent if not exceptional Minister, famed for his policy of "Not pissing off the goddamn Russians because they would anally devastate the entire High Command before breakfast if they were in a bad mood." Blunt, but so far effective.
Finally there was Elfeater, who was famous for being so insane as to eat chickens prepared by his staff while claiming they were elves. Once again power has drawn the insane, and so no one sees anything out of the ordinary with his activities, at least by Polish standards. That being said he was a fierce proponent of technological advancement, even if he did forget the entire other half of his job description; economic policy. This left Poland at a permanent economic disadvantage that could only possibly over come in one way...
"World domination. Total WORLD DOMINATION!" His Uprightitude was in one of his more megalomaniacal moods. "Look at this map. LOOK AT IT! There's something wrong with it."
"Uhh, what exactly would that be sir? It seems accurate enough to me..." ventured on of the braver souls.
"LOOK AT IT! it only shows Poland holding this little patch in Eastern Europe! Everyone knows Poland controls the world."
"Sir, let me see this. I think I can shed some light on the situation," said Megaman. After a few minutes he wrapped up. "Here you go."
"This should summarize the world, and our current foreign policy objectives."
"Well that's certainly not right! We control the whole world!" the King was feeling rather dense today.
"That may be, but the rest of the world doesn't know it yet," continued Megaman, undaunted.
"Sir, I may be able to help you with that," Piped up Stworca.
"Well how?"
"Well, I AM descended from Mr. Mountainjoy..."
"Of course. OF COURSE! Get right on that! What did you mean by that again? Oh, it can't be too important."
"SIR! WE HAVE A PROBLEM!" trumpeted Elfeater, enjoying a greasy chicken wing in the corner. "Poland cannot into space!"
USEC_OFFICER jumped right in "Yeah! How can we conquer the world if we can't into space? How can I fly in space if we can't even into it?"
"What?" even his Joviality was stunned by this outburst. "What does that even mean?"
"If we are going to take over the world and into space, whatever that means, our first target must be those Prussians, who have the gall to exist right within what should be our borders," said the Minister of Foreign Affairs.
Stworca chimed in "Though they have superior drilling, superior morale, superior weapons, superior discipline, superior artillery, and superior funding I think we have a good chance of beating them."
"Really? How? Superior numbers?"
"Uh... No. They'll probably have superior numbers too."
"Then how?"
"It's simple: We kill the Prussman."
"Brilliant plan! I should have thought of that myself. Hey, why don't we just kill the Prussmen?"
"Milord you are a tactical genius."
"Now, let's fire ze troops off to war!" His Insanity enthused.
"But I am le tired..." complained someone.
"Then have a nap, then FIRE ZE TROOPS!"
And with that the Great Council of 1700 concluded and the High Command of Poland departed to complete their separate tasks, or just dick around. Okay, so one and all departed to just dick around. But they did it very well.
And thus did the Polish Hegemon begin.