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Author Topic: <Syndicate>: Sequel Preparation - Vote on the Sequel's Location!  (Read 143759 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: <Syndicate>: Chapter 57: Shifting Times
« Reply #1170 on: June 22, 2013, 12:39:07 pm »

Keep on looking around for new markets to set up rackets on, and grab a few thugs. Don't seem too suspicious.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: <Syndicate>: Chapter 57: Shifting Times
« Reply #1171 on: June 22, 2013, 04:13:09 pm »

"Well considering our relations with most of the other gangs, conflict is pretty much inevitable at this point.  If we're going to take out the other gangs like we did the Hellriders then we're going to need more turf, and more soldiers to keep that turf."
Tell Berk to work on expanding into more of the neighborhood, and have him contact me should he run into any problems.

((Hoping this actually works))
and for myself, work on attracting more men into the Synidcate by calling up a few of the footsoldiers I was training earlier, and tagging up the neighborhood Berk is working on with our Gang Symbol

I'm updating this game tomorrow. In the meantime, I'd love to hear any critiquing you guys have to offer. What are your favorite parts of this game? What are your least favorite? Overall, how your experience in doing this RTD?
((I'm still enjoying the game.  The more action-y segments are a blast!  I just wish I could find more ways to make myself useful to the gang))
Jesus must have been guiding him in living out the way of the samurai.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: <Syndicate>: Chapter 58: Sidewalks Are Dangerous Places
« Reply #1172 on: June 24, 2013, 09:35:08 pm »

Chapter 58: Sidewalks Are Dangerous Places

Fight the rest of them off, and grab Mal+RUN when I can.

Aaron runs after Mal while he's being beaten by the cops. (Aaron Run: 1) In the rush to get to his fallen Apprentice, Aaron trips on the sidewalk curb and goes down briefly, giving the police another opportunity to attack Mal. (5+1 vs. 1) One of the officers stomps Mal right in the mid-section of his back, before bending down and jamming his electric taser into the backside of Mal's neck. Mal convulses a bit on the ground before stopping. The second officer proceeds to pull handcuffs out, only for Aaron to finally make it to the scene and attacking the officer with a running-flying clothesline. (5+1 vs. 4) Aaron's forearm connects with the officer's head and he's slammed to the ground. The other officer charges at Aaron, (5 vs. 6+1) but Aaron grabs him by the neck and hoists him off the ground. (3+1 vs. 1) The gangster throws the officer back like a shot-put, slamming him onto the hard sidewalk. Aaron turns to face the first officer, who is now standing up. (2+1 vs. 1) Aaron gives the officer a hit in the gut, and he goes back down.

The second officer gets up and comes at Aaron again, but this time with pepper spray. (1 vs. 2+1) Aaron grabs him by the wrist and jerks it away, causing him to drop his spray. (4+1 vs. 2) Aaron gets the officer with an uppercut, and he goes flying back and lands on his ass. Aaron spins around to see the officer near Mal going for Mal's gun. (1+1 vs. 6) Aaron runs at the officer, but the policeman manages to gets his hand on the pistol. He points the pistol at Aaron before the gangster can stop. (3+1 vs. 6) He shoots, and misses. (2+1 vs. 5) Aaron jumps at the officer in an attempt to stop him, but the cop rolls away. (2 vs. 4+1) He tries aiming again but Aaron steps on his arm, and he drops the gun. (4+1 vs. 2) Aaron uses his other foot to stomp on the officer's back. He seizes up and then stops moving. Aaron pulls Mal up, "Mal! We've got to run!" Mal responds by opening one eye and groaning.

The conscious officer, despite nearly having his jaw broken by an Aaron uppercut, manages to get to his knees. He grabs a nearby empty bottle and throws it at Aaron. (6-1 vs. 2) Aaron drops Mal as a glass bottle shatters on his back. (Back Injured: Heavy Bruising) Aaron goes to his knees as his back singes in pain. The officer hobbles over to him, baton in hand. (6 vs. 5+1) The officer tries swinging it down on Aaron, but Aaron grabs his arm. Both men grunt as Aaron stands up, their main hands fighting over the baton and their rear hands grabbing each other, pushing against each other in sumo-fashion. (2+1 vs. 1) Aaron eventually wins, and he roars, shoving the officer back and onto the ground yet again. (1+1 vs. 5) He stomps, but the officer rolls away. (4 vs. 6) As he gets up, he kicks at Aaron, but Aaron grabs him by the leg. (2+1 vs. 5) Aaron goes for a leg-breaking attack, but the officer yanks his foot out of Aaron's grip, and manages to stand up. (2 vs. 1) The police officer punches Aaron in the shoulder, doing minimal damage. (4+1 vs. 6) Aaron swings at the officer's head, but he ducks beneath the attack. (5 vs. 1) The officer gets a good baton strike on Aaron's hand, and the thug recoils in pain! (Wrist Injury: Left Wrist Sprained; -1 to two-handed rolls, Pain: 33% Chane of -1 to all rolls.)

(5 vs. 3) As the officer goes in for another strike, Aaron bring his fist down onto the top of his head, sending him straight to the ground. (2+1-1 vs. 4-1) Aaron tries stomping the officer, but his condition causes him to miss. (3 vs. 4-1) The police officer grabs onto Aaron's ankle. (5+1-1 vs. 6) Aaron tries lifting his leg up, but the officer's hands keep him pulled down. (4+1-1 vs. 2) The officer manages to hit Aaron's ankle with his baton. (Ankle Injury: Bruised. Pain penalty goes from 33% to 50%) (2 vs. 6) Aaron tries stomping on his enemy, but falls to the ground instead. (5-1 vs. 3) The officer begins getting up, and takes the opportunity to hit Aaron on the leg again. (Mid-Left Leg Injury: Bruised. Pain penalty goes from 50% to 55%) (1+1-1 vs. 2) When the police officer stands up, Aaron kicks at him, but the attack glances away. (6+1-1 vs. 3+1) The officer stomps on Aaron's body! (Stomach Injury: Bruised. Pain penalty goes from 55% to 66%) Aaron cries out in pain, but the officer also grunts from exertion. At this point, the fight could go either way. (6+1 vs. 3-1) In a sudden burst of adrenaline, Aaron leaps up and elbows the police officer in the face! The officer staggers backwards, giving Aaron ample opportunity to kick him directly in the ribs. Just as the officer falls down, Aaron grabs his head and drives his knee into the officer's face! The officer goes down, and Aaron limps over to Mal. "MAL! COME ON!" As Aaron yells at his semi-conscious Apprentice, the police car following them parks right behind Aaron....

Strike a match, stand by the exit to the bathroom, wait for bikers to to come in, tell them it's from the syndicate, fire making.

Mason lights the match, watching as the ecstatic patrons to walk in, discussing how awesome the fight was. Above all the chatter, Mason declares: "EXCUSE ME! I HAVE SOMETHING IMPORTANT TO SAY!" Most of the onlookers shut up to look at Mason. Mason holds up the lit match for them all to see. "This is a gift for all of you. Thank the Syndicate." (Throw: 3) The match land short of the bar, instead hitting the ground. Alcohol on the ground ignites. (Fire-fighting Roll: 1) The patrons roar, going for the fire-extinguisher. In the ensuing chaos, someone breaks the nozzle. (Fire: 1+1 (Alcohol Bonus)) The fire continues to stay at it's initial size. Some of the patrons charge Mason, and he takes this opportunity to run out the bathroom door. (Running: 3 vs. 6) Mason barely makes it out into the side-alley when the patrons make it up to him. One goes for a tackle, (1 vs. 5) and Mason dodges, causing the tackler to fly into a wall. (Running: 4 vs. 1) The fallen patron slows the pursuers down, letting Mason run out of the alley and onto the main street. (Running: 5 vs. 3-1) Mason manages to cut across the street and duck into another alleyway. Catching his breath, he sees his pursuers get out of the alley across the street, but they all run in directions away from him. He's gotten away. (Fire: 2+1) The fire grows, Mason sees some of the patrons running out of the bar. (Fire: 4+1) The fire consumes the rear of the Pub, including the bar. Mission accomplished. He's also getting pretty good at this running thing.

Mason: Running to Level 1!

Check the place out. Get my hands on a handgun.

Garret looks around the base. It apparently used to be a secret wine cellar, converted now to house the Syndicate. The various tables house all sorts of equipment and items, including a pile of money. One of the tables in the rear holds some sort of lab equipment. Various footsoldiers mill around idly, talking with each other. Based on their discussions, it seems like all the other bosses are out now on various duties.

Garret then looks around for a handgun. He finds a table with various pistols on it, and takes one. He examines it closely; 9mm, Smith & Wesson, slightly used. A solid weapon.

Let's do this. Also, AFK for about 2 weeks.

"Let's do this." Dave pulls his Combat Knife out, and his group proceeds to the oncoming Vice Lords. The civilians all back away or flee, knowing what will come of this confrontation. Both groups stop about 12 meters from each other. Then, they charge. (Initiative; Syndicate VS. Vice Lords: 5 vs. 4) The Syndicate manage to attack first. (4+1 vs. 2) His blade sings as it whisks through the air and cuts into the arm of the Lord with a bat. He screams and drops his weapon. Meanwhile, the two footsoldier go after the second Vice Lord who has a bottle. (4+1 vs. 3) The Lord dodges the first soldier, but the other soldier cuts him along the face. The first Lord swings at Dave with his uninjured arm. (1 vs. 3) Dave dodges the attack, (2+1 vs. 3) and counter-stabs, though the Lord is able to dodge it. The other Vice Lord swings his bottle, (3 vs. 2) and manages to slap one of the soldiers across the face. The bottle remains intact though. (1 vs. 6) The two footsoldiers attack, but run into each other and stumble back. (5 vs. 1) Dave stabs the first Vice Lord right through the chest! The Vice Lord winces, and falls onto his back as Dave draws his knife out and spins around. (6 vs. 3) One of the other footsoldiers stabs the second Lord in the stomach, and then kicks him in the torso, dropping him onto the street.

The Syndicate looks up from their victory only to see the Vice Lord Truck speeding at them. Dave thinks fast, "Run!" (Running: 6 vs. 2) The Syndicate dashes into a nearby alley which is much too narrow for the truck. The group runs into the alley, but are stopped by a brick wall dead end. They turn around to see three more Vice Lords coming for them, trapped. Dave looks to his men, "We fight out of this! Come on!" They all charge the remaining Vice Lords. (Initiative; Syndicate VS. Vice Lords: 1 vs. 4) This time, the Vice Lords get their attacks out first. (2 vs. 3) The leader Vice Lord, distinguishable by his fancy clothes, swings a goddamn sledgehammer at Dave, but Dave ducks right in time. (1 vs. 4) Dave slashes at the leader's legs, but only manages to cut some of his pants. The other Vice Lords square off with the footsoldiers. (3 vs. 4) One of them lunges forward with a lead pipe, but he's intercepted by a soldier. (4 vs. 1) The soldier slices him in the arm with his flip-knife, then grabs the Lord and throws him into the brick wall. Dave goes on the offensive with a stab, (6 vs. 5) and his combat knife goes right through the Lord leader's thigh. As Dave pulls his weapon out, the leader falls, supporting himself by kneeling on his good leg. The soldiers follow suit, (5 vs. 1) stabbing one of the Lords through the stomach, and then taking the injured Lord and slamming his head against the wall. Both go down. The leader tries swinging at Dave from his disadvantageous position, (2+1-1 vs. 3) and barely manages to lift the hammer. (4 vs. 6-1) Dave thrusts his knife down, but the leader raises the sledgehammer shaft above himself and manages to block the attack. (1 vs. 5-1-1) The footsoldiers circle around to attack the leader from the back, but he manages to both shove Dave off and turn to face them. (5-1 vs. 6) He tries attacking them, but they simply move back a few paces. (4+1 vs. 1-1) Dave grabs the leader's head from behind and thrusts his knife right into the back of his neck. The leader's spine is severed instantly.

 Dave drops him and looks to his soldiers. "Let's get out of here." They run out of the alley. When they get out, it looks like the truck is gone. Additionally, they can see the first two Lords they fought have succumbed to their wounds, the one who got stabbed in the stomach managed to crawl a fair distance before dying. They all run back to the pub without any problems. As they get through the door, Dave text messages the rest of the gang: "Ran into some Vice Lords. No causalities on our side, a lot of Lords have moved on from the mortal world now. I'm back at the pub if anyone needs me."
Dave and his men have proved their knife skills.

Dave: Knives to Level 3!
2 Footsoldiers: Knives to 2!

Say nothing, slowly, VERY slowly moving around the edge of the room so I am at 90 degrees to the fat man - basically so he can not keep us both in his FoV. If an opportunity presents itself, tackle the fucker.
talk the fat man down calm him say we are interested in making a business agreement

Once everything is calm and the fat man has put his gun away get everyone to restrain him and then cut of the fat bastards finger for pulling a gun on me ( make sure to take note which hand he writes with and not to damage it ) force him to sign over the warehouse to me once this has been done torture him for any information then kill him and assume his identity. 

Ryan begins circling around the room, while Blake talks to the warehouse owner. "Look, we just have a business proposal. I know you're the owner of this warehouse, and we were interested in making a deal of-" (4 vs. 1) The fat man pulls the trigger on his revolver. One of the footsoldiers goes flying back and slams into a book shelf. (2+1 vs. 3) Ryan launches himself over the desk to tackle the owner. He does, but just before the tackle connects the owner is able to hit a button under his desk. Ryan wraps his hands around the owner's neck, but he squeals, "You can't kill me you little shits! My bodyguards are on their way up here! You'll be outnumbered!"

Keep on looking around for new markets to set up rackets on, and grab a few thugs. Don't seem too suspicious.

William looks around to set up more protection bids. He strides into a pawn shop, right up to the cashier. With a big smile, he asks the cashier if he would like protection from rampant gang violence. (1) The cashier grabs William (4 vs. 5) but William escapes his grasp. The owner leaps over the counter, holding a club in one hand. "You motherfucker! The Hawkson Boys pulled this shit on me and stole my fucking money! I'll kill you!"

"Well considering our relations with most of the other gangs, conflict is pretty much inevitable at this point.  If we're going to take out the other gangs like we did the Hellriders then we're going to need more turf, and more soldiers to keep that turf."
Tell Berk to work on expanding into more of the neighborhood, and have him contact me should he run into any problems.

((Hoping this actually works))
and for myself, work on attracting more men into the Synidcate by calling up a few of the footsoldiers I was training earlier, and tagging up the neighborhood Berk is working on with our Gang Symbol

Trent instructs Berk on expanding until the breaking point is reached. "Whatever you say boss."

Trent leaves to go find new blood for the gang. He enters a nearby set of government project houses. He starts talking with some of the youth, and within 10 minutes has a sizable crowd of potential recruits around him. That is, until a big, messy-looking man comes out of one of the homes. He looks at Trent and states, "Boy, you aren't taking my people. I'm their protection. They don't need anyone else. I'm the best fighter in this whole city, so back off."

(You want to be more help? Well, recruiting is always good. You could also scout out enemy territory, attack enemy gangsters or sabotage enemy productions.)

Spoiler: Syndicate (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Kings (click to show/hide)

Because trying to stuff Fate/Whatever's engrish and the title of a 17th century book on statecraft into Pokemon syntax tends to make the content incomprehensible.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: <Syndicate>: Chapter 58: Sidewalks Are Dangerous Places
« Reply #1173 on: June 24, 2013, 09:46:55 pm »

Take the pistol and affix one of my silencers to it. Take 50$ and a cellphone.

See if I can find some clients to begin to establish my own hit racket on the side. ((its probably best if I try to distance this from our syndicate. I suspect that would be bad for our reputation))

((is there anything important you guys think I should know? do we have any enemies right now?))
« Last Edit: June 25, 2013, 12:59:29 am by GUNINANRUNIN »


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Re: <Syndicate>: Chapter 58: Sidewalks Are Dangerous Places
« Reply #1174 on: June 24, 2013, 11:31:49 pm »

((Yeah, go ahead, it's fine.))

Grab him with my RIGHT hand, and sling him over my shoulder, and run as fast as I can away from the scene.
Hey, don't forget about research boy sitting right here!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: <Syndicate>: Chapter 58: Sidewalks Are Dangerous Places
« Reply #1175 on: June 25, 2013, 04:14:17 am »

((I'm cool with it, hell it might even be good publicity for us all things considered.  and as far as enemies go... Kill anyone who's not Chinese!))

Trent scowls at the big messy guy that is likely several feet taller than himself.
"Best fighter in the city? Yeah right.  Look here Grease-ball, If these people are looking for good company and good pay then they're welcome to join me and my mates, whether you like it or not."

Trent challenges the big messy looking guy to stop him while grasping for a switchblade in his pocket should the man try to strike him.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2013, 04:17:26 am by GraveHaunter92 »
Jesus must have been guiding him in living out the way of the samurai.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: <Syndicate>: Chapter 58: Sidewalks Are Dangerous Places
« Reply #1176 on: June 25, 2013, 09:24:21 am »

You dont fuck with the syndicate...
Stay in the alleys, double back, look for my foot soilders, try to text them.
At best it's a pool of ink thats here for no reason; at worst it's a puddle of hateful alien death penises that want to murder-rape you into chunks.
So how are you today?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: <Syndicate>: Chapter 58: Sidewalks Are Dangerous Places
« Reply #1177 on: June 25, 2013, 12:17:59 pm »

"Please, calm down."
Calm him down. Murder doesn't seem like a smart move at this point.


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Re: <Syndicate>: Chapter 58: Sidewalks Are Dangerous Places
« Reply #1178 on: June 26, 2013, 04:46:25 pm »

"Sounds like you might have become a hostage... be calm, cause no scene and maybe you will get out of this alive."

If he doesnt calm down, use the fat man as a hostage/human shield in the upcoming violence.
This is a blank sig.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: <Syndicate>: Chapter 58: Sidewalks Are Dangerous Places
« Reply #1179 on: June 26, 2013, 04:49:56 pm »

(( monkey make sure not to kill him ))

call in for backup, ready self for anything which is about to come set up a perimeter in the warehouse make sure we are secure.
He must be running 3.5 abacuses of RAM


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: <Syndicate>: Chapter 58: Sidewalks Are Dangerous Places
« Reply #1180 on: June 26, 2013, 04:56:06 pm »

(( monkey make sure not to kill him ))

call in for backup, ready self for anything which is about to come set up a perimeter in the warehouse make sure we are secure.

Do you mean his office? You're in his office, the actual warehouse is outside, and where his henchmen are going to come from.
Because trying to stuff Fate/Whatever's engrish and the title of a 17th century book on statecraft into Pokemon syntax tends to make the content incomprehensible.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: <Syndicate>: Chapter 59: Possible Vacation Hiatus
« Reply #1181 on: June 27, 2013, 11:01:52 pm »

Chapter 59: Possible Vacation Hiatus

Take the pistol and affix one of my silencers to it. Take 50$ and a cellphone.

See if I can find some clients to begin to establish my own hit racket on the side.

Garret takes one of the Silencers from his Briefcase and attaches it to his Pistol. The Silencer fits on nicely. After achieving this, Garret takes $50 and one of the Cell Phones from the Syndicate's collective loot pile. (+$50, Cellphone)

The new Boss heads out to start a Hit Racket, although one that would be far away from the Syndicate so his side-job and gang affiliation wouldn't be tightly connected. He takes his briefcase and heads downtown to look for one of the seedier, more run-down pubs in town. These places would be full of angry drunks, people with grudges and hatred. Perfect for his operation.

He finds one a fitting one further in, and heads through the doors. It's crowded and noisy, but there's no yelling, only low-grumbling from the patrons. Garret attracts some attention as he goes in, as a suit in a run-down place like this isn't the most usual sight. The patrons know there's only two reasons someone like Garret would come here, and it didn't look like he was collecting taxes. A man about Garret's age, though his apparent alcoholism made him seem a lot older, approached Garret. "So man, what are you capable of?"

((Yeah, go ahead, it's fine.))

Grab him with my RIGHT hand, and sling him over my shoulder, and run as fast as I can away from the scene.

The injured Aaron reaches down and picks up the semi-conscious Mal, hoisting him over his shoulder. At the same time, a third policeman runs towards him. Just as Aaron prepares for another fight, the police officer instead attends to his fallen fellow officers. Aaron takes the opportunity to hoist Mal up and book it. Miraculously, he makes it back to the Pub without any tail.

Trent scowls at the big messy guy that is likely several feet taller than himself.
"Best fighter in the city? Yeah right.  Look here Grease-ball, If these people are looking for good company and good pay then they're welcome to join me and my mates, whether you like it or not."

Trent challenges the big messy looking guy to stop him while grasping for a switchblade in his pocket should the man try to strike him.

The big man lets out a hoarse laugh, then walks towards Trent. Trent silently pulls out one of his Switchblades as he comes closer. "First off, these people belong to me. Second, you really should have never came here. Third-" (4 vs. 1) The man sucker-punches Trent in the face, dropping him to a knee. (Face Injury: Jaw Bruised. Distorted: 50% chance of -1 to offensive rolls.) "That's why you don't fuck with me. Is that all you've got son?" Trent spits out some blood. (4+1 vs. 1) Trent pulls out his hidden knife and stabs the man in the leg. He screams and falls to the ground. The crowd gasps and backs away. The man looks up at Trent, "Fuck off you twit!" (6+1 vs. 3-1) Trent kneels down and thrusts his weapon into the man's neck. Pulling it away, the man begins to seize violently on the ground.

You dont fuck with the syndicate...
Stay in the alleys, double back, look for my foot soilders, try to text them.

Mason admires his work while walking back to the pub, texting his soldiers. He gets a reply:

'We made it out okay. How are you doing?'

"Please, calm down."
Calm him down. Murder doesn't seem like a smart move at this point.

William talks calmly to the man. He points towards the door violently with his bat. "GET THE FUCK OUT AND NEVER COME BACK! AND TELL YOUR MATES TO STAY AWAY FROM HERE TOO!"

"Sounds like you might have become a hostage... be calm, cause no scene and maybe you will get out of this alive."

If he doesnt calm down, use the fat man as a hostage/human shield in the upcoming violence.
call in for backup, ready self for anything which is about to come set up a perimeter in the warehouse make sure we are secure.

"Sounds like you might have become a hostage... be calm, cause no scene and maybe you will get out of this alive." The man squints into Ryan's eyes. "You're already dead." Ryan sighs, puts an arm around the owner's neck and uses the other to point his pistol at his head. At least that makes him shut up.

Blake calls for back-up, getting a reply that more footsoldiers are on the way ASAP. He sets his footsoldiers on the perimeter to secure the location. Seems as secure as it's going to get.

One footsoldier calls out, "They're coming!" A group of about eight burly dock workers are walking towards the warehouse office. A couple are unarmed and cracking their knuckles, but all the others carry monkey wrenches, chunks of Rebar and iron chain lengths.

Things are going to get intense....

Spoiler: Syndicate (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Kings (click to show/hide)

Sorry to pause the game at this tense moment, and so early for Guninanrunin, but I'm going to be off with my family to the mountains for the following 2 weeks. Although, I might have Internet connection up there, I doubt I'll be capable of actually churning out a turn during this time period. I'll be around, be hopefully this game will still have players on it when I can post the next turn. In the meantime, feel free to have OOC discussions about your long-term plans for the gang and such. :3
Because trying to stuff Fate/Whatever's engrish and the title of a 17th century book on statecraft into Pokemon syntax tends to make the content incomprehensible.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: <Syndicate>: Chapter 59: Possible Vacation Hiatus
« Reply #1182 on: June 27, 2013, 11:16:15 pm »

((We MIGHT want to stay away from police for a while. And robberies.))
Hey, don't forget about research boy sitting right here!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: <Syndicate>: Chapter 59: Possible Vacation Hiatus
« Reply #1183 on: June 27, 2013, 11:30:19 pm »

((Gah! And just as I was about to get started!))

Depends. Have him sit down with me in a private booth. I don't do accidents, and I don't clean up afterward. I hurt people. Find out the details of his task.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: <Syndicate>: Chapter 59: Possible Vacation Hiatus
« Reply #1184 on: June 28, 2013, 12:24:48 am »

Trent rises up from the ground and glares at the man bleeding out on the ground before looking back at the crowd of youths.
"Looks like you people don't belong to anyone anymore.  So, do any of you feel like working in a real crew?"

Trent walks back to the pub.  If he is successful in getting any of the recruits to join him then he takes them with him to introduce them to the rest of the gang.  Either way, he get's something for that Bruise of his from Fyfe.

((We MIGHT want to stay away from police for a while. And robberies.))
((Didn't we agree last time we fucked with the cops that we were going to lie low?  We pretty much destroyed an entire gang right after that happened.  We're not really too good at being quiet  :D))
Jesus must have been guiding him in living out the way of the samurai.
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